War of the Brethren (Light and Dark)

Persephone's eyes sliced back to Zehel, who had disobeyed her command. The coolness to her eyes melted, revealing a blue flame of color as she stared down the guardian. Let them pass, or you will be defying a god. She replied in a harsh, yet calm voice echoing in his mind. One would not believe the voice hers, from the furious features she now held. The angle of her brow was challenging, her lips pushed together to make a thin line. But her eyes... They were alarming. There is but few humans here, and all corrupt. I have come to restore this village.

She stepped forward, the wind picking up in time with her movement, throwing her hair forward. Her eyes burned as they watched Zehel, unblinking. Zehel, come to me. I do not wish to have to speak to you this way. Not of the matter at hand. Her voice was even softer as it floated through his mind, as if saddened. I do not wish for you to hear of it in this fashion.

Her underling sat there, inches from Persephone, before suddenly shouting inaudible nonsense, and tugging on the ends of her turquoise cloak. Her eyes flashed to him, and he shriveled back, but pointed at a certain hut in particular, which seemed to have rather large amounts of movement. Persephone glared at the building, watching for signs of life. She could feel something there. An angel, perhaps? Zehel, who is here, in this area with you?
A sigh of relief came from him as she pointed out his bleeding hand. He thought perhaps she was in shock. He pulled up his hand, his fingers loosening slightly as he glanced down at his wound. He clenched it again and smiled "Angels yes, but I am not in my angel form. This body is human, and being so I must cope with its weaknesses." His voice was soft and sweet, as though he was talking to a child. He watched her carefully taking a step back as she rummaged her house finding her bow and collecting up all her arrows. Her manner seemed frantic. Could this human sense what was outside? That seemed impossible.

As she bolted towards the door his hand quickly out stretched to grab her, his bleeding palm grasped around her arm dripped blood down her seemingly clean shirt. "Wai..." Surprise swept his face as she turn to him. "What, exactly, is out there?" she asked as she turned to him. He didn't answer, to tell her the truth wouldn't be wise. If she ran, she'd die, and if she fought, her outcome would be the same. He gripped his teeth together not knowing how to respond. "and may I ask you name, and why you came here?.." His eyes lite up at the change in subject. He looked to his hand which still gripped her arm, slowly retracting his hand he cleared his throat. "Sorry.. " He looked down at her arm, stained by his blood. "My name is Michael. I came here looking for something I had lost. I seemed to have found it. I apologize if I intruded."

He glanced down at the unconscious demon, he wondered if she as a scouter for this army. He looked back at the women in front of him. "If you go out there alone.. You will die.." His voice echoed with concern, but still had the presence of cut-throat seriousness. Michael closed his eyes. He could see the presence of demons, his mind counting them slowly. To him he could see a radiant gold outline of the town, each being coated and glowing according to their power level. The brighter they glow, the more powerful they are. His silent counting came to a halt as her jerked his eyes open. 1345 low level demons. But that wasn't all. Persphone? Zehel? and even another human. His face showed a look of confusion. Zehel had been lost over a thousand years ago with Daico. If Zehel was here perhaps Daico was close? He eyes beamed. To find Daico so soon, it seemed impossible. But then the question rang, why was Persphone here? Had she gone mad being with Hades for so long? To have such a army in her clutches worried him. He let out a heavy breath. Human bodies were so weak, using his powers in such a large span of area weakened him to easily. Though he did well to rid the exhaustion form his face.


Zehel flinched as her harsh sinister voice pierced his mind. He took a step to the side as Harusun continued to approach him. He eyes shot up to Persephone, you could tell by the heart wrenching glares that the tension was high. "What god commands the dead Persephone .. You are not Hades! .. so why?" His voice almost seemed to yell her her head, the hair on his back beginning to rise, his claws digging deep into the ground. A small demon faster then the rest charged towards Zehel. Its war screams bringing his attention to its small form. He glared down at it, lifting his large paw and quickly slamming it down on the small demon, its war screams turn to hell'ish screams as its bones slowly crushed against the weight of the ground. Zehel held him in place as he scream, his body thrashing about.

"The god I flow is Daico... My respects for the gods have nothing to do with there commands. Tell them to stop. And I will hear you out. Those in this village are under my protection.. Threaten those sanctions and I wont forgive you so easily... " His eyes glowed brighter in the moonlight as his anger seemed to boiler over.
Harusun didn't seem to hear Zehels threat as she continued forward.. Wind... " Haru.. Stop. " Her mind commanded.. Hesitantly she obeyed.. " Look.. Something isn't right. " Harusun slowly turned her head, left, then right.. Then followed Zehels gaze.. She finally noticed what her subconcious had noticed far before. Something wasn't right here.. The death of Zehel was still a priority, but even in this insane state, logic can find a way. While they may all be ants in her mind doesn't mean one should attempt to step on a swarm.

