Daimond Academy

(I thought Dmitri and Brooklyn lived in the apartments . . . Also, after about two or three more of my posts or after our latest addition does an introductory post, whichever comes first, I might be timeskipping straight to the dance happening on Sunday night. Fair warning to all of you.)

Cloude and Mari both turned when someone began talking to them. Mari had recognized her as the girl who had accidentally pushed Cloude a while earlier. Cloude however couldn't see at the time so had absolutely no idea who this girl was. Even when she had said she was the one who ran into him, the redhead somewhat doubted it. Mr. Celerystick was the one who pushed him, not a girl. Though she did seem fairly sincere so she wouldn't be lying, right? "Uh . . . Sorry, I have no idea who you are. Who are you? My name's Cloude and this is Yukihime, but she doesn't like it when you call her that. So you should probably refer to her as Mari." He motioned to his friend who just nodded faintly.

Then the topic of dinner came up and his tongue began to water. Cloude couldn't really cook himself. Mari could kind of cook but she couldn't do anything too fancy. Plus she was always practicing so she didn't cook anyway. As for the other people they lived with, well, Cloude doesn't see them much. "Can you make a pot pie? Or stew? Or . . . cake? Yes! Cake. And muffins and ice cream and chocolate?????" As if it wasn't obvious already, Cloude had quite a bit of a sweet tooth.

"Oh, but do you think we can do it another night? Tomorrow, Mari's finally agreed to play Resident Evil 6 with me. It's been quite a while since we were able to have some quality biffel (bffl) time. And as for today . . . " Cloude turned to stare at the funnel cake stand right next to the cotton candy machine. And he instantly ran off, yelling, "I'm gonna eat until I can't move anymore!"

Mari sighed as she watched him run off. Her eyes then shifted to Alexis. "If you want to talk to him more, you should follow." And Mari walked off to Cloude, expecting the green haired girl to follow as well. By the time they got there, Cloude had managed to down two funnel cakes and half his cotton candy. Face now sticky and covered in sugar, he looked more like a kid than a teenager. He smiled at Alexis. "So are you new here? I don't remember seeing you before."
Alexis bit her lip lightly, "I'm Alexis Saint James." she said as she looked between the two of them, she watched Cloude, noticing the way that he looked like he didn't recognize her. "Though... I do like Celery... I would prefer that to not be a new nickname for me." she said, trying to make him know for sure that she really was the one that ran into him.

Alex smiled as he started talking about all the things that he wanted, "I can make all of that, easily." she said, still smiling, the thought of getting to cook for someone was always a good thing to her. She looked at Mari, noticing how quiet she was, "Is there anything special you would like?" she asked, she did like making people happy, so she wanted to know what both of them wanted, not just one.

"I can cook for you two whenever you want. The main thing that I'm wondering about would be if we're going to do this at my apartment.... or wherever you two stay? I haven't even met my roommate so, I don't know how she would feel about this... of course, I can always cook for more people..." she said, she wanted to figure out the when and the where so that she would know more about what to expect about it. "Resident Evil 6? Oh... right, the game. I never played any of those... though I did try one of the Silent Hill games when I was younger." she said, though it was obvious that she payed more attention to her cooking than to playing games.

Alexis tilted her head as she watched him run off and couldn't help but chuckle a little, he seemed to be full of energy. She glanced at Mari when she spoke, and she did follow, she looked at Cloude with slight alarm because of how fast he downed the food, though she did answer his question. "Yes, I'm new here... I figured that I would take a chance and hopefully be able to improve my cooking." she said, she didn't mention that she was also hoping to improve her social skills some and find friends.

(He does, he just waltzed in or snuck in and then waltzed in, why one of them told him to get out,)

Dmitri finally finished the work, he hailed it in awe raising his hands to the sky, and by sky we mean the roofs of the sewers.

"Good show myself! Good show!" he yelled. after he finished basking in his own glory he returned back home, to work on more poisons. The chemicals filled the room and white vapor flowed out, before Dmitri climbed up the sewage system he put on his trusty gas mask and worked on brewing more of his diarrhea causing concoctions, his next plan was to put this stuff in the cooking prodigy's supplies, as Justin had recommended, he snuck around the sewage system again, and finally, got to where her suitcase was.

"Let's see, *grunt**grunt*. Jeez this is hard to open! Omph!" he finally opened it to a ton of cooking foods, slowly he either put the powder or a small bit of clear liquid to the corresponding things, especially the sugar. He returned home and once again, just like always, in what seems to be a never ending routine, worked on poisons and ruined somebody's day.


Brooklyn knew most of these characters that Aoi referenced she then started going on a ramble about how awesome the evil mastermind kid guy thing 'Green Eyes' was. He would like talk his opponents to go cry in a little corner and then he would like eat fruit and stuff, then he would like go up to the good guys and like beat a ton of them! She continued for a while then stopped, and looked at Brooklyn oddly, "So who's your favorite guy!" she asked.
(Komeko, I really don't mind Dmitri being the "prankster" that he is but I'm assuming that last thing was aimed at Serenity's character. I only ask that if you target anyone that isn't an npc, that you ask for permission first. Most people probably wouldn't like poison in their sugar. Though maybe you already got an okay and I'm just yammering but it's a safety precaution so please keep this in mind. Also, I'm going to be timeskipping in my next post.)

Mari looked at Alexis, rather confused as to why the green haired girl asked for her preferences. "I . . . don't need anything." Most likely, she wasn't going to join the two for dinner anyway. Not that anything was wrong with Alexis. Mari just didn't like people. And she wasn't going to lose precious practice time for idle chit chat.

