War of the Brethren (Light and Dark)

Michael walked slowly his hand held by his shoulder grazing the concrete wall, his eyes looking up at the brim of the staggering wall. Aaron trailed behind him, a look of dissatisfaction on his face. Michael stop his hand held against the wall as he turned to it, his palm bracing the wall as he stood.

Zehel looked to Persophone as she spoke, a look of scarce unsettlty in her eyes, her hand shaking as she held them together. Zehel looked to the demons who guarded the gate, there eyes locked on Aren as he challenged them. Zehel smiled at Persephone, he outstretched his hand slowly and placed it on her shaking hands. He pulled her clenched fists closer to him as he looked down to the wall. Michael and Aarons forms had disappeared over the curving wall. Zehel closed his eyes slowly, his mind pushing, hunting, trying to find michaels conscious.

Michael slammed his fingers against the wall, his fingers cracking its exterior as he began to climb, his long Florissant wings slowly growing out of his back as he made his way up. "Aaron there is a barrier around the entire wAll. Doesn't matter what we do they will sense us entering. Better get ready to run.." Michael said in a quiet calming voice. Aaron stood looking up at Michael, his eyebrows scrunched together as he waked away from Michael. He refused help from him, he would find his own way in. Michael watched Aaron as he left, his silence Nd arrogance causing Michael to sigh. Michael flinched as a sharp sting came to his mind, his hands barely being able to cling to the wall, his wings reactively flapping at his body almost fell. "Michael, it seems Persephone is a stole away, we will need to time this up.." Michael quickly composed himself as he clang to the wall, Zehels voice clinging to Michaels mind. "Ugh.." He heaved, pulling himself close to the wall. "Tell me when.." He whispered looking at the wall.

Zehels turned back to Persephone and grabbed her hand pulling her down toward the entrance, her stance seemed upset and scared as he dragged her forward. Michael closed his eyes, his mind picturing a reflection over persephone's form, And just as his mind saw it, her beautiful locks became short, her lips tanned And her skin rigid. Micheal was coating her in an illusion as she walked, sweat from his brow trickled down as he clenched his eyes with difficulty. Harusun watch Zehel as he pulled Persophone, her mind seeming lost as she trAiled behind them.

The men at the gate glanced at eachother as Aren scowled at them. A look of anger swept the demons faces, there look of anxiety quickly being wiped off there faces as Zehel wrapped his hand around Arens neck a warm smile sweeping over him as he pulled Persphone close to him. "Forgive him, he's testy. Our alliance is with Hades.." Zehel held out his wrist. The men looked at each other then back at Zehel. "Hand.." They demanded, Zehel happily placing it infront of him. Zehel glanced At Persophone, even his eyes betrayed him as he looked to her. "Persophone stay calm, Michael will protect you.. " Zehels words touched lightly in her mind as they Inspected his hand, slowly moving to inspect harsuns As well. They looked to Persophone, there hands stretched out in a demanding manor.

Michael clang to the wall carefully waiting for Zehels sign.
With what she told Zehel, he seemed to stay silent, turning from her. Persephone could see him concentrate. She knew he was immediately telling Michael. How helpless she felt in that moment. Though it wasn't her who wished to enter... she wished to run. Flashes came to her, sending her even further to the idea of ripping from Zehel's grasp. Persephone didn't have to do this. Why was she? She had no need to enter this... hell. As Zehel gripped her, she suddenly felt betrayed. She felt the 'fight or flight' of all humans when adrenaline pumped through their veins.

Persephone did quite 'freak' as she saw her hands and her hair change, and the ground slowly come closer to her. She was suddenly much smaller than Zehel, in his cloaked human figure. This added to her crazed unease. "... No!" She suddenly shouted, fighting Zehel's grasp. Her creations seemed to trail behind, unknowing of what to do. Ha she gone mad?

She pulled harder as they reached the demons, and when they finally turned to her, all she could do was stand there. She was frozen in fear. Her lips mumbled something inaudible, her eyes wide, in a skin unknown to her. This was it. They'd see her. They would know it was her. They'd whisk her away to Hade's and he'd scold her. They'd leave, and he would beat her. No...
Zehel glanced at Persephone as she shook, her eyes lost in a moment of shock. The demons looked at her curiously, as one snatched her shaking hands. Zehel's eyes seemed to sharpen as he closed his eyes. "Now!" In Zehel's haste, his voice screamed in Michael's head, causing him to flinch once more. Michael quickly looked up to the edge of the wall, his eyes glowing, there vibrate rays piercing threw the darkness, as he braced against the wall. His knees bent slightly as he launched himself up, his large wings soaring downward. As his body reached to top of the wall, his eyes reflected a seemingly invisible barrier, its oval shape gleaming in his eyes, as though his ees reflected only other outer ring of the moon.

In one swift motion his wings lunged backwards, his form being forced forward into the city. He held his forearms in front of his face, as his body seemed to crash threw glass, millions of shattered pieces falling to the city ground, his wings fell straight behind him, as he landed with a thud, to the hard ground. His fall caused him to collapse down on one knee, his form panting as he did. He glanced up slowly, his golden eyes catching the sun light as people screamed running in terror. Micheal stood slowly, his eyes scanning the city side. His entrance caused chaos as people scattered down ally ways, there screams of terror echoing off the building sides. Michael's boot crunched beneath the broken barrier, its pieced being shattered as he stepped.

