War of the Brethren (Light and Dark)

Anyone would flinch back at that look, that death glare that the goddess shot towards Janice as she stepped in front of the other girl, wanting to protect her at all costs. It had been frightening, seeing those eyes, those eyes burning with rage and nearing what seemed like madness. Her whole body shook with terror as she stood her ground, dark eyes squeezed shut tightly, too scared to open up once more. She expected a strike, or some form of pain, but nothing came. All she heard was angry sound of the goddess's voice, demanding answers to questions she did not know of. So far, none of it seemed directed towards Janice, so she hesitantly opened her eyes, her arms trembling from being held suspended for as long as they had been. She let them fall to her sides, cocking her head curiously as she absorbed the scene in front of her.

To her, it was confusing and seemed rather odd. Micheal walked up to the goddess, grabbing her arm, telling her to wait. Then, he just stood there, staring at her intently, his eyes glowing in the darkness. It seemed like he was showing her something, telling her a story of some sorts. Maybe it was a memory, maybe it had been a dream. Janice was curious, as she usually was, wanting to hear the tale, craving it. Yet, at the same time, she was confused, lost. What was happening in front of her? Did Micheal know this goddess? Did this goddess know Micheal? What was he showing her? And what would be her reaction to the story? In silence, Janice stood there, watching the two with wide eyes, wondering what the results would turn out to be.

"Are you okay?" Blinking, she looked up as the wolf addressed her. This, for some reason, stunned her even more. A wolf? Communicating with her? It seemed outrageous, ridiculous, even after everything she has seen. An animal, being able to speak through the mind? "Y-you're a wolf," she stuttered, staring at him intently, "And you just spoke... I think...." She paused, rubbing her eyes and shaking her head to herself. Was she going crazy? Or was this truly happening to her, all hell breaking lose around her? "I must be mad..." she muttered under her breath, squeezing her eyes shut once more. Maybe, once she opened them again, she would discover this was merely a dream, a nightmare. None of it would be real, it would all be her imagination running wild.
(I was in a car for 10 hours yesterday. Didn't really get to do much posting)

The demon squealed for a few seconds as it clawed at the blade stuck through it's gut. Aren raised it off the ground, letting it slide down to the hilt before ripping it off and laughing like he had lost all sanity. But . . . they were leaving. Not fearful running, some had done that earlier, it was a retreat. They had been called by someone. Aren took a few deep breaths to calm his mind from the madness that was battle, throwing the massive blade over his shoulder. He walked in the direction of their retreat, finding one of the oddest sights he had ever seen.

Two mortals.

A massive mystic-gaurd-dog of sorts

An angel

. . .

Was that Persephone? What the hell was she doing out of the underworld and away from Hades' side? He walked forward slowly, remaining along the side of the buildings, but not announcing his presence yet. He had no idea who was friend or foe here.
Persephone watched what was before her. An illusion, perhaps? No. This was stronger. Persephone felt a connection, a familiarity with these scenes. She saw heaven, somewhere she hadn't been in... A long time. She could only remember the darkness from a lack of heaven. When... When...

When Michael released her hand, it floated in the same position, as the rest of her body, frozen. Her eyes were glued on Michael, confusion and fear clear on her face. Persephone did not remember these events, but they felt familiar. Like tracks she had stepped in another life. The woman who seemed like a motherly figure... Michael... The people in these visions... It seemed to be her past. She saw her as a child, probably hundreds of years ago. A teenage Persephone, too. Yet she didn't remember these things, herself. Persephone was frozen, though it seemed her lips were the first to warm, because she mouthed "No." to which her underlings saw immediately, and began to push Michael away. Though they could only try, for the strength of the angel was powerful, and with five pushing him away, he wouldn't even budge. To which they looked up at their goddess, wide eyed, awaiting her command to set them straight. Though she only stand there, as several emotions crossed her face. Question, anger, rage, sorrow, wonder, longing...

Persephone retracted her hand quickly, holding it to her chest with the other. She was now frightened. What was he doing to her? What were they doing to her? Persephone's wide blue eyes watched Michael, then darted to Zehel, yet rested on the angel once more. Was this a trick to keep her here? Cage her for her abilities? What would this angels intentions be other than good? They knew no kind of evil. Was it true she once had a connection to this angel? What did he have to gain to lie? No. Angels cannot lie. They do not use their powers for their own gain.

"... I..." Her voice was suddenly horse, to which she cleared her throat as a strong gust of cold wind tossed her hair before her. "What..." As if a break from the curse mended, her thought process was no more, as her eyes lowered. "What have you to gain from this?" Her voice was low, yet her tone was demanding, careful. She stepped back, though felt compelled to embrace the angel, as the images of her once had. Confusion was the only thing that seemed to rest in her mind.