As the demons started rushing down she had a choice.. Launch what she had prepared at Zehel, and retreat, or Launch it at the largest group that was the biggest threat to her.. Or.. " Her, he is staring at that.. Human?.. She must be the one controlling them.. Without a Queen, the ants have no leadership.. " She thought.. Then looked up towards the sky directly at the goddess. " YOU'RE IN MY WAY!!!!! " She screeched...

Dark blue water began to swirl above her head, in advanced patterns.. A maelstrom of absolute beauty swirling multiple feet above her head, left, right, up, down, what seemed to be random growing jets of water twisting and twirling in the air.. in place, by some invisible force.. A bubble, an expanding bubble.. The artistic designs grew in beauty, size, and complexity, but still seemed to be random.. Before It all collided forming one single compressed point.

" DIE! " The compressed point was very short lived before Hundreds of tiny water whips exploded from the ball twisting through the air, forming.. Something that slowly became recognizable.. A very large snake-like dragon, with a gaping mouth, and massive jaws, the size of a decent house, far too large for this little human to be expelling anyway.. Sped through the air at incredible speeds considering it size.. Every demon it impacted on its way barely slowed it, as they were knocked violently out of its way, and fell to their doom. (( All me assuming feel free to change that lol. )) Before closing in on the goddess above...
Aren stopped. Something echoed within the ground. He knelt down, and listened. Felt it through the earth, heard it upon the wind. A smile broke his face as they came to him. Battle. Battle was in the distance, and there was no way he was missing it. He dashed through the forest now, heading in the direction of blood and hopefully glory . . .
Blinking, Janice looked down to her arm as he released it, staining her sleeve with blood. She stared at the scarlet drops, listening to him faintly as he spoke. "Micheal," she tested the name quietly on her lips, then looked up, tilting her head slightly to the side. "I'm Janice." Her eyes flickered down to his bleeding hand, then back up to him, "You should probably bandage that. I have some supplies if you would like any." Not that she was going to give him an option. She pointed to the bed behind him, a single word passing her lips, an order that was sharp, stern, yet soft. "Sit." She turned on her heel, examining the shelves for a moment before grabbing a few items and turning back to face the angel, the angel name Micheal.

Studying him closely, she could see traces of exhaustion across his face, almost worn and drained. He had mentioned that he was in a human form. Did that take away his abilities? Or merely limit them? These questions would have to be saved for later, for Janice had a wound to tend to, and hoped to provide him with some tea to give him a boost of energy. She realized there was not much time until the... demons reached her home, but she would not leave someone wounded as such. It was not in her nature, nor would it ever be. He would leave here in the condition he had arrived, and Janice, being as stubborn as she was, would not let anyone state otherwise. "I'll have to make this quick, but I need you to be still." She kneeled next to him, examining the hand briefly, before looking back up to him. "I'm just going to bandage it. It won't be the best it can be, but there's also thousands of demons outside looking to kill someone. It's perfectly logical to be hasty."
Persephone stopped for a moment, her mind blank. Her eyes now rested on something out of view as her body jerked back. Her mind was elsewhere. His shouts had gotten to her. Yet, for some odd reason, she suddenly did not remember her original thought. H.... Hades... This was her husband. Her captor. No. She had out grown him. She was the Goddess of Restoration. Of life after death. Therefore, she lead undead. No? No... something wasn't right...

Through the midst of her stagger, she spoke what sanity she held intact through the confusion forced upon her. How could she have forgotten of Hades? I... To betray one God in this time is to betray them all, Zehel. Leave my creatures unharmed! She called out, hearing screams of pain rise from the village; not of humans. There is a war between the demons and gods; a civil war between us gods, as well. Our leader... The God of time and space... He is gone.

But before she could speak further, the human stepped forward, and posed an attack on the stunned Goddess. It was inevitable; she was to be hit by this mysterious dragon of water the human conjured. She felt the death of her minions, the children she created from the dead to help her conquer the evils of the world. But she had a hole in her plan. Evil was a vague concept in her plan. All humans seemed to have fit into this role of 'evil'; sinning and creating vices that killed themselves and all living creatures around them. The humans of earth were evil. Persephone held no defense but the minion at her side, which would not hinder the water beast in any degree. Her cold blue eyes could only widen in upmost shock, as the spell raced towards her with alarming speed. In her human body, what was Persephone to do? Her mortality hindered her. Her body instinctively jumped backwards, yet she fell.

She stumbled, falling gracefully to the ground only in a fit of... Fear. Persephone was afraid.
Zehel looked over to Harusun, his eyes catching a glimpse of the dragon she had sent towards Persephone. "Harusun NO... " His voice screamed in her mind. To attack meant death, was she insane to attack Persephone? In a instant his form vanished, the small demon who had been locked underneath his foot set free, laying weakly with small moans coming from its form. In a instant his form appeared in front of the dragon, its whirling nature violent, as it tore threw the lesser demons. He growled hoarsely at it has it collided into his shoulder, his fangs finding there way into the dragons water based neck.

