War of the Brethren (Light and Dark)

Aaronwas wandering around the forest at a steady walk. It was his usualround and even though he was sure he had checked some place thatlooks exactly like the location he was in now, but he wasn't about tolet that from finding his teacher. As he continued on checking behindevery tree he passed, Aaron heard what sounded like people talkingand ducked behind the nearest tree to see who passed. "Probablyjust another human" he snarled under his breath as he soonrealized that he was only half right in the situation in front ofhim. "Wow" he muttered silently as he witnessed the largewolf like creature making it's way through the forest. Aaron didn'tcome back from this world until he noticed a second voice and asecond person enter into the situation. "I wonder why she isn'tdead yet" was his only thoughts as he watched the two have adiscussion but unfortunately was too far away to catch any of whatthey were saying. Suddenly though something had happen where a nudeyet familiar man was holding the human girl from behind making sureto keep her silent at the same time. "Zehel" he saidblushing and covering his eyes but letting a creak appear in hishands just in case something interesting happened.

Thatseemed to only last a short amount a time until a woman had enteredthe scene. He would guess she was a human but something inside of himwas informing him that she was a lot more dangerous then that.Everything seemed to go to hell when she arrived as swarms of demonsdescended down upon the city and not much later a giant water dragonappeared from the human girl that was being restrained by Zehel onlya moment ago. "Something isn't right" about this"Aaron thought in a confused tone as he tried to comprehend thesituation from this distance. Aaron finally just sighed as he closedhis eyes and rubbed the temple of his head to try and process thingsbetter. When he looked up once again the scene had calmed down andanother familiar face had entered the forest.

"Michael"he said clenching to the bark a bit as he glared at the archangel."If anyone would know where he is he would " he thoughthopefully before noticing a fire being started. "It's either nowor never" he thought wanting to ask before it looked like theywent to sleep. Pushing down therush of uneasiness, Aaron found himself starting with a small walkbefore rushing up to the archangel suddeny grabbing a hold of hissleeve before asking in both a demanding and pleading voice “Whereis he? Where is Ramiel?”. Finally the realization of both who hewas talking too and what could happen to him hit himself like a tonof bricks. “Please sir” he muttered taking about three stepsbackwards and looking towards the ground to avoid blushing at thefool he must have made of himself in front of mostly strangers.
Aren slowly walked forward, the claymore was still resting against his shoulders.

"Well, I'll join you mutt, but I know not whether you be friend or foe so I'll leave this out."

He shrugged his shoulders slightly, causing the sword to shift in its position and illustrate his point.

He sat down cross-legged next to the massive wolf, ignoring the mortals nearby.
"M-my name?" Janice stammered, looking up to the goddess with wide, dark eyes, "It's J-Janice, Janice Miranda Colter..." her voice trailed off as she dropped her hands to her sides, her head drooping downward, pure white locks hiding her red cheeks. Just moments ago, this woman, this woman of great power, had been utterly and completely frightening. And now she stood in front of Janice with a gentle, welcoming smile. "Your the goddess of restoration..." she whispered, unsure on whether to be in awe or to be trembling in fear. From what she had read in books and had heard in so many tales, not all gods and goddesses were of gentle nature. Some, from what Janice knew, could be cruel, some could be harsh. Yet, on occasion, there was kindness in their actions. The question was, which category did this particular goddess fall under?

The soft crackle of the fire could be heard from a mile away, at least with Dove's hearing. Briefly, she paused, tilting her head and closing her eyes, imagining the warmth, imagining the leaping orange and yellow flames. When was the last time she had not shivered through the night? When was the last time she slept fully with the moon lighting her bed of leaves? "Ah, mother," she said with a sigh, a slight Celtic lilt to her musical voice, "Haven't been so kind recently, have we?" That was followed by multiple angry hoots from owls, a noise that made Dove wince. Angering that particular goddess would not be the most intelligent thing to do, considering what she was known to do to those who did such acts. Not that Dove cared much, considering she traveled alone, and has been alone since she was a young girl. It took a lot more then her mother to scare her.

Letting out a sigh, Dove continued her trek forward, mumbling some unintelligible nonsense under her breath about the gods and goddesses and their tempers. Nothing happened afterwards, but Dove suspected she may not have the best of luck for the next few days. For now, that was not of importance. What mattered to her was finding that fire and being cozy and warm, for a nice change. She would rather not spend her night freezing on a pile of leaves and sticks that poke uncomfortably into her back. A cup of nice, hot tea would be delightful, but just a bonfire would do. And, after about ten minutes of walking barefoot through mud and moist grass, Dove arrived at the edge of the scene, looking rather pristine and lovely, besides her dirtied feet. She saw no point for shoes, especially the ridiculous ones most women wore. Whp could stand waltzing around in heels all day? And wearing those in a forest? Even worse.

Silently, Dove edged her way forward, stopping a few feet away and letting her gaze wander over everyone around the campfire. There was a large, wolf like beast, his tail wagging the slightest, and a boy, with an aura of arrogance, sitting beside him. Son of Ares, Dove presumed, arching a delicate brow at his ridiculously over sized weapon. Lugging that around would get him no where far, even if he was stronger then the average human. One reason why Dove chose not to carry weapons. Shaking those thoughts away, Dove continued her examination, spotting two women off to the side. One was human, the other seemed stronger then that, although, and had a powerful aura Dove could not quite place. Turning her attention away from those two, she found the last ones of the group, a man and a woman. The woman had what looked like tentacles of water sprouting from her arms, fear lingering in her eyes. The man approached her calmly and carefully, speaking soothing words and smiling gently.