(( Sorry for the short reply, I'm somewhat busy today. ))
Michael took a step towards her, his eyes seemed filled with sorrow as Persephone voice rang in his ears. "What is there to gain... ?" He muttered his golden eyes glossed over, as though he were about to cry. "Persephone, please forgive me... I was wrong. I thought you were happy with Luciel... I thought that maybe you could find happiness with him. I never thought you would lose yourself. Your memories.... Your life... "

He paused for a moment as he looked into persephone's eyes, his smile weak. "I have nothing to gain, but I can't let you lose yourself. Persephone I will never let u fall into such darkness. Don't you want the truth!? To remember who you once were. " Michael slowly lifted his hand between them, his palm open, as a gesture for her to grab it. "Give me a chance Persephone.. And I promise ill save you..." His hand hovered unwavering as he looked to her, the wind blowing his coat about.

Zehel smiled at Janice, his expression looking more like a threat in his celestial form. "Yes ... I am" he said, one again shaking his coat of the remaining liquid. Zehel lifted his head as a gust if wind flew past him, his nostrils flaring in the wind. Zehel stopped for a moment, his eyes slowly gazing over to the east. His fangs showing as a snarl came from his mouth. His eyes locked onto a figure that stood just out of the forest. Zehels eyes locked with the mans. Zehels voice stang deep in his mind. "Who are you..." Zehel stomped his foot as he look to the stranger. Who were all these people!?! He smelt a lot like a god.. But different. The smell of demon blood drenched Zehels nostrils as the man stood silently.
So the mutt had found him first. Not exactly unexpected, given what his sense of smell would probably be like. He walked forward, the massive claymore still laying over his shoulder and drenched in demon blood.

"Well mutt, my name is Aren. Though i doubt you were looking for a name so much as what I am judging from your tone. I am son to Aries, if that answers your question."

He didn't know who this dog was to attempt to demand answers from him, but he was having none of it. He would understand who he was and just how powerful he was.
She stepped back once more, shaking her head. "I know not of you.There was nothing wrong with me before you showed your face!" This was her first reaction. But when she thought it over once more, she heard his name. Luciel. Dark images flooded her mind of her unwanted husband. Dragging her to hell, and placing her at his side as a trophy, he toyed with her. Treated her like both a slave, and a treasure. He paraded her through the fires crowded with dead, the darkest of recesses. She was his prize; him her kidnapper. When angered by outside forces, he would take it out on her; force himself onto her... There as her first true realizations of weakness. This is what made her callous, among other things.

Persephone fell to the ground, her hands in fists. How could any creature believe that was what she wanted? Did he truly know of what was happening to her down in that dark accursed...? "You lie." She whispered, as her body began to shake. "You lie!" She shot up, inches from his face. "Anything with a mind would know of my pain! There was no happiness for the pure down there!" She screamed, her eyes a blue flame. She seemed to shake with anger, her mind unbalanced. "If you knew me as you claim, you would see that!" She screamed further, though it seems to began to choke on her words with tears that she refused to let fall. "You mean nothing to me, you only wish to trick me!" This is truly what Persephone felt; she could so no more. To see something as pure of intentions was beyond her. Her crossed her arms over stomach, in the hope that it would stop her from shaking.

Her creatures could only watch their goddess fall apart at the seams. Her favored didn't know what action to take. He only gathered them to the side of their Lady, wondering of their future. What was to happen to them without her of sane mind? Was she ever sane? They had only become beings recently, maybe a year old. Even seeing the child of Aries was a new occasion. They could only watch her as her cloak bellowed in the wind, her hair a consuming fire, her body shaking as an earthquake. These were the signs of catastrophe.
Michael stood unwavering. Her screams echoed threw the town, her painful screams of horror and agony beckoned at his throat. As he looked to her, a single tear ran down his right cheek. His sadness consumed him. When he had traveled down to hell it wasn't like that. She was truly happy at first. Could Luciel have changed after Michael left... Could Persephone have truly been in so much pain and Michael couldn't see it!? The thought of leaving her in agony and letting her suffer threw this much pain consumed his mind, his golden eyes grew dimmer as he mind wondered in the darkest pits of hell. In the quietest voice he spoke "I'm... So sorry Persephone.. " he couldn't say anything more then that. He wouldn't try to justify he's actions. He had made a mistake. He wished that in all his grief, he could go back.. Change everything. But he didn't posses that power.

He lowered his hand taking a step back from her as she held herself. He who was the strongest angel couldn't help her, and in the darkness of her words began to doubt. Doubt himself, doubt the world and doubt in god. Pain seered threw his chest. His hand grasping at it. This sudden pain was unbearable, his body hunching over in pain.

Zehels lips curled at Aren. His disrespectful tone annoys him. "Son of Aries" he thought. "So he must be a Demi.. " Zehels train of thought became interrupted as persephone's screams reached his ears. His ears pushed back in discomfort from her screams. Zehel pushed his thoughts once more to Aren. "Why are you here...?" He questions as his attention became redirected to Michael and Persphone. Zehel couldn't believe his ears, persephone's hateful worlds even hurt him. He stood for a minute watching, before the hair on this coat began to prickle. As Michael grabbed his chest Zehel took a step forward, his eyes watching carefully. It couldn't be. Zehel had seen this once before. An Angel who had questioned his existence, not only his but gods as well. Zehel pushed hard in to Michael's head "Michael..." His voice screeched. Michael was falling. The one Angel who loved all and never questions anyone's existence or place in this world, was questioning his own. Zehel looked towards Michael afraid. If even the strongest most powerful angel in all of heaven fell. The last light of god that shinned in all this darkness. What would happen if that flame ever stopped.

