Daimond Academy


Black Market Witch
(As for now, this is an open and accepting rp. People can still join. Sign ups are here: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/5240-Daimond-Academy-(And-before-you-ask-that-is-NOT-a-typo-)-(Sign-ups-and-Info) )

Blue. An endless sky of blue. There was not a single cloud in the sky. Nebulo Daimond, a rather tall man, dark and mysterious, stood at the edge of the runway, ready to greet the newest students of his establishment. Some were young freshman although there were also plenty others older than that who were just coming into the academy. New promising minds ready to be refined and polished into fine gems. They were the reason Nebulo's grandfather had bought the entire island and built the campus years ago in hopes of making sure the geniuses of the world make full use of their talents. And Nebulo was determined to see his dream through to the end. He pushed a stray strand of his dark hair behind his ear. Too long to hang in his face but too short to be roped into the low ponytail that fell down his back. Maybe it was time for a trim.

The headmaster's back straightened when he caught sight of the school's plane heading closer from the distance. By his side was his secretary, Katherine Materae. A breeze blew her reddish curls back so she had to hold her hair down with her hand. She was really looking forward to seeing the new students. Kate liked to think of all the students her as her children and some of them did comply with her slight delusions. It was a small gesture but well appreciated. She moved her free hand to her stomach. It had only been two years since she had left her Vegas show, well more like replaced. Luckily her alma mater had a job for her. It wasn't as glamorous as her old profession but it was a stable income and that was more than enough.

Many of the other staff members stood by Headmaster Daimond as well. It was their job to help the newest additions to their population adjust to their new found environment and answer any questions the newbies may have. Among the ones standing there was Sebastian Spade, one of the science teachers. Though unlike the more diligent staff lined up to greet the new students, Sebastian was leaning against the lamp post smoking a cigarette. Although he wouldn't be named teacher of the year anytime soon, he wasn't exactly lazy. It was just that it was his job to teach science, more specifically biology, a topic he not only excelled in but was also passionate about. Why should he be here to greet and entertain the latest little bloodsucking brats? He just wanted to go back to his room or maybe the greenhouse.

To help the students get better adjusted, there were also some older students there to make the newest minds feel more comfortable than a bunch of adults could. These students were all volunteers though and there wasn't a single one of the present who did not wish to be.

The plane landed on the runway with little trouble and its doors opened, letting out the new students one by one. They'd first go pick up their luggage with the help of students and teachers alike before standing before the headmaster and the rest of the idle staff.


Elsewhere, a white haired girl walked through the city square blowing a clarinet. Her blue eyes lifeless unlike the skipping notes from her instruments. Though many of the other students gathered around the square noticed her, none bothered to greet or speak to her. What was the point? Mari would refuse to speak with them and reject any invitations to go anywhere or do anything. She was an infamous ice queen around the school which was coincidental given the nickname her only friend had given her.


A red headed boy was soon spotted bounding down one of the many paths the branched off from the square. Bright green eyes hidden behind thick rimmed glasses and a psp attached to a chain coming from his belt, he looked much livlier than the girl he was running toward. As he reached his target, he wrapped his arm around her neck and the two did a little spin before regaining their balance.

Mari gave Cloude, the boy who pretty much jumped her, a cold stare. "What do you want?"

Cloude's face lit up. "Yes. You are definitely Yukihime reincarnate. So moe~ <3 " It took him a good minute to get out of his own little otaku world but he was out and turned back to Mari. "Oh, yes. I hear there's a shipment of new students coming her today. You wanna go see the little noobs."

"Not really. I have to practice." Cloude pulled a sour face and began poking the white haired girl's cheek repeatedly. "Practice. Practice. Practice. That's all you ever do. Come on. Have a little fun already." He then pinched her cheek which earned him a hit to the head with her clarinet. "I said I have to practice. You and I both know that being number one is top priority."

(Okay, you have two options to start. If you're a new student, no matter what age, you will be at the plane. You can give a glimpse of what your old life was or your day leading up to that point but end with you being off the plane. If you are a student that already goes there, again no matter what age, you can pretty much do whatever. You could be helping new students or be in your dorm room or be in the city. Your choice. Also, I will not be giving room assignments so if you want a room mate then sort that out yourself. There are also single rooms. I'll put up a map of the campus/city once I have it drawn up.)
Alan's head would have been out the window the entire time, or at least he would if the stupid windows weren't closed tight. Alan eventually sat back down with a small thud in his chair giving up on his dream of possibly tasting one of the big fluffy clouds in the sky. "I bet they taste sweet" he commented hopefully before peering over to the person next to him. The person had finally fell asleep which successfully put a small pout on his face. "So he doesn't want to talk to me anymore" he thought forgetting the fact he already talked the poor boy into oblivion already. "Maybe it 's because i'm such a bad person to talk too" he suddenly thought suddenly on the verge of tears. This would have continued longer, but his eyes had glanced back to the window long enough for him to notice how close they were to the island. "It's so large" he said amazed scanning over every noticeable feature.