Cloude was munching on another funnel cake when Alexis that she was new. "Ah, so you're going to the orientation dance thingy tomorrow? It's typically boring though. Luckily, Mari and I don't have to go because we're not new students. Some preexisting students go though. I don't see why. I guess they think it's fun? But it's good for new students like you. You can meet with tons of other people and make friends. That's how I met Mari when we first got here."

"As for the dinner thing, I don't know. Mari and I don't really talk to our housemates very much. They don't exactly like us . . . In fact, our room mates tend to move to different rooms almost right away. Or at least in the last two years, that's been happening."
When the two had first came to the Academy years ago, they were fairly popular among the other students. Of course that was when they were . . . well, normal. But in the later years, somehow their personalities had deformed into what they were now. As most could imagine, people don't tend to like to hang out with a cold and violent girl and an explosive almost reckless boy. But it was okay. Mari didn't like people anymore and Cloude had his videogames. Plus they still got to play with, more like pester, Sebastian whenever they wanted.

Cloude noticed the sky begin to darken and his eyes widened. "Gah! I have to log into League of Legends now! See ya around Alexis! Bye!" And with that, he grabbed Mari by the arm and dragged her off to their townhouse.
(No, I never agreed, nor was I asked. I was curious, but being poisoned, even if it won't kill, is not something that I would agree to happen to my character. And since the food that they poisoned would be used for the apartment, it isn't just my character that would be affected, but TheFallOfitAll's character (Haley) as well)

Alexis looked at Mari, "Are you sure?" she asked, she didn't want her to feel left out for any reason. She looked at Cloude as he asked if she was going to the dance and smiled some, "Yes, I will probably be going to it... I figure it would be good to meet some of the people that come to it..." she said quietly. She was a little nervous about meeting people, but it won't be a bad thing to do. She looked around at everything going on around her, she still felt out of place not being one of the people that was running a booth, but it wasn't a bad thing to be out here.