Zehel looked to Persphone who seemed consumed in her own insanity. "Persephone.. You know Michael ... He wouldn't do that. He would never leave you in such a dark place. Was it really like that in the beginning. Did lucifer ever change?... Persephone you can't do this... Michael will fall." His hoarse voice screamed in her head as Michael collapsed to his knees.
Insanity struck her eyes as they suddenly opened, searing at the beats. "Luciel never changed." Her voice wavered between pain and madness; a sign even she could see. "He corrupted me to the point of my own change." Her attention reached the angel once more, the light from him beginning to fade. She seemed to split into two at that moment. Her mind splitting, becoming either side of the other. One, proud of her accomplishment in destroying an angel. This would gain in her power. The other... felt pity. A need to help, protect... restore. He had pulled something in her, stirred what was inside of her. She had never seen this before. She could only watch him, feeling both empowered and vile. How could she do this to him? It seemed... he only wished to help. That was all he knew.

These two parts of her fought for control. The newly awakened was weak, and could not surface. Persephone's anger did not allow it. Her crumpled body lay there, a sneer crossing her face. "I will not lie of my suffering." She scoffed. "He had seen me when poisoned by Hades himself." Glistening water, tears, fell from her eyes. Were they of anger, or sadness? It seemed equal of both. Where they landed, the dead grass of the valley grew suddenly vibrant; clovers and wild flowers grew within mere moments from her fallen tears. The vibrant plants contrasted greatly with the surrounding greenery. It was symbolic to those seeing from the outside. The grass lay greener for those who try harder, who give more, and sacrifice greater. "... And to which they seemed so different," she whispered, a sneer lingering only slightly on her face. "There was only slight difference. A change made before, to separate the path in which they walked." It was a sentence she had said before. It was a memory of a play. The familiar feel was there as she looked at the ground. The connection was there, and Persephone knew. She knew he was in her life. Had she once acted in this play as a child, and had it involve him?

She refused to continue to think of it. What surfaced of that memory confused her further, and her hand became a fist around those flowers and vibrant grasses she created. Her intention was to rip the plants from their roots, yet she could not find the strength. Her anger bubbled as her continuous tears drenched the ground before her, creating more life.
Zehel growled slightly, his eyes moving from Persephone back to Michael. "Michael.. Your stronger then this.. Show her the truth"

Michael grasped at his chest as he looked up into Persephone eyes, his hands tightening against his chest. He eyes glowed once more as he closed them. In an instant Persephone's vision was coated again, Its frame shattered into a thousand different pieces. As the small shards fell into place what was scene was not heaven or earth, but hell. There sat Persephone, her arms folded neatly in her lap. The bed beneath her shinning red that matched her radiant hair, its tall posts holding high against the the sharp, rigid ceiling. Persephone traced her fingers along the engraved poles as she sat, he eyes slowly following its design.

A large door opened in front of her, its bowed frame creaking as it opened. A smile swept over her face as her soft voice echoed in the large cave like room. "Lucifer! " She said jumping to her feet with excitement. A smile swept across her face as she looked at the sturdy door. The smile that had swept her face quickly turned to surprise, as the face that entered the room wasn't Lucifer, but Michael. Michael looked to Persephone, as a smile of relief swept his face. "Persephone! " Michael quickly shut the door moving towards her. "Your ok!" He embraced her lightly, a sigh of relief from his chest that he had found her.

He pulled away from her quickly, his hands grabbing her upper arms. "We have to go. There isn't much time.." He turned quickly to walk back towards the door. He reached for the door, grabbing the handle, as he turned towards Persephone "What are you doing? Lets g.." His words cut short as Persephone interrupted. "No.." She said, her hand holding onto the post as though she needed the support.

"Persephone..Whats wrong? We have to leave. I promised I would always protect you. I wont let you live her with-"

"I don't need to be protected. He's not bad Michael..."

"Persephone this isn't were you belong, you should be in heaven by your mothers side. That man is tricking you" He walked over to her, he head bent slightly as he looked down.

"Your wrong Michael! I... " She paused for a moment, recomposing herself as she shook. " I love him.. "

"Persephone you cant-" Persephone quickly cut him off once more.

"Who are you? Who are you to say who I can and cant love! You don't know me!.. And you don't know him! Your wrong!"

Her voice became more like screams, the more she said, her hands shaking in anger.

Michael stood speechless, his eyes looking down on the distressed Persephone. Tears streamed down her face as she shook.

"Persephone... Why.. " He lifted his hand brushing it against her cheek. "I cant protect you down here. He's not what you think.. "

"What does it matter to you? I love him .. I don't need you! ....LUCIFER. " Her voice echoed hard in the room as she screamed his name.