Alan returned to his usual self for the quiet amount as the plane landed seeing the swarm of kids and adults already standing there to await everyone's arrival. "I'm sure their all at least a little nice" he assured himself in an attempt to calm his nerves. Taking a few deep breaths Alan got up along with everyone else, shuffling into the plane's hallway and making his way through making an attempt to draw negative attention to himself. "Remember what Mom told you, Always have connections" he repeated before putting on a small smile and looking down the stairs with everyone else to retrieve their luggage.

Alan took a little bit of time by thinking about everything he got to o leading up to this part of his life. All the Performances, the stage lights, and the long days of memorizing lines passed through his mind, but something bothered him a little bit. It seemed as if he ha more memories with his acting coach then his own parents. "I guess that's why I have his number above anyone else's" he said lightly grasping the cell phone in his pocket. "Oh well" he sighed finally releasing his grasp causing his hands to fall to the power of gravity. "Time to make my name here" he said finally reaching the doorway and into the light of his new life.
Dear Miss Nguyen,

Thank you for your application to the International Museum of Art and Design. We have reviewed the portfolio you submitted, and although we were thoroughly impressed, regret to inform you that your artwork has not been selected to appear in our Youth Gallery this season.


Hideki Sato

Miranda Goldstein

Jaspreet Zecker

Cam sat on her bed, rereading the email for the third time, her lips thinning more bitterly with every read-through. “Thoroughly impressed”? What the hell was that worth if her portfolio wasn’t accepted?

She looked around at all the artwork she’d affixed to the walls of her room, until her eyes rested on the oil painting depicting a lifelike fairy sitting on a leaf with her hands cupping a drop of sparkling morning dew. The fairy’s face was full of wonder, her perfect strands of red, wavy hair were inlaid with tiny rosebuds. The soft sunlight made the fairy’s rose petal dress sparkle; it had taken a full day to get the correct shine on the final layer. But it wasn’t good enough. In Cam's eyes, the painting transformed from a beautiful dream into an ugly attempt at artistry.

She wanted to find a lighter and burn the painting. Too bad she didn’t smoke. Instead, she fished around her drawer for a spare razor, and dislodged one of the blades from it. Then, Cam took the offending painting off the wall and sat on the floor, and began picking the paint off the canvas for the next hour, disregarding the paint flecks she sent flying around the room.

Only when she realized that there was half an hour before the new students were supposed to arrive did she stop. She stood up, dropping the painting and the razor blade to the ground unceremoniously, and went over to the mirror to critically examine her appearance. Skinny, 5’8, with mussed up hair and a defeated expression pasted to her face.

Five minutes later, she stepped out of her bedroom in a long, purple maxi dress that sloped in the back to show off her tattoo, and a translucent, beige cardigan over top as a nod to the dress code. Feathered earrings hung from her ears, her black hair was braided into a shining bun on the back of her head, revealing and undercut on the side. A bit of mascara and lip gloss had been applied to her face. The overall effect was one of bohemian style, and as she made her way down to the runway, there was no indication of the destructive behaviour in which she had been engaged for the last hour.

Cam ended up standing a few feet away from the headmaster, giving him a bit of space out of deference. She surveyed the hodgepodge of students getting off the plane. At least one of the students getting off the plane was smiling, which reminded her that she was supposed to be helping to welcome the students to their new home. A smile crept to her lips as she gave them all a small wave.
As she stepped off the plane Aoiko looks at the blue sky and inhales. She let out a large shout, "Mission success!" Aoi pushes through the crowd and jumps down on the third step, rather than going all the way down the stairs. She runs around in circles with her, "wings," spread out, making sounds like ,"Whoosh!" and ,"Pew pew!" She looks back at the plane and salutes to no one. "Thank you for flying us to the island safely Fighting Passenger Plane! You're work will be rewarded!"

Aoi ran through the crowd, easily getting through because of her shortness. She ran towards her luggage, opened it up and got her sketchbook, that she had eagerly been waiting to draw in. "The images on the plane in my head will be perfect!" She says, excitedly running back out of the crowd, her suitcase behind her. Her grip slowly loosens on her book and soon enough papers are all over the ground.

As she picks them up she struggles, because people keep stepping on them and her hand, and she didn't want them to get torn. As she goes to pick up a drawing that she had worked on for a long time, and was very proud of, a foot stepped n it and tore the paper into halves. Aoi, trying not to get frustrated, started picking up the rest.
"Get Up!!!"Could be heard through the small apartment,"We have no time for this!"Zel yelled wearing nothing but a pair of jeans he stormed into the bed room on the second floor of what he'd call two cardboard boxed stacked up on top of each other held with glue.Where they lived was terrible and small but it was fine with them,as long as they didn't have to mess with there good for nothing parents anything was good.The bed room was pretty big though,big enough to hold three twin beds side by side standing close together.Zel saw Xel still covered up in his bed bit didn't see Rel in his which was strange since Rel was usually the hard one to get up,he ran over to Xel's bed which was hard since it was the middle one and jumped up on in.He sat on the body under the sheets with one leg on each side,grabbed the pillow from under Xel's head and brought it back down over his face hard and held it there."Wake up!"Now he started getting movement under the sheets,finally.