An act of kindness,
Dove thought, still keeping her distance from the group. She found it rather odd, seeing others treat people with gentle words. To her, everyone was cruel, and only smiled when in need of something, whether it be money or the one they are smiling towards in the first place. Betrayal is common in human nature, a reason why Dove had learned to trust no one, no matter how gentle in appearance they seemed. For, as many have said, appearances can be deceiving. And, to the lovely Dove, deceiving was an understatement.
Michael head tilted slightly as Aren took a place next to Zehel. Michael didn't realize he was here, but found himself to tired to question the new comer. Michael had no quarrel with the gods. At least, the gods who kept there loyalty to heaven, recently, that seemed far and few between. He looked to Janice who had finally reached the fire, a look of confusion on her face. He offered her a warm smile as his attention fell back on Harusun. Michael felt odd, a presents that felt like heaven swept over him.

Michael's warm smile turned to a look of surprise as he felt a strong hand grab his sleeve, its grip pulling him backwards. Michael turned quickly, his attention being diverted from Harusun, to the sudden voice that rang in his ears. Zehel popped to his feet, his body taking a defensive stance towards the Angel, as he grabbed Michael's arm. His lips curled back as he snarled, his fangs glossed in saliva. Michael stood silently, a look of surprise sweeping his face. "Aaron?.." He looked down at the man, a feeling of familiarity came down on him. Michael stood quietly as Aaron retreated a few steps back. Michael raised his hand to Zehel, glancing over to him with a look that said 'calm down'. Zehel took step back, his fangs retreating back beneath his lips as he sat. His posture still showing a look of distrust towards the Angel.

Michael turned back toward Aaron, a look of curiosity became masked by Michael's smile. "Ramiel? Ramiel was banished. " Michael watched Aaron carefully as he looked to the ground. "I don't know where he is.. When a Angel is banished, those in heaven turn there back on that Angel. Ramiel was no different. Once he was forced from heaven, I stopped watching him. He could be anywhere..." Michael turned back towards Zehel who's ears peered with curiosity "I'm sorry Aaron. I can't help you find him." Michael placed his hand on Aaron's shoulder as he looked down on him. "Why do you seek him out so? You understand why he was banished in the first place don't you?"

Michael looked up to the sky, talking about Ramiel made his memory stir. "Aaron we are at war.. You shouldn't be on earth. It's dangerous." Michael's eyes scanned Aaron as he stood. Aaron was still in his Angel form. In a lot of ways this didn't surprise Michael. Aaron disappeared right after Ramiel's banishment. Michael worried for the young Angel, the Angel who looked up to a man who hated and went against god. He feared he might one day fall. But seeing him now, at his peak, it gave Michael hope that perhaps this boy wouldn't become one of the fallen.

Zehel stood and walked behind Harusun, his eyes fixed on Aaron as Zehel stood, almost wrapped around Harusun. She who still seemed confused and locked in a unknown state of mind.

(( @Wingal You did fine. Just make sure you watch for typo's. It was a little difficult to read because of that. Otherwise your fine ;) Good entrance. ))
Aaron cringed hearing the news he expected when he first thought about confronting Michael. Even in this moment his senses kicked back into gear when he saw aggressive moment coming from Zehel. Of course they didn't know each other personally, but he had been told enough about him in heaven to know how dangerous he could be. Aaron became agitated slightly when he saw Michael smile as he was talking to him, and it showed with a small tick at his mouth. Aaron's first instinct was too turn away from Michael when his hand was placed upon his soldier. "Yeah I know why he was banished" he began his voice cracking a little midway before getting it under control again. "He was banished because he was the only one not afraid to fix something that's broken" he said stubbornly glancing hatefully at the human he noticed earlier. "It's not like he wasn't wrong about humans too" he hissed out mostly towards her before turning back to Michael a he began to talk about the ongoing war.

"I know how to protect myself" He said huffing out what is expected to be a normal breath of air but turned itself into a small cloud of ash and burning embers. It wasn't intentional but with the entire universe crumbling away his powers appeared with certain emotions. He felt uncomfortable when Michael began looking him up and down "What is he thinking of me" he thought defensively shifting in his stance before seeing Zehel go behind the human with his ears perked up. "Is he really afraid of me" he thought sadly letting out a sigh and a small amount of fog came out lingering for a few seconds before dispersing into the open air. "Maybe the stories weren't right" he thought sadly before turning back full attention to Michael. "Then I am going to stick with you until I find him" he stated suddenly. "Your an archangel maybe if Ramiel comes looking for someone it would be you" he muttered hopefully looking back towards the ground as a wind blew dirt across the surface of his shoes.
Michael watched him in suprise as embers arose from his mouth. Michael knew this would happened. With the world degrading slowly but surely, the powers of heaven run rampid. Even Aaron seemed affected by this. Michael turned from Aaron looking back towards Harusun. Zehel stood behind Harusun, his eyes still locked on Aaron. " I don't like him Michael..." Zehels voice reached to Michael as he turned and sat once again against the wooden log. "Zehel, it's fine.." Michael smiled at Zehel then looked up to Aaron who stood there with a slightly determined look on his face.

"Ok Aaron. You can stay.." Michael offered a smile again as he spoke. Michael knew Ramiel would never seek him out. But he wasn't just going to tell this Angel no. Michael looked up to him, he seemed upset at the presence of humans. "Aaron. Ramiel had a different way of looking at the humans. I wont say Ramiel was a bad person, nor was he wrong. He is my brother and I will always love him. But he lacked the ability to look beyond the flaws. He looked at humans for there weaknesses and insecurities. Humans are frail, weak. They give into the temptations of darkness and do things that even I find unforgivable. But are we any different? Just as the humans choose to murder each other... Ramiel chose to murder god. And for what? Because he didn't agree with what he was told? Because he wanted more control, more power in his life to choose his own direction. Aaron are we really any different? Our faith shakes just as their's and in a moment of volubility we too have killed and waged war against each other. Ramiels actions only proved that we are no better and no different then the humans. How can we justify judging them so harshly when we have committed the same infidelities. You must learn to look beyond there flaws, because everyone deserves a chance at a better life."