"PERSEPHONE! NO!" Michael shouted, his expression turning despite.

In a instant, the lights around them went out, the once vibrate red roomed grew dark. Michael stepped back from Persephone closing his eyes tight. In hell his powers were so drained. It took most of what he had just to get here unnoticed by his brother. Sharp pain seered in Michael's shoulder. The lights seemed to flicker on to reveal a tall, dark man behind Michael. He's long sharp blade cut deep into Michael's shoulder, its length reaching far behind him as a pool of blood dripped from his wound. The tall man smiled viciously, his dark intent showed deep in his dark black eyes. His short lightly waved hair was a crescent black that seemed even darker then the shadows. Lucifer's dark bangs hung slightly in his eyes, his pale skin, white as snow, as though its had never seen light.

Michael's hands gripped tightly around the blade as Lucifer began to twist it. "Ahhh." Michael screamed in pain as Lucifer forced him to his knees. Lucifer's sinister smile swept over him as he used his right hand to push Michael closer to the ground, his hands digging hard into Michael's left shoulder. Lucifer licked his lips as he whispered "Hello, brother.."

Lucifer's hand seemed to pierce Michael's flesh as he pulled violently. Ripping tearing, feathers scattered everywhere as Lucifer seemed to violently forced Michael's right wing from his back.

Michael screamed again in pain as his wing was forced into view. Persephone stood in shock , her stance unwavering as Michael looked to her. The light in his eyes seeming to fade. Lucifer licked his lips again, as he looked to his "love".

"Persephone my love, was this man trying to hurt you? Don't worry my love, I will protect you. " Lucifer stood slightly as a few demons walked threw the door. "Go with them my love, I will take care of this man.. " His smile was vile, as he gestured his minions to take Persephone Her mind still seemed lost as they lead her towards the door. Her pale skin and lifeless eyes seemed to come back to life as the door began to shut behind her.

"Wait. Wait! Lucifer don't hurt him!" She screamed as the door slammed shut. The two minions held her back as she struggled to run back to the door.

A large gap between the doors allowed her to peer threw. Persephone looked carefully, as the demons dragged her backwards.

"You.. You dare try to take my women Michael?" Lucifer's cold, heartless voice, struck fear, even into the toughest of creatures. Lucifer violently placed his hand on the base of Michael's wing. In one swift movement, he began to rip the wing from his back, blood spattering in the room. Michael's screams became more intense as Lucifer ripped threw him. His feathers scattered, covered in blood as his wing seemed to tear from his body like thread from a shirt. His body hunching over in pain as he tried to resist.

Persephone cry's for Lucifer to stop reached the door, he eyes filled with tears that streamed down her beautiful face. As he looked to the closed door, all she could see was red threw the door jam. The view quickly cut off, as the demons hurried her to the next room, slamming the next door shut.

She stretched out her hand, despite to reach the door as it shattered, a thousand pieces falling to the bloodied ground. It had to take a moment for Persephone to realize she stood in the village once more. Her eyes seeming endless as Michael looked to them. Michael release his chest as the pain seemed to subside. His shoulder and wing ached from the memory. He looked down to the ground. Could Lucifer have become violent because Michael tried to take her. Could Michael have spiked his anger towards her? He left her because that's what she wanted. But now he knows.. He should have taken her with him.
Persephone cringed throughout the memory, and every time Michael's screams filled her mind, and ears. She knew that scream well. She didn't remember the memory, though once again she felt the truth in it. What had He done to her? What had Lucifer done to her? Tears welled in her ice eyes, glistening as they made eye contact with Michael's own. "How could you not know?" Persephone cried. Even she could see Luciel had some sort of control on her. Was that what kept her mind so lost? Her hands covered her eyes, her sorrowful face. "I can't remember," She cried, sounding like a plea. "My mind, it's in shambles!" She gave in, let her guard down, and leaned into the angel's chest. Even without his arms around her, she felt herself better.

With these collection of memories he shared with her, she could see how she wasn't the same. She was corrupt now. She was the evil she tried to fight here. "What did he do to me?" He made her evil. How could he?

Persephone quickly began to hate herself, because she still felt... like she loved Luciel. The feeling wouldn't shake. It would be as if a mortal was told their spouse cheated on them; the pain of being betrayed. What was this? She didn't remember a time when she first began to love him; getting married. All she remembered was the scars she mended on her own body, the bruises she quickly rid herself of, cowering in the corner of the bed room, knowing his anger would seem become her pain...

How could she feel love towards him? Her kidnapper, her rapist, her tormentor. What good of a goddess was she, the embodyment of Regurgitation, if she could not restore herself? If she hadn't even know she was broken to begin with?