He lifted the pillow only to get a glare from the one under neither."What do you want!?"Xel asked showing he wasn't paying attention to a word Zel said,he had pushed Zel off his bed to the side and sat up.Zel just plopped backward onto the other bed and had a smile on his face as he got up onto his knees,"Get up!"He yelled once more before throwing Xel's pillow in his face and hopping off the beds,taking off out of the room and down the small hall to the stairs.Xel had jumped out of bed and charged out after Zel,he was already dressed in what he was going to wear today since he knew he'd have a hard time getting up.

Rel was already outside dressed with a small suitcase sitting on the ground beside him and ready to go,he could hear the yelling going on inside and he just chuckled to himself and he crossed his arms and waited.In only ten minutes the two others had ran out of the house ready to go,which seemed to be a record for them.They had made it to the plane on time thank goodness and Xel found out he really hated planes,when the plane stopped and everyone was getting off Xel was one of the first.He sighed,"Finally...."before falling to his knees,Zel came up behind him after getting out of the plane and pat his head."You did good for a first timer."He chuckled.Rel had gone to get there suitcase and went over to his brothers after he got it,stretching his arms up over his head as he looked around.
Morris or 'Mori' as his students called him ha spent the whole day and a half before the arrival of the new students to Daimond Academy preparing his welcome presentation but despite all his preparations and stress he was still late for the students' arrivals. He was late because he thought it would be nice to spend a nice warm morning in the botanical gardens but his quiet stroll had turned into a noisy nap that lasted for an hour too long. Mori knew the Headmaster was not worried about if his presentation was even there, early or not it mattered not a whit to the man, it was a solo project of course and Mori had volunteered to do one this year though no one had done it any year before.

He ran roughshod through hallways and plazas, through courtyards and classrooms, the rushing sound of air whistled in his ears as he sped through several different places disrupting whom or whatever was in his way with nary a thought for his own or their safety. Behind him the tall teacher towed a cart laden with several black orbs with a flat bottom rolling around and clanking with a metallic sound
. "This is gonna be EPIC!!!!!!" He shouted loudly as he ran through a high arched hallway that had a magnificent echo, his voice resounded heavily back on him and he laughed a little. Usually Mori was a gentleman and would do his best to uphold courtesy in all matters of the day but today he let himself off.

It was a technological breakthrough and today would be his reveal day, Mori had been working alone on his project for years, even while he was in the army, back then however it was all in secret and he kept all his plans in his head. After several minutes of running without stop Mori had to come to a heaving stop, luckily for him he had reached his destination. Mori saw the students disembark from the aircraft and silently cursed himself for falling asleep even though it was completely against his training as a soldier in the New Zealand Army. When the white haired teacher came to stand just behind the headmaster of the academy he was standing on he turned to his small cart and began laying down a semi circle of black orbs along the ground.

Mori smiled delightedly at his prospective students and at the Headmaster's back as he proffered a black tablet from the satchel he had on his cart and pressed a few buttons here and there. The result; the black orbs began to glow with the colour spectrum and a few feet above his head there appeared three dimensional letters that when put together read
"Welcome new students to the Daimond Academy!!!!" The letters remained for a few moment before they exploded into a view of the milky way.

"Hahahaha!! Holographic projectors the likes of which no one has seen before!!" He said his excitement palpable. True the military had made small steps into holographic technology but nothing so advanced as this, his next step would be to implement holographic technology to respond to movement and utilise it somehow as a communication device.

[[[if it's too much I'll edit it]]]
Dantey continued to tap the arm rest on his plane chair, he continued to stare out of the window at the blue sky and the clouds that formed common shapes, to him atleast. He did always like to think about what shapes clouds made and then try to associate it with some kind of common house hold object. He hadn't been on the plane long but he was already starting to feel a tad homesick, he'd always been with his parents and they'd been there when he needed him, now he wouldn't have them there, he would be relying on himself to do everything and anything. They were getting close to landing soon, the Island was rather large and it seemed a large turn out of people had turned up to welcome them. When they landed a boy had put down a projector which displayed a welcoming message before it exploded into what appeared to be a view of the milky way. He then looked around at the other students around him and then at the teachers in front of him before looking down at his stomach as it growled in protest of lack of food so what with Dantey being the random type he blurted out "When do we eat? Im starved!" Before continuing to look around at everyone and everything here, he had his cases in hand and his wallet was in his pocket just in case he needed money to spend on things and because he kept a picture of him and his parents in there.

(Sorry its kind of short)
Alexis had been both nervous and excited about the idea of going to Daimond Academy, she looked forward to finding out what she could learn from the people there, not just about cooking, but anything. Though there was sadness at the thought of leaving, she had a few close friends that she had fought her slight shyness to find, and now she would be losing them, or at least not being able to talk to them as often. She fidgeted, wondering what time it was, before glancing to her clock, she sighed, it was still early, but she just couldn't lay in bed any longer.