Zehel opened his eye's as the demon turned Persephone wrist. The demon leaned down closely, his eyes examining her seemly small wrist, when suddenly his attention ripped from her. The sound of a large thud and shattered glass hit the demons ears, the feeling of fire boiling in there blood quickly moved there attention. The demons could feel it, the barrier had been breached, it's mighty strength penetrated in the light. The demons quickly whirled around and ran back into the city. There duty of guarding the gate long forgotten as they frantically ran to the city side. Zehel smirked as the demons ran. A look of accomplishment swept his face as he turned to Persephone. "Perhaps we should go in now, while they're distracted?" Zehel watched her closely as a look of fear still consumed her, as though she had been taken to a dark place, being forced to a nightmare that she hated.

Zehel pulled her close her head being pulled into his chest as he rested his chin on her delicate hair. One hand wrapped around her, his posture was more like a side hug as he looked to the beating sun. "I know your scared. But Michael is waiting in there for you.. He wont let Hades take you.. And neither will I .. " Zehel smiled and rustled her hair slightly before grabbing her hand once more and leading her forward. They didn't have much time. It wont be long till they fill the gab in the city. Zehel worried about Michael, whether he could escape or not. He had been using his angelic powers to much. Even the great archangel Michael had his limits, and Zehel feared he might push those limits to far. As Zehel pushed forward he signaled for Dove, Janice and Harusun to follow. Aren had already made his way into the city just as Zehel had, as he pulled Persephone behind him.

Michael's eyes shot around quickly as his wings slowly slipped into his back, his fists clenched as he moved forward, white feathers being left in his wake. In an instant, a few dozen demons began to surround him, there razor sharp claws at the ready, swords and crossbow's clenched in there hands. Michael quickly darted forward, knocking over several demons who stood before him. There bodies crashing down to the floor as Michael quickly slipped threw an ally. The other demons quickly gave chase, one aiming down the ally an arrow being shot towards Michael, its point nipping his arm as he hooked a quick right out of the ally way. He clenched his arm as he ducked forward into another ally, blood seeped from his wound as he ran. His bloodied hand released his arm quickly grabbing his scarf and wrapping it around his neck. He would need to blend in quickly, the closer to the center of the city he could get the more calm the population would be, the easier it would be to blend in and disappear. Michael quickly ran threw the maze of the city, losing most but not all the demons who had been chasing him.
Everything happened so fast Janice could barely process it. Zehel and Persephone had approached the gates, the goddess trembling in fear. Then, as one of the demons lifted her wrist, came a large, echoing thud, and the sound of glass crashing. Surprised, the demons jerked upright, abandoning the gates and running frantically into the city. Micheal had gotten inside, hopefully safely. Janice let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding in, taking a step towards the gate. But she was pulled back, pushed aside, by a firm hand. Dove.

"You aren't going in there," she stated pointedly, her stormy grey eyes narrowed, "You will stay here and I will go in, understood?" Janice scowled, glaring at the other girl angrily. She hated being protected, she hated it when people told her what to do. Already, although Janice barely knew her, this girl drove her insane, keeping her away from everyone and everything, following her around like a shadow, constantly breathing down her neck. It was annoying. And she would prove that she did not need constant protection.

In one, swift movement, Janice twisted her arm out of Doves grasp, catching her by surprise and knocking her back slightly. "I'm gonna tell you right now," Janice snapped coolly, "I don't do well on being told what to do." With that, she spun on her heel and sprinted into the city, just as two demons appeared, stopping Dove from following after Janice. It was a relief, having the demigod temporarily off of her back. Yes, she had lost sight of the others, but she figured it wouldn't be too difficult to find them. How big could this city be?

"What is a lady like you doing here?" Janice stiffened at the sound of the voice, freezing in midstep. Immediately, by just the sound of the man's voice, she could tell that he was drunk, the stench of alcohol causing her to wrinkle her nose in disgust. Looking around, she could see that they were in a desolate area, only a few people wandering through the streets, walking with hasty steps, their heads down. Janice clutched her cloak tighter around her body, hoping if she just continued forward, the man would ignore her. She was wrong.

She yelped as he grabbed her by the shoulder, spinning her around and slamming her into a wall. "You didn't answer my question, sweetheart," he hissed, taking in Janice's terrified face. What most people saw was a man, just a man. But she saw pass the disguise, pass the mask he held up. A demon. One with slimy skin decorated with dull gray scales, burning red eyes with a black pupil like a cats. The sight frightened her, and she screamed, thrashing against the demon, squeezing her eyes shut. And the demon simply laughed, taking in her reaction, bathing in it. Drinking up the emotion of fear.

Slowly, Janice felt her energy drain, a wave of exhaustion sweeping over her. Her eyes began to droop, her body going limp. "Go to sleep, sweetheart, go to sleep..." The demon cooed, a smirk on his lips as she struggled to stay awake. Her eyes fell closed again, and this time they were too heavy to lift. Sleep overtook Janice as the demon laughed.
Chaos. Something one did not expect to be brought upon the wings of heaven's angels. Whatever the case, it gave a window for them to enter. Not that the demons at the front truly could have hoped to stop him anyway. He entered through the gates the moment they had left. If they could not be bothered to watch to even try and stop his entrance, then they would live with the consequences. As