Persephone clinged to Michael's shirt, sobbing quietly.
Michael was taken back as Persephone clinged to his chest, the pain the seemed to bring him down to his knees, disapated as soft cry's came from her. Michael lifted his hands lightly and wrapped them around her. His right hand rested on her head, stroking her red locks and his left laid lightly behind her back. Solid white wings sprouted from his back, his long luscious wings wrapped around her lightly. Zehel looked to Michael, his right wing held to his body, accented with a large scar that stood out. Michael leaned his head against Persephone's lightly.

"Persephone.. I can help you remember. But do you really want to remember all the things you've done? All the darkness you have endured?" Michael pulled his head from hers to look down to her. He lifted her head with his fingers as tears ran down her face. He carefully rested his head against hers, There foreheads touching lightly as Michael smiled. His hands glowed a gold aura as he held her. His powers seemed to flow threw her, cleansing her body, clearing her mind. Michael couldn't give Persephone memories he wasn't present for. But he could restore her body so that if she wanted to remember. She could. This was all he could do for her.

(( @Veromarrah. Btw Luciel was his original angel name. He changed it to Lucifer after he left god :) Just thought you should know. Because of this I was thinking Persephone would call him Lucifer, but Michael calls him Luciel because it was his real name :) ))
(( [MENTION=4511]Darktanion[/MENTION] I had a feeling. I was switching between both names in the idea of Persephone actually seeing him as both the angel he once was, and also seeing the evil within him. Luciel being a more loving tongue, Lucifer being much more blunt. Know what I mean? ))

Michael's embrace soothed Persephone slightly, giving her a warm, safe feeling she's almost never felt before. Or, more so, hasn't remembered. Shrouded by his wings, she felt as if she would never feel pain again; the pure white feathers giving her a calming effect. When Michael looked her in the eye, she felt her callous skin strip from her exterior. She felt her walls crumble at the gold pools which were his eyes. It was only until what he spoke registered, after he rested his forehead on hers, did she realize.

Persephone's eyes widened suddenly, and she flinched back from him, releasing her grip and holding her arms before her as protection. "No!" Her expression suddenly seemed scared. "I don't want to remember what he's done to me!" She cried. "I get flashes, moments where he's..." She trailed off, defeat clear over her features and body. Yet she broke down once more, defeat from previous lives weighing her down. "I don't wish to remember the darkness." She wiped away the tears which never seemed to stop falling now. "I don't wish to remember what he's done to me." A statement, but to ears sounded as a beg.

Her arms once more wrapped around her body, keeping herself from falling to pieces. Her hair became a curtain, hiding her face with wavy red locks. She could still feel the protection he gave her, the purity he had began coursing through her body, but she seemed to try to expel it. "Don't make me." She begged. "I'll be living through the hell I couldn't escape... all over again."
As Persephone shyed away from him, he looked to her, sadness filling his eyes as she shook in her arms. Michael quickly leaned towards her pulling her back into his chest. "It ok Persephone, I wont make you remember, I promise.." He held her more tightly, as she shook hard in his arms "I would never do anything to hurt you. You don't have to remember. Never again.. " His gentle soothing voice whispered to her softly as his arms and angelic wings comforted her once more.. As he held her, a look of exhaustion swept over him. He had used to much of his Angelic powers, and the toll was wearing on him. His wings ruffled in the wind, loose feathers being thrown about.

Zehel looked to them with a sigh of relief as he pulled his attention away again. Aren stood still, watching the events unfold as Janice seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

Zehel looked to the sky. It was late, perhaps they should make camp? Zehel's mind wondered. He still knew nothing, all the answers he wanted seemed to be lingering within him.

Michael pulled back from Persephone, a gentle smile on his face as he looked to her.

"You should rest.." He said lifting his hand to brush Persephone's wet cheek. Michael waited for a reaction as his mind wondered. He hoped Persephone wouldn't fight against his power. He hoped that one day she could trust him again, and that by showing her the truth he didn't hurt her more. He sat wavering, his body seeming unbalanced as he panted. He let his hand fall from her cheek as he smiled, trying to hide his exhaustion. "Persephone, stay with me.."

(( [MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION] ohhhh I like that :D ))
Persephone felt well once more with his understanding, leaning into him with her hands now resting on his chest. In her semi-clear mind, she repeated; "thank you, thank you, thank you..." to which she also mouthed the words, allowing her self to calm, and breathe. Her tears had stopped falling.

Something lightly batted at her arm, though she shrugged it off, thinking it to be Michael's ruffling wings. When Persephone opened her eyes to Michael once more as he commented on her need for rest, she saw that it indeed was a feather from his wings, but it had detached She caught it in her hand, examining it intently before he spoke; "Persephone, stay with me..." Her eyes glanced at his, doubtful. The thought seemed to scare her. What if she was to become a nuisance. She was only mortal, after all. She had no rank anymore. Upon looking closer at him, she saw lowered eyes, and what seemed like an exhausted way of holding himself. Persephone's eyebrows knotted in concern and question.