Alex got out of bed and went off to take a shower, she was trying to calm herself down, though she knew the shower wouldn't really work, she needed to have one before she left. She dressed quickly, wearing a pale blue dress with long sleeves, she wanted to at least look good when she went to her new school, then she quickly went into the kitchen, she gathered things and started mixing things up, soon she had cookies in the oven and then she started breakfast for herself and her grandparents. She took the cookies out when they were ready, adding more in, she loved cooking and just couldn't imagine the thought of going to a new place and NOT bringing something to share. As she cooked her fidgeting and slight shaking from nerves faded away until she was completely relaxed.

Her grandparents came into the room, they were both already dressed, they looked around at the gathered food and couldn't help but smile. They had always encouraged her to do what she loved, plus the food was good, so that was good for them as well. It also gave her grandmother a chance to rest instead of her having to do all the cooking. "I guess you must have been nervous?" her grandmother asked her.

Alex looked at her and smiled, "Yes, I couldn't help it." she said as she put the food on the table and the cookies into boxes. After they ate breakfast the family headed off to the airport, Alex hugged her grandparents tightly, she wasn't so sure about the idea of leaving them, she couldn't help but worry that she wouldn't see them again, but she pushed those thoughts away quickly and got onto the plane, she offered the cookies that she made that morning to people, trying to make them happy, and to keep her mind off of being afraid since this was her first time flying. The flight was over soon enough and she quickly exited the plane, she grabbed her suitcases and then tilted her head as she watched the display with her one good eye.

After finishing picking up all the other papers, Aoiko jumped back up as soon as the projector had displayed the welcoming screen. She thought it was a bit cool how there was a picture of stars, but considered it boring because there were no space ships or characters in it, but she cheered anyway, loosing her papers once again as she threw her arms in the air, but she didn't bother to pick them up again, because she remembered that they had all been copied on to the lap top in her suitcase. Aoi stared at the boy who had just announced his lack of food, and compared him to the boy she had seen on an anime who was always snacking on stuff but never got fat. "Lee Shenshun!" she blurted out, remembering the name of the character from the show, but then remembered that he had a codename so quickly covered it up with, "I pronounced it wrong! His name is Hei." Though she thought it was a very bad thing to do, no one else really cared or didn't even pay attention to her.

She looks at the teacher who had brought out the holographs, waiting for him to send them all end, or at least some one to send them in, because she, too, was very anxious to get inside the, "real," campus and start making new friends. She could only bring one of her friends with her- a loyal bear whom she had got when she was 6 and had called it, "Kuma-chan," ever since. Kuma-chan was her first anime character, which she had designed to be a bear who was the only brown bear in a world of pandas. It had been considered good for a 10-year-old's work, but wasn't really that good compared to her other pieces.

She wondered what type of people were behind that door. Were there other artists like her? She hoped that she could make friends with a bunch of people who wrote scripts and drew art and played as voice actors, so then she might be able to create another anime without having to go back to Tokyo and get people to voice the characters. She enjoyed working with people she didn't know, but none of them ever even tried to get to know her, they had just stayed in groups, leaving her by herself to direct it.
(Is it weird that I want to see this Kuma-chan anime if real?)

Nebulo clapped his hands at Morris' display. He thought it might've been a bit much just for a welcome message but the technology was impressive. So that's what the engineering buff was working on for the past two days. "That's quite a bit of work for such a short amount of time, Mr. Fallach. Are you sure you were able to work out all the bugs? Not much of a welcome if the students catch fire due to an explosion."

Kate just rolled her eyes at the holographic welcome. "Flashy as always, huh Morris?" The communications studies teacher always looked so desperate to appeal to the students. That may or may not be the case but Kate had always felt that too much flash and not enough sustenance made for a poor show, or in this case, a poor teacher. There was of course no doubt that Morris knew his stuff. The question was whether or not he could get it through to the students and Kate always favored more traditional teaching methods.

"That's because he's a flasher, Kate." After a few muffled chuckles from the headmaster and his secretary, Sebastian thought over what he just said. "I . . . could've phrased that differently." The science teacher was another staff member that felt Morris' technological displays were unnecessary. This was partly due to his passion for biology and all things natural and nature. The other part was him not really paying attention. He just wanted to get the whole thing over with and go back to his room and rest. Classes didn't even start until Monday, and today was Friday. The weekend was just going to be a small festival and a dance to help the new students get better acquainted with their surroundings.

Meanwhile, Cloude was walking toward the area welcoming the new students. Both his arms were looped around Mari's and he was tugging her along with him. The heels of her boots were dragging against the path and she continued to play her clarinet. Seeing Sebastian, Cloude nudged Mari with his elbow and whispered to her. "Shh. I see Sebby." Mari rolled her eyes but quit playing to humor him. Still carrying the white haired girl in tow, the redhead crept over to the biology teacher . . . and tackled him to the ground. "Sebby-chan!~ <3"

Sebastian rose quickly, throwing the two students onto the ground. He turned to them with an angry look on his face. "Why do you two insist on always bothering me?!" Cloude sat up cross legged in the grass and laughed. He held out a thumbs up to the science teacher and winked. "Because you're one hell of a teacher." The dark haired man was taken aback. He nearly smiled until Mari jumped into the conversation. "He's calling you a d*ck." The teacher's face dropped and was replaced with an angry one again. "You little brats. Just. Just go help the other students already!"

