Solars and the Unconquered Sun


One Thousand Club
I'm a little confused about the relationship between the Solars and their Celestial patron. I've seen things saying that he turned his back on them, but all the Zenith Caste and some others see a vision of him when they Exalt. Can anyone clear this one up for me? :?
Solars done screwed up. Badly. Really badly.

Keep in mind however, that Sunny D is a being of nigh-infinite Compassion, and may- and I would assume, has started to- forgive his Chosen their indiscretions. In this, as in all things, he remains Unconquered, even by a thing as dark as his own betrayal.
I've read one theory that it's basically the divine equivalent of having left his answering machine on, so when a Zenith exalts they get a randomly-chosen pre-recorded message. Though my own theory is that it's just this ongoing tragedy of hope on the UCS's part, him saying each time, "Me damn it, maybe this time they won't screw it up..." It's like a long-suffering parent giving their delinquent kids one more chance, one more chance, maybe it'll get better...
Thanks, guys, that helps.

I suppose it's partly the nature of the Incarnae- he's both turned his back on them forever (nigh-infinite Conviction), but every time he Exalts a new priest, and occasionally for some others, he thinks "Just this once..." (Nigh-infinite Compassion temprarily beating the Conviction and Temperance).
MorkaisChosen said:
Thanks, guys, that helps.
I suppose it's partly the nature of the Incarnae- he's both turned his back on them forever (nigh-infinite Conviction), but every time he Exalts a new priest, and occasionally for some others, he thinks "Just this once..." (Nigh-infinite Compassion temprarily beating the Conviction and Temperance).
Alternately, he turned his back on the First Age Solars as a group, and not Solars as a group.
Zenith: Oh mighty Unconquered Sun! Why have you forsaken your chosen? We struggle to improve the world, but all our efforts seem to make things worse. Are we truly the saviors of the world, or the monsters people say we are? I have searched from one end of Creation to the other and beyond to reach my full potential, but yet I still fall short. Only you can help. Am I doing right? What would you have of me?

Unconquered Sun: C'mon, baby. Help me out getting another turn at the Games, man. I need it bad. C'mon. I'll suck your dick!

Any other questions?
According to the 1e corebook, he's turned his face back to the world and is presently giving the Solars a second chance.
According to the Glories Most High, the "divine answering machine" is the option for ST`s who want to have a Sun utterly withdrawn from creation/addicted to the games/being a general dick. In this Version, there are people being exalted just because that's what exaltations do.(when not stuck in a monstrance or Lilith)

The other possibility given is, that the Sun, whose predisposition/intimacy towards his chosen is given as "wary respect", is giving them another chance along with a reminder for his priests "don't screw up again."
Hmmm, that'd be a definite way to spin it- all the Zeniths getting a message that's encouraging... and just a little ominous.
Well, the man's gotta do some minimal effort at PR some time... note that while he used to speak with his exalts in the first age (Queen Merela and the Hierophant), he does no such things these days... which makes the zenith and the true believers even more fanatic, but the other exalts a bit doubtful and a bit less mind washed.

Two of my favorite solars are Ses and the Vanisher, nights, criminals and utterly not good guys trying to make the world a better place but to get rich or die tryin' !
I thought the Incarna can bi-locate, so he can be in the Games, in the sky, and talk to a new Zenith at the same time.
There's a bit of fluff I read (I think it may have been in MoEP: Abyssals) that says a minor God rushes up with some forms to fill in in a gap in the Games, the Incarna responsible for the Exaltation signs it and possibly appends a message, and it works like a video. Not sure if that counts...
uteck said:
I thought the Incarna can bi-locate, so he can be in the Games, in the sky, and talk to a new Zenith at the same time.
Yep. The only thing that keeps the Unconquered Sun from helping out in Creation is his desire not to help out in Creation. Why he doesn't help is debatable.

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