She looked at Cloude again, "Well, whenever you two decide that you have the chance, and whichever place you want to eat will be fine with me. I'm sure we'll bump into each other eventually, so just let me know." she said with a smile, then she watched as Cloude drug Mari off. She tilted her head and then went to buy herself something to eat, she was pretty sure that she didn't really want to cook that night, she bought a funnel cake for herself and started walking toward her apartment, wondering if her roommate was there, or if she was at the fair.
(Yeah, I think it'd be best to pretend this never happened. Also, Komeko, you may want to avoid using the word "poison" when you're describing these pranks as it connotates something lethal. Also, since it is rather tedious to control so many characters at once, only Nebulo will be at the dance.)

~~~ The Next Day: 6:00 PM ~~~

At six PM sharp, the doors of Daimond Academy's ballroom opened for students to come in. To be honest, this room had few other purposes than the orientation dance for the new students. Never really needed a place this big and empty for anything else. And if the dance was just for the new students then they might not even need this room for that. The only reason they needed this room was because around half of the preexisting students and some staff came to this as well.

They each had their own reasons for coming. Most came to help the newcomers transition into their new surroundings. They helped students find others with similar interests or even talked to them if they were too shy. Some came in search of protegees, becoming mentors for those in their fields. Some just liked to cause mischief, picking on the new guys. Nebulo enforced a rather strict no bullying policy. Bullying caused the insecure to crawl back into their shells and stalled their inner growth. So victims of bullying were encouraged to submit anonymous complaints against their tormentors. And if a student is complained about enough, there would be an investigation and punishment.

There were some students who came for a different reason. These were lined up against the far wall of the ballroom. All were accomplished students from the Green Lion department, whose talents consisted of various combat forms. Nebulo really hoped that they would not be needed this night. However, the people he was worried about were crafty and unpredictable.

As a large amount of people gathered in the ballroom, Nebulo put on a professional smile and greeted them. Then the music came on, the refreshments were served and people began socializing. As the noise level rose, Nebulo continued to stay in the back, using his eyes to skim across the crowd. If there was any sign of trouble, he should be able to see it before it came, not that he was able to catch these people at all.
Amber sat bent over her workbench, a soldering iron in her right hand, the other controlling a mechanical magnifying glass as she finished the last adjustments on her project for her engineering class. She knew it was late by a day but it had taken her longer than she had thought it would to complete the fine tuning of the circuits. She'd put in a great deal more effort than most of the other students would, she knew that, but she had always strived to make her work as perfect as she could. She knew there would always be something that wasn't quite right, something she had missed. It was that overwhelming sense of paranoia that consumed her from the inside out. She wondered if she'd have been over it by now if it hadn't been for what happened the years before. Maybe.. just Maybe.. Oh what did it matter now? She set down her forceps and gently closed the panel of the hummingbird breastplate, running her hand over the soft feathery surface. She had worked especially hard to make sure the skin was flawless. 'There you are, now we just give you a test fly.' She pulled out a small palm pilot and began to calibrate the systems of her newly made robot. She smiled gently as it whirred to life, the little wings flapping rapidly. 'Perfect.' her watch beeped at her and she cursed. Six already? No way, she couldn't have lost track of time for that long surely? She still had to find Professor Fallach and show him her assignment. 'Damn it.' She muttered and stood up, programming the droid to follow her up the stairs to the empty apartment. She couldn't remember her last roommate. She'd had at least three that she could recall. Some left because they weren't interested in sharing with her, others because of her split personalities. Honestly she didn't care. She preferred the seclusion. Without others she could work in peace, no distractions. Unfortunately it also meant she often got caught up in her experiments and projects and often had to rush to her classes. Today she'd been told she had to go to the dance. One of the guidance counsellors, a particularly persistant member of staff known only as Bob, (making up an NPC i hope that's okay) had insisted she try to 'socialise'. She had gone along with it because she had to. She didn't want to cause conflict, not when there were so many other things to worry about tonight.

She stopped in front of the mirror just as she was about to walk out and caught sight of her dishevelled appearance in the mirror. Her auburne hair had frizzed and her clothing was stained with chemicals and fluids, along with quite a few scorch marks from the wiring acting up. Whenever she was anxious she was prone to more screw ups, another reason the project was late. She sighed. She didn't think it set the kind of impression that Bob wanted from her so she doubled back and pulled out another pair of jeans and a midnight blue shirt with sleeves that hung over her hands so that only the tips of her unpainted fingers showed. She brushed her hair quickly and then set out again, the humming bird flying beside her. 'At least you don't demand unwanted attention.' She told it as she walked.

She wondered if she should see if Professor Fallach was in his office before making her way to the dance. No.. He'd either be there or in his own area. She didn't much feel like walking all that way when she didn't have to, so she went straight to the ballroom, rolling her eyes at the extravagant room. The decorations were better than her first year there at least. They must have had the visual arts guys work on it with the interior designers this time, as she saw the small faculty design on the corner of the banners. She wandered over to the buffet table, grabbing a small pastry from on of the trays and taking small bites as she watched to see if her multimedia professor was there.

(there, hope it's okay Dreams)
Haley didn't like dances. Too many people wanting to either talk, or dance with her. Sure, she was a lovely girl, but she doesn't care for human interactions. She's too shy for that nonsense. So, she was now hiding away in the far corner. What was the point to all this? Surely they could just have a tour and be done with it? There are crazy people here! She thought. She wanted the heck out, and would rather just be messing with her sharks. Oh God, what if a teacher calls on me in class!? She thought, starting to freak herself out with her shyness. This girl really hoped no one dared to even say hello to her. They could scar her for life if they did.

Jack, normally being insane, was oddly out of character now. He somehow un-insaned up. He somehow did this when he felt something was getting serious. So, he was oddly sane, talking to the other students, and showing off his accents, from German, to French. From Russian to a southern accent that made some people swear he was from Texas.
