Lifeless Memories (StarDust and Wingal)

Serenity felt like something wasnt right, but let it go for the moment. she pulled out her little journal style notebook and added 'Hawaiian pizza' to the list of things she remembered. she shut it and looked over at Tristan. "i do hope the pizza makes you feel better." she said, unsure of what to say. " what kinds of music do you like?" she asked, hoping to spur her own memory.
"Ummmm well" Tristan replied considering what his actual favorite is. "I think It's country" he said before checking his phone at the same time. "And apparently I like pop music also" he said sliding his phone with a grunt as he noticed her concern. "Oh Im sure it will Its probably just a phase. Nothing to worry about" he said implementing a fake laugh to try a cure Serenity's worry for him. Thankfully after a few more minutes the pizza arrived at there table in the form of about 1/3 the size of a normal pizza. "Thanks" he replied to the Waitress before looking towards Serenity for her first reaction.
Serenity smiled as the pizza showed up. "this size is perfect, most places dont make miniature one-person pizzas." she smiled. she inhaled the sweet scent of pineapple that was accompanied by the savory smell of the ham. 'why do you think they call ham like this "canadian bacon"' a masculine voice popped up in her head, bringing a familiar headache along with it. however, this time the headache wasnt all. the was a sharp pain in her chest, and she went pale for a moment. "searching....?" she mumbled. after a moment the odd feelings faded and she looked down at her pizza in confusion.
Tristan observed her happy that she was already enjoying the place already when things suddenly she seemed stricken with a sudden pain. "Serenity" he asked concerned watching her skin go pale suddenly" Serenity" he asked again as she suddenly came back while only uttering one word and confusion written all over her face. "Are you okay" he asked looking for any signs of medical problem.
Serenity didnt quite hear Tristan. "im searching for....a person" she whispered. the voice had sounded so familiar, and it hurt not only her head, but also her heart this time as she thought about it. she heard Tristan call her name, probably for the second time and she snapped out of it. "er... im sorry. a day dream i guess?" she gave him a weak smile. she picked up a slice of pizza and took a bite. it was better then she thought it would be, the familiar taste seemed to cheer her up a bit.
Tristan couldn't help but watch over her closely especially when she said she was "searching for someone". Tristan didn't believe the smile so much when the sound of his growling stomach signaled his hunger. "I guess" he mumbled watching her tensely until he took a bite of his slice and his troubles just seem to melt away for a second as he enjoyed the flavor.
Serenity chewed her pizza thoughtfully. "dont you think this ton is a bit....strange?" she only asked because they were both having memory problems, however she still hadnt told him about hers yet. "it almost seems too normal...too peaceful."
Tristan thought about what she said considerably "You are kind of right I don't even the last time we had anything more than petty crimes" he said chewing a piece of his pizza with one hand and having his head in another hand.
Serenity finished the last bit of her first peice of pizza, thinking about the town. "anything....weird about this town?" she asked, an image flashing in her head. "a there a park? with a statue?" she tried to get the image back, but it was gone. "wings..." she muttered as she took a bite from her second slice.
"You mean the central park" Tristan questioned finishing his second piece. "If that's what you are talking about yeah we have one" he said. "But yes\ah like I said nothing really bad happens down here it's just a quiet town" he said mulling over those few words.
"will you show me the park once we are done?" she said, finishing her second of four slices. "i feel like theres something i need to see." she said, trying to remember why. she couldnt put her finger on it however. why was she here in the first place? and why did she feel like she was supposed to be here?
"The park" he questioned finishing a slice himself. "Sure I don't see why not it might keep our minds off of this crazy memory stuff" he said with a small laugh as he pulled up the parks address on his phone.
Serenity finished up with her pizza, wiping her face clean with a napkin. she was looking forward toseeing what her mind was trying to tell her. something weird was going on, and she wanted to find out what. "is the park nice..?" she asked to fill the silence. "because i really enjoy taking walks. i think..." she muttered the last part, since she had not actually remembered if she did or not.

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