The dragons jaw too cut into Zehels shoulder, ripping and tearing threw it. His form pushed back violently as he pushed both himself and the dragon up into the air, redirecting its course away from Persephone. As soon as the dragons direction moved he, like before disappeared his fleshing being torn to shreds by the violent dragon, as it seem to evaporated in the air. Its water based form slowly falling apart after seemingly hitting its target. He landed a few feet away from Persephone and a yelp of pain left his snout. His shoulder blade covered in blood, his bone exposed as flesh hung down from his wound. Blood seeped out quickly as he looked to Harsun. "Don't attack.. " His voice much weaker this time, seemingly out of breath.

Zehel held his body up weakly his breath becoming heavy. Hes eyes seemingly fading to a lesser gold.


Michael looked at her with surprise as she ushered him over to the bed. She held his hand lightly as she examined it. He looked down at her, a smile wrapping lightly around his face. Humans like this still existed, and to meet one made his heart sore. The world had become so dark that a pure soul such as hers was so hard to find. He parted his lips "It's nice to meet you Janice.." He's warm smile directed towards her.

She quickly bandaged his hand. He thought about refusing, he shouldn't be concerned over something so small. His healing wasn't like a Angels, but it would be almost fully healed by tommorow. He glanced around the room, his demeanor impatient.

The sound of a cry hit his ears. Michael's eyes widened as he quickly jumped up. His hand only half bandaged, with a long dirtied bandage hanging from his hand. His quick movement caused Janice to wall backwards as his uttered "Zehel?...". His eyes glowed a bright gold, there amber hues looking angry, causing his appearance to look nothing like a human. He clenched his teeth as he stormed to the door his hand violently pushing the cloth from the door frame. "Stay here.." he said, as his form vanished threw the door opening. He walked quickly to the middle of the street looking up to Persephone who sat at the stop of the valley. Zehel stood close by her the smell of his open wound filled the village air, the surrounding demons looking up to him. He looked to Zehel as Zehel looked back at Harsun. Micheal's eyes soon found there way to the human.

"Zehel.." He whispered looking back up to him. He looked at Zehel with concern, with his mind constantly wavering, hoping that women wouldn't follow him.
Janice being... well, who she was, she didn't listen as Micheal ordered her to stay where she was. Instead, she muttered something under her breath and dashed after him, skidding to a stop once she was outside. Rain pattered onto her hair, onto her clothes, drenching her to the bone as her long, silky white locks clung to her face. She could barely make out anything through the storm, but it was enough to reveal how dangerous it truly was. There was a large, wolf like creature, a girl who seemed to be able to move water with her hands, and a woman. It was the woman who caught Janice's attention the most, for much power radiated from her, so much it was almost blinding. Even though she was in human form, the power of a goddess never fades, and Janice felt awestruck. As many supernatural beings as she had met in her life, never had she seen a god or goddess of any kind. And now, one stood on top of a hill in front of her, being beaten by a dragon of water.
" Ha!.. Ha!? Haha! Oh that was too easy! Really? Two birds with one stone!? " A wide smirk spread across her face, her eyes filled with grand amusement. " Don't attack? Don't attack!? Sacrificed your health for the sake of a lesser creature.. HAHA! Oh fun, I'm glad I followed you today.. " Harusun started forward, drawing her sword, and summoning a water orb in her free hand.. " Don't attack.. Huh? Don't attack a clumsy fearful human? I'll attack all I want! I'll attack her again now!" Harusun flung the orb at Zehel, then bolted towards Persephone with obvious intent to run her through with the blade..

(( Edit. Um sorry odd posting times for us all lol, she would have ignored the newcomers I'm sure. Assuming the orbs impact would spray the humans into running, then she would run per through. The orb once impacting with the pushback.. Will spray the immediate area with droplets like being hit with high powered bbs lol. ))

Persephone's eyes were wide as she watched the events unfold before her. His acts... He saved her. She believed, herself, that he would not try to save, nor listen to her, but he had. A spark lit within her, and a natural reaction occurred within her. A faint personality of her old innocence came to be once more, as she arouse quickly, swiftly making her way to the broken Zehel, and kneeled before him. She looked over the beast, seeing blood, muscle, tendons and flesh clinging to his body, desperate to survive.

Still within an unknown state of mind, she raised her hand over Zehel's wounds, touching them gently at first, watching his reactions. Her fingers seemed to dance over each rigid, torn piece of flesh, the bones that were broken and fractured, the skin slipping from his muscles. When she was finished, and finally touched his head with feather weighted fingers, that his body began to glow in the same golden light as was used only moments ago.