6pm. Mori had stood staring into the abyss he called his wardrobe for hours prior to the dance, he changed his close constantly trying to decide on a proper outfit. He wanted something casual but also formal enough to wear to a dance because as a teacher he was expected to maintain some semblance of being a role model for children instead of being slightly irresponsible and lazy. Finally he came to a decision; he wore a sharp white collared shirt, a dark black vest with silver embroidery, black tie with matching embroidery, a pair of black slacks, a soft leather belt with a silver buckle and a pair of polished black dress shoes.

Satisfied with his appearance he went about his teacher duties and wrote up a few reports on his students' individual progress. As he flipped through his students' files he came to Amber's file, this he took out and observed noting her astounding progress and eye for detail when it came robotics, especially those assignments that dealt with simulating a living creature. Even with her slight disability the girl would go far but she would always be hampered her other personality and she would not reach her full potential in any field if she couldn't regain a single consciousness. Mori then picked up his clipboard and began checking off several boxes.

The hall was immaculate and the food was very well prepared by the culinary department. Mori had tried all week to sneak his way into the kitchens for a sneaky snack but was always caught by the head chef and kicked out. True teachers could simply ask for a meal to be made but it was never as much fun as trying to sneak into the ever elusive kitchens. He stopped one of the waiting staff as the passed by with a silver tray filled with entree's, he was indecisive and so he simply took one of each item to the waiter's chagrin. From another waiter he took a glass of sparkling grape juice to was down the food he had summarily stuffed into the orifice he called his mouth.

As he made his rounds about the room Mori caught sight of Amber and the hummingbird she had made, for a moment he had simply marveled at the detail of the bird and how fluidly it moved through the air, he even thought he saw it dip slightly into an unmonitored glass of grape juice and take a sip. Wiping his hands and face with a hand kerchief he approached his most talented student to examine her creation more closely. "Nice work their Amber." He said as he watched the robot bird's wings flutter at almost imperceptible speeds. "A++ on detail and functionality, hopefully you can show me what's underneath the hood so to speak." He went on as he appraised the girl's masterful creation.
Alexis had spent her morning getting used to the apartment, she cooked breakfast, offered some to Haley, since she is her roommate, and then went off on her own after washing the dishes. She wanted to get to know the school a bit better. She wandered back to the apartment with plenty of time to get dressed for the dance. She sighed some as she looked at the dress that she had laying on her bed, she didn't wear dresses often, preferring to wear pants most of the time, or a skirt on occasion, but her grandparents had insisted on her taking a dress in case of anything formal, now she figured it was probably a good thing.

The dress was a pale blue with golden embroidery around her waist, the sleeves of the dress were gauzy, and only came down a little past her elbows, she wore shoes with a slight heel to them, and pulled her hair up into a clip, though she left enough down so that she could cover her left eye. She looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't help biting her lip lightly, she wasn't used to wearing dresses, and it seemed strange to her to wear one now. She also wasn't entirely sure about going to the dance at all, but she remembered the promise she made and walked out of the apartment with her head held high.

Now that she was actually at the dance she had started to feel a bit more nervous about being there, she looked around at everyone, not seeing anyone that she knew other than Haley, and even then she didn't know her well. Then she noticed the buffet table, and her stomach growled, reminding her that the small lunch she ate earlier that day was a long time ago, so she walked slowly to the table, she slowly grabbed a few things, trying them, wanting to see how good the food was, as well as to stop her stomach from growling. She stayed where she was, noticing the other girl that came to the table that had a humming bird following her, she stared at it, tilting her head, then she noticed one of the teachers from the day before approaching her and talking about the humming bird.

She recognized the teacher as the one that had made the holographic projector, and then took another look at the humming bird following the girl, she blinked, a look of surprise on her face as what he was saying sunk in, "You made that?" she asked, sounding amazed. She hadn't meant to listen in on their conversation, but they were so close to her that it was hard not to hear, she bit her lip right after her little outburst, kind of hoping that they would just ignore her.

Amber looked up in surprise as Professor Fallach wandered over, a handkerchief in his hands. The look disappeared almost immediately as she simply smiled politely at the teacher. 'Thank you professor. I'm sorry it's late. I had trouble with some of the test runs. i needed to find the right materials that would allow for the replication of the bird's personal attributes, such as the wing speed.' She went on for a little longer, talking about time ratios and how she had done her best to replicate the bird's flesh by attempting to grow her own rather than using synthetic products, before a slight blush crept up on her cheeks. 'I'm sorry, i got carried away again..' She apologised quietly, her gaze leaving him to drift over to the hummingbird. She coded in a few more commands on the palm pilot and it flew over to land on the professor's should. 'He can be your... accessory for the night if you want. I only brought him along to complete the assignment. I'm assuming that I'm the last to do so.' Her voice had become colder, not as full of life as it had been when she was talking about the different parts of her design. The subject very nearly filled her with joy on occasion.

Her conversation was interrupted when a girl chimed in. 'You made that?' She exclaimed, eyes wide with surprise. Her reaction made the edges of Amber's lips twitch up slightly before her face became passive again. 'I did. It's really not that impressive. There's something wrong with it that I've yet to figure out. Something is always wrong with my work.' She said it as if it were a fact, not as though she were woeful or fishing for compliments. In her mind all her projects were flawed. She just couldn't figure out what. She took in the girl's green hair, the loose, modest dress and her almost innocent air. She had to be one of the new students. Most of the older ones avoided her, due to her irrational behaviour at times. No matter how much Bob (the guidance counsellor) tried to assure them that it wasn't really her, but a version of herself that was still out of her control. She knew all the teachers had access to her file. Though she wished they didn't. It shouldn't have been permitted in her mind. But then again, it wasn't like she ever gave Bob any information anyway. This was how their sessions often went:

Bob: Good morning Amber, how are you feeling today?

Amber: I'm fine.

Bob: Well that's great. And how is Zara?

Amber: She's fine too.

Bob: No... mishaps lately?

Amber: Nope.

Bob: Excellent. Have you tried the exercises I gave you last week?

Amber: Zara tore them up and threw them in the Bunsen. She also asked that you stop trying to get rid of her as she likes it as is now. *all in a very bored tone*

Bob: *frowns* Amber, you need to assert your right to be in control of your own emotions.

Amber: I am in control. I have my half, she has hers. Now if we're done here, I have a project to work on.

Bob: Really? What are you building this time?

Amber: Something that is none of your business. *again very monotone*

She didn't enjoy her sessions with Bob. They took up valuable time and were pointless in her oppinion. Zara was a part of her. It was simple as that. Why he felt he had to try and pry into her mind was beyond her. Snapping out of her thoughtws and then looked at the girl again. 'You're new right? I'm Amber. and you are?' She asked, not trying to seem cold but she just wasn't all that interested in being there. She enjoyed her conversations with professor Fallach because he knew what he was talking about. They had similar aspirations and interests. In some weird space in the back of her mind she might even consider him her only friend. Zara's oppinion differed. She referred to him as Amber's forbidden crush, an aspect that Amber disagreed with greatly. It was a preposterous idea. These differences in interests were partially why Amber refused to try and peice her fragmented personalities together. Who wanted to be that... person. Amber dispised a lot of what she, as Zara, did.
Mori listened intently as Amber described the process she took in making the lifelike bird android, he calculated everything she said as she said it and he ramified some of the differing calculations, "Over all this is very good work but you are too modest and too hard on yourself." He commented, his concentration was frayed a bit when one of the new students had come over to marvel at Amber's creation. Mori was happy that someone new had the guts to speak to Amber, he hoped that Zara would at least allow Amber some friends, perhaps Zara herself would make some friends.

Mori allowed the two girls to converse as he took the robot bird from his shoulder and looked for some kind of panel so that he could observe its inner workings.
"If you don't mind Amber, I would indeed like to observe it for sometime perhaps your design could help me with a problem I've been having with one of my projects." He asked as he coveted the bird close to his chest like some animal guarding a morsel of food or offspring.
Amber looked back to Mori, again the faintest of smiles playing on her lips. She looked up to him, he was her mentor after all. 'Thank you Professor.. that means a lot coming from you.' She said, ducking her head in a polite manner. The semi-smile remained as he asked if he could keep the prototype. 'Sure, I don't have any major need for it.' She said, shrugging and carefully choosing a cup of grape juice from the buffet table. As far as boring social events this one wasn't exactly bad, she decided. She just hoped Zara wouldn't decide to make an appearance. She wasn't proud of the things her other half did. 'Professor, I was wondering... Well it's stupid really... I was just curious as to whether you needed any assistance in the further development of the holograph projectors... I mean, i know you used them today.. but i thought maybe you had some further tests to perform... I feel I could really use the knowledge it could afford me..' a very light flush of embarrassment coloured her cheeks, ashamed to ask such a favour of her mentor. She felt as though she was probably asking something totally ridiculous. 'i mean... I'm probably out of line for asking. I just feel that I could learn a lot.'
Alexis continued to watch the hummingbird, not noticing Amber's reaction, though she did listen to her, causing her to look back at her quickly. "Not impressive?" she asked, then she shook her head, "Of course it's impressive. Those that make things always find the flaws in their own work that they won't notice in anyone else's work just because it's their own. Besides... it is flying, and it looks so real... even if there is something wrong with it, it has added a little more beauty to this world, so... I think it's great." she said, she sounded pretty enthusiastic in her words, she was saying what she believed to be the truth. "My grandmother used to always tell me that if someone likes what you made... then it's a success."

Alexis did notice the slight coldness in Amber's tone, even if she hadn't meant it, but Alexis answered her with a smile that didn't falter, "Yes, I'm new here, my name is Alexis Saint James. I'm a chef." she said. She glanced at the teacher, he might remember the cookies that Alexis had been giving out the other day since she had offered him some as well. She reached up, looking a little annoyed, and pushed a little hair out of her right eye, it seemed as if her hair just didn't want to stay where she put it, though she didn't bother to touch the hair over her left eye.

Dmitri casually sat down at the corner table, twinkling with his hair, he drank a little juice and then settled down again. He didn't really know what to do, other than wait and see if anyone came, some certain people needed to receive a message, and he'd like to not waste his time at a dance. He stood up and grabbed some brownies and sat down again. This was a routine he also did at parties, since he did love some brownies, his friend decided to dub him 'The Earl of Brownies'. He nibbled on the chocolate goodness, quietly ignoring most people, he did eavesdrop on Mori and decided that he would ignore anything else, pranking season was over, and practically everyone was already having a huge diarrhea fit. Minus the cook, for some reason he didn't mess with her, maybe it was pity? He didn't really know. All he cared was the the black out would happen, he started to yawn and as he finished a light went out from the corner, than another, then it went on a random pattern, intricate and dubious, but still a pattern, until one light was on, the biggest one of all.

"Hmm... it missed the last one, is he doing the whole leave one on and then turn it off?" as he guessed the light stayed on, until the last light flickered off with a small twick.

Aiden sat at his seat and finished the brownie, making one small burp.

Brooklyn was conversaing with Aoi, Brooklyn talking about a show she absolutely loved, and it seemed totally normal, have fun reply whatever.

"Hey, remember the moment where the drunk walked up to the bad king and showed he was a mercenary that could like, own! That was so cool!" she exclaimed, highlighting the part of about the mercenary owning. She gobbled down pudding and decided to do an impromptu show.

"OK! So I start and you reply, okay welp?" she had dragged a random kid over and made him participate. The kid seemed shy and tried to get off, but Brooklyn held him fast.

"Hello Mister Anderson, it seems that you've been lollygagging on your work, where are my papers, you know, the ones about murder- I MEAN CLIENTS!" she joked it off and waited for the boy's response.

"Um... um... it's in a drawer right here..." the boy's speech was bland and he faked grabbed imaginnary papers. Brooklyn sighed deeply, and looked at them.