Zehel's stance lightened as he heard Michael's words. Zehel knew these words rang true. Heaven wages war against itself, and in the mist of war between god, man and angel there is no difference. The one thing Angels had that humans didn't, was the power to change the world. The ability to look beyond the ugly exterior and see the true nature that flourishes below. Michael could always see the greatest in even the darkest corners of the world. And for this Zehel found himself envious. Zehel moved slowly laying back next to Aren, his body wrapping once again around the logs set by the fire.

(([MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION] Speaking of lots of dialog. Lol))
Harusun.. Listened, surprisingly.. Retracting the tentacles... Confusion enveloped her entirely as she watched the weird social exchanges .. She smiled, then giggled slightly at the group. " I'm just dead aren't I.. Thats why I feel like this.. " She said looking at Michael.. Then taking a step backwards she placed her palm on Zehels snout, and drug her fingers up behind his ears, and back all throughout his facial fur.. Repeating this over and over..(( Assuming I can reach lol. ) " You killed me.. Was I delicious? I deserved it for not listening to you.. I was always so very full of myself.. But I still think that girl needed to die.. But you didn't.. " She scanned the group, then giggled again. " But who are you? And you? Come to take me away? I always wondered what it would be like. "

Harusun sat down next to the flame, the smile quickly faded, and she began to weep.. Quietly to herself.. Ignoring the group now.

(( She'll come out of it at a trigger event, I'm not great with socializing, and descriptive posts :P to be a little more honest in this edit.. My mind is elsewhere with real life events at the moment, and I'm so busy suddenly. But it should be cleared up shortly. ))
Persephone's eyes widened. "Janice..." She repeated, an eyebrow arching slightly. "Yes, I am." She replied to the girls statement, then looked at the cup once more. She lifted it to her mouth, smelling the bitter aroma before letting the liquid slip down her throat. Persephone knew nothing of being mortal, so when the liquid settled in her stomach, she felt... empty. Her stomach growled slightly, to which she blushed; a pink tint spreading over her cheeks. She was hungry. Persephone hadn't eaten since she fell to earth; it had taken her months to realize she needed sleep. Was this why she's felt weaker every night? She chuckled at herself, embarrassed slightly. "You've prayed to me?" She questioned, hoping to change the subject from her mortal hunger.

Her eyes turned to Michael, hearing his words as he spoke to another angel. She eyed the newcomer, unsure of him. His opinions were close to an angel about to fall. Just as Persephone had almost done to Michael...

Persephone ducked her head away from the two, ashamed of her recent actions. How could she have done that? No, it wasn't her fault. She spoke the truth to which he faltered It wasn't her fault as to what had happened to her. That's when her eyes caught Aren. She faintly remembered the boy; much younger than her. Or was he? Persephone could not remember if it was a century or longer; but he always seemed so much more.. immature. His father seemed too busy to ever pay attention to him. After that thought, Persephone barely remembered anything else of the demi god.
A feeling of suprise came over Zehel as a soft hand brushed his face. His head shook slightly as though a fly had bothered him. He looked up to harusun, his eyes widened at her almost insane words. "Your not dead.." He said as he shifted his weight to his side. "Perhaps you should sit?" Zehels shift gave a welcoming posture as he laid quietly.

Michael looked to harusun and Zehel, a smile wrapped his face as Zehel offered her a seat. Michaels attention quickly flickered towards Persephone, she looked weak, bags under her eyes from lack of sleep and a look of starvation and hunger that consumed her. Michael Perched his arm behind him using the log to push himself up. He stood for a moment in front of the Angel before he said " I think we should get some food to eat." He looked down to Zehel as the mention of food caused his ears to perk. "I'll be right back.. " he said walking away from the bonfire. He took a few steps forward and stopped next to Persphone. He stood the opposite direction of Persephone, his shoulder almost touching hers as he lifted his hand resting it on her left shoulder. His warm voice whispered lightly "you should rest, ill be back with food" he stepped forward allowing his hand to fall from her shoulder.

Zehel watched as Michael walked away, his eyes slowly turning to the new Angel. His pushed into his mind gently "you might as well sit down kid.." He said and he fluffed his fur in a warming motion. He's mind shifted from Aaron to Aren as he said "so what brings you to earth.. War or no war.. " he glanced at Aren as he spoke.

(( ok I'm going to impose a time skip to morning. If you have anything About your character get it out now :P if not put no in quotations under ur post. In which case illTime skip to morning))
"Oh... um... I have not..." Janice stammered, twining her fingers together mindlessly, "But I have read about you... in books and such..." she let her voice trail off, her eyes wandering towards the edge of the woods, where a girl stood. She was of fair height, with a silky red dress clinging to her curves, the skirt billowing out from her waist. Tumbling past her shoulders were thick, dark brown curls, framing the delicate face with cold, critical eyes. She seemed to be skewering everyone with her gaze, pursing her lips in a thin line, a glint of intellect shimmering in those stormy grey eyes. Hastily, Janice looked away from her, then back to Persephone, chewing on her lip. Whoever that girl was, she seemed intimidating, and had a slight human aura, but more to it. Demigod, Janice thought automatically, glancing over to the girl again. With the way she held herself, proud, yet not to the extreme degree of the other half human, half god, Janice assumed she was a daughter of Athena. Probably quite clever and keen, and not someone Janice would wish to get on bad terms with.

Brushing her hair out of her eyes, Janice wrapped her arms around herself, her teeth chattering slightly from the cold. She had not really noticed it until now, and it seemed to pierce her skin, leaving her a freezing block of ice. Her lips turned blue, and she began to shiver violently. The gentle crackle of the fire sounded quite welcoming now, the warmth edging her towards the flames. "P-pardon me," she stuttered to Persephone, a polite good-bye so she could rest beside the fire. She spun on her heel and practically ran towards it, her teeth chattering violently as she pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders. It did not help any that all of her clothes were soaked from the earlier rainstorm, clinging to her skin limply. She decided to ignore this, curling up in a rather tight ball near the fire, watching the flames dance in front of her. With the warmth, the soothing sound of voices, and the continuous crackle, exhaustion soon swept over her and her eyes began to droop, fluttering open as she tried to remain awake. Yet her tired self won over, and she soon fell asleep, her damp cloak wrapped tightly around her shoulders.