Persephone was restoring his body, without a seconds thought.

As she finished, and the glow began to sink into his body, only then did she realize of what she was doing. A hand held to her head, she lifted herself and backed away, her composure slipping. Where was her mind? Why was she helping him when he refused her command? Her minions, no longer smelling the scent of blood, continued without lead as they tore through the village slowly. Persephone was in shambles, her golden skin paling, her blue eyes wavering.

What was this evil? It was exactly what she thought these humans were. Was the world corrupting her? Or has she always been like this? Persephone knew very well of how her whole persona changed; she felt it for the better. But how Zehel spoke to her... He sounded as if accusing her of evil.
Closer, closer . . . CLOSER. Aren could feel the battle ahead, hear the cries of demons . . . and then they were there. He had arrived upon them. It was not so much a battle as it was a raid, at least on the edge of town. Higher powers lay deeper within, but they could wait. War did not.

"Come pitiful beings! Let the glory of war consume your lives!"

A red mist formed within his hand, solidifying into a massive claymore that he swung with one hand. He charged in, cleaving demon heads from bodies.
Zehel Snarled at Harusun, who seemed to show no regret in her actions. Zehel looked to Persephone as she took a step towards him. He took a step back instinctively, His gaze watching her carefully as she kneeled before him. The pain seemed to lift from his body as Persephone touched him. His wounds slowly healing from each touch. As she backed away, a look of surprise and confusion floated on his face. "Than..k you.. " He said his thoughts giving her a hint of compassion. His attention quickly ripped from Persephone, his paw stomped hard on the ground in a challenging manner towards Harusun as she collected water once again. Hard rain poured down on Zehel as he looked to her. Perhaps he should have just killed her. Her soul seemed to be tainted, a black abyss that consumed her mind and soul. Zehels took a step towards her, his intent towards her becoming more.. Volatile..

As Harusun seemed to charge forward he snarled, his eyes tracing the orb that soared directly at him. Michael quickly stepped forward his wounded hand catching Harusun as the other grabbed her wrist that held the sword pulling her close into his arms. His grip tight. Micheal didn't have the speed that Zehel did. Michael's eyes too locked onto the orb that veered towards Zehel. "Enough..." a voice echoed loud in the rain as he yelled. The voice was Michael's. His eyes glowed as he stared at the orb, its course being thrown aerie as he looked to it.

Zehel looked at the orb in surprise as its direction changed, its riveting form tearing into a near by tree, its roots being torn from the ground. A loud thump only added to the tensity that seemed to stay in the village. He looked at the orb confused, then peered down to see three figures down below. One held another in place, as the third stood to the side, his eyes then locked onto Persephone, a look on confusion on his face. Zehel pulled his eyes from her as he focused his eyes threw the haze, his expression becoming confused. "Michael?.." His voice echoed in Michael's head with a hint of relief.

Micheal looked back to Janice who stood behind him. "I thought I told you to stay inside?.." He smiled at her, as though he knew she wouldn't. Michael's smile broke as he looked over to a mysterious man who bolt out of the forest, his hands glowing as he tore into the already almost gone army. Who was he? Michael stood for a moment before saying "Stop.. " His eyes fixed on the stranger.
Harusun struggled weakly. " Let go of me, you.. You IDIOT! I'll kill you too! I'll.. " Her breathing was getting heavier, and her eyes were fluttering slightly.. Her lack of rest earlier was really catching up to her.. Not only that but the dragon had drained most of her remaining energy.. " No.. " His tight grip reminded her of home.. Not in the good way either.. The restraints that she had spent a majority of her life in.. Her head dropped, and her body went limp, as Harusun finally fell victim to her fatigue..

(( Sleep time for a moment anyway, a rest from crazy eyed insanity. I'll let everyone else get their stories in for a bit lol. ))
A completely soaked Dakota slowly made her way through the downpour. " 'Help your father' She said. 'You might learn something' She said." The girl hissed under her breath as she attempted to swipe away a strand of dark brown hair that was plastered to her forehead. "The only thing I've learned so far is that it's a good idea to find a place to stay before it starts raining" She grumbled, continuing to trudge through the fast falling water droplets. She paused suddenly, hearing noises in the distance. "Finally, there might actually be some people around here.." She sighed, midnight blue eyes shining with relief as she set off in the direction of the sounds.
"I'm not exactly known for doing as I'm told," Janice said dryly, brushing a strand of hair from her face. It simply fell in her eyes again, something that rather annoyed Janice, an odd pet peeve of hers. She flicked it away again, then gave up as it slid back down to her cheek, the end tickling her chin. Her eyes flickered to Micheal's injured hand, the bandage coming undone from all the wind and rain.

