Akuma Abyssal

Jukashi said:
But becoming an akuma doesn't really need to affect the Exaltation, does it? Being an Abyssal is a condition on the shard itself: being akuma is something that's just on your body and your soul, since mortals can be akuma. When a Celestial Akuma dies, their shard escapes and reincarnates with no more effect than a past life memory would have.
An Abyssal shard, on the other hand, remains an Abyssal shard and its next incarnation will have no loyalty to the Neverborn if he happens to wander off before his DL gets to him.
Just going by the book's sidebar but to go into your question...

But becoming an akuma doesn't really need to affect the Exaltation, does it
Since the exact nature of the interaction of the human soul and body and an Exaltation are not(and doubtful that it will be) detailed, exactly how much becoming Akuma alters the Exaltation is unknown. It does however effect your Exaltation and what charms and sorcery you can access.

Being an Abyssal is a condition on the shard itself:
A condition of change to the exaltation done by the power of a dead Primordial.

being akuma is something that's just on your body and your soul, since mortals can be akuma.
akuma mortals become Yozis kin, but that aside. It doesn't relate to the process on Exalted. For that matter, a mortal akuma of a Yozis couldn't become an akuma of Auto, or Gaia.
So, in other words: White Wolf is being arbitrary again and I'll have to house rule the world back into its proper shape.
Wait, wait, you mean people know about the Golden Rule! :o

Pedantry can be overcome with common sense?!

Kyeudo said:
So, in other words: White Wolf is being arbitrary again and I'll have to house rule the world back into its proper shape.
Technically, the whole game line is arbitrary. The horror!

Seriously...WW ninjas will not jump out of teacups and attack you if you want your mixalted deluxe.
Being an Akima effects the soul no so much the exaltation. Also, do Alchies actually have Exaltations now? 1E they were just souls in supped up bodies.
The 'exaltation' is more of a one-off augmentation to a given soul for its current incarnation. It doesn't transcend a single lifetime like the other celestials.

You could probably get away with saying its just a 'supped up body' still in some ways, although doing so is failing to understand how only certain souls can catalyse a given exaltation.
jeriausx said:
Being an Akima effects the soul no so much the exaltation. Also, do Alchies actually have Exaltations now? 1E they were just souls in supped up bodies.
According to the sidebar, yes becoming Akuma affects the exaltation.

And that is incorrect. Alchemicals had exaltations in 1st edition.
Alchemicals did not have Exaltations in th1E. They had modified souls and special soul gems. The primary source of there power was derived from the body. They were also specifically not modified by Autos Primordial essence. The souls were basically the brain for Robocop. Not just any soul would do, but it only utilizes the power of the body.
Alchemicals did not have Exaltations in th1E.
*checks if Alchemicals were Exalted* yes they were exalted in 1st edition, yes they had exaltations. They shared characteristics of celestial and terrestrial exaltations.

The rest of your post has nothing to do with Alchemicals having or not having exaltations.
Really? Cause last I checked DBs don't have exaltations, but they're still exalted. Only Solars/Infernals/Abyssals, Lunars, and Sidereals have actual exaltations. Those things that go around and embed them selves in peoples lower souls making them Exalted. Something which DBs don't have. Alchemicals don't have them either even though they are Celestial Exalts.

I mentioned Alchiemicals not being "touched" by Primordial essence because someone mentioned Alchemicals being off limits for Investiture of Infernal Glory because of that. The fact that their souls are bound into a container which is part of their body would prevent that (also should prevent any Atothonian from being so, at least not with out breaking their Soulgem in the process.)
Dragon-blooded have Exaltations. That Exaltation just isn't a First Age hand-me-down with little bits of its previous owner stuck to it.
Every mention of the word exaltation in the books would like to differ. A DB does not have an exaltation, they just exalt. Its a genetic thing for them. An exaltation is the thing that make a Celestial Exalt an Exalt, and when that Exalt dies it flies up to Lytek's cabinet for cleaning. So yes, a "shard" is the exact same thing as an exaltation based on the to the books. Shard is a fan made word, the actual word used in cannon is exaltation.

Back to the subject at hand, if a sidebar changes how Investiture of Infernal Glory actually works, well, that's that's something they should make errata. The charm itself has all most zero affect on the exaltlaton, it only bears a mark that it had been in an Akuma before. Also, actual text quotes from the sidebar would be much more helpful in a discussion, rather than just "according to". Just for future reference.
jeriausx said:
So yes, a "shard" is the exact same thing as an exaltation based on the to the books. Shard is a fan made word, the actual word used in cannon is exaltation.
It's better to use "shard" in discussions like this, because "exaltation" can also refer to the event of becoming Exalted, which happens for Terrestrials and Celestials. But, um. Not Alchemicals.

Not canonical ones, anyway... >.>
jeriausx said:
Every mention of the word exaltation in the books would like to differ. A DB does not have an exaltation, they just exalt. Its a genetic thing for them. An exaltation is the thing that make a Celestial Exalt an Exalt, and when that Exalt dies it flies up to Lytek's cabinet for cleaning. So yes, a "shard" is the exact same thing as an exaltation based on the to the books. Shard is a fan made word, the actual word used in cannon is exaltation.
Back to the subject at hand, if a sidebar changes how Investiture of Infernal Glory actually works, well, that's that's something they should make errata. The charm itself has all most zero affect on the exaltlaton, it only bears a mark that it had been in an Akuma before. Also, actual text quotes from the sidebar would be much more helpful in a discussion, rather than just "according to". Just for future reference.
It has less to do with Investiture being errata'd in regards to why some Exalts cannot become akuma. Which it doesn't need. Because the only part that needs errata is the explination about mortal Akuma. Two writers wrote seperate sections in the infernals book. And it was not the intention that mortals because Yozis charm using Akuma, but Yozi-kin.

And not to sound mean but I'm not keen on quoting the exact material. There is however, a sidebar that goes into the whole discussion specifically about exaltations.

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