Was the girl stupid? Sleeping in clothes soaked with water. All that would do is make herself ill. She would most likely wake up with the chills, and probably a fever if she remained like that. Rolling her eyes at such foolishness, Dove continued her skewering gaze amongst the others, only pausing when a soft, gentle hoot echoed next to her. Looking over, she immediately spotted the owl, one of pure white feathers, staring intently at her with round, wise eyes. Dove tilted her head slightly, her eyes going back to the girl asleep in damp clothes, then back to the majestic bird. It merely stared at her for a moment, before turning it's gaze away and spreading it's wings, shooting up into the night sky. Dove watched as it became smaller and smaller, until completely gone, then turned her attention back to the group.

"That's the girl," she whispered softly under her breath, watching her intently before turning her gaze to the others in the group. "What are they going to let her do? Freeze to death?" Letting out a huff, she strode forward with a lady like grace, her bare feet dancing across the ground. She payed no mind to the others, for her attention was solely on the girl, the girl with white hair. What had her mother said? Something about her being blessed? Now Dove wished she had payed more attention, not that it mattered much now. What mattered now was doing what her mother had assigned her to do. Protect the girl. Keep the blessing in place. She was not quite sure what that meant, but she figured starting out by making sure the girl didn't make herself ill would be wise.

Kneeling next to her, Dove scrunched her brows together, stormy grey eyes taking in her facial features. Her face was pale, her lips blue, most likely from the cold, a fact that Dove planned to change quickly. In one, swift movement, she removed the girl's damp cloak from her shoulders, taking off her own cloak, made of a thick, warm black cotton, and wrapping it around the girl's sleeping form. She then took the wet material and laid it out on the grass beside her, sitting cross legged next to it. She did not care if she got odd looks, for she was simply doing her duty, her duty as she was assigned, for reasons Dove was not quite sure of.
"I already said mutt, I came because of war. My father is the god of war, do I need another reason?"

He glare over at the massive canine. He had no idea what this creature was, but it seemed to think it held a degree of power over him.

"I was born for combat. I live for combat. And I will most likely die in combat. There is no other reason needed mutt."
Zehel watched as Janice came running towards them. She held herself tightly, as she shivered in front of the fire. Zehel glanced at the forest were Michael had disappeared, then back at the young human. Zehel shifted his weight once more as he was about to stand. He knew his fur would warm her. His motion stopped as yet another demi god approached them. His attention fixated on the girl. Zehel looked at the demi god with a slightly confused look on his face, she laid her cloak over the human, a look of sincerity in her eyes. Zehel found it irritating, more and more people seemed to flock to the group. Zehel wasn't very social, the only person who really got him out of his shell was Michael. Well and Daico, but she wasn't here anymore. Zehel glanced over at Persephone then back to the empty forest. This wasn't unusual, Zehel had traveled to earth with Michael once before, and creatures both light and dark flocked to him. Like his presents or aura called to them.

Perhaps that is why Michael was hiding his presents? To avoid just this? Michael was alone until he stop concealing himself. Now there was 1,2,3... 8... The thought annoyed Zehel. Now there was eight of us including himself. How could Michael be so welcoming and calm with so many new faces? Heaven or not, they couldn't be trusted. Zehel peered over at Aren. Especially not Aren. Zehel hated arrogance, even Michael knew Zehel will only fight with this god. Zehel's attention went back to the new Demi that had joined them, he closed his eyes, gently pushing into her mind. "I've become used to the random additions suddenly joining me. So I've decided not to question why you are here, your welcome to sit... I'll merely ask you name." Zehel opened one eyes to look at her. She didn't seem as annoying as Aren, who sat next to him.

Zehel couldn't help but roll his rather large eyes at Aren's response. His arrogance was unnerving. "As I understand it. Gods are fighting gods, angels against angels... demons and humans. The lines of right and wrong have been trampled on, the passage between good and evil, bares a thin line. So what i'm trying to say is. What side are you on?" Zehel's eyes locked with Arens as he sat.

Zehel's attention waved as a large thud came to his ears. Next to the fire Michael stood slightly crouched, his legs bent in a landing position, his hands filled with a variety of fresh fruits. Several fruits fell from his grasp as he hit the ground. His entrance was like lightning. Like a bolt had hit the ground besides them, in a flash, a space that held no presents, stood a Angel. Michael's feet stood in a mini crater. He had landed with a little to much force causing the earth below him to cave. His long angelic wings reached straight above him, as though they were reaching for the sky. His coat was held in his arms, it's hard material weighted down by the fruit that had been stacked inside it.

Michael's long florescent wings slowly retracted into his back, his feathers scattering in the wind as he took a step forward. Michael couldn't help but notice yet another addition to the ground. He smiled at her caring nature towards Janice. He laid down the jacket full of food besides Janice and the new demi god, his eyes watching Janice as she panted. Michael extended his hand slowly as he crouched, placing it on Janice's forehead. Her skin seemed to burn against his, a look of concern quickly turned to a smile as his hand gave off a golden aura. Her shaking began to lesion as the hot skin seemed to cool. Her sleeping posture loosen as he held his hand over her. Her body relaxed.