"Oh these? These are my client papers, I wanted the other ones!" her acting wasn't great, but it was funny to watch and a few seniors laughed at the boy for looking so pitiful.

"I...I...Get me out of here!" he ran off the stage and Brooklyn groaned, followed by an "Oh well," she jumped off the stage and went back to Aoi. Suddenly the lights boomed off, and she jumped when the last one went out.

"Who did this? Jeez hey where are you Aoi- ooph!" she ran straight into a table knocking it over.

You guys can roleplay before this happens, as the impromptu and her getting off you could split into two posts, in fact three could happen.
"Dun dun dunnnnnnn!"Aoi took out a small key chain flashlight and shone it up her face, with a scary expression on her face. It was replaced with a look of fighting spirit as she pointed the flashlight at Brooklyn and yelled, "Quick! List the names of all the pranksters you know! I know no one here but you!" Aoi knew that they'd have to solve this case with serious measures.
Mori smiled as he finally recognised the girl who came to speak to Amber, it was seconds when Mori finally remembered her name from the files he was sent by the Headmaster. "Ah, Alexis was it?" He asked. "Yes that's it, I hope you've settled in well here in Daimond, I'm sure you'll be more than a great addition to the school. Oh and may I introduce you to Miss Amber here, she's a unique individual and I'm sure you will both become good friends." He continued jovially gesturing towards Amber, for a moment he regarded Amber and Zara somberly but dismissed his seriousness in favour of examining the artificial bird in his hands.

Mori had been so engrossed by his observation of the hummingbird that the lights had somewhat surprised him and for a moment he stood there dumbfounded, his mind blank. The realisation slowly dawned on him, the whole scenario stunk of Dimitri and his asinine pranks. For the moment Mori would let the boy have his fun before he turned the lights back on himself. The prank itself was rather melodramatic but it added another dimension to the night and would perhaps make a potentially boring night an exciting one. Students all over the place were giggling and performing pranks on each other, there was one particularly loud
"Dun dun dunnnnnnn!" Out in the distance followed by a small flash of light illuminating Aoi's face.

Mori reached into his pocket once more and proffered a small round brooch, this he pinned to the left side of his chest. A slight touch to its surface and there appeared a rater bright cone of light that illuminated the people before him
"Panic not children, this is simply a prank, however I encourage you to take advantage of the darkness and have a little 'safe' fun." He emphasised the word safe and then began his search for Dimitri.
Dmitri was known for being totally calm at times, he seemed apathetic and really just bored. He calmly got up and grabbed to vials, he shook one and a large boom happened, which was all fake, then another one released a green gas, he hoped people would think something actually happened, but sadly he didn't make a poison at all, just colored smoke and a boom. He decided to grab a phone he had and used Skype to call Justin again.

"Look at that, you didn't do something horrible and made the things fall, great job! Next time mind actually making things fall, it's so boring, these dances are, anyways just reminding you, prank season ends as of now, and it's time to be lazy and play MOBA's and Touhou, fun times," he monolauged walked straight into Mori, as he did the Justin responded.

"Oh right, make the things fall, I did that last year, think of something new...make people deny their faith? I haven't tried that one yet to a public, I'll think of some dialauge for the next year, oh right and, I went prestige on Awesomenauts, and I got every charrie in SMITE, so have fun catching up.," he explained, Dmitri basically ignored Mori and attempted to walk past him, half way in step he sighed in his dull sighs and just looked up for a bit.

"Hmm... I went benign this year don't you think? Normally someone would have gotten a-" a sound of someone burning himself in the oven was heard and get restarted his sentence.

"I stand corrected, still it could've been worse I mean what's gonna happen, the crew of jack*sses breaking thorugh the windows deciding to ruin your day, reminds me, if they don't beat me up I would deliver a letter, but yeah, you aren't gonna let that happen," as he said this he stuck an earphone into Mori's left ear, a trick he used with Justin.

"Try not to deny your faith," he taunted walking off. Then the voice chimed in.

"Hello, seems the jerk left me with you, eh, doesn't really matter, we're going to have a really fun time," he trailed off... and so the night began.


Brooklyn thought off the top of her head, since she was also new the only person she would possibly know is Dmitri, "My childhood friend! The one with the white hair and glasses!" she exclaimed.
Amber was a little disheartened when Professor Fallach wandered off, but she didn't show it. Instead she looked to Alexis. 'By unique he means nuts. Or at least, the majority of them do.' She stated blandly, pulling out a small set of keys from her pocket with a mini flashlight on the key ring. It was some tacky freebie she'd received at a school expo a few years back but she'd kept it anyway. It proved useful when she had power outages, or if she couldn't be bothered turning lights on. The occasional pranksters would cut the power but she had rigged up an electrical current that surrounded the main fuse box to her apartment so that they got a mild shock when they crossed the barrier. It was enough to discourage any foolish teens from messing with her. Using the torch she selected another small pastry and then looked back at Alexis. 'So you cook.. Did you make any of the food for this gathering, or haven't you been permitted in the kitchens yet?' She knew that most of the new students didn't begin their persuit of interests until classes started, but some, like she herself had, didn't see the point in waiting for trivial things to finish first.She glanced up at the roof, wondering whose weak idea of a joke turning the lights off was. It was exactly an original idea in her mind. But then, nothing was original to her. Nor was anything actually funny to her. 'Someone's going to hurt themselves if those lights aren't fixed soon.' She commented casually, wondering if maybe that was what Professor Fallach had gone to do. As she pondered this a loud booming noise echoed around the room and the air became thick with some kind of smokey substance. Being unable to see anything in the dark anyway, Amber wasn't particularly surprised. 'Now they're just being idiots. Do they WANT someone to get hurt?' She half snapped, irritation in her tone. 'Don't they understand anything? Goddamned kids.' She muttered. Amber felt her control slipping away and though she fought to maintain it, she couldn't hold it. 'No.. not now..' She pleaded with Zara.

