Daimond Academy

"Yea Rel's the oldest,"Xel chuckled."Might be the reason he's acting like this..."He then started thinking about how Rel's mood changed once they got off the plane.He figured Alan was an only child just by looking at him,but it was cool with Xel.He nodded when Alan commented about the Demerol,"yep it's true,he takes it once a day and he forgot to take it before we left so he took it after we landed."He smiled,Watch as Zel finally fell asleep against Rel."Well we do have rooms so I guess we'd put our bags there,and the carnival sounds fun. But Zel..."He started before Rel,being the first time he's spoken since coming here,continued for him as he walked over."I'll watch..."He smiled,his voice had a ruff,slightly deep sound to it but was sweet with his words."It shouldn't last too long so you go on and i'll stay with him till he wakes after we find our place and get settled..."Xel smiled and nodded."Okay..."
"Must be nice then" he thought looking over to the two sighing. Alan had known so many people who took things like a sibling for granted so much. "At least he gets it" he told himself with a small sigh before getting his head back into the conversation. "Every day?" he was close to saying out loud before shutting himself up. "I don't want to be too rude after just meeting them" he assured to himself. He was listening to Xel before finding himself suddenly taken aback at the sound of a voice "I'll watch . . . ". "Who said that" was his immediate reaction as he turned to the side slightly enough to see Rel talking behind them offering to watch Zel. "I mean if you wouldn't mind" he replied still a little surprised at the gentle sound of Rel's voice. "He sounds so much nicer than I thought at first" he whispered to Xel before looking off towards a group of students walking with their baggage. "Maybe they will lead the way" he stated thoughtfully.
Xel nodded,"Lets hope they do.Come on."He smiled before running on to where the other students were going,Rel grabbed there suit case with his free hand and looked to Alan."Can't say I don't have doubts.."He started saying,his tone had changed as the sweet sound slightly hardened."But Xel seems to see you as a good person so i'll go along..."With that he followed Xel carrying Zel. Where they lived before it was everyone for themselves and you couldn't trust anyone,even though they weren't there anymore Rel still had a hard time getting along with others. But Xel seemed happy so he's just stay back like Zel told him to and watch,though if he saw any false action he'd be sure to deal with it himself.
"Poetry, Poetry My friend is awesome with rhyming things. Writing Poems and probably songs too! That's what she can probably do!" She singed herself, in her not too bad not too good singing voice, but her song had no rhythm. She had almost finished painting a whole wall. The picture was beyond a masterpiece, and looked as if it could almost come out of the wall itself. She started working on the other one, but made this one a comic strip, and planned to make it go down the whole entire longest wall, but since she had only met one person, she drew a picture of her, and Brooklyn together, but barely took any space up.
Alexis sighed, it seemed as if no one knew where the redheaded guy she ran into was, so she decided to give up for now. It was a school, she was sure that she would run into him again sometime, and then she could ask what his favorite food was to find out what she could make him as an apology dinner. She looked around at the activity around her, wondering what to do, she wasn't used to being in places like this unless she was at a booth selling something. She bit her lip lightly and slowly began to walk around, looking at everything. She hoped to make friends here, though she was still a little shy about the idea of talking to anyone, but she had promised herself, as well as her grandparents, that she would try to make friends and be happy here, so she would at least try.

The carnival was in full swing and students were out doing as they pleased for the day, it wasn't as if Mori held a formal class anyway, all his students were genius prodigies who could learn well enough if they had the compulsion to. Mori held only one regular class a week and that was only to give his students an assignment and the opportunity to pick his brain should they need or want to. "Make some sort of doodad or thingamabob that can emulate a hummingbird" That was his last assignment to his ragtag assemblage of students, he didn't even bother taking roll but that's because either his students want to pass or they don't. Usually however his students would accost him while he was working on something in his workshop or when he was simply taking a stroll.

Today he was hoping his students would do the fun thing and enjoy the carnival like he was planning to but no. They caught him while he was sitting in a garden just enjoying his momentary freedom, a hummingbird not ten feet away was sucking the nectar from a particularly bright posy. The farce lasted for an hour before Mori realised that there weren't any hummingbirds on the island and when he got up to investigate the very lifelike bird he was attacked by a swarm of similar hummingbird machines.