He pulled his hand away as its glow disparate. Michael smiled at the god who looked towards her in concern. "Don't worry, shes fine now." He said walking past her and sitting again next to Zehel. He clenched a apple in his hand, he looked at it. still smiling as he raised it. He looked to Persephone as he held it towards her. He knew she was hungry. Zehel looked at Michael as he held the apple. Michael's speed was incredible. Though Zehel knew he, himself was faster then Michael on the ground, when Michael was in the air his speed sometimes seemed unmatchable. Zehel felt envious. Even Zehel wished he had wings.
Dove's eyes flickered to the beast as she sat silently next to the girl, narrowing slightly, unsure on whether or not to trust the beast. All he asked for was her name. And that was one thing she did not have. A name? It remains unknown, even to me. People call me Dove. It is what I happened to pick up, but why, I do not know. She directed her thoughts towards the wolf-like creature, her words not cold and harsh, but simply neutral and almost emotionless. I wish no harm upon any of you, and will only attack if I, or the Blessed One, are attacked first. She glanced over to the girl next to her, who's name she did not. For now, she would refer to her as the Blessed One, until she learned the name she obtained. And even afterwards, she would most likely still call her by that name, for she was blessed, for reasons unknown, and hopefully to never be found out.

A hoot of an owl could be heard, and Dove looked up, seeing the majestic bird soaring above them. She watched it briefly before returning her attention back to the group, her face unreadable. When one of the men approached the Blessed One, she tensed, her arm flying out, stormy grey eyes narrowing. Yet, the man simply looked at the Blessed One in concern, kneeling beside her and touching her forehead. It seemed like nothing happened for a moment, but then Dove saw the change. The beads of sweat on her forehead vanished, and some color returned to her cheeks. Whoever this man was, he had helped her, which made him an immediate ally. Dove pulled her arm away, her posture relaxing slightly. So far, none of those here seemed to mean the Blessed One any harm, but she was not quick to trust, and she still did not trust anyone here besides herself, and slightly the man who helped the Blessed One. But only slightly.

You need to trust in order to fulfill your mission, daughter.
Dove scowled as he mother's voice echoed in her mind, laying back and resting her hands behind her head. The owl still soared above them, hooting softly, it's grand, white wings glowing in the darkness. Trust is the key. Her scowl deepened as she rolled to her side, facing the Blessed One. "Oh, shut up mother," she muttered under her breath, closing her eyes. There were a few more hoots from the owl, and then it fell silent, and Dove let sleep take over her body.
Before Persephone could even argue, claim she wasn't hungry or tired, Michael was gone. She only stood there, mouth agape, and a hand cloating in the air as if to have stopped the angel. He was gone. With Janice cutting her off and running away, Persephone suddenly felt alone. Though her minions dispersed around the campsite, resting and letting their curiosity get the better of them, she felt alone. Even with he creations nearby, the one things that let her feel important and safe, she felt empty. Was it Hades the reason she felt empty? Persephone knew no other reason. She stood to the side of the camp, watching others join the mortal misfits before her. She only kneels before her creations, pettin them, giving them the attention they never really knew before. They seemed to highly enjoy Persephone's less callous attitude, grouping around their mother, taking in her love with bright eyes. They crammed together to all get the chance to be in her warm graces, and grouped at her in seeking attention. To this, the goddess smiled and giggled lightly. They faintly reminded her of coy fish when confronted with a hand holding food; seaming over one another.

The darkness of the night grew thick, weighing heavily on the goddesses shoulders. Ever since she descended from heaven, her godly glow dimmed. Now, upon earth, her glow dimmed further. One could barely tell of her power. Now, it was easy to see her more mortal side. Dark circles begged for sleep, her body thinning from a lack of food... When Michael brought food, she stood, eyes strictly on the objects he held.

Her creatures noticed her need, and pushed her forward. As a reasurement, the creatures ushered her over, and as she looked back at them with worry in her eyes, they showed heir small creation of a fire. This showed they'd be able to heat up the meat they often ate. Persephone nodded, and walked to Michael's side as he held up an offering. He eyebrows then knotted, unsure of the food. She sat beside him, eyeing the apple. She took it after a moment, thanking him, and taking a small bite. The apple was sweet, almost tart, making Persephone want to suck on the sides of her cheeks. It was also very juicy, leaving her embarrassed once more as she blushed and wipped the juices from the edges of her red lips.

It was only after eating a couple more pieces of food did her drowsiness begin to weigh in her mind. She felt her eyelids grow heavy, and she rested on Michael's side, unknowing of what she was actually doing. On the dye of sleep, she looked to the sky, longing to see the mothe figure she couldn't get her mind off of.
((I'm gonna do a time skip tommorow night after work :) wingal and Idxori are welcome to reply and "settle" your characters in the mean time. Aka they fall asleep or eat. Char ill message you the outline of that other rp tommorow too :) )
The night sky grew dimmer as they feasted. Zehel displayed displeasure at the lack of meat. Aaron couldn't seem to find anything to say to Michael's words. Only silence consumed him as he sat on the exterior of the group. His eyes fixed in the ground in deep thoughts. It wasn't long till the night sky consumed everyone's consciousness Locked in deep sleep the burning fire slowly turned to embers as the night went on. Michael and Aaron conscious stayed un-wavering as they sat, both their minds drenched in thoughts. Angels never slept, even in human form, this always made them great guards, never tiring, never hungry and never swede.

As the group slept, Michael told Zehel of the war. How he had come to earth to resurrect Feori. How he was collecting all of gods grace,that had fallen to earth, and how he needed Diaco. The only god left in celestial form, that had the power to bring back Feori. Zehel made it known of Diaco's betrayal, her hatred and need for more power that consumed her. The talk of war seemed to consume there spirits as Zehel finally dozed off. It wasn't long until the sound of cracking embers woke everyone, the bright sun beating on there eyes as they woke.