"It seems you're the one in need of rest." She spoke, and instinctively raised her hand, though stopped midway. "I... May I?" She requested permission, emotions slowly coming back to her face other than sorrow and confusion, to which were sitting in the back of her mind. Sitting beside the angered and afraid part of her, screaming to run, to hinder the angel, to make him fall and gain power over him. Persephone still felt these things. She felt as though two alter ego's were fighting for control, and she could feel each's emotions, and goals. One wished for his demise. The other, wishing to help.

And truthfully, Persephone seemed to ignore Michael's plea to stay with the ragtag group. It frightened her. She still seemed to have little trust in them, along with little faith.
((gehyfgeliygfbwj,hb, fell so far behind x.x sorry for not posting, got busy with work and stuff))

Her dark eyes examined the scene in front of her, odd and dark, yet utterly beautiful in a way she seemed unable to explain. A goddess driven mad by pain and suffering clinging onto an angel, an angel struggling to bring back her former grace, her former innocence, her former purity. It caused him to fall into a state of exhaustion, his glorious white wings drooping as he drained his powers. Janice, of course, could help him with that, restore some of his energy, give him a little strength. And the goddess... she could help her as well. Ease her mind, and bring her into a state of sanity. None of it would be perfect, none of it would be one hundred percent, but it would be just enough to calm the goddess, to keep Micheal not near exhaustion.

Spinning on her heel, she dashed back inside her home, her little ragtag hut with everything she ever needed inside. Bundled together on a wooden shelf was a clump of herbs, colored in a variety of shades of green, some sharp and deadly, others soft and rather pretty. She pulled two different plants from this bundle, grabbing a nearby knife and chopping them up into slender, small pieces, then crushing them until they were nothing but mush. Pulling out two, small cups from the cupboard, she placed the leaves at the bottom of each, grabbing them and pouring water in both. Now, in each cup, was a type of tea, both a greenish color with leaves swirling on the top. It would be slightly bitter, but effective, at least Janice hoped so from what she read in books.

Quietly, she slipped back outside, holding the two cups in her hand and staring, wide eyed, at the two. Then, starting with a single, hesitant step, she made her way towards the angel and goddess. Micheal looked weak, which left Janice concerned, especially as she saw white feathers start to fall from his wings. The goddess's face was streaked with tears, but she seemed more right minded, more in control. Janice was hesitant to give them the teas, feeling rather foolish for thinking that two powerful being were unable to help themselves. What help would her teas give? Maybe to the average human, it would of been plenty, but to an angel and his goddess? It would most likely be just a drink to them, useless. Yet Janice wanted to help in some way, even if it was the smallest of gestures. She stared at the two, chewing on her lip, unsure on whether or not to continue forward, to give them the teas.
He smiled at her observation as she raised her hand. He gently grabbed her wrist, halting her hand between them. "No, you need to rest. Don't worry.." He stood slowly his gentle hands grasping her arms and helping her to her feet. His feathery wings slowly receded into his back as he stood. He sighed as he turned to Zehel. Michael's golden hues lite up in the moonlight as he looked at the scenery. He paused. Though his exhaustion consumed him, Persephone's powers didn't work on Angel powers. His body was exhausted from over use. Not physical harm, and because of this she would only drain her power for no reason.

Michael turned back towards Persephone his hand raised between them. He could feel her distrust, her anxiousness that seemed to consume her consciousness. Yet still he left his hand raised. He hand faith in Persephone. Faith that she would make the right decision, to trust him, and know that he would die for her. Michael always believed in a saying, a saying he had felt true, since his creation. "When your feet are made of stone, and you're convinced that you're all alone, look at the stars instead of the dark. You'll find your heart shines like the sun." His voice carried in the wind as the night became colder. His hand still empty as he stood. He would have to earn her trust back, and learn to help her, handle her fears and anxieties.

Zehel had wondered back and forth as Michael sat comforting Persephone. By the time Michael stood Zehel had carried four huge logs set in a circle around a pile of wood and brush. Michael glanced to the pile and smiled. His golden hues aglow once more as the pile seemed to burst into flames. The sound of crackling, broke the night silence as Michael turned to Persephone. He glanced down at his hovering hand and smiled, his eyes closing as he did.

Zehel stepped towards them and nudged Janice as she stood holding the tea's. He could see the doubt that her face displayed. Michael turned at the sound of Janice approaching. He looked at her curiously as she held two teas in her hand. He gave her too, a warm smile. His stance welcoming her closer.

(( @Venomarrah ;)

[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] >.> I had to edit this post. So make sure you read the end ;P ))

Blinking, Janice looked over as the wolf nudged her, telling her it was okay to get closer. She glanced over to the creature, and gave him a meak smile, turning back to face Micheal and Persephone. A warm smile from Micheal encouraged her forward, and she took another step, making her way slightly faster towards the two. Once in front of them, she held out the cups towards them, staring intently at her feet. "Here..." she muttered quietly, "I don't know if it will help any, but..." her voice trailed off as she bit her tongue, giving them both a quick glance before returning to stare at her feet. If the teas did work, Micheal would regain some strength, thought not all of it, and the goddess would calm her mind, and her thoughts would seem more clear. That was if the teas had effect. If they did not, this would all be a waste of time.
(( Oh, jesus. ))

Persephone seemed to hesitate greatly upon standing before Michael, his hand waiting. A quick, quiet thought gave her courage; If something goes astray, if he was to hurt her, she could always leave. It was her choice. She could stay or leave as she pleased. Michael had no force over her. Not like Luciel.