When Sebastian turned his back on the two, Mari looked at her clarinet to see some dirt that entered the reed and a crack along the side. She hit Cloude in the head with it. "Ow! What was that for?" Mari held the instrument up to his face. "Your little stunt broke my clarinet!" "Okay. Okay. I'll buy you a new one . . . uh . . . " Mari glared at the glasses wearing boy. "Let me guess. You spent your 'allowance' on games again." Cloude began to break out in a sweat as his eyes fell to the ground. "I-I'll buy you a new one next week, Yukihime. Promise."

Mari gave him another cold stare before standing up. "You better." Cloude got up as well and the two began walking over to where the other preexisting students were. "Come on. You have a ton of other instruments. One broken clarinet shouldn't be much." "You have walls of games. Why do you need more?" "Touche."

Cloude spotted Cam, a fellow student and acquaintance although he wouldn't exactly call her a friend. He waved to the art student before looking out to all the "noobs" as he referred to them. "So the new shipment of fresh meat came in." He pointed out a silver haired boy doubled over to Cam. "Haha, you can totally tell it's his first time on a plane." "He's doing much better than you were." "Hey! You throw up once and suddenly you're branded as someone who can't fly. You should forget about it already." "You threw up in my bag. Three times." "Well you shouldn't have sat next to me on the plane." "I sat in that row first. You were the one who sat next to me."

Cloude stuck out his tongue before going to the pale haired boy who was now next to two other boys. "Are you okay? I'm not a big flyer either."

Dimtiri had only ever went outside eight times in all of his time at Daimond Academy, he would always bring a parasol at such occasions, this time he had to go talk to the teachers, and considering that they were all over at the Dean's he had to go through, he was talking to Justin of course while he dressed.

"Makes no effin sense, why do I even need to go outside, I get enough Vitamin D from the window," he muttered into his microphone, struggling to put on some pants, after a lot of grunting they came on and he sighed.

"Let me guess, you put on your pants, sometime's I wonder what you do to go from those classes of yours," Justin spoke in his mono tone, while now Dimitri cursed and grunted trying to put on a simple shirt, after maybe five minutes he finally put it on.

"Jesus freaking christ, now where's my shoes, there..." he totally ignored Justin as he cursed loud enough for an echo to be heard outside, but it was indistinguishable from the rest of the commotion.

"I remember when you were twelve, you also complained about how freaking amazing jeans were, how about now?" Justin started to jibe at Dimitri as he finally found the black parasol.

"I've been forced to put on tons of dress pants, I still love being able to put on jeans for about twelve days, well I'm gonna go bribe the teachers again, see ya," Dimtiri finished walking out the door, and for once, in all his pale skin, out where all the students were.

As he saw Cloude his eyes bent in utter contempt, he had to walk past them though, and in his walking he bumped into Mari.

"Sorry, I need to bribe the teacher's again, I ran out of potassium nitrate, that and I need a refill on hydrochloric acid and maybe some deuterium," he explained as he had and awkwardly looked up from the floor and immediatly back.

"Jeez the sun is bright today, hurt my eyes man," he muttered as he added another layer of anti UV cloth on the parasol, as he did this he practically blind folded himself.
Xel looked up to the one who came over to him and asked if he was okay,he simply nodded his head though never made eye contact.Instead he was looking down at what the guy was wearing,instantly he knew what fabric was used for his shirt and also knew it was one he hadn't used it yet which made him wonder. He slowly got up to his feet and walked around Cloude,"hmmm...Won't last under Rel's condition...though seems perfect for Zel..."He said as he examined Cloude's shirt,then snapped his fingers after walking around Cloude once and stopping back in front of him,getting an idea already."That would work."Then he snapped out of his fashion moment and and slightly blushed."Err...I mean I'm fine...heh.."He said as he swung his hands back behind him and slightly rocked back and forth a bit nervous.As he did he had peeked over where Rel and Zel were,they stood near the luggage area looking in there bag.

Zel had zipped up there bag after checking inside it and now sat on top of it as it sat up,Rel had already spotted Xel with someone else and wondered what was going on.He was about to go over and find out before Zel stopped him by grabbing his arm,Rel turned back at him to find a smile on his face."Let him be,he'd fine.If he needs help he'll call us."He said as he looked at where Xel was.Rel just huffed as he crossed his arms.
Alan was glancing over all the bags as they went by. "So many" he commented quietly as he finally spotted his bag and yanked it out of the bunch. "This is heavier then I remembered" he said sighing and heaving it off of the moving platform. His eyes caught two boys over to the side next to him, who surprisingly looked a like after a few looks. "Oh you're twins right" he wanted to yell suddenly, but barely stopped himself blushing at himself. "Don't make yourself look like an idiot in the first hour" he said gazing down to his feet. He glanced up again to see them looking at somebody at entrance of the air plane. Alan followed the eyes to see another close look-a-like. "Wow they are three of them" he said to himself tensing up and shuffling his feet in a nervous motion. "Just got to say something normal to them" he thought in his head but just couldn't make himself do so. Alan sighed settling with leaning on the large suitcase to give his feet a small rest.
Alexis looked around, she slowly tilted her head as she watched everything around her, she smiled a little, still trying to decide exactly how she felt about being there, though she knew she was hopeful about things turning out good. She looked around at everyone, then decided to go and try to give away the rest of her cookies.

