Daimond Academy

Aoi smiled as she raced down the hall after her fearless friend and had that look of fighting spirit on her face again. She waited for the right moment, before running towards them and shouting, "Resistance will get you nowhere! Get ready to face your punishment!" Without hesitation or any last second of thought the girl quickly dove for his feet, latching on to his legs and using his weight against him.
Zara giggled, tugging on Alexis' hand with vigor and excitement towards the dancefloor. Despite the lights being out the music still played and she loved a good party. Before she could start to dance, professor Fallach pulled her aside, making her stumble, letting go of Alexis' hand, and she pouted. 'What made you think I'd try and cause trouble? I'm just here to dance.' She said in a sulky tone, the purplish lipstick glimmering in the torchlight. 'Won't you dance with me professor? You look like you need to just let loose.' She flashed a wicked smirk in his direction, batting her lashes and laughing, tossing her hair back a little. 'Oooh would you like some help with the lights? Amber and I could probably rig up some kind of barrier to stop it happening again. You know, like the one she set up back at our place.' She suggested, flashing him a winning smile. 'Of course, I'm sure youcould do it too, and if you dont think there's any need for it then I totally understand.' Zara's eyes twinkled as if it were the most amusing thing in the world as she swayed her hips a little, playing the innocent. 'I mean, Amber's really concerned about people wandering around in the dark. You know how she gets about things like that. Bleeding hearts of the world unite.' She rolled her eyes at the last sentence. Some things she respected Amber for, others she thought were useless trivial aspects that should be ignored. Like Amber's sensitivity which the girl tried so very hard to hide.

The auburne haired girl studied her nails, tisking at the unkept state they were in. That girl really needed a manicure, she decided silently, frowning at them. When he spoke to Alexis, she laughed again. 'I'm sure we will. She's the epitome of cute. Amber on the other hand, she's not big on communication. Hence why she hides in her lab all day. I wish she wouldn't. It wreaks havoc on our nails.' Zara was enjoying herself. She really hoped she got to stay out longer than usual. Normally Amber kept a tight leash on her appearances. Ever since that session with Bob. Zara very nearly chuckled aloud at the memory.

Bob: Amber, you look different today

Zara: Amber's asleep. You get to play with me today

Bob: What exactly do you mean by that?

Zara: you play mindgames. Amber doesn't like it much, she finds you irritating. She also thinks you're a little sleazy.

Bob: I'm sure if she thought that she'd tell me.

Zara: She doesn't want to tell you much of anything. You pry into other's business and try to justify it by helping them. I'm here to tell you that it's time to stop.

Bob: It's my job, I can't just stop at your wish. Amber has a serious condition that needs to be dealt with.

Zara: You think I'm a condition? I'm just some figment of her imagination? No. Shut up right now.

Bob: You are the result of a traumatic event that caused Amber to feel the need to protect herself by hiding behind a facade. You are not real.

Zara: *leans over to get a pair of scissor from the drawer* I am not a condition. I am human. You take that back you overgrown pitiful excuse of a human!

Needless to say that session didn't end well. Zara was pleased with at least being able to give him a couple of slashes before the security guys came in. Since then Amber had to keep her very much under wraps and Bob had taken a particular disliking to Zara. She couldn't understand why. In all honesty Amber wondered why Bob insisted on staying on as her guidance counsellor. Most would demand the removal of a case if the client was responsible for injury. Zara looked to Alexis and then back to professor Fallach. She wondered if he would tell the new girl about Zara's rather impulsive and sometimes violent tendencies. She wondered about the girl's reaction if he did. She had a wondrous idea as she pondered this. Alexis would be her new pet project. And why not? Amber had her projects, so why shouldn't Zara have one of her own? She smiled again. 'Don't worry Professor Fallach, i'll take good care of Lexi here. We'll be inseperable.' She said, a tone of complete and utter euphoria coating her words.
Mori laughed out loud "Contain thine eyelashes Zara, such behaviour doth appear most untoward." He joked with his student as she blatantly pulled out almost every move she had to mock flirt with him. "I'm your favourite teacher and you know it. If even as a joke someone made a comment about what you're doing to our Headmaster, then I would be shipped off the Island back to the army before you could say 'Forbidden Forest' and you would be left here with Amber and Bob. Where would you be then milady.'' Mori spoke smoothly oozing all the charm he had through a half smile and half lidded eyes that spoke volumes, his students didn't often see how manipulative he could be.