"Be careful with your hand," she ordered sharply, yet with concern, "In this weather, it can get infected, or worse." It seemed like she didn't see everything happening around her, but, the truth was that she was ignoring it. She was ignoring the undead, ignoring the shadows and darkness that was almost overwhelming. She could focus on an injury, on an unwrapped bandage, but on the disaster of hell breaking loose everywhere she turned? It was too much.
Michael kept his grip tight as the women struggled, her eyes seeming to lose there light. Her body suddenly went limp, her knees collapsing beneath her. Michael quickly slid a hand under her stomach, catching her as her counsicousness faded. He kneeled down as she slipped, allowing his knees to rest in the muddied ground.

The rain finally began to let up, the small drops of rain vanishing as the storm moved on. Michael sighed as he placed his hand gently on the women's cheek pulling it lightly to rest on his chest. Her feet tangled beneath her, as her hands lay limp between her crouched knees. Keeping her like this would prevent her from falling into the mud.

Micheal looked back to Janice, a warm smile sweeping his face. "It will be fine..." You could tell he was referring to his hand. He swade his head to the side in an attempt to gesture her closer. With her standing so far away, if someone attack now, it would be difficult to protect her. His eyes flickered back toward the strange man.

Zehel let out a large huff, as he looked down to Michael. The past minutes went by so quickly he reviewed them over in his mind, unsure of what will unfold next. His mind stopped as he realized what Persephone has said early "our god.. He's gone.." What? That impossible he thought as his mind swept the possibilities. Zehel turned to Persephone his voice shaken. "Fieori can't be gone..." He tried to keep his voice low, but it still became a scream. His voice reaching down to Michael as he looks at Zehel in suprise. "I've only been on earth for less the a year.. How could a war have broken out.., how could our king be dead.." His voice cried out in pain and anger. It was impossible, wasn't it?

Michael paused a look of sorrow consumed him. His voice light, in a almost whispering manner " Zehel, you've been missing for more then a thousand years... "

Zehels eyes twitched as they picked up Michaels words. His mind blank.. A thousand years... Zehel stood unwavering his eyes in a blankness stare.
Composure blanketed over her instantly as her mind reform from Zehel's restoration. Ignoring the beast cries, her attention focused on the girl held by the angel, who didn't even acknowledge her. A slight frown on her face, her eyes watched the sleeping girl, who had almost killed her. Anger filled those blue eyes. A short stride over, Persephone glared down at the sleeping figure. The delicate hand used to heal the wounded, revive the tired, grabbed the chin of the sleeping human, Persephone's long nails digging into the lower part of her face. Persephone glared down at her. Her mortality Was almost given to the three witches, the very women she controlled, who cut the threads of life.

Her eyes as daggers, she searched through the girls body, feeling a strange sickness reside in the human. "What is she?" Persephone hissed over her shoulder to Zehel, then looked to the angel for further question. "Who is she?" She questioned further, yet her voice grew louder. Her anger was easily understandable, yet her fingers boarded into the human's cheeks. Persephone was thinking of taking her life. Snapping her neck, ripping the skin from her face, gouging her eyes out; all these things were waiting to be done by the goddess, a judgement this corrupt creature needed. Persephone's eyes showed her anger, her thirst for justice of this crime.
Michael watched her carefully as she gripped harusun's face. He lifted his hand leaning forward slightly as he grabbed persephone's wrist, pulling it away from harusun. "I said its enough.." His eyes locking with Persephone's. Michael hues glowing furiously. Michael knew Persephone wouldn't recognize him. It was better this way, after the civil war broke out tensions between the gods became high. Alliances were made, and heaven torn between the gods they had bet on to take the crown. No one knew Michael had even left heaven. He cloaked his energy to hide it from threats, so people who passed by would only see an angel. Even there sights led astray. This worked well on other gods and angels, but Zehel was different. Michael couldn't hide his scent so easily, especially from him.

Zehel watched Persephone curious as she glided down, his golden eyes floating with her every motion. He walked slowly forward each step sinking into the muddy ground. Zehel bent down slightly, and with great forced shot himself into the air. To any of those watching it appeared he vanished. His form reappeared with a loud slush behind Persephone, his body edging to the left to see both Michael and Persephone.

Zehels mind wondered as his eyes watched Micheal. Michael was different then any angel. The right hand of god, the angel who commanded his army's. The respect and trust of all of those in heaven. He who was loyal to only Fieori. What could he be doing on earth!? Even if Fieori had died. For him to be on earth alone was dangerous. In his human form no less.

Micheal looked to Zehel, he hoped he wouldn't mention who he really was, and his eyes portrayed this well. Michael wasn't a pusher like Zehel. No angel was. Michael slowly released persephone's hand, slowly moving it to cover harusun's eyes. " it can't be helped..." He muttered, as he closed his eyes. His hand that had been carefully placed on harusun began to eliminate a small aura.