Minutes later and Mori had lost his cloud of irate robot hummingbirds behind a tree.
"Too easy.." He said aloud, he turned around and received a great shock as behind him hovered the swarm of hummingbirds and behind them stood his students. "You pass!!" He growled at his giggling students before they all departed with their creations.
Alan was about to follow Xel as he hurried off, but was cut short by Rel "Can't say I don't have doubts..", "But Xel seems to see you as a good person so i'll go along..." with his voice suddenly turning cold and harsh. Alan quickly nodded backing up one step as Rel went to follow Xel while carrying Zel in his arms. "Yeah I thought so" he mumbled following the group but keeping his distance from all three of them in fear he would find some way to disturb Rel again. Even from the back he saw a group of townhouses which seemed like a normal house in comparison. "Wow" he thought looking as they appeared to be four rooms due to the placement of windows on the building. Alan was able to make out the color of paint, which looked like some sort of pale sand, on the hulk of the building as he looked a little harder with a darker shade of red for the roof. As much as he wanted to run up with eagerness, he forced himself to keep his energy in check as they neared the building entrance.
Xel was the first in and he looked around,Rel went in after and looked around as well. It wasn't too long before Xel headed up the stairs excited,not too long after you could hear him yell."This is awesome!" Rel just sighed and laid Zel down on the couch in the living room,he then grabbed the suitcase and laid it next to the couch as he sat down,deciding to just let Xel roam around. Xel came back down smiling,"This is a lot bigger then our house Rel!" He said as he ran up behind Rel and hugged him,"This is gonna be so much fun!" Rel just smiled as he pat Xel's head and shushed him since he was being loud,though it was normal since this was all new.
Jack was at least sane enough to see where his rooming arrangements would be. So, that's what he and his voices did. "Vhy vould ze rooms be all funny like sat?" He spoke to himself in his fake German accent. He smiled, grabbing his stuff, and walking to his room. Speaking to himself in many a accent the time getting there. He walked into the room, looked around. Didn't see anyone, even if there was someone. he simply started to talk in his accents again.

Haley had already gone to her room, not noticing anyone, and had went to study her sharks. If there was someone in her room, they'd have to start the conversation themselves.
Brooklyn finally returned with the champagne poppers and the small firework. She snuck up behind her and popped two next to her ears.

"Surprise!" she exclaimed, the small straps fell to the ground and she laughed a little, then she added, "Hope that didn't startle you."

She layed her small suitcase down and decided to go look through some songs for inspiration, the inkling of remembrance got to her and she remembered when Dmitri was into Skyrim, something he told to absolutely nobody, but she was looking for the bard's songs, specifically the one named 'Ragnar the Red'. To her it seemed to be the best written one, and it was a fun tune. She quietly mused it.
Aoi was startled, but only for about a second. She started to laugh too, but it faded away quickly. She looked out of the corner of her eyes at Brooklyn, as the she was turned the other direction. A devious smile formed across her face, faceas she quietly walked up to her from behind. She got her best mysterious man voice ready and, while using it, started to say,"I'm going to take you away to my planet, Usaruis."
Alan's original fears about Rel seemed to be put off to the side momentarily, as he took in the initial inside of the new building he would call his home for a while now. "Wow" he said a little open mouthed before noticing and closing it manually. He looked over at the excited Xel, who couldn't seem to stay still at the sheer realization of being in a new and bigger house. "I wonder where they lived before here" he thought placing his belongings next to a closet door. "Maybe I'll ask later" he said to himself watching at both the brotherly love and the sleeping Zel. "Yeah I guess it will be fun" he repeated rubbing his arm awkwardly as he leaned on the door to give his feet a reason to stop fidgeting. Alan found himself slightly depressed at the sight for the realization of never being able to have the same relationship as those three.
(Thought it might be good to say that students are generally separated into one of four sections at the Academy. Though gen ed classes are decided by year, students who wish to learn more on their particular talent should go to these departments to find a tutor or mentor to assist them. This may be a teacher or a student that may or may not specialize in your particular field. These departments are in separate buildings that will be labeled in the map soon to come. The sections are Blue Owl (Academics), Violet Raven (Fine Arts), Green Lion (Athletics), and Red Fox (Other). These houses will become a little more important a bit later.)

After getting patched up at the infirmary and getting Cloude's spare glasses from their townhouse, he and Mari were now walking around the square and looking at all the booths at the festival. Of course Mari would rather be back at the house, practicing, since it was imperative that she stay number one in her skill. But Cloude was still dizzy from the fall earlier and needed to use her as a crutch. So for the past hour, he had been dragging her around to see the games, stalls and food. He had even made her buy him some cotton candy, an expense she was sure to get back if she had to force him.

Eventually, it came time for Mari to be working as well at a small stage set for the music students to play for the others. It wasn't Mari's favorite activity, to have to work with those beneath her, but it was mandatory for all preexisting students to work at some sort of stall or part of the festival. Cloude had gotten an exemption due to his slight concussion and to the fact that he didn't have anything worth contributing to the festivities. Last year, they tried to have a Street Fighter competition but having him wipe the floor with everyone else didn't exactly put them in a good mood.