Suddenly a giggle escaped her lips. 'My turn.' A noticeable change had overcome the girl, well noticeable to anyone that knew her. 'Oooh i do love a party! Now why would you be such a meanie as to try and stop me from joining in the fun?' Zara asked Amber, but of course, she didn't get a response. Zara flashed the little torch around the room, spotting Alexis and smiling broadly. 'Oooh you're cute. Hi there, I'm Zara.' She said, bouncing over to the girl and planting a kiss on the shy girl's cheek. She grinned and examined the room, her eyes growing accustomed to the darkness. She stopped a girl as she pushed past in a frenzy. 'you wouldn't happen to have a mirror on you would you?' She asked and the girl handed over her small clutch bag, which Zara wasted no time riffling through. She handed the torch to the girl to hold. 'Shine that at a fourty five degree angle would you?' She asked and the stranger followed through. 'Oh god, what did she do to my hair? it's so lifeless!' She exclaimed, running fingers through the straight locks of hair, toussling it attractively before riffling through the purse again and finding some purplish lipstick. 'Nice taste.' She said in appraisal and applying it. 'Much better.' Zara checked her reflection again, switched the purse and it's contents for the torch again. 'Thanks sweetheart. Now let's get this party going.' She grabbed Alexis' hand. 'Come dance with me.'
Alexis listened to what Professor Fallach had to say, she smiled a little, she did want to make friends. She tilted her head as Amber talked about being nuts, she blinked, not really used to people saying that they were crazy like that.Suddenly the lights went out and Alexis frowned, though it wouldn't be easy to see until Amber pulled out her light. Even though she normally hid it very well, being in the dark wasn't something that she liked very much, she couldn't help imagining that this was what it felt like to be completely blind and she had to bite her lip, trying to keep calm.

Alex looked at Amber as she spoke, she nodded, "Yes, I cook... I didn't help with any of the food here, though I do look forward to helping out as often as I can." she said, it was obvious that cooking was a passion for her, it was something that she loved completely.

She looked around, waiting for the lights to come back on, then glanced at Amber again, "I don't really like the dark." she said, though she did have her reasons, and it wasn't just a fear of being in the dark. She jumped because of the loud booming sound, wondering what caused it, she frowned and gave herself a mental kick for being so jumpy, it was obviously just someone's idea of a joke and she knew that she would make it through this, the only thing she wondered about was how long it was going to last.

Alexis tilted her head as she heard Amber say something, "Are you alright?" she asked, moving a little closer to her to check on her, suddenly she seemed a little different. She had noticed that Amber seemed a bit quiet and cut off, this voice seemed more outgoing and excited about being here. Suddenly the light was pointed at her and she squinted some so she could still see, "Um...? Cute?" she asked, she never really thought that she looked cute, then the girl was introducing herself as 'Zara'. She seemed a little confused, but then she remembered that Amber herself had said she was nuts, maybe she was telling the truth. "I'm Alexis." she said, she blinked as she was kissed on the cheek, obviously not expecting it.

She blinked and watched as Zara fixed her hair and put some lipstick on, she returned the purse and took the flashlight back, and the next thing Alexis knew her hand was being grabbed and she was being pulled away from the table. "But... I don't dance." she said in protest, it was something that she had never learned to do, though she had a feeling that Zara wouldn't care.

Mori's encounter with Dimitri was strange at the very least but not unusual for the young man who managed to stick an earpiece into Mori's ear. He sighed "Perhaps I should go figure out these lights then." Mori said to the voice emitting from the earpiece lodged fairly deep within his ear. Tucking the bird and it's controls into his seemingly large pocket filled with clever doodads and thingamajigs he went to go sort out the lighting but he stopped when he heard the telltale characteristics of Zara out in the darkness. He turned around somewhat looking for the girl his face little worried, if she and Dimitri were to collaborate on yet another prank he wasn't sure if he would survive.

The cone of light spread forth illuminating many disgruntled students but he kept searching until he saw the glint of a mirror and the telltale signs of primping.
"Ah there you are Zara, perhaps you could do me a favour tonight and keep out of too much trouble, I realise you just got out and that it's a dance but please; nothing too untoward?" Mori asked the girl, he didn't mind her that much, in fact she was just as ingenious as Amber and if the two halves could find it in each other to merge they would become a great force to be reckoned with but he kept those thoughts to himself, he knew how Amber and Zara felt about the subject.

"Oh, Alexis. This here is Zara, she and Amber are alternate personalities, she can be trouble but she's good natured at the very least, you too should get along swimmingly, jut as well with Amber." Bob didn't like Zara very much, not that he'd say it to her face but he thought she was disruptive and that Amber needed to get rid of her, the thing is that Amber and Zara are simply two halves of another person and Mori understood that. He waved goodbye to the two girls and went in search for the nearest fuse box where he would deal with the lights.
Rel and Zel were already at the 'dance' standing by the wall and had been there for a while waiting for Xel and Alan,Zel was normal now since they decided to wait until after this for him to take his medication.Standing a ways from the wall Zel sighed as he looked around with a smile,"You seem tense...and I have a feeling I know why."He chuckled as he spoke to Rel,who stood behind him right by the wall and just crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall behind him."Isn't it normal?"Rel said looking around the area,Zel looked back at him and crossed his arms like Rel did,getting an irritated look from Rel."Well for us maybe...but I doubt for the rest here,this isn't some place where you gotta keep your guard up 24/7,Rel...And you should know that" "It is when I don't know what could come next,I told you before I'm still not sure of this place..." "Yes but what is there to be unsure about?"Rel paused for a moment and looked to Zel,"Many things,and you should know that..."Zel dropped his arms and once again sighed as he slowly walked over to Rel slightly swaying lazily,his smile slowly crossing his face again."Rel,he'll be fine. He's our age yet you act like he's the baby of the group." "He does act like it sometimes..." Zel chuckled,"Come on...I know we messed up once but he's okay,Nothing here can hurt him." "That's right...Because I'll make nothing can..." "Now you sound like a father."Zel said now leaning against the wall right beside Rel,slightly leaning against Rel.Rel smiled,"You always say that." "well you do."Zel said also smiling,"...How about when this is over you help me with my project.."He said as he moved in front of Rel and looked up at him,just just smiled as he watched."Help you out?...Hmm,I think I can..." "Then maybe you'll chill out after doin' what you do best."Zel chuckled.

Xel walked around the room looking for Zel and Rel with Alan,he wasn't sure where they wanted to meet at so now it turned into a find it game. He didn't want to yell out there names in this place so he could only look around.