His eyes cringed, as a layer of a almost hollogram like aura began to eliminate from him. He grinded his teeth as he fored the hollogram back, as wings almost seemed to project from his back.

Sweat dripped from Michael's brow, which most would assume to be rain, as he let out a heavy breath. When a angel uses a powerful technique a hologram of there original form drapes over them, Michael unlike most angel can stop this. He forced it back to avoid Persephone realizing his true identity.

Michael sat for a moment before the aura that engulfed his hand dissipated. " This women was never suppose to be... She has two souls in one body, meant for twins. One seems pure.. But the other soul... It's tainted." Michael looked up to Persephone. " in a world so dark as this its only natural the darker soul would have more power over the body..." Michael paused waiting for a response.

The acquired silence broke as Zehel appeared once again in persephone's mind. " if I was human... And you had sent those demons running towards me... I would have attacked you as we'll..." Zehels stepped forward shaking his body once more to rid the water from his already heavy coat.

((Hope u don't mind harusun. Thought it might be fun :) . ))
It was an instant reaction when Janice saw the goddess approach the woman, who had collapsed from exhaustion. She darted forward, standing between the two with her arms outstretched, protecting the girl with her own body. She could see the intention, the desire in the goddess's eyes. The want to murder this human, this human who had nearly killed her. "Wait, stop!" She said in a blur of words, "There's no need to attack her! Leave her alone!" She had no idea where this surge of bravery had come from, the courage to face a goddess. Although frightened, she held her ground, keeping herself firmly planted between the two, her gaze unwavering from the goddess's own.

Feet swung from the branch in rhythm with the gentle breeze, white and delicate, yet covered with dirt and mud. Barely grazing the ankles was a long, almost silky red gown, sweeping outwards and decorated with black lace. Sitting upon this branch in the finest if gowns was a girl, approximately seventeen years of age, with skin tanned from constantly touring the outdoors, rather stunning green eyes, and thick, glossy black hair that reaches her waist.

Currently, this girl, her true name unknown, and going by the name of Dove, was fiddling mindlessly with a contraption if some sort, a stick connected to a piece of string. At first glance, it didn't seem to be an object of interest, but, looking closely you could see the way the stick was positioned in a way to where the sun hit it, it's shadow would reflect on a flat piece of wood connected to the string. A sun dial, something she put together in a matter of seconds with limited supplies. It was a rather simple tool to create, but to create it with precision was the challenge, a challenge Dove had accomplished.

For a moment, she sat there, admiring her work, then tying it to her wrist. Right now, in the darkness of night, it would not be much of a tool, but during the day, it would give the precise time whenever needed. Smiling at her accomplishment, Dove leapt down from the tree, landing softly on her bare feet, her plain black coat billowing over her shoulders. Mud squished between her toes she brushed a strand of dark hair out of her face, wiggling her feet in the moisture before continuing forward silently.
(( That works just fine, perfect. But um.. Soo.. <.< >.> was I woken up then? I'm a little unsure. Lol, I'll let a couple more jumps go, maybe allow Ixidor, and the others an entrance before I come back? Open to suggestions though, I am new to forum roleplay after all.. World of warcraft roleplayer X D ))

" Ha, how did you sleep today Harusun? I hope you are well rested.. Your punishment is far from over.. "

" Maybe next time You'll think twice before attempting to escape.. Where would you go? You will find nothing better Haru.. It's time to accept that you are going to be here for a long time.. So how about you be a good girl, and cooperate.. "

" This critter is distracting you Harusun.. You need to learn that you don't need friends.. Drown it.. DROWN IT or else! "

" Sink it.. Kill them.. Drown them! "

" NO STOP! I've been good to you you ungrateful.. Wait! Wait! No no, Don't you look at me with those cursed eyes noooooooo-eou..blurp!! "

" Haru, take me with you..? "

Gotta love the dream world.
(( [MENTION=4602]Harusun[/MENTION] Not yet. I'll explain it in my next post but what Michael did was use his powers to give the "pure" soul more strength. This way the pure soul has a little bit more of a fighting chance. And I was thinking that we will get all the characters to stay in the village for the night all sitting around a bonfire, which is when I "pictured" your character waking up :) to the sound of crackling fire, but you can regain consciousness whenever you want. ))
Persephone's eyes glowered at the human who stepped in front of her, and at the angel. "You do not order me." She spoke slowly, her tongue dripping with poison. She then turned in a snap, her red flowing around her like a flame to her movement. She made her way to the cliff side, and called her children to her through her connection with them. Each head from below turned, only it taking seconds to begin climbing the ledge. Ignoring the second human, Persephone spoke over her shoulder to the angel. "What is your place, angel?" She questioned. What a role he was playing, to be higher than her. And just because she was mortal?