He walked away from the girl and replied to the voice in his ear
; "At the risk of looking more crazy to my students I'll say this to you, I will simply turn the lights on irregardless of whether someone else turns them off again, I might be an act of futility but at least we can get things moving along, being static is not one of my favourite things to be whomever you are." Mori said, his voice calm and even as he found the fuse box and Illuminated the roome after a few pushes of several different buttons to undo Dimitri's unpracticed tampering and restore some semblance of order to the room.

Mori returned to the main hall and smiled as everyone seemed a little at ease, if anyone were planning another surprise now would be the most perfect time to do so. Mori returned to surveying the room as was his job.

Alexis found herself being pulled along, despite her statement that she didn't dance, but there wasn't much to do about it other than trying to fight her way free, but then it would be harder to see, at least Zara had a flashlight. For a bit Alex hated herself for her fear of the dark, she wasn't afraid of what was in the dark, but of not being able to see, she could stand being in the dark at night when trying to sleep, but lights suddenly going out for no apparent reason had a tendency to leave her shaken. She looked toward the professor when he stopped Zara, pulling her away from Alex, causing their hands to be pulled apart, she slowly looked around, crossing her arms over her chest.

Alex looked between the professor and Zara as they talked, she smiled a little as getting the lights back on was mentioned, that was certainly something that she could look forward to, at least she would be able to see again. Alex tilted her head as she heard Zara flirting with the professor, it seemed odd to her to think of flirting with someone that was older than they were, and as he said, he was a teacher, that could lose him his job. She blinked as he started talking to her, "I'm pretty sure we'll be alright." she said, so what if Amber/Zara were crazy, that didn't mean that they were bad exactly, so... she would at least give them a chance and try to make friends. She couldn't help tilting her head seeming confused as Zara once again mentioned how 'cute' Alexis was, she wasn't really used to it.

She listened as Zara assured the professor that she would take good care of her, then she slowly tilted her head because of the name. "I prefer Alex." she said, though she had the feeling that it wouldn't help much, Zara would probably hear her, then completely ignore what she said about the name and continue calling her 'Lexi'. She figured that it was probably a lost battle to be sure, but she would at least try. She watched as the professor walked away, hopefully to fix the lights, then she looked back at Zara again, she figured that she would want to go back to her idea of dancing now that the professor was gone. Suddenly the lights came back on and she looked around with a smile, at least she didn't have to worry about not being able to see now, which was always a big worry for her.

Justin regarded the voice and then retorted with another answer, "But how was it static? Didn't you see people moving around, I saw through the cameras people having fun, messing around, whatever they so pleased, in fact, I would call it more dynamic than before, just look at it from a different perspective, just because something isn't according to plan doesn't mean it deters from the plan, if this was to accommodate the students to what is to come, have I not have sped things along?" his emphasis on 'I' was apparent, it was clear how actually messed with the lights, "Did you not notice the switches looked normal?" Funny thing, the only staff who could possibly recognize the voice were Kate and Nebulo, he only ever visited the island once, and not many people saw him, two, to be exact.

Dmitri quickly tumbled down and with the last of his remaining energy, he grabbed two more vials and threw them, this time they did explode, but no where near anyone, mainly a boom sound, but a tiny fire ball did come out from each one. With the sound he quickly flipped Aoi over and slowly onto the ground.

"And this is why you smuggle guns, so I don't have to deal with this." he muttered attempting to run off, instead he did a mild jog back to his apartment, and raced up the stairs, into his apartment, and shut the door, locking it completely.

