Ink Monkeys


Senior Member
Very cool news, I think, a couple of the writers have gotten premission to blog a lot of their surplus Exalted material on the White Wolf blog as canon Exalted stuff. They say it will not all be rules and mechanic stuff, but may also be stories and alternative fluff.
The Ink Monkeys seem more like a level 4 Familiar on par with a Chilikin, not a five.
...Huh, so this is where that extra Exalted material I've heard of is being posted. Thanks a lot for the link.
The 3 monkeys have gone rampage (probably while testing their new charms :P ) 3 new updates in 3 days.

Unleash Your Inner Monster (Part I) and Unleash Your Inner Monster (Part II) really make up for all the berserker rage that have been missing in Exalted, by putting the monster back in Infernal Monster Style, plus some new and usefull keywords.

Soulgems and Thaumaturgy gives information on soulgems in 2E as it was left out of MoEP: Alchemicals, plus alot of info on Thaumaturgy rituals in inside Autochthon.
I mentioned it in the comment box, but really, for me, the major part was this line:

=>"Learning this Charm precludes metamorphosis into a Primordial. The Infernal cannot learn the Charms that initiate this apotheosis."<=

This. This. If I could write in 50 foot letters with giant arrows pointing at this, I would. I am getting entirely too into this whole thing, and I'm not sure why, but you know what? I don't care. I'll be overly excited if I want to be, it's my birthday, and I can be overly happy today. It's allowed.
Aasharu said:
I mentioned it in the comment box, but really, for me, the major part was this line:
=>"Learning this Charm precludes metamorphosis into a Primordial. The Infernal cannot learn the Charms that initiate this apotheosis."<=

This. This. If I could write in 50 foot letters with giant arrows pointing at this, I would. I am getting entirely too into this whole thing, and I'm not sure why, but you know what? I don't care. I'll be overly excited if I want to be, it's my birthday, and I can be overly happy today. It's allowed.
Agreed, that's one the one throwaway line that says so much.
The expansion Charms are hot sex. I still don't like the naming convention too much, but Jesus. Armageddon Nightmare Duel is arousing.
Thanqol said:
Aasharu said:
I mentioned it in the comment box, but really, for me, the major part was this line:
=>"Learning this Charm precludes metamorphosis into a Primordial. The Infernal cannot learn the Charms that initiate this apotheosis."<=

This. This. If I could write in 50 foot letters with giant arrows pointing at this, I would. I am getting entirely too into this whole thing, and I'm not sure why, but you know what? I don't care. I'll be overly excited if I want to be, it's my birthday, and I can be overly happy today. It's allowed.
Agreed, that's one the one throwaway line that says so much.
Yeah. Despite our... debate, a while back, I personally think Infernals are my favorite Exalt type, (I just don't try to justify them. I'm a villain. It's what I do.) Anything that expands our knowledge of Infernal abilities is fine and dandy with me. And I really, really want to know what can happen with high essence Infernals.
Quchu said:
The expansion Charms are hot sex. I still don't like the naming convention too much, but Jesus. Armageddon Nightmare Duel is arousing.
Though I like Micheal Goodwin, this stuff here seems to be a "first draft" of charm ideas, rather than the somewhat more polished stuff in the Infernal sourcebook. Though some of the ideas are undoubtedly interesting, as Quchu notes here.
And yet more Infernal charms. The writers really managed to win the lottery with the MoEP: Infernals. Everybody loves the infernals, whether as characters or enemies. And the continuing flood of new charms really are, as Quchu put it, hot sex.
jeriausx said:
Speaking of hot sex Infernal charms, what would you do with (essence*10) mutations?
I, personally, have no goddamn clue. Transform into a dragon I guess.

EDIT: Wait, better idea. Take Poison 15 times at Essence 3. Toxicity of 17 and Penalty of -17. You get any of that shit on you and you are screwed.
All I know is Lunars best watch their asses now. They got some competition now for being Man-Monsters.

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