Persephone straightened her shoulders, lifted her head, and gave a smile of confidence. This was the control she deserved. To which, hesitating only half way to his hand, did she take his. His hand, just as his body had been, was warm to the touch. Inviting. Persephone's eyes seemed to soften as her smile fell into a more comfortable position of a beautiful upturn of her lips. She wished Michael had let her help, as it was her fault he was drained. But, Persephone was learning, and knew better than to push.

The mortal who stood forward caught her attention from the side of her vision. The girl seemed small, nervous as she held what looked like wooden cups in her hand. The girls own attention was aimed towards Persephone and Michael. When she spoke, Persephone smiled at the girl. Persephone gave Michael a quick glance before releasing his hand and stepping towards the girl further, closing what space was between them. A new exterior seemed to fit the goddess well, a much more welcoming look upon her as she came beside the girl. "Hello." She spoke, almost nervous herself. She could feel a strangle twist in her stomach she never felt as a immortal. Persephone opened her mouth to speak, again, yet didn't know of what to say. Her eyes glanced down at the items in the girls possession, question clear on her face. "What is it?" She asked.
As Michael felt Persephone's touch, a feeling of relief and happiness swept over him. A sense of happiness that she would allow him to protect her. To give him a chance. Michael's attention turned. He looked over at Janice as she hurried towards them. Michael couldn't help but giggle at how she stood, her eyes locked on her feet. He curled his head down as he laughed, his soft sounds of happiness broke the yet again acquired silence. He lifted his hand slowly and grabbed a cup, place delicately in her hand. He looked at the old worn cup that had a clear, green tinted liquid filled to the brim.

He looked over to Janice as he held the cup. "Thank you.. " His warm smile gave the feeling of comfort has he raised the glass, taking a rather large chug of it. The tea felt refreshing against his dry throat. Michael was always to trusting, he believed that everyone deserved trust. Because of this he would find himself getting into trouble a lot. He looked down, to the now empty cup, as condensation glossed his lips from his sip. Michael found this human funny. Her sweet, innocent demener made him feel, that maybe the earth still had light that shinned down upon it. If someone with her trust and innocents could exist. Then that means others could to right?

Michael turned quietly walking toward Zehel. Zehel laid next to the bonfire, his eyes fixated on the rising embers. Michael looked to Zehel then back at the fire. Its immense heat felt nice against the night sky. He sat down slowly onto a wooden log that Zehel had placed for sitting. Michael looked to Zehel. His paws crossed beneath him, as he rested his heavy head placed carefully on them. Michael reached his hand to pet Zehel who laid next to him. "It's been awhile, my old friend." Michael's warm voice became drained by the crackles of the burning fire. Zehel's ears reared back as he realize he forgot about the man who had stumbled upon them from the forest. He stretched his ears back in an attempt to hear if the man still stood there. Zehel wouldn't mind if he wasn't. His arrogance annoyed Zehel to no end.
"It's a herb," Janice blurted out in a haste, "Meant to calm the mind... If you don't want it, I can take it back. Sorry if I'm being a hassle." Her eyes flickered up nervously to the goddess, then back to the ground. The coldness that had been there before was gone, replaced by a more welcoming aura, something more approachable. It set Janice at ease as her composure relaxed slightly, the tension releasing itself from her shoulders. It comforted her more to see Micheal drink the mixture, laughing good-naturedly at her rather awkward way of approaching the two. Blush crept up her cheeks as she held the cup tighter in her hand, pursing her lips in a thin line.
Persephone's eyes widened in surprise. She quickly took the cup, looking at the contents. It reminded her slightly of her season, spring. Leaves floated in the green tinted water, reminding her of a prayer a mortal had brought to her attention, in making it's contents stronger. Persephone wasn't a goddess many people worshiped so when someone had, she would remember. Her eyes glanced up at the girl, curiosity clear on her face. "What is your name?" She questioned, watching the girl flush lightly.

What a funny thing for Persephone to remember. It was as a teenager that prayer was sent to her; a call in her very mind. She had been so surprised her mother had to tell her to finally answer it; To bless the tea of the girl who pleaded for help. Persephone remembered her mothers smile, giving her the look of something between 'Oh, my sweet daughter' and 'You're becoming a goddess.' The thought resurrected a ghost of her mother's smile.
(Dear god I have been busy. Sorry for not posting, I didn't have enough time to get on for an extended period and both read all of what I missed then post. I'll try to put in here and there, but I'll be few and far between over the course of the week.)

"Well, what a touching reunion, though it 'aint why I'm down here."