Since he couldn't really go anywhere without Mari to guide him around, Cloude sat at the back of the stage to wait for his friend's shift to end. Mari, hating the spotlight, played bass in the background while a senior, Travis Ramirez who wasn't worth much mentioning, acted as frontman. Students that came by made requests and if the band could play it, then they did. Things went rather well, that is until Travis' singing got a little pitchy and he tried to tell Mari that it was due to her playing off key.

Cloude just smiled and watched as the other players stepped back. Now Travis was not at Daimond for his singing but rather his overwhelming charisma that won him many male pageants, and yes they did exist to Cloude's surprise, back in Brazil. If he had been here for his singing though, he would've been placed in the fine arts department, Violet Raven, of the school and not the other section, Red Fox, that Cloude was also in. And if he had been part of the fine arts department, he would've known that no one criticized Mari's playing. And he would've known why.

As the Latin American heart throb stood his ground against her, Mari walked up to him dragging the school's bass guitar behind her and not uttering a single word. When she had gotten within arms length of Travis, she placed a white hand on his chest still silent. The contact confused the boy, making him think that the Raven girl might've had a crush on him. But then who wouldn't? And just as he seemed to have let his guard down, Mari removed the hand from his chest to grip the neck of the bass with both hands . . . and and swung it hard into Travis' stomach, sending him flying back about two feet and off the stage. The falling senior made any of the students gathered around the stage to back off quickly, allowing the poor boy to hit the ground hard.

With Travis now unconscious, Mari jumped off the stage herself and grabbed the dry erase marker used to write show times on the display board. She knelt down by the boy's face and wrote "TONE DEAF" across his forehead. Cloude couldn't help but laugh out loud at the entire display. The other music buffs now huddled at the back of the stage only shook their heads. Those who knew Mari knew that not only would she be as clumsy as to mess up a live performance but she was also extremely proud and only accepted criticism from professionals.

Her mood now spoiled, Mari decided that her shift was over now and motioned for Cloude to follow her off the stage which he did. Still giddy about the whole thing, the redhead wrapped his arm around his friend. "You really sent that kid flying Hime-chaan~"
Xel looked at Alan and his smile faded for a moment as he noticed the look on his friends face,he softly sighed as he smile returned and he ran back upstairs now with there suit case,in a couple minutes he came back in a new outfit and went over grabbing Alan's hand."Come on,lets go to the festival now!"He said with excitement still lingering in his words,he didn't want Alan to be down even though he didn't know the reason he still wanted to try and cheer him up. And a festival sounded perfect,besides they did say they'd go after finding there place.

(Xel's outfit now~~ http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss262/dolphinbear1/Edited-Mine/f773b6c5-b866-4b67-baf1-335dafeb162a_zpsf8804fbd.jpg )
It seemed that when Alexis decided to give up in finding the redheaded boy, she managed to find him. Well, not right away, but she noticed his friend on stage when she decided to stop and listen to the music. She was among the crowd when things went bad and stepped back quickly as the guy went flying, she couldn't help but think that her reaction was a bit harsh, but she also couldn't help but disagree with what the guy had said. She had thought that the girl's playing was great, though Alexis would quickly admit that she wasn't a professional.

When she noticed the redheaded boy walking away with the girl she moved quickly, though being more careful to make sure she didn't run into anyone this time to catch up with them. "Um... Hello... I'm the girl that ran into you earlier... I wanted to apologize and to make it up to you. I know it isn't much but... I would like to make you dinner, whatever you want, I can make anything..." she said, then she looked at the girl, "You too, if you want." she said, giving her the same offer of dinner. She looked at them with her one good eye, looking hopeful that they would accept her offer.