"Jeez, the stuff I have to deal with," he muttered getting on his computer, after the loading screen came on he booted up Steam and played some ArmA 2 Chernarus Life with his fellow terrorist bandits in the game, to rob and loot, and to not die.
as Mori surveyed his charges he saw that things continued on as normal, the voice was right in that people in the dark will often have more fun because they're hidden from the sight of the 'law' as it were but it was his job to maintain safety over fun though it totally went against his philosophy, his lab was filled with small bits of illegal materials and if anyone looked in the right place he'd be shipped off to military prison or even worse a secret facility in the middle of nowhere. "Look, I have the 'awesome' responsibility of keeping these students as safe as I can without stuffing them all into a white padded room, of all the teachers on this island I am the most lenient. In summation; gimme a break man I can't play to roles at the same time." He said to his practically incorporeal piggy backer. "The only reason you are aloud to see through the security camera's is because the Headmaster allows it, true you probably have the means to circumvent me but with a touch of a button I could have you instantly shut out, so for the moment get off my case will you? Anybody'd think you were 'my' teacher." He grumbled to the voice in his air while he leaned on the wl nonchalantly.
Aoi jumped up in not even waiting a second. "You won't get away with this!" She called after him. She turned back around, looking for her army. "Huh?" She kept going around in circles, before letting out another lesson from TV "Fall in, Soldiers!"
"Of course I could, but then you would still remember what I'm saying, then I could talk to you when no means of communication are available, you would torture yourself, so, in reality, you could just shut the lights off, and not a difference would be made, let me explain to you, I personally think you are the best of teachers, you actually communicate with your students, but the real question is, can you keep them safe without putting them in a white padded room, in reality something as simple as lights can be just as bad as a white padded room, or worse, but I digress, it's your choice, not mine," this was an absolute lie, if he tried hard enough he could totally force him to turn off the lights, or maybe he would do it on his own will, it would all be because of suggestion. Justin retorted at the last comment, "You have met too many teachers for your own good, each one of them was much younger than you when they where taught, and they were taught by someone younger, and the cycle repeats, you're being taught by a person who's a few million years old, or maybe he's just at adolescence, your choice."

Brooklyn did a communist march all the way down to Aoi. Looking like a total North Korean soldier, she stood still next to Aoi and immediately after started laughing her behind off.

"That was too funny, I cannot do that march for more than two seconds oh jeez," she broke into another laughter and for a few minutes she just rolled around, when she calmed down she looked up at Aoi.

"So what are we gonna do?" she asked as if nothing had ever happened.
When the lights went out, Nebulo was surprised but more than that he was worried. Was it them? Were they the ones who did this? And why? This wasn't like them though. Though they tended to work in the shadows, their attacks were very straightforward and direct. But what was the point of turning out the lights? He couldn't hear any screams or any indication of an attack though so he supposed he should take that as a good sign. Still, with the only source of light being the moonlight through the windows, his eyesight was seriously impaired. There was no way he could catch any suspicious activity like this. And it's already been quite a while. Who knew what could've happened in that time.

"Find the cause of this and have them report to me," he shouted to a random employee. "And get the lights back on this instant." Before the teacher could react to the headmaster's command, the lights were back up again. Nebulo's eyes scanned through the crowd frantically. The lights came on a bit too conveniently. Either a member of the staff fixed the issue without him trying to tell them . . . or someone else did. And unless he had proof of the former, her would have to assume that it was work of the latter. Looking around the room though, he couldn't find evidence of the people he worried about although there was a weird green gas floating around the room. It didn't seem poisonous although he made note to investigate it later. Usually the occasional harmless prank was acceptable but to startle the new students before they could prepare for the idea was something he didn't approve of.

Just as he began to calm down, the large double doors of the room slammed open. And in came a fair amount of people dressed in red and black matching outfits. Each one had a full faces black mask with red numbers on them. Nebulo gritted his teeth. Joker, a terrorist group that appeared on the island about three years ago. So far the masked members did nothing to hurt the students, just motioning them to back away. This was bad. Most of the new arrivals seemed frightened by the presence of Joker. And the older students didn't seem any better. Jaw clenched, Nebulo had an almost scared look in his eyes which were desperately scanning the situation while his mind tried to scrap up a plan to get them out without hurting the students.