After a while she walked toward the teachers, she offered each of them cookies, just trying to make people happy as usual, then stopped in front of Mori, "That was an impressive display." she said with a smile that showed that she was being honest, she really did think it was impressive. She looked up at him with her one good eye and held out her box that had only a few cookies left, "Would you like a cookie? I made them this morning, so they aren't exactly fresh anymore, but they are still good. I've been giving them out to everyone that wanted one." she said, she really was trying to make people happy and get smiles from them, and the best way she knew to do that was with cookies and other baked goods or other food.

Aoi noticed how everyone was starting to group together. "Herds and packs," she says, comparing everyone to different types of animals. She compared some to birds, and wolves and horses and cows. She had remembered seeing something about this on animal planet, when she was studying biology in 7th grade. She compared herself to a Black-Bear, because they often only have a few people in their groups, and at the moment she wasn't talking to everyone.

She sat down on the ground, and started drawing, because she wasn't engaged in anything. She drew the stars that she saw on the welcome screen, but then erase some of the space and starting drawing a fight scene between aliens and robots. She started making the sound effects out loud, like "Pew! Pew!" and "Whoosh!" and "Ka-pow!" and many more sounds that can't be described with words, rather in obnoxious noises that caused momentarily glances from different people in the crowd.
Dimitri ignored what they would've said and doubled over to his science teacher, and by teacher I mean the person who he had had a one upmanship contest since the first day of his enrollment. One time they were talking about potassium dichromate where throughout the lesson Dimitri would constantly correct the teacher and even once reminded him of safety protocols so he wouldn't lose fingers. This of course was not very nice to any teacher and he got in a ton of trouble for it. He relished the moment where he reminded him of safety and walked up to his teacher Sebastian Spade.

"Yellow teach! Hey um, sorry to interrupt but I need to ask you something, see I've run out of my samples on practically everything and I need some ingredients for TTX, which I plan to synthetically make, oh and I'm ordering potassium nitrate, hydrocloric acid, a lot of chromium, a ton of deuterium and maybe a medium sized shipment of gallium, mind letting the heli through?" he asked waiting for his answer.


One Brooklyn Jones slowly got off the plane, a little jittery but mostly excited. He was finally going to meet Dimitri after all those years, that jerk got in ever since like, eight grade, and she's had to wait for too long. She scanned for Dimitri but couldn't find him, but faintly, she could see a parasol drifting. She ran towards it and when she found Dimitri's face she jumped him and gave him the biggest hug he's had since like, eighth grade.

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!! She picked him up and Dimitri's hand let go of the parasol, to which he softly screeched.

"Huh? Why are you wearing a parasol?" she asked dropping him on the floor. He seemed to weigh no heavier than a book, and if he had muscles, he didn't show it.

"Because, I can't go outside without blinding my self without a parasol!" his voice gained altitude and a small dosage of strength which was quickly lost to a quick slap in the face, then another, and as soon as he recovered another one hit him.

"Do you know how much that hurts after nobody's touched you for about five or so years?" he complained only to receive one final slap straight through the face.

"Do you know how much of an idiot you look like by carrying a parasol? How often do you even go outside?" she was clearly dumbfounded, and Dimitri turned his head to Cloude and he finally spoke to him.

"Why don't you tell her how often I've ever gone outside, Cloude?" he turned his head and quickly put on his parasol once again, only for Brooklyn to snap it up and thwack him in the head, he responded with a small but audible, "Ow..."
Mori stood there passively staring at how his invention had gone over, no body seemed at all amazed by the light

show he created, in fact it seemed as if they were all decidedly ignoring his masterpiece, had he presented his

work in an official situation his face would be all over the news around the world. He sighed audibly and returned

to scan the teachers and students respectively. Mori pouted slightly as his new and improved mobile hologram projectors

(M.H.P.'s) seemed to wash over with the burgeoning crowd.
"Huh?" Mori looked down at one of the new arrivals as she offered

him a cookie, a little taken aback he took one for himself though there were few left since she had gone through the

other teachers first.
"That was an impressive display." Mori was a little shocked but it only took a moment for him

to replace his pout with a smile.

"Thank you very much young lady, I very much appreciate it." He beamed now as his smile seemed to spread a new energy through his body.

"At least somebody thought it was good-no-Impressive" He thought to himself before he motioned for her to move to her gathered school mates.

