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  1. Wingal

    Godling Academy (Actual RP)

    (Hey I know i'm just a cat popping out of nowhere but I just wanted to say that I hope you guys will stop by the chat room from time to time ^^. I don't know about the entire gay bashing thing since I came back here today but all matters aside you all seem like nice people who would improve the...
  2. Wingal

    War of the Brethren (Light and Dark)

    Aaron cringed hearing the news he expected when he first thought about confronting Michael. Even in this moment his senses kicked back into gear when he saw aggressive moment coming from Zehel. Of course they didn't know each other personally, but he had been told enough about him in heaven to...
  3. Wingal

    War of the Brethren (Light and Dark)

    Aaronwas wandering around the forest at a steady walk. It was his usualround and even though he was sure he had checked some place thatlooks exactly like the location he was in now, but he wasn't about tolet that from finding his teacher. As he continued on checking behindevery tree he passed...
  4. Wingal

    War of the Brethren (Light and Dark) Character Sheet

    Name: "Araopt" was his name in heaven but on Earth took on "Aaron" Species:Angel Powers: The ability to Breath out large quantities of Ash and Smoke. Though in his Angelic body his body is able to produce Ember to go along with Ash, and his original fog is Replaced with steam. Has mild...
  5. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    Alan just sighed they headed on choosing to give Xel the benefit of the doubt just this once. Alan thought about that question carefully to figure out the right wording. "I guess you can say yes and no" he began thinking about his next words. "I used to do performances to go along with say...
  6. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    "Ahhhh" Alan said nodding as he listened to Xel tell his problem. "So you haven't been anywhere without your brothers and now your scared" he said pondering over the summary before a small spark of inspiration came to him. "Come on cheer up a bit Xel" he started stepping in front of him quickly...
  7. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    "Wait up" Alan called quickly luckily able to keep up with the bundle of energy that was named Xel in front of him. "I wonder how fun a festival is" he wondered. Of course he has been to a festival every now and then, but it was always as the performance and nothing else. If he had ever try to...
  8. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    Alan watched confused as Xel ran up the stairs suddenly with a suitcase. "He really is energetic" he thought as the few minutes passed when he returned but in a different outfit. "Come on,lets go to the festival now!" was all Alan needed to hear that he was the one he wanted to go originally...
  9. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    Alan's original fears about Rel seemed to be put off to the side momentarily, as he took in the initial inside of the new building he would call his home for a while now. "Wow" he said a little open mouthed before noticing and closing it manually. He looked over at the excited Xel, who couldn't...
  10. Wingal

    IPAD: The Institute for Powers and Advanced Development (the remake ^^~)

    Skyler stumbled back in a hurry as a man suddenly appeared in front of him, holding his finger up to him to represent what he guessed was some kind of weapon that he uses. “Show me you watch if you’ve got it kid, else I’m fryin’ ya on the spot” was the first thing he heard as a colorless ball...
  11. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    Alan was about to follow Xel as he hurried off, but was cut short by Rel "Can't say I don't have doubts..", "But Xel seems to see you as a good person so i'll go along..." with his voice suddenly turning cold and harsh. Alan quickly nodded backing up one step as Rel went to follow Xel while...
  12. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    "Must be nice then" he thought looking over to the two sighing. Alan had known so many people who took things like a sibling for granted so much. "At least he gets it" he told himself with a small sigh before getting his head back into the conversation. "Every day?" he was close to saying out...
  13. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    "Thanks" he replied back watching the giggling fit which was Zel being lifted up into Rel's arms. "It looks like he is the oldest of you guys" he stated as Zel had place his head to rest on Rel's shoulder. "Well actually I'm an only child" he admitted to Xel, smiling at what was a bundle of...
  14. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    Alan blushed again at the whole gay accent he was trying not to laugh at earlier. Before he could try and retort with something, he found himself smiling at Xel's own comment with the guy and medication. "It's fine" he stated watching the red and yellow haired boy work with each other now. "I...
  15. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    Alan looked on at the twins bicker between the two when the entire "Fashion Designer" came up in the conversation. Alan simply coughed to hold back the giggle rising up from his throat, when he noticed a question being directed at him from the bright haired boy. "Oh well you see" he started off...
  16. Wingal

    Usurpers of Hearth (Registration and OOC)

    *Reserving this spot for Wingal will make character When possible*
  17. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    Alan felt a little at unease due to the gaze of the red head gazing down at him for no longer then a second then away at something else. He began to lighten up when the blond boy came over and actually said hi to him. "Oh yeah I am" he said a little spazzy trying not to cause an awkward gap in...
  18. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    Alan sighed as he debated his choices of actually saying hi or not before looking over at the sounds and sights of the near-by carnival. "What am I doing just standing here" he thought to himself finally giving himself a small mental pep talk like he always did before a performance. Taking a...
  19. Wingal

    Lifeless Memories (StarDust and Wingal)

    "The park" he questioned finishing a slice himself. "Sure I don't see why not it might keep our minds off of this crazy memory stuff" he said with a small laugh as he pulled up the parks address on his phone.
  20. Wingal

    Daimond Academy

    Alan was glancing over all the bags as they went by. "So many" he commented quietly as he finally spotted his bag and yanked it out of the bunch. "This is heavier then I remembered" he said sighing and heaving it off of the moving platform. His eyes caught two boys over to the side next to him...