A familiar robotic sounding voice made him lose his train of thought though. "My, what an interesting face you have there, Nebulo." The headmaster looked up to see the Joker members part to make way for someone to get through. The tall figure wore a costume different than the typical members and had a "K" on his mask instead of a number. "What are you doing here, King?!" Nebulo yelled.

King merely laughed softly. Upon spotting one of the Joker generals, a few of the students that had originally lined up behind Nebulo charged toward the cloaked figure. "It's the king! Get him!" "Show him that Green Lion are the strongest!" Seeing the few advancing toward them, King didn't move until they had managed to get closer to him. Once they had reached within a few yards of him, he waved his hand in their direction. "Sleep." The students stopped in their tracks and all three passed out onto the floor. By this time, the majority of the students had backed themselves to the walls, leaving a decent sized open space around the Joker members.

"You can't attack these guys head on like that!" shouted another green lion student. She then started charging at King from behind. "Attack them from angles they aren't looking." Others began following her example, running at him from many odd angles. He shouldn't be able to get them all, right? King only chuckled. "Funny. I was about to say the same thing. Right . . . Queen?"

From the rafters of the ballroom, there was a shadow as a laughter, similar to a little girl's, was heard. This figure was clearly female and had a red "Q" on her mask. She held a bouquet of red roses in her hand. With another giggle, she crouched down on the rafter and jumped off. "Quick! Don't let her reach the floor!" "Is that a bouquet?!" "She's making fun of us!"

On the way down, Queen inserted her hand into the bottom of the bouquet and a metal pole extended from the stems. The roses fell apart to reveal a metal ball the size of a softball. Upon landing on the hardwood floor, she swung the pole. The metal ball detached from the top of the staff and swung with the pole on a small chain, hitting the green lion students around her and King.

The archery students who had stayed back where they had started, aimed their arrows at Queen. "Archers at the ready! She's not fast enough to dodge them all from this distance! And fire!" The arrows were made to stun the Joker general, not wound, but the voltage was bound to hurt a lot.

Arrows headed straight toward her, Queen made no effort to move, although whether she couldn't or just wasn't was unknown. As they began to think that the arrows would hit, a figure came crashing into on of the windows on the right side of the room, another man, this one with a "J" on his mask, Jack. Jack slid in between Queen and the arrows in a shower of broken glass. His arms began swinging in seemingly random directions in a large blur. When he stopped, the arrows fell to his feet broken, and from the ends of his sleeves were multiple knife blades.

The trio stood there, unaffected by the students' attempts to subdue them. Though their faces couldn't be seen, it was fairly obvious that they must've been smirking underneath those masks. King turned to face Nebulo. "Your move, Nebulo."

(Okay, sorry if this is a bit godmoddy with Joker but it wouldn't be fun if they got caught just like that, would it? Anyway, after this whole ordeal is done, new students can either go to Morris Fallach (ninbinz), Amber/Zara (Caterpilali), Dmitri (Komeko), Reus (Humor), and maybe Toothpick (TheFallOfitall). You might want to get to know them a bit first rather then just walking up to them and asking.)