Alan watched confused as Xel ran up the stairs suddenly with a suitcase. "He really is energetic" he thought as the few minutes passed when he returned but in a different outfit. "Come on,lets go to the festival now!" was all Alan needed to hear that he was the one he wanted to go originally. Alan was a little surprised when Xel grabbed his hand, but it added a small amount of energy to him as Alan's smile returned. "Sure" he said getting the head start as he formed a grip on the portion between Xel's hand and wrist and broke out into a small run until they reached the door. "And I like your outfit. You have to make one for me one day" he added opening t he door for Xel to go out first.
Xel followed,"Sure think."He said smiling,turning back before going out the door,"Be back later Rel!"And then he took off out the door and headed to where he saw the festival,he couldn't wait to see what they had there.It was his first time to a festival but he knew about them because Zel showed him on the computer and the pictures looked amazing,though he didn't know what this festival would be like it was still exciting.But as they got closer to the festival and farther away from Rel and Zel,Xel's attitude changed slightly as his pace slowed,now seeming more nervous and quiet like before with Cloude.
"Wait up" Alan called quickly luckily able to keep up with the bundle of energy that was named Xel in front of him. "I wonder how fun a festival is" he wondered. Of course he has been to a festival every now and then, but it was always as the performance and nothing else. If he had ever try to go out and have fun, he was either stopped by his parents or security in the fears that someone would try and kidnap him. Well in his eyes he wasn't much of a star, not like he was any form of pop star traveling the world, but it was all up to his parents. "But no parents and no security means I can do what I want there" he thought with a new found excitement as he kept up the pace. Alan kept the pace going for a few more seconds, before he noticed Xel begin to walk with a sense of nervousness to him. "Whats wrong all of a sudden" he asked concerned going back a few steps until he matched Xel's footsteps.
Xel slightly jumped when Alan spoke to him,and just sighed."I-I'm just..."He started stuttering and once again sighed,"I'm just not used to being without the others...."It wasn't normal for Xel to be without Zel or Rel,he'd always be with one or the other constantly and usually never was alone. When Xel's alone he gets nervous and shy with other people,but he's never known why."We're always together so it's odd for me to be alone without them..." He said as he continued walking the same pace,now not sure about going to the festival without Zel and Rel.
"Ahhhh" Alan said nodding as he listened to Xel tell his problem. "So you haven't been anywhere without your brothers and now your scared" he said pondering over the summary before a small spark of inspiration came to him. "Come on cheer up a bit Xel" he started stepping in front of him quickly and grabbing on of his hands on both of his and giving him a determined gaze. "Even if they're not with you always I'm still hear so you're not allowed to say that you are alone" he said in a louder tone as usual. "Besides it's a carnival and by the time you start having some fun you'll see everything is the same even withouy Rel or Zel" he finished.
Xel nodded to what Alan said first and stopped when Alan stepped in front of him,listening to what he said Xel couldn't help but smile. It was true he wasn't alone even though Rel and Zel weren't here,because now Alan was with him but he wasn't sure about things being the same without them.Even so,he nodded when Alan finished,"Yea,guess your right."He chuckled and started heading on again,worries still lingered in the back of his mind but he didn't let them show."By the way,have you ever been to a festival before?"He asked curious to see if Alan knew about festivals and wondered if Alan could tell him about them more.
Alan just sighed they headed on choosing to give Xel the benefit of the doubt just this once. Alan thought about that question carefully to figure out the right wording. "I guess you can say yes and no" he began thinking about his next words. "I used to do performances to go along with say singers who didn't mind a young person" he said looking at the flashing lights and rides. "Though my parents were pretty paranoid about me being kidnapped so they made sure Security would keep me in one area" he said letting out a breath of air in a grunt. "So I guess Iv'e been to one but the most I have ever gotten close to it is an occasional cotton candy" he finished trying not to let the memories effect show on his face. "How about you" he asked curiously.
As soon as Brooklyn heard the voice she seemed to jump up and curl up, very slowly she turned her head upwards until she found Aoi.

"..." she was silent for a while to give the impression she was angry, then after a few seconds she laughed like a banshee,"A trick within a trick within a trick, trickception!" she knew the joke was overused but someone had to use it. She looked around the room and gawked at the sights.

"Did you... draw all these?" she asked timidly, that was amazing, just amazing, "How...but...ehh?" she couldn't quite get how insanely amazing the pictures were and just stared at them.


Dmitri was still screwing around with the water, he snuck in to one of the townhouse rooms and opened the water faucet, suddenly a bunch of brown sticky water came out.

"Disgusting!" said some of the newcomers, Dmitri faked a look of plain 'ew' and commented, "Check all the rooms, jeez," he actually hated the smell with a burning passion. The old meat stared at it and furrowed their brows and looked like they were going to kill Dmitri.

"Get out jack***," one yelled and Dmitri scurried out and back to his room.
Aoi giggled. She had been having lots of fun. She smiled when Brooklyn was amazed. "Yup!" She answered. "I took a bunch of paints and paint brushes and just went, ' Kapow!' And then I used my super skills to create my newest art. The walls in my old apartment had something almost as awesome as this, but it was a picture of Nyapollan destroying the evil Catzer!"
Xel listened and figured he wouldn't be able to hear much about them from him,though cotton candy sounded yummy."I haven't ever been to one or seen one in person,Zel had showed me pictures of them on his computer but that's it.Our neighborhood never had stuff like that,it was pretty dull when it came to clean fun...."He sighed thinking about where they came from,and figured most the kids here were on completely different social levels. Just by looking at Alan Xel knew he wasn't the same level ether or even close,which made Xel feel even more nervous."I have a feeling the way we were raised and the way most of the kids here are complete opposite to one another..."He whispered to himself as he thought about it,and he was sure it'd be true.

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