Persephone felt her power was threatened. Ever since her immortality was stripped from her, she felt this. It was easily noticed of how she now felt. She turned to Zehel, who seemed to have been messing with her mind for the last few moments. Her pace was fast, agitated as she closed the space between them. This was also a threat, for Persephone... she couldn't think right. "What have you been doing to me?" His hands were in fists as her frustration seemed to poor from her aura.

Her power struggle was never an issue when she was by Hades side. What had happened? Where did he go? Did he... Did he leave her, his own wife he fought for so diligently?
A look if surprise swept Michael's face as Janice stepped between them. Her arms spread wide in an attempt to protect the women in Michaels grip. Michael watched Persephone carefully as she seemed to boil with anger. He bit his tougue as Persephone demanded to know his position. He wouldn't answer that question. Persephone was by hades side, if hades ever found out Michael was on earth he would do everything in his power to hunt him down. Hades always hated Michael. His jealously over his angel brother always consumed him. Hades wanted nothing more the to capture Michael, keeping him alive only to torture him for eternity.

Michael glanced down at the women safely clenched in his grasps. Her hate and aura that seemed to wreak of the foul putrid stench of hell began to fade. Michael knew once she woke she would only attack again, so while using his powers to find her true nature, he put alittle something of his own in there. A fraction of his grace dwelled in her pure soul, his light illuminating, giving it the strength to keep control. To have a fighting chance at ruling her body. Michaels eyes found there way to Persephone once again, as her fixated rage seemed to close in on Zehel.

Zehel stepped forward, his eyes showing no fear of Persephone. "I have done nothing.." Zehel said his thoughts pushing threw her mind once more. He let a moment of silence linger before his voice came once more. " I do not have powers over the mind.. I am a pusher. I merely show people my thoughts more directly.." Zehel paused for a moment, taking yet another step towards her. "Persephone you know this.. Are you ok??" His eyes showing sympathy and concern.

Michaels warm voice broke the silence as he carefully stood, the women draped carefully in his arms.

"Persephone you should stay with us tonight.. It's dangerous to leave now" it wasn't wise to keep Persephone so close to him but Michael still couldn't deny is nature. He wanted her safe. Michael stepped to the side making his way to a building only a few feet away. He crouched down carefully placing the women on the ground, her body laying carefully against the building side.
Persephone's thoughts seem to swim in her mind, leaving her unable to grasp them. She seemed to simmer with this happening, her anger forgotten through the fog of her mind. As a result, she placed a hand over her face, her eyebrows knotting in frustration. Zehel could not do this. What was? Her eyes closed as her favored tugged at her dress, his haggard appearance and features of what was left of his face showed worry. She turned away, brushing the creature to the side. "I will go nowhere with you." Was all she spoke to the angel, just as he said close to nothing to her. She opened her eyes, looked before her, seeing her creatures awaiting command. It seemed this feeling was the only thing that gave her pleasure.

Her favored took her hand, and guided her towards the hoard as it split to show a path away from the accursed city. This was the last place she wished to be. Her weakling creatures could feel this. Their queen was at disarray. They will protect her to no end. Doing just that, armed creatures followed behind her, enabling for one to follow.

She ripped her hand from the creature, raising both to her temples as they pounded. What was this illness in her mind? In her goddess state, she had never felt this. A new anger surfaced, though it was not frustration towards others. It was to herself. Will she forever be weak?
Zehel looked back towards Michael. The wind blowing his long thick coat about. "Michael.. You know if she leaves.. She will probably die in her condition.." Zehel's words rang deep in Michael's mind. His eyes fell down to the ground as his mind began to wonder. Michael's thoughts became quickly interrupted by the sound of a loud stomp. Zehel had slammed his paw down against the ground in an attempt to wake Michael from his daze. Michael eyes meet with Zehel's as he began to step forward. Zehel was right. Michael couldn't willingly let her leave, knowing she could die. No matter the danger, he had to show her the truth. The truth about who she was. But would the cost be to great?

Michael couldn't think about that know. He had to have faith in her, that she would never betray him. "Wait.." Michael said quietly, quickly walking by Zehel. Michael did a small little trot like run to catch up with Persephone, stepping ever so carefully, as to not crush any of her underlings as they walked. He lunged forward slightly grabbing Persephone's wrist, pulling her to look at him. "Persephone, have you really become this far lost? Have you truly forgotten who you once were?.. " His golden eyes meet with hers as he spoke, a familiar likeness that came to her but seemed to be fuzzy in her mind. He slid his hand down slightly, to gently raise her hand between them. His lowered his head, his golden hues never faltering from hers.