Aren glanced at the giant dog that had questioned him

"As for your question mutt, the earth is a giant battleground right now and I'm the son of the god of war. Why on earth wouldn't I be here? Now, who are you ​to keep asking all this?"
Zehel's lips curled at the sound of the word war. His right ear twitching slightly as he re-positioned his head. "War huh? .. So it is true?" Zehel's voice lay silent as he laid. "You might as well come sit with us. I hate it when people lurk in the Shadows" Zehel's whispering voice echoed in Arens mind. His long body practically wrapped around the overly large bonfire, his chest moving slowly up ad down as he breathed. Michael hadn't noticed the new person who stood by the forest. His mind and body to exhausted to feel his presents. Michael turned slightly to look at the girl he had place against a near by home.

He pulled his body up, huffing as he did, his feet dragging on the ground as he turned, stepping towards her. He paused for a moment, his golden eyes looking down her as she laid gracefully against the building side. He carefully bent down, his right arm tucked beneath her knees as his other supported her back. He lifted her carefully, pulling Harusun close into his arms and he turned and walked towards Zehel. Zehel watched Michael with a questioning expression on his face. His head locked into place as his golden eyes followed Michael.

Michael came to a stop in front of Zehel, a warm smile sweeping across his face. Zehel moved his head to look at him, his surprised turning to annoyance, as he turned his head away from Michael. Michael stood for a moment, his arms almost seemed to shake from the weight of the women in his arms. But it wasn't her weight that weighted him down, it was his own. Zehel pulled his head up and jerked it, in a 'come closer' motion. Michael had a look of relief on his face as he gently set Harusun down, her body laying gracefully against Zehel's shoulder blade. His fur would keep her warm in the night cold. Michael looked back towards Persephone as he sat in front of the rather large log, his back leaning against its uncomfortable rigid exterior.

Zehel sighed as he turned his head from Michael looking to Persephone and the human that stood next to her. Zehel laid silently, wondering if the Aren would come to join them next to the fire. His eyes glanced at Harusun as she laid carefully against his fur, his body curled in towards her.

((Ok ixidor ;p. We go fast. Can you tell?))
Harusuns eyelids flashed open, wide... Unflinching she stayed put, taking in as much information as possible... " Kill them?...... No.. Why would you? They obviously don't wish to harm you or harm would be done.. Wait.. You don't want to harm them, isn't it their mistake for not killing you? Huh..? The power displayed.. It's so clear to me.. I.. I..? I don't hate them.. No.. I do hate them.. No you don't.. Why..? I feel so.. Calm.. Everything is fine.. They are all beautiful, and have such unique abilities.. No, aren't they just insects? No, I don't think so, they are more.. There must be something different.. I.. Feel safe..? I.. am at peace.. Oh, wow.. Zehel is so.. Warm, I hope he stays forever.. " Harusun suddenly jumped up, and attempted to leap away from Zehel " WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!? " She screamed. Her eyes displaying fear, only fear.. (( Not insanity in anyway.. )).. Obviously something wasn't right.. A dream perhaps.. A trick...

" What happened? What did you do!? Why am I shaking! You did something to me! You must have! You won't take my will from me! I am no servant! " Harusun slowly began to back away, shaking uncontrollably, Dark blue tentacles sprouting from both palms.. In a defensive stance, crisscrossing together in front of her. She had never been so afraid.. Normally the other side takes over for her in these times.. Now it wasn't coming to the rescue, leaving her with a shaky new experience of fear..

(( /shrug if that's ok of course. ))
Zehel jolted his head up in surprise as she backed away from him, the look of sudden fear in her eyes seemed to consume her. Zehel looked to Harusun cautiously, as Michael stood slowly taking a step towards her. He offered her a warm smile as he spoke. "It's ok. We wont hurt you.." Michael's eyes watched the coursing water as it formed tentacles from her pale, fragile wrists. "You shouldn't be standing.. " Michael walked towards her slowly, completely ignoring the defense she had put up in front of her. He walked past as the tentacles brushed against him as they waved. His hand raised quickly, as he placed it on her forehead. "You have a fever.." He said feeling her hot skin against his. "Please sit down.. You'll only hurt yourself" He slowly pulled his hand away from her head as he looked to the bonfire. His eyes displayed a kind natured smile, as he turned to her. The bandage on his hand fell to the ground. He had forgotten about the injury he had sustained earlier. He glanced down at it. The wound had already showed signs of healing, the blood loss seemed to stop as the bloodied bandage hit the now dry ground.

The large bonfire seemed to slowly vaporize the water from the ground, a once muddied and unstable ground now solid and hard. Zehel's tail seemed to wag back and forth as he laid on the ground, his eyes still carefully watching Harusun. The creatures on this earth were so unstable. Almost like the earth flipped peoples sanity's. Just as Daico had fallen to the insanity, that is human nature, this women seemed to be consumed by it too. This poor world that changed the nature of even the purest creatures. Zehel wondered, maybe this earth, this creation is what really caused the death of god. But more so then that, he wondered if the earth is what turned us against each other. Would it be so bad, if we let the earth die?

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