Mori could only guess at what his potential student were thinking so he thought it would be best not to make things anymore awkward or scary for them,

at least not until he had made a bigger impression on them all. The white haired communications teacher looked at his employer and colleagues and

noted that they seemed somewhat annoyed by his antics
"They're just jealous." he surmised since they had not thought to demonstrate their own

prowess and attempt to show the new arrivals how great this place was for them.

Aoi finished her picture, used it as an idea, drawing a few more pictures. They were all drawn on translucent paper, and she had an idea. She went up to the holograph machine, noticing how it was still on, and put her papers in front of the projector. She dragged her finger along the pages, making it look like an animation. The animation showed robots and aliens fighting with bright colored beams and rays. In the end the robots defeated the aliens and shoot out the letters: H-E-L-L-O. Because the animation was done on a holograph machine, her pictures looked like they were actually coming out at the crowd, which even she was surprised at.
(Well, Nebulo is impressed. He's just also worried and cautious.)

Cloude raised an eyebrow at the red eyed boy's actions. The flustered kid then looked toward toward the baggage claim after muttering about how he was fine. Cloude looked back to Cam and Mari. Tilting his head and pointing to Xel, he mouthed "Gay?" Mari simply shook her head, silently addressing his idiocy.

Then a boy bumped into the white haired girl. It was Dmitri with his sissy parasol. Not one of Mari's favorite people. Not that she liked most people to begin with. But he seemed rather arrogant and that didn't sit well with her. Usually one would keep acts such as bribery secret but he openly admitted to it made her sick. But what made her even sicker were those teachers that let him have access to such dangerous materials. It was simply inviting him to blow the entire place sky high. Normally she'd overlook this since it didn't involve her but Dmitri chose the wrong person to get involved.


Sebastian looked down at Dmitri with a bit of a harsh glare. This kid has been a pain in his side that was different than the other pains around here. And it probably didn't help that Mari and Cloude were bothering him not even five minutes ago. Most kids were just idiots but this one was cocky. "I don't really care if you get your sh*t. I'm not even the one that regulates traffic control. Go patronize some other staff member. Besides whatever you make could never compare to the real thing anyway. Why not just get a @#$%ing pufferfish?"

Then a pair of white arms wrapped around Mari's neck from behind. Her blue eyes gave Dmitri an icy stare. "The only people that can play with Sebby are Cloude and me. Go find yourself a different toy." The three of them had known eachother for years now since Cloude and Mari had first been admitted into the academy which seemed to surprise most since they all had fairly conflicting personalities. Even more so since Sebastian and Mari seemed more of the antisocial type. However back then Cloude was shyer, Mari was nicer, and Sebastian, a student teacher at the time, didn't have that big stick up his a**. There was also a fourth member in their group but no one talks about him anymore.

Then a girl that neither Mari or Sebastian recognized came up and tried to crush the chemist boy to death. Most likely someone fresh off the plane. Mari flinched a bit when the girl started squealing "Ohmygosh . . ." She had rather sensitive ears compared to the average person though nothing extraordinary and that felt like a hit to the head with a hammer. The two just watched in silence as the new girl just slapped Dmitri multiple times. It probably would've been the moral thing to perhaps intervene but neither one really liked Dmitri.

Then the boy called out to Cloude who until now had actually been helping other students with their things. The redhead turned to see the stranger by Dmitri's side. "Oh, Twinklebutt? Yeah, he's never outside. I personally think he sparkles in the sun."


When every new student seemed to be off the plane and located their luggage, Nebulo stood before the students to address everyone. Standing tall, his stance demanded for everyone to silence themselves. "Before I say anything else, I would like to first congratulate you all on being admitted into the Daimond Academy of Excellence. You are all here because you've proven yourself in your specific fields and wish to pursue your full potential. And here you can do just that. We have an abundance of resources and people here who can make sure your talents will not go to waste."

"Though we do value your freedom to pursue your talents, there are some rules to help regulate your actions though. They're pretty standard though. No attacking students without written permission of it being a formalized duel and such. But our most important rule is that you cannot exit the walls of the city. The island has not been completely explored or cultivated so we have no idea what manner of plant or animal life live in the forests surrounding the Academy. This is for your best interest and safety. Please be aware of that. Other than that, I hope you find all the things you need within the shops of the academy and if there is something you need but cannot find here, please drop a request form by the office."

"I do suppose you all wish to rest after your journeys. Please pick up the information of your rooming from Miss Materae here and bring your things to your places. Classes will start Monday but for now please enjoy the festival our staff and students have put together for you. There will be food, games, and entertainment. And also a dance Sunday to help you all get better aquainted with your new surroundings. And with that, I wish you the best of luck here at Daimond Academy."

(Okay, so some things to address. The never go into the forest thing is an important rule so for now, none of you can go there for plot purposes.

You're allowed to control npc students and faculty although for teachers, don't say what they teach exactly in case we get other teachers to join. Komeko, sorry but Sebastian and Kate are very strict when it comes to rules and such. Nebulo would be willing to allow Dmitri to get his chemical supplies but he doesn't need bribes. He runs this place after all so he's rich.

Uh . . . what else. Housing you can decide for yourself, there are 2 types of housing. There are apartments for small groups or single residents, large town houses for large groups living together. These groups can be all friends or complete strangers.)
Dimitri looked insulted, not at the Twinklebutt part of the insult, but the 'Yeah, he's never outside part', he turned to Cloude and cleared his throat.

"Ahem, I've gone outside a total of eight times, and I sit near a window with semi-ample shade every month or so, I'm perfectly healthy... yeah that's total BS, well I'm off to go bribe some other teacher," he explained rather sheepishly, he turned towards his science teacher and this time he had that look in his eye that sort of radiated the 'I'm going to test that claim out, my way' and he turned over to the Dean, but not before moving to Brooklyn, "Write me one of your rhetorics will you? Hmm... I wonder how I'm gonna celebrate Sebby's birthday, maybe I'll cook him up some potassium dichromate, he's gonna love that one..." he mumbled and walked over quietly to the Dean. He looked up folding his parasol in proper manners and really Nebulo might be the only one he's actually showed manners to at the school. Anything related to math he skipped, any history he already had memorized so he wouldn't do any work, everything grammar he couldn't care less about, and in Mori's class, he would find every single way to not do anything and screw around.

"Hello, it seems I've run out of my things recently, I've ordered a helicopter and I do need it to come here without it being blown up, as I payed a ton," he didn't need to mention the bribes, as he knew the man was rich, and no bribe he could put up would matter.


Brooklyn gave up on the antisocial friends he had and walked over to Aoi and beamed at the hologram, she eagerly looked at her almost exploding with happiness.

"That was so cool! You know I once tried to draw, but I wasn't that good at it, but seriously that was super cool," she whaled her praises on Aoi as if she was the godess of art and animation.

"Hey, you think you could teach me how to draw a little better? I haven't drawn for years so I'm really bad now," she felt a little ashamed that she had stopped practicing and waited eagerly for her response.


Justin got off from Skype and opened up his newest game, apparently an insane person would beat it in three hours, a normal person eight. Dimtri had beaten it in about four hours, understanding the philosophy about it. The puzzles weren't too hard, and he understood what they taught. He rethought what he could do with his mixture of his hacking abilities and his nearly godlike philosophy, a rumor once spread that there was a person who could make you reject your religion in only five minutes, that person was him. He beat the game in about two hours and decided to go eat, deciding that he would try Persian food this time.

"I think Dimitri said that this was Adda Polo, now how do I make this?" he searched through a recipe and sort of made the dish, but it wasn't nearly as good as someone such as Alexis could, but he didn't know Alexis.

"I wonder what the name of the greatest cook would be..." he mumbled eating his half baked food.

Justin's sections won't come nearly as often, as most of it is just him living life and screwing around.
Aoi looked at the girl who took an interest in her animation skills. She stared for a while, till a a big smile started to form on her face. "Hi! I'm Aoi! And I'd love love love LOVE to train you in my superawesomesecretjitsusevenprismmega Fighting SKILLS!" She said in almost one breath, forming an, "L," with her fingers as she said, "Skills." She was so excited, thinking that she had found a friend. This girl was actually almost as energetic as she was, and Aoi hoped that she would have at least a few classes with her.
Brooklyn seemed to be having a super jittery moment and jumped up.

"Guess what? I think I can get us a dorm room together!" Brooklyn exclaimed and walked over to Kate eagerly.

"I'd like to know my room please," she explained and waited for her room.

Me and Aria decided Brooklyn and Aoi will share a dorm.
Alexis returned to her luggage as she had been told, and listened to what the dean had to say, she tilted her head as a celebration was mentioned, and found herself wondering if they would need help making the food for it. She held onto her empty box, she would throw it away when she had the chance since it was just a cardboard box. She looked around at the other students, then she shrugged some and went to talk to Miss Materae, as the dean had said. She wasn't so sure about having a roommate, having grown up an only child it seemed strange to think of sharing a room with someone that she didn't know.

Xel looked back at Cloude and wondered what he was doing,he looked to where Cloude was looked and slightly tilted his head confused."Huh??" He didn't catch what Cloude mouthed but he was pointing at him and Xel wondered if it was good or bad,"Umm...Yes?..."He asked meaning what he wanted since he was pointed at.

Rel watched and noticed the stranger pointing at Xel,he had no idea what was going on but knew Zel wouldn't let him go find out. He just stood where he was crossing his arms slightly mad,Zel just watched Rel knowing he was mad and smiled since it was funny to him. Though even he was worried about Xel now,still questioning if he should let Rel go check it out or not.
"Omg! Really?" Aoi was excited already. She had never really had many friends before,but couldn't believe how fast she had started to grow to some one else, as if they had known each other for a long time she put her arms out once again and ran around, full of joy and having a moment of hope. "I hope it will be pretty inside! That would be terrible if we were all put in cages and given super-powers like on Team Mutation. Except for the fact that we would get super powers because I've always wanted to fight monsters and save the world from evil Dark Mutants like Zeo!"

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