Zara giggled as the lights came on, searching for Alex in the crowd. She found her again and grabbed her hand again. 'Dance with me Lexi. It'll be great fun.' She said, smiling joyously. Then her smile faded as she heard the words that were spoken from people towards the front of the hall. 'Oh crap. Not them.' She said, pulling Alexis towards the front of the crowd that had grouped together to watch the scene. 'Come on, I need to see this.' She said, pushing people out of the way. They crowd parted as some of the Green Lions were tossed aside with ease and sent flying. 'It IS them.' Zara breathed, her eyes wide with fear and anticipation. She looked to Nebulo to see what his response would be. What could he do? Should she try to do anything? She almost wished she had Amber's little flying toy (her hummingbird) to distract them or something. But she also knew that would have no effect. They were a unit, a team, and nothing ever beat them. She squeezed Alexis' hand absently, biting her painted lip so hard it nearly split. 'I can't believe they'd attack the dance.. but then..' She clenched her other fist tighter. Should she do something? Should she divert their attention somehow? No.. The Green Lions had twenty times her abilities and size and look how things had turned out for her. She pulled on Lexi's hand, weaving through the crowd. 'Come on, we can get out through the back.' She said, looking behind her and bumping into a group of people as she did so. She didn't recognise any of them, so she guessed they were new students. 'OMG MOVE!' She exclaimed in exasperation, shoving them hard with her free hand. She didn't care who they were. They were in her way. She barely got two steps further when she ran into yet ANOTHER person. This guy had his back to her. He seemed to be wearing some kind of vest suit thing. (Reus [MENTION=4543]Humor[/MENTION]) 'What the hell? Are you all just stupid or something?' She snapped, wanting nothing to do with the ongoings of the dance now. She'd wanted to dance, not be a possible target.
Dmitri had been informed the immideate attack on the dance, at which point he couldn't care less about, think of a diagram, if the Jokers are the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim, he was the Thieves Guild, while he didn't care much for them, he'd rather not be a target, more importantly he was trying to communicate with them, anything to make contanct without being hurt. He closed his game and attempted to send an E-Mail to a rumered location of which the Jokers might be using, it was all a rumor though, so he didn't expect much. He heard a rough knocking on the door, outside Brooklyn could hear the commotion, and heard faintly Nebulo's exclamations, he asked, "What do you want?" being replied with, "What's going on? Why was everyone yelling?" he slowly got up to his feet and opened the door, beckoning Aoi and Brooklyn in.

"Oh right, wear these," he handed them gas masks before they came in, and as he came in, he sat down on the chair next to his first gaming computer, there were others scattered across.

"Pick up a chair, and sit right down, I'm gonna go get some tea," he said brewing himself some green tea, he called over, being very hospitable, something not many knew about him.

"Do you like aged earl? Green tea? Orange Slice? Morrocan Mint?" he asked over from the kitchen. Brooklyn replied, "Green tea, I haven't heard of Orange Slice or Morrocan mint," and she didn't care for Grey Aged Earl.
Alexis was suddenly getting pulled around again as Zara once again started talking about dancing, "But I don't dance." she said once again, then sighed some, seeming to give up on fighting her on it. She would just end up making a fool of herself and probably being laughed at, but oh well. Suddenly Zara stopped, she said something about hoping that it wasn't someone, and then Alexis was being pulled again. She watched with her one good eye as people were being tossed aside by a group wearing black and red outfits, she tilted her head, "Who are they?" she asked, looking at Zara, then she frowned seeing the look of fear on her face.

She glanced down at her hand that Zara held as the other girl squeezed it tightly, almost painfully, but Alex didn't complain, instead she looked at the group of people again with a look of worry on her face. When Zara started pulling her in the opposite direction she let her, figuring that it wouldn't be a good idea to be close to those people, whoever they were. She gasped some as she bumped into Zara who had run into someone else, she quickly took a step back, biting her lip. Alex looked at the person they ran into, it did seem that she had developed a habit of running into people here lately.

A smile splayed across the once bored face of Reus. They are here! He had worked countless nights on the case of the Jokers reading the crime files and cases from three years back. He could not solve the mystery of who these people were after reading and analyzing everything. They were organized meticulous... perfect. Reus watched as they quickly dispatched their would be attackers the smile growing larger and larger. So these are the villains of my story, he laughed in his head. The bodies of the students flinging around the room. Students moving and dodging them as they hit the floor. A girl who had once been on the attack was now on her back as she slid toward Reus. He backed up slowly as he ran into someone behind him at the same time they ran into him. He slowly turned to see two girls dressed in formal attire. 'What the hell? Are you all just stupid or something?' Her tones was harsh and sharp. Reus was never a fan of name calling nor did he put up with people doubting his intelligence. "Listen you extra, just sit and watch. The story is about to get good." He smiled ear to ear at them as he spoke to them in a commanding demeanor. He would not let anyone ruin his fun... the perfect villain for his perfect story. He loved this he needed this, He stood solid as a statue his hands convulsing and shaking from fear and excitement. He softly chuckled to himself like a man who had lost his wit.
Jack, somehow avoided all and everything that had happened. Whatever it was. Apparently it was a group of people called, Joker. Reminded him of Batman. Was he going to confront them? HELL NO! He couldn't fight worth a biscuit.