His soft gentle lips touched the almost porcelain flesh that covered her frail hand, his golden hues glowing as he did. In a instant her mind was lost. Not in the world of mortals anymore. Before her a reflection began to come together, like broken glass shards slowly falling back into place. As the glass shards aligned, a picture formed. Beautiful, luscious fields of flowers and grass covered the ground. The bright blue sky, shinning next to the golden sun, and a young girl, who's red locks bounced lightly as she ran. A smile sweeping upon her face as she ran threw the field. Her mother standing watch near by. The mother smiled at her daughters innocents. "Don't bother him to much Persephone! .. " She yelled as the young girl quickly ran threw the field, her long white and red dress trailing behind her. Her mother shook her head as the young girl ran.

This wasn't just a picture. It was a memory. Persephone's memory.

The young Persephone ran quickly over the field, her smile becoming bigger as she approached a man. "Michael! " The girl yelled, as Michael turned to her. His golden hair picking up with the light breeze. He greeted her with a warm smile and he leaned down catching the girl as she jumped into his arms. "Persephone, shouldn't you be with your mother?" He asked.

"But I wanted to see the world again! Please Michael !!! Can we see it today?" The out of breath girl stumbled threw her words, as the excitement seemed to soar threw her.

Michael giggled slightly, as he stood. "Alright, but one last time.." Said Michael as he out stretched his hands to the young Persephone. Persephone's face filled with excitement as she jumped towards him. Michael grabbed her gently lifting her from the ground, securing her tightly on his hip. Pure white wings seemed to spout from his back as he moved, his long wings outstretching around them. Each wing had to be 15 feet long, their span being cut short as he circled them inwards. He look down to her his warm voice filling her ears "Hold on .. ok?" His wings bowed as he took a solid leap off the green floor, his wings sending a whirl of wind into the grass throwing it about. He girl clenched to his tightly as he flew higher and higher, until finally the wind around them seemed to stop.

The young Persephone's, who's face had been tucked deep into Michael's shoulder began to rise. The look of uncertainty wiped off her face the moment she was the view. Miles above heaven Micheal hovered. The view was incredible, the golden gates of heaven didn't even stand this tall. The girl giggled as she look at heaven, her eyes filled with gleam.

In a instant the picture shattered again reforming once more. This time a much older Persephone ran threw the fields, her look a bit more desprite as she swatted the flowers out of her way. Persephone was now a young women. Her vibrant hair and pale skin as beautiful as ever. "Michael!?!" She yelled in a voice much like her current one. There once again stood Michael, but this time to other angels accompanied him. He looked over to Persephone as he gestured the other Angels ahead of him. "Michael!" She said out of breath, quickly coming to a stop. Her body arched over heaving trying to catch her breath. "You cant ...leave!"

Micheal smiled at her, kneeling down as he pulled her chin up to look at him. "I have to. I'll be back. I promise. "

Her face seemed to beat red "You can't I need you!"

He smiled "But Fieori needs me more.. You know that.."

"What am I suppose to do if your not here?" She said frantically.

"Persephone, though the distance that's between us now may seem to be to far, it will never separate us and deep inside you should know. I'm never gone, never far. In your heart is were I am. Always close, everyday and every step along the way. Even though for now we have to say goodbye. I will be forever in your life. " He smiled gently as he stood. "Never forget that." Michael turned slowly and walked away. Persephone still on her knees gasping, her eyes watching as he walked. A small smile swept her face as he left. She knew he would come back.

This was back, when Michael went to earth to plunge the demons who had polluted it. It wasn't long after that when Lucifer snuck into heaven. His jealously raged as he sot after something, anything! In his desprite search he meet Persephone. Her pure soul and love illuminated, reminding him of Michael. He decided he would take her, and take her he did. As the scene unfolded the picture yet again broke. This time what stood in front of Persephone was Michael. Behind him Zehel, and the two humans behind him. Her mind back to reality. Michael slowly released her hand looking to her. His golden glow fading from his eyes, as he raised his head. As Persephone gaze meet with him, her eyes seemed to reflect Michael's true form, a overlay of his Angel self. Long wings that seemed to surround them. There likeness seemed to reflect more like a hologram, that laid, off centered over him.

In an instant the overlay vanished, its glow going off like a thousand fire crackers as they faded into nothing. Zehel's ears perked forward as he looked to them. A look of sadness swept over Michael's expression. By the time he had return to heaven, Persephone was gone. And when he went to retrieve her, he had seen the happiness that they gave each other. He knew Persephone had grown attached to him. Michael couldn't take that from her. She deserved happiness. And who said that happiness could only be found in heaven?

Zehel looked back to Janice, a look of confusion swept her face. Letting out a deep breath his voice came to her "Are you ok?.. " His eyes watching her carefully.

((Ok. Longest post EVER! >.> Hey me and Verrohmare are chatting about what to do next on the character acceptance form if you wanna come over and give any suggestions or see what we are attempting to plane :) ))

Oh and Ixidor your kinda dead in the water over there! You alive? Lol. ))

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