Michael greeted everyone as they woke, a smile upon his face. He offered for them all to join his journey. He warned of the dangers that would come, and he warned he couldn't protect all of them. Michael expected them to part ways, but even after knowing the dangers they would face, all of them seemed inclined to come. To not go this journey alone, made Michael happy. Everyone gathered on top of Zehel, Zehel showed great displeasure on being the 'horse', but settled down as Michael smiled at him. Michael helped each of the young girls on to Zehel, all except Dove that is, she insisted on being able to climb up on her own. Aren and Aaron showed just as much displeasure having to get on Zehel as Zehel did, but inevitably they decided to get on. Zehel was to fast for any of them to keep up with, so in order to stay with the group the they had no choice but to give in. Michael sat on the back of Zehel, a soft pat to Zehel's rear gave him the signal to go.

Zehel's running started out slow, careful not to force any of his occupants from his long sleek back. As his speed began to quicken the trees around them seemed to become streams of light, the grass reflecting like a rainbow, nothing visible, yet everything was beautiful. Michael couldn't help but get lost in its beauty. The wonders of the world smeared like a canvas on the earth. When Zehel ran, things seemed much simpler, much like heaven.

Zehel's smooth gallop soon came to a halt as he skidded to a stop, he sudden change in speed nearly threw Harusun from Zehel. If Michael hadn't reached past Aaron and grabbed her cloak she probably would have. Zehel had been running for several hours before we ended up here. Michael leaped off Zehel looking to the bottom of the valley. A huge city stood tall, a solid concrete wall that stood 100 feet in the air surrounded the large town as guards stood by its entrance. Michael turned slowly and helped Phersophone and Harusun from Zehels back, while Dove helped Janice. Dove seemed overly careful with Janice, her distrust in this group was obvious as she refused to let anyone help her or Janice. Michael sighed as they looked down at the large town.

Michael watched carefully as two men approached the large wooden gates, guards stopping them in there tracks. The guards carefully checked each mans wrists, then stepped aside allowing the men to pass. Michael looked back to Zehel his eyes fixed on him. "Your going to have to change..." Zehel heaved as he shook, a obvious feeling of dislike that he couldn't stay in his true form. Michael looked down carefully at the entrance. On the wall, painted a rather large symbol on its exterior. Two crescent wings hung side by side, with a Greek symbol that sat over the wings. Zehel too looked to the symbol as he stepped forward. "That's going to be a problem.." Zehel's voice rang in the wind. Michael looked back to him in surprise as his voice lingered not in his mind, but in his ears. Michael turned just in time to see Zehel's form slowly shifting as a human figure began to emerge, his long coarse hair being pulled back into himself as he pulled his hands from the ground walking towards Michael.

Zehel's bare body emerged as he stood, his eyes locked on the symbol that hung on the concrete wall. Michael quickly slipped off his cloak and slammed it against Zehel's chest, its length covering his figure. "Zehel this is the human world. Human's don't show there forms so lightly. " Michael smiled at him "Think of it as your body is sacred and should not be seen by just anyone."

Zehel looked to him a bit confused, before grabbing the cloak locked against his chest and slipping it on. The cloak seemed a little tight around Zehel's figure as he buttoned it, this wasn't to surprising considering Zehel had much more mass then Michael. "Well have to get you your own it seems." Said Michael as he turned back towards that village. The symbol on the wall was a warning. It warned only the 'fallen' were allowed to enter. This meant that neither Michael nor Aaron would be able to walk threw the front gate. The guards checked each persons wrist for a marking of 'gods grace'. The fallen lose this symbol when they fall. It was obvious this town had made a contract with demons. It's likely that the demons also had contracts with the fallen angels. Not allowing any graced angels in would explain how they have lasted so long. Perhaps a god of heaven looked after this town? Most of the Angel's in heaven kept there loyalty to Feori and refused to take place in the battle for the crown. Those angels that did choose to fight, fell from heaven losing there grace. This meant that a god had to be behind this contract, especially if blessed angels were exiled from its interior.
The morning started off strange, something Janice figured she better get used to. For, when she woke, sitting next to her and staring in a strangely over-protective manner, was a girl. Janice had no idea who she was, or where she came from. What she did know was that she was not human, but a demigod, a daughter of Athena. And here she sat next to her, cross legged with her hands in her lap, seemingly waiting patiently. "Good morning," the girl said once she saw that Janice had woken. Her voice held a slight Celtic lilt, yet not much emotion. It was bland, boring, and nearly put Janice right back to sleep. "Uh... w-who are you?" Janice blurted out, feeling rather foolish. Red crept into her cheeks as she looked to the ground, resting her hands in her lap, "S-sorry... I don't mean to be rude."

For a while, the girl said nothing, her attention going towards slicing up an apple, her brows scrunched together as she commenced in the activity. "I go by Dove," she finally said, glancing over to Janice and handing her a piece of apple, "Eat." Janice stared at the food, unsure on how to respond, her hands twining together nervously. "I said eat," Dove repeated, this time in a sterner tone, which caused Janice's head to shot up. She hated being talked to like she was a child, and would not let a stranger treat her as such. "I am not a child, Dove," she snapped at her, something rather unlike her usual personality, "Don't speak to me as such." Dove said nothing, still slicing up the apple. "You act like a child. And for that, I'll treat you like a child."

"I'm not acting like a child!" Janice yelled defensively, her delicate hands clenching into fists. Already, this girl infuriated her, and she just met her. Not many had managed to do so, and she had a feeling Dove would be like a splinter in her thumb. Annoying, obnoxious, yet still there, and not going anywhere else. Now rather angry, Janice stood, muttering under her breath about random strangers and such rudeness, pacing impatiently from left to right. Dove watched her with stormy grey eyes, following her every movement while munching casually on apple slices. This simple infuriated Janice more, and she had to take deep breaths to control her temper. "Don't let her get to you," she told herself repeatedly, "She's just a girl. A rather odd girl, but still a girl."

These thoughts still flooded her mind as they all gathered on top of the wolf, who she still had not learned the name of. Micheal helped all of the women up, except for Dove, who stubbornly refused, positioning herself immediately behind Janice. Janice gritted her teeth at this, her hands digging into the wolf's fur as she muttered something unintelligible under her breath. Would this girl stick to her like some kind of parasite? Why couldn't she just go away, or at least leave Janice alone? Was that so hard to do? "You're acting like a child still," Dove muttered from behind her, no emotion in her words. Janice nearly spun around just to smack her, but held back the urge, her eyes narrowing. This girl was infuriating.