Haley had been hiding in a closet for awhile, crazy mad scientist ideas flowing through her mind. Something about a shark man. Yes, that would stop these people, it'd make them fear Science! Fear Science! Not God! Then she went back to her senses, and realized just how far fetched that was. Now, she went back to shaking in fear.

Toothpick had heard off the attack already, but he was in his dorm. It'd be unwise to involve himself into something that doesn't really include yourself.
Mori was already at the edge of the room so all he had to do was lean back on the wall and watch the festivities, the Jokers were in imposing lot to be sure and they looked really well equipped. Mori watched every thing closely, it seemed as though their suits were somehow improving them. He took a mental note of everything. "Involving not a good idea Nebulo and you know!" He thought angrily when the Green Lion students fell like cow fodder to the Joker's attacks "At least they didn't kill them." He thought.

Fed up with sitting around watching things happen Mori ushered as many students from the room as possible before taking center stage in front of the Joker group. He flicked white hair from his face and stared pointedly at each member making notes on even the slightest differences, Mori couldn't tell specifics but he could who were men and who were not. Their red and white uniforms were gaudy in his opinion and the group didn't know how to make an entry worth a damn. He looked at the window Jack had smashed through and shook his head disapprovingly, then he looked at the students splayed unconscious on the floor and tsked.

"Now, I don't mind a fancy entrance and all that jazz but I at least expect you to let me remove these students from the ground, better to have a nice clean stage no?" He gestured for some other students to come and pick the unconscious ones on the floor. "Now the stage is set and the scene has begun, I suggest you exeunt stage left with a flourish and then leave us alone, I have assignments to grade and a robot hummingbird to examine for a project." He gestured to the door and then waited for them to leave fully expecting the group to listen to him.
Zara's temper boiled dangerously close to the limit. 'Extra? EXTRA? YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME? THEY COULD KILL US ALL!' She exclaimed, raising a hand to push him roughly out of the way. 'if anyone is an extra here it's you, playing sideline to their creepy and dangerous games. You want to get everyone killed? Go ahead, but move out of my goddamned way first!' She snapped, bringing her fist down on his chest. She wasn't the strongest fighter, but she could pack a punch, enough to make a fairly large sized male stumble backwards when she was riled up like she was now. If she had bothered she could probably practise her technique and become quite a valuable asset to some groups, but she didn't see why she should have to. Like Amber, she fought with her wits most of the time, though her reactions werent as cutting as her counterpart's. She tugged on Alexis' hand and pushed past Reus with a glare at the stubborn and insulting young man. 'Insolent little twot.' She muttered as she brushed past him, barging him with her shoulder as she did so. 'Come on Lexi, let's not hang around the suicidal nutcase.' Zara said as she made a beeline for the back exit, warning off any potential blocks with a furious glare. She heard Mori start talking to the Joker and she stopped again, turning around to gape as he bravely spoke to them. He may have been their favourite teacher, but he sure was nuts sometimes, she thought to herself with a shake of her head.
Aoi slipped the mask on and walked in making herself feel at home, "How are we supposed to drink tea with these things on?" She asked. Though it was a bit rude, she felt that she had a point. She looked at one of the computers and noticed a Skyrim disk on the desk. "That's Todd's game!" She said all of a sudden. She talked almost as if she knew the creator of the game, which she did.
Dmitri answered matter of factly, "You open up the mask a little and you drink it really quickly, and don't breathe too much." When Aoi noticed Skyrim he did a small smile through the mask.