((All three of their outfits now -w- Sorry there fuzzy and stuff -.- scanner's still not workin'~ Zel: http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss262/dolphinbear1/Edited-Mine/0360af2a-83c3-43d2-bd04-613efb4b7e82_zps299576a4.jpg ~Rel: http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss262/dolphinbear1/Edited-Mine/a42005e7-5b17-4d33-ae79-f4e7495028f9_zps0dd1e348.jpg ~Xel: http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss262/dolphinbear1/Edited-Mine/d17948e2-b4e6-44cd-ab56-8c2bb243ffad_zpsd22953dd.jpg ))
Aoi looked at Brooklyn as a smile formed across her face. "We shall go find him then!" She said, running over to her friend with ease, as if she almost new exactly where everything was. She grabbed Brooklyn's hand and raced out the room, though she had no idea where to go. "Today, you get to be the captain! Lead the way!" She tossed the flashlight to Brooklyn, and stopped at a fork in the road.
Reus stared at his ceiling searching for answers he knew were not there. He rolled over onto his side to peer at the only light in the room his digital clock. It lit up an area with its dull red light that presented the numbers. It flicked to blackness as it changed its numbers to 6:00 pm. A small little grin lined his face as he knew he should go to the dance... it was more trouble to not go then it was to make an appearance. He slowly leaned up from the bed the sound of the springs crinkling as the resumed their rested form permeated through the empty and dark room. Reus looking towards his closet, I need to get ready. His legs slowly drifted to the side of his bed, were he sat there for a moment before stretching and rising to his feet head dangling toward the floor as he meandered to the closet. The sliding of the plastic wheels on the metal track replaced the sound of the bed that had been there moments ago. He looked at the dark outlines of clothes hanging from the white plastic hangers. He grabbed a white button up shirt and his fathers almost black sweater vest. He tossed the sweater vest on the bed as he slid the shirt off the hanger. He could feel the cold smooth fabric as it slid on top of his naked chest. He flicked his melancholy fingers as he buttoned up the shirts buttons. He turned toward the bed and grabbed the sweater vest pulling it over his head it vicariously rested on top of the button up. He grabbed the bottom edges of it and wiggled it down to its final resting place. The bottom cloth of the sweater vest had all but lost the elasticity and gave way to his waist lazily laying on top of his shirt. He slid open the drawer of the night stand and pulled out two black metal rods. These were his fathers retractable nightsticks that he had taught to use to defend himself. he slid them into their leather cases and placed them and slid them into the belt on his back. He had promised he would not ever get into a fight, but he knew himself and there was no doubt one of these times he would. He closed the drawer and guided his hand to the top of the table where he grabbed a silver tassel that had two chains dangling from it. He secured it to his wrist his warm skin colliding with the cold metal. He smiled down at it, it was a present his mother had bought him when he finished and published his first book. What am I doing. I don't even know anyone at this... they wont notice im not there.

He placed his hand on the doorknob and clicked it open the rest of the house was dark, as his roommates had already left. He made his way to the front door leaving his lonely new home behind and going out to join the world since the first time he had been here. His hand swung the door closed "Click"

As he made his way down the cement pathway to the dancing hall, he stared up at the fresh night sky, his hands taking residence in their usual home of his pockets. I haven't been out of my room at all... these people bore me, they may have special gifts but they are all one dimensional characters. He yawned slightly. He had talked to only a few students when he made his way here and found them uninteresting. He looked towards the building where the dance was taking place. Don't let your gifts define you. Reus wanted to find someone or something that could fill the void he has. As he got closer and closer he got nervous as he made the realization he didn't really know how to dance. He and his mother used to dance together in the safety of their living room spinning and twirling in elaborate movements together laughing as they did this. He knew the basics of some dances just not how to perform them outside of the goofy tendencies he had developed. At the thought of his mother he slid his hand out of his pocket and turned to see the silver tassel that gleamed in the new night. He made his ways to one of the doors and clicked one open and went inside.

He opened the door and closed it giving way to a pitch black dance hall. Are they doing some sort of award ceremony or something? He slid his hand along the wall as he made his way across the back. He could see little lights about the room like tiny little stars in the black room. These were flashlights people had brought with them. So this isn't supposed to be happening. With every few feet he would bump into someone or press against them he would apologize and say excuse me as he made his way around them. tsch ill have to make my way to a person with a flashlight they may know whats going on. With that thought he left the safety of the wall and slowly descended deeper in to the blackness tripping and stumbling over things and people as he did so making his way towards a light.
The voice replied with a "Mmm, you could always go fix the lights, but what would it do? If you turn on a light with a switch can't it just be turned off, so in reality you are evading what can't be evading, you are per se, putting a temporary resolution to the problem at midst, does that make any sense? You're only solving a problem for a given amount of time, so every time a problem is fixed, it could just be broken again, it's sort of a huge cycle that pervades the world, something that will never go away, or stop," he finished his small speech and ate an apple from the other side of the world, he was having quite the time of his life. He had never tried to do it to a person in an uncontrolled environment, except for the time where he did, times to be correct.As he said this Dmitri had managed to get out into the night, his schedule was as planned, come in, do the trick, make a boom boom, get out, go home, and sleep. He took the left path in the road to his apartment, just a few minutes before Brooklyn and Aoi arrived. As Brooklyn arrived at the fork she really had no idea what to do, she didn't know where he lived, so everything was a guess, slowly after some thirty seconds, she declared in a military voice :"Soldier! We are going to take the left path, and at double time, so follow me corporal!" she marched down the left path at a quick brisk speed, much quicker than Dmitri liesurely walked down the path, he had finally reached an open area, and decided to take a breather, as soon as such happened Brooklyn marched in and turn straight to Dmitri.

"Aha! Up to no good are we! Hands up criminal, so I can turn you in!" her voice was on the verge of full on laughter and Dmitri stood up slowly, grabbed a vial from his hand, and shook it, more importantly, potassium di-chromate, normally this could've chopped off half of Dmitri's hand, but he had learned to be careful, and so he let the purple liquid make it's loud boom, which sounded like a rocket went off, that was two explosions in ten minutes mind you. At the sound Brooklyn jumped behind a nearby bush and slowly peeked up, with brows that showed nothing but pure keniving.

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