Daimond Academy

Alexis went about her days, doing what she was supposed to, though still practicing her cooking, learning from those that had things to teach her and practicing on her own. She almost always had some sort of food to offer around to people since she was constantly cooking. When she found out that girls from the school were going missing she couldn't help but be worried, most of them were people that she didn't know, but she still didn't like the idea of people going missing, and there was no telling what was being done to them.

-September 23rd-

Alexis heard the news pretty quickly, and though Mari had been cold toward her, she was someone that she had at least spoken to, it was starting to get to be too crazy, she had come here to learn, not to worry about if she would even live through the school year. She sighed and shook her head, Mari was missing, this wasn't a good thing, classes were also cancelled, which she viewed as a good thing and a bad thing. No one would be able to concentrate anyway, they would be too worried about finding out what was going on, but at least in class it was easier to notice when someone else went missing.

She sighed some and decided to go looking for Cloude, she knew that he was close to Mari, and figured that someone should check on him to make sure that he wasn't having a break down or deciding to do something reckless like going after the people alone, even though no one knew who they were. It didn't take her very long to find him, she walked to him slowly, "Hello." she said quietly.
Cloude's glass like eyes turned up to see Alexis and her celery colored hair. He hadn't really talked to her over the past three weeks. Just an occasional "Hey" or whatever when they'd pass each other on campus but that was it. Still, it was somewhat nice to have some company. Cloude didn't really have many friends and Sebastian was almost always busy with his greenhouse and research. Mari was really the only one who would talk to him on a daily basis. Maybe because he was the only one who'd talk to her. Anyway, she was gone now. Taken by someone last night.

"Hey," he managed to mutter before looking back to the ground.

How pathetic. Him moping around like this. If Mari was here, she'd hit him up in the head for being so gloomy. He was not the same shy kid he was two years ago. He jumped up onto his feet and turned to Alexis. "You want to help me catch a kidnapper? Come on! It'll be awesome! Like a videogame!"
Alexis blinked at Cloude's sudden change, "Um... Well, I'm not so sure that it will be like a video game, seeing as in a video game you don't really have to worry about dying. But.. I'll try. Maybe we can manage to bring everyone back safely." she said, she sounded hopeful, though she wasn't really sure how much they could really do. She tilted her head, thinking about how everything had been going, no one seemed to have seen them, and they were only taking women. "Maybe I could be bait or something...? The problem is... how would you find me if I was taken...? Hm.. Do you know anyone who can make tracking devices, or knows where to get them?" she asked, tilting her head as she thought about things.
Rel got up from where he sat,picking up Zel bridal style as he did,"Stay here if you want,but since you got nothing to do right now I'd put your time into something useful..."He said looking down at Xel,"I'm taking Zel back to our...house?...Whatever it is,he needs some sleep.If you need anything call okay?"Xel nodded as he crossed his arms,he huffed."Okay..."Standing up he grabbed Zel and Rel's bags and laid them on Zel in Rel's arms."Don't forget these."He said smiling,grabbing his own bag he started walking off,waving back to Rel bye before placing his hands behind his head. Watching for a moment Rel just sighed and headed on to where he was going,"Please don't do anything stupid,please...."He repeated to himself as he walked.
Brooklyn was walking down the road towards the shopping district, she was needing some more quotation books to get her inspiration and casually hummed as she walked, she was the air of carefree, not minding the slightest bit when someone bumped into her, not the slightest bit at all. In her pockets though, was a bottle of battery acid, and a pepper spray can. Dmitri had given her the battery acid, seeing as how he thought the very idea of only pepper spray was worthless, and even though she insistied otherwise, he was relentless. Of course if someone appeared behind her she'd have no way of getting them anyone, so she reminded herself to keep the acid in handy on her way home, and as her thought bubble finished she seemed to appear right on time at the book shop. Walking in she started to converse with the clerk.

"Hey Tom," she said jovially.

"Hey Brook, whatcha lookin' for today?" he was also in a surprisingly happy mood, the man was usually emotionless or ridiculously sarcastic, poking fun of her choices, last two books she had asked for were:

'Mao's Book of Sayings' by Mao Zedong, obviously and

'On the Art of Film Making,' by Kim Jong-il, a horrible monolauge which she read to Aoi for laughs and giggles. Today she was going to order a compilation of King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia's quotes, that was basically everything he said.

"Try to guess what book I want," a small pastime that they played for fun. She began the quote.

"My nation will survive insofar when the tourist finishes his business, he will have no other goal but to leave," Tom thought for a bit, but decided that because it was a nation, and the countries that had strict travel policies were North Korea, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, and even North Korea, deciding that Saudi Arabia was a good bet, he said, "A complilation on King Abduallah's Quotations!" he proclaimed when Brooklyn fell towards the ground in a sort of position that said, 'You're soooo close!' after faking it she got up and told him the real answer. And left the book shop after a bit.

Dmitri decided no information could be gotten out of the student populace, and moved on to see the red head who plays video games too much, on his way he saw Brooklyn walk out of a book shop, too him he just worried the girl wouldn't be stupid, of course she knew how to chug battery acid at a dude's face, which would result in either a lot of screaming or a lot of screaming and blood splots. An option that could work. He finally found the boy, with the green haired girl beside her, seeing as it was the break of day no sneaking would work.

"Hello worried children, your savior has come, if he could save, well, seems we've all got a problem around, and seeing as you two just made a agreement to find the bastard I say I join you two, also, just a plan, go to your living quarters and find a laptop, if you don't have one I have two," he nodded at Alexis," Let's just say I have a plan when we meet him, say... a game of League against him for the girls, it'll be fun," he said this mainly to appease Cloude, and he played a mean jungle and top lane, either Poppy or Cho'Gath for him. The plan was just for jokes, a rare thing for Dmitri, but something nagged at his head that said he'd be needing to brush up on his Cho'Gath.

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