"It's an alpha disk, I've also got a beta somewhere," he remarked, he didn't meet Todd, but he did meet Robin Walker, the lead designer of Team Fortress 2, "You do know the game was released about a year ago right? For the masses," he added, sipping off his tea.
"I don't really care about games that much. Todd's just a good acquaintance of mine... I met some of the artists too, but I don't really remember there names.... I've actually met a lot of game and anime designers, but I didn't really care about most of them, except Hiromu and everyone in CLAMP!" She explained, and went on about how much fun it was to work with some of these people.
Alexis blinked as the guy they ran into called them 'extras', she tilted her head, "Just because your life isn't important to you, doesn't mean that we have to feel the same about our lives." she spoke up. Having already been close to death she realized how special life could be, even being half blind and alive was better than being dead. "I would say 'enjoy your games' but considering that you would be playing with other people's lives, I'll say 'stop being stupid' instead." she said, if this guy wanted death, that was his choice, but she doubted that the rest of the students were seeking death, she knew that she wasn't. She watched as Zara hit the guy in the chest, she didn't care for violence without reason, but considering that this person was putting their lives in danger seemed like a good reason to her.

Zara started pulling her again, and she went without fighting, she did glance back to see what was going on when she heard Mori talking. She almost ran into Zara again because of the sudden stop, but managed to stop herself in time. Alex tilted her head as she looked back, "Does he normally do stuff like this...?" she asked, wondering if these kinds of stunts were normal for the teacher, at least he was standing up to them, though she had the feeling that they were just going to laugh at him, or just ignore his order, she hoped that he wouldn't get hurt, though she had the feeling that they probably weren't staying around long enough to find out.

Rel and Zel had no idea what was going on and decided not to mess with it,though Rel did glare over to Zel with a slight 'I told you so' look."Uh huh...absolutely nothing can hurt him here...."He said sarcastically,repeating what Zel had said before.Zel just shrugged his shoulders as he laughed nervously,"Well this is....Not normal....Right?...Heh..."Now more nervous about Xel,Zel looked around for him and pretty much ignored everything else that didn't concern him. Same as Zel,Rel also looked for Xel,though his attention turned to the 'Joker' guys and he sighed."If Xel was here I'm sure he'd be all over those guy's outfits...."Zel turned to Rel confused but after checking it out he chuckled because he knew it was true.
Dmitri, as for acting polite, pretended to listen, where Aoi exclamed most he would inquire about further details and when she was bored he would respond acorrdingly, he decided to start explaining the noise.

"That noise, as I've checked on the cameras, was coming from the dance hall, it was a bunch of people called 'The Jokers' or something like that, they mess with kids, attacking them at times and are general a**holes, if you haven't gotten it," he explained. He honestly did not care for what the Jokers did, but more like he cared about their influence, which he knew was a powerful asset, that e-mail would probably turn up nothing, but if he did somehow get a connection, it would mean he would have a lot of power within the campus, being able to extract information at a whim and get away with stealing things, not with their help, but just with influence. He just hoped if the e-mail got sent, it didn't send right in front of Aoi or Brooklyn, that would be disastrous. Brooklyn while listening to the conversation noticed Dmitri was faking it and totally ignored him, drinking her tea in gulps. She heard about the whole attacking thing and worried a little, "Does this often happen, cause if it does I'm scared," she commented with a largely inquisitive tone. Dmitri responded by explaining that no, it does not happen often at all. Brooklyn calmed down a little and decided to make small talk until Dmitri kicked them out.
(Their costumes are black and red. I just didn't want to waste all that ink . . . Also, Joker has no email or phone numbers or any means of communication that involve technology that can be intercepted or hacked. There is a way but for now it's a secret.)

Nebulo clenched his fist. "Answer me!", he shouted. "What are you doing here?!" King chuckled. "Well, we heard there were a new batch of idiots coming in and I wanted to meet them." Pulling out his rapier, the masked man swung it at the students but hit no one. "We are Joker. And we're looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you this year." He smirked but it wasn't seen from beneath the mask. The arrogance in King's tone angered the headmaster but he knew full well that athletics were not his forte, much less combat. Fallach didn't need to remind him that interfering was a bad idea.

The communications teacher then cleared out the room. Queen tilted her head. "Aww. And it was just getting fun. You're one big fuddy duddy, aren't you? We weren't gonna hurt them . . . much." Then again, the innocent sounding laughter escaped her lips. Jack remained silent, crossing his arms and standing upright in all seriousness. He glanced over at Mori. "Don't worry. We have better things to do with our time than to waste more than necessary here."