Once they came to a stop, Janice slid off of the wolf's back on her own, purposefully ignoring Dove's unnecessary help. She then proceeded to ignore her, quickly catching up to the others, her silky white hair braided neatly off to the side. "Where are we?" she asked, keeping her voice low, but still audible. "A place where angel's cannot enter." Janice nearly yelped as Dove's voice appeared behind her, jumping in the air and biting the inside of her cheek. She then spun to face her, eyes narrowed angrily. "My god Dove, will you please stop sneaking up on me?! Why are you insistent on following me anyways?" the words were rather harsh, and Janice immediately regretted them once they were spoken. Her face went beet red as she stared at the ground, thoroughly embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry..." she stuttered out, unable to meet Dove's gaze.

"It is because you are the Blessed One," Dove simply said, disregarding her apology, "It is my duty to protect you, so I shall protect you." Janice blinked as Dove spoke, now confused and utterly lost. "The Blessed One? What is that supposed to mean?" Dove said nothing else, but just stood there, staring at Janice intently with her intelligent stormy grey eyes. Dang daughter of Athena, Janice thought to herself, frowning slightly. Of course Dove wouldn't say much else, not unless the need arose. Sighing, she turned her attention back to the others, Dove still at her side with watchful eyes, gaze piercing everyone of their allies.
Aren did not need to think much before agreeing to go on this quest. Danger? Danger spelled 'battle' in his mind. And of course battle was his purpose for being on the earth. He slept easily, leaning against the back of a building. He could draw a weapon of his choice at any moment should he need to, even in the throes of sleep. He did not want to utilize the mutt as a means of transport, but his personal armory had not yet acquired a chariot for his use. He would have to deal for now.

The city was grand, but was foolish if they thought that contracted angels were all they would have to worry about. He sighed and jumped off the mutt as they arrived. He would offer his arm for examination, but if they thought they could contain him they would lose theirs. His interest had been tickled by the presence of the mortal in their midst. This "Janice." She seemed to have no powers, unlike the water-wielder, but instead could only see the supernatural. Yet, this "Dove" character constantly shadowed her like a bodyguard. Was she truly so important? A good strategist keeps an eye on unknown variables . . . indeed, he would keep an eye on this woman.
Persephone had taken Michael's hand gently, stepping off Zehel with a light foot step. The ride had her blood pumping. Her eyes were wide and alert, her blood pumping deep in her bones, her hair wind-whipped. She glanced at her hands, shaking from the excitement. The ride was... wondrous. The cold wind had hit her face, stinging her cheeks and tearing her ice eyes. Colors melded together as she had tried to pry her eyes open enough to taken in light. Her hair tugged her backwards, whipping behind her, as if wishing to be back on solid ground. The center of gravity she had so well come to know had been thrusted forward, plunging her into those very colors, the searing cold. It was all so unfamiliar to her. Though it sounded unpleasant, it gave Persephone... delight. Her heart raced, but not in fear. No; not fear, but exhilaration. The only thing to keep her from laughing in delight while on the ride was her fear of being heard. Her heart was filled with joy, seeming to warm it in the very slightest.

And finally on solid ground, her balance tilted, she gazed upon the dark, ominous city before her. Oh, how she could see the evil just wafting from it. This gave her the chills. The tall buildings stood menacingly; looming overhead with great, dark signs of the Fallen. Persephone held onto herself, a fear looming over her head. Powerless, mortal, what was she doing here? She stepped back once, then again, and three more times through the think grass, her eyes glued to the moving shadows at the ground level of the city. Her unwavering eyes, slick like a foxes, were fearful. Why had she done this? She did not belong among these strong. She backed right up into a tree, a hand shooting back to steady herself on it. She whipped her face of fear, but her eyes still held it, her face guarded and poised. She looked as a fox would, caught in a hunters cage.

Her minions finally caught up, out of breath. They looked at the defense in her eyes, and only then did they step up and face the city. They didn't understand her fear; it seemed their place to be. Yet they stood beside her, also growing a defensive stance. Very suddenly did their ears twitch to their lady as she whispered; "I should not have come."

"Ha ha! When will you boys learn?" Vienna shouted in victory, her ethnic accent thick as she pulled the pot in with her arms. "You sodding lot know nothing of cards!" She chuckled at the corner of her beloved city, musty with the smell of rat feces, urine, and rooting food hung in the air. In the darkest part of town, where everyone was a shadow, this is where this devil wished to stay. The pot she looked down on with golden, happy eyes, consisted of one deed to a house, twenty gold coins, a necklace along with two other pieces of jewelry, and a slimy glass eye. The dark skinned woman chuckled again, and spoke; "Keep your damn eye, Joseph." She tossed the glass ball to the one eye'd man, to which he frantically tried to catch mid-air.

"Thank you, love." He saluted her with a smile after placing his eye back in, to which Vienna noted the disgusting noise to the action. Though a sly smile stayed; she liked the man. A small friendship of the two, after he bought her around of drinks with no debt a while back. Gloomy days are one in a few, and it was always easy to tell when they came upon the exotic woman of hanging jewels. Joe soon sauntered off with a sigh along with two other of Vienna's victims of rigged gambling. She held no remorse, the endless-cured woman, as she added her new jewels into her hair after a good rubbing. Her eyes glowed a pleasant yellow now, which seemed to contrast quite nicely to her black eyebrows and eyelashes, along with the dark makeup around her eyes.

A hand on her shoulder and a quiet "Puppet... I believe you cheated." Was what set her eyes to change to a stormy grey, and her smile to simmer and tug at one side of her luscious lips.