King sighed. "Don't be so serious Jack. Have a little fun why don't you. We have a name to live up to after all. But alas, he's right. We only came to say a quick hello after all. But I suppose it's only common courtesy to present the host with a gift." Queen could be heard laughing again as King pulled out a small remote. Before giving anyone time to notice or respond to it, he pushed the button.

A string of explosives placed on the roof of the building went off in a chain of fire and quaking. The ceiling began to collapse. Luckily the students had already evacuated so it was easy for whoever stayed in the room to avoid the falling debris. Nebulo backed himself to the wall. A piece of a rafter managed to hit him in the head though. It didn't seem so serious though. Maybe a minor concussion.

When the smoke cleared, Joker was gone and on the north wall, the Joker's symbol had been spray painted in red. The paint was still wet to the point where it dripped onto the floor. Nebulo was furious. These people needed to get caught and they needed to be punished. What if the students had remained? How many people could've been injured? Looking around, the headmaster tried to see how everyone was doing. "Is everyone okay?"

After making sure everyone was okay, he ran out of the ruins of the ballroom. "No one is to disturb me for the rest of the night!" He rushed to his apartment without stopping to talk to people or even looking at those around him. The door slammed behind him. He had to think of something to deal with this. Joker was going down.
(Aye, he heard of one and decided it would be fun to check it out, maybe Dmitri could be the pseudo bad guy watching from the scenes plotting...)

Dmitri had heard the crash well, he was this close to laughing but for the sake of his guests didn't. Brooklyn noticed this and laughed at him, "We all know that you would laugh Dmitri, just let it out," Dmitri finally let out his insane high pitched laugh, that made the Joker look like a tenor, with a classics major, but after that he decided to kick both of them out, as he had wasted enough time.

"All right you two, beat it, I've got rumors to scour, shady relationships to forge, and other stuff to do," he ordered as he half hugged half pushed the duo out of his apartment, shutting the door behind them, and as soon as he closed it, he opened it briefly to take the masks off, "You have no clue how much these costs," he commented slamming the door, his next plan of action was to forge an alliance per se with the detective person, or Reus. He decided the ball room was a good place to start looking, but not now, tomorrow he would scour his information to find him somewhere alone, then they could talk.

Reus watched with a smirk of satisfaction plastered to his face. His eye's glimmered with a new found interest, as Reus stood around the crumbled ruins of the dance hall. The festivities had all been ruined for most students, but for Reus this triggered and piqued his interest. He walked around looking at the chunks of debris. His chin rested in the nook of his index and thumb, as he paced back and forth. Perfect just perfect, Perhaps this story arch wont be so dull. The smirk turned into a smile, as he savored this moment. The time he had no idea what would happen next, the perfect event for the perfect villains. He looked down and rubbed his chest, he could feel the sting of the fist that hit him. He was so lost in the ecstasy of the event that his brain never processed the hit till now. Reus had known about the joker's and their past endeavors he studied them and researched them through the crime files that were compiled on the incidences. He would have some question's to ask some people... Reus's body tingled with anticipation, as he thought of finding these masked men.

Don't make this too easy. He turned on his heal and swung to face his current place of residence and slowly made his way to it. His hands slid into his pockets their favored home when he began his real thinking.

They are organized and know the student's activities. They would have to be either staff members or prior students. The King is a skilled hypnotist, maybe the headmaster's assistant would know something about the technique he uses behind it. Those explosives were placed neatly in order to destroy the building and they let all the student's escape before exploding it... They must have set it up prior to the dance, but who has access to that room, or could sneak in while the set up was going? It looks like the Power of the Joker's hasn't changed either, since king and Nebulo both acknowledged each other...

Reus slid his hand out from his pocket and dangled the silver tassel in front of his face, the moon was now Higher in the sky overlooking the school and all its inhabitants... Reus stepped on the stones the same familiar rhythm and sound from the sole of his foot. These stones that only recently led him to the dance now led him on his way home. Why have you returned after 3 years?...

He moved through the door of his residence and glided up the stairs, clicked his bedroom door closed the lights flicked on as Reus got back to work.

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