"I did?" Her voice seemed to deepen, grow even more seductive, and even the slightest bit threatening. One would know this voice. This voice was the warning to halt a bar brawl, to step back in line, or get out of the way. The smart listened to this voice.

The hand moved to a space on her arm which held no bands of gold, gripping her. This man was not smart.

"As much as I love man handling," Vienna spoke slowly, turning her head to the man, who was flanked by two more also caught by her fixed game. Her smile turned into a small sneer, her nose scrunching and her lip raising to the view of the redheaded man with a crooked nose. "You're not my type." She finished, and it seemed everything went to hell at her words. In a flash, he yanked her backwards, to which she pulled a blade from her thigh strap and used the butt of it to lay an egg on the crown of his head. He released her, stepping back with his hands raising to his now much-more-red head. His friends now flanked the woman front and back. The one before her was a blonde brute it seemed, since he pushed her back into the arms of the smaller behind her. He locked his arms in her's, leaving her unable to defend herself.

She frowned as the brute began to crack his knuckles. "Is this intimidating?" She questioned, raising a dark, arched eyebrow. The brute growled, pulling back a fist and throwing it at her face. To this, Vienna only, quite literally, ducked. The punch hit the very center of the smaller man's collarbones, stunning him. Vienna slithered through his grasp and side stepped another throw of the fist, hitting the man's arm. She laughed greatly as she seemed to dance around the two for what seemed like a few minutes, before tripping the brute into the smaller. The strong built man landed with a giant thud on the poor unfortunate one, which gave Vienna yet another quick witted idea. With the thick heel of her boot, she struck the giant in the temple, knocking him unconscious. The smaller than scrambled under his weight, unable to move.

With her hands on her hips, her head to the night sky, Vienna laughed again as the leader crawled away. Her treasure at her feet, it was a good night.
Michael glanced back at Persephone as she crippled on the floor. A look of fear consumed her eyes as she seemed to lose herself. Michael slowly walked to her, crouching down low to the ground. He placed a hand around her waist carefully and pulled her into his chest. He wrapped his hands around her in a comforting manor. "It's ok Persephone. I wont let anything happen to you.. " He whispered quietly in her ear as he held her.

Zehel watched Michael comforted Persephone, his attention slowly becoming ripped from them. Aren approached the guards rashly, his hand held out for inspection. The guards slowly touched Aren's wrist inspecting it. The guards looked at each other then back to Aren. "Demi-God... Where is your alliance?" the guards voice short and sharp and he spoke, his eyes locking with Aren's as he spoke.

Zehel's ears rang as he heard the guards speak, his eyes glued to Aren awaiting his response. Was he insane? We didn't know who created the contract. If he answered a person who opposed the contractor, he would be cut down in a instant. This place didn't last this long just letting anyone in. Zehel thought quietly to himself as he ran over the names of who could possibly have created this contract. The most obvious answer was a god of heaven, but that still didn't seem right. Demons guarded the entrance.. Which means the most likely person.. Was Lucifer. Who else would have demons guard the gate and exile any non-fallen angels.

Michael pulled away from Persephone slowly giving her a warm smile. "Persephone, we need to get into this city. I can't go in the front entrance with you. So I will have to leave your side for a moment... Zehel will protect you, at least until I can get in. Ok?.. " A comforting smile wrapped his face as he helped Persephone to her feet. Michael turned to Zehel, there eyes locking. The look on Zehel's face told Michael that he wanted to come with, but Zehel was the only person Michael could trust to protect Persephone and the others.

Michael turning to Aaron who stood silently watching the city, his mind seemed lost in thoughts. "Aaron your with me.." He said, walking towards him. Michael began to push Aaron toward the left of the gates, his movement heading towards the solid concrete wall the wrapped around the city. Michael turned slightly his golden eye's watching Zehel. "Better Say Lucifer... " His voice was quiet, so quiet even Zehel wasn't sure if the others around him heard it. Either way Zehel knew what he meant. Michael believed the contract as by Lucifer. Michael slowly walked away with Aaron, his eyes carefully watching Persephone as he left. He worried about her, she was so unstable recently. He feared for her sanity, her safety.
(( [MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] , [MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] , @Ixidor9 2Go ahead and post, Wingal and Harusun havn't been online in a while, so I will temporarily control there characters until they are back. ))
Aren's eyes narrowed as the man questioned him. He didn't seem to know who he was dealing with.

"My allegiance lies upon the open plains in the glory of battle. If that answer does not satisfy you, then perhaps you would prefer a different means talk?"

He did not move physically, but his spirit connected with the arsenal that awaited him. If this man wished to contest his entrance, he would find Aren had many different means to "Talk"
Persephone whimpered slightly, having to rip herself from Michael's arms. Her mind still scared, yet her body calm, her eyes were glued to him, worry, fear easily shown on her face. She didn't want him to go. She felt like she would truly fall apart in his leaving.

Though her composure set once more as she held herself, a dim glow of her affinity warming her, restoring her. Persephone never really used her powers for her own gain; it's never really worked like that. But she needed it. "Alright." She spoke quietly, and her attention turned from him, to Zehel. A new worry crossed her face. The demons at the gate... they would need to see her wrist... they would know of who she was.

Persephone wasn't daft. It was clear of who controlled this horrid city. But it was only then that she remembered something; She had run from him. She ran from Luciel, and this very city. Though how, she did not know. The walls of concrete towered over her with a faint aura of a cage. She was to be a bird once more, singing in her captors clutches. This was almost humorous. Ironic. But the only thing Persephone could show was her fear, as a fox in a trap. "Zehel..." She whispered, her hands locking together in anxiety. "They'll take me to him."

Persephone's ice eyes, cold with distress, looked over the creatures at the gates. They seemed to stand at salute, waiting for her, though knowing nothing of it. She was their ticket to an upgrade in power if they brought her in. Lucifer... Hades... He would control her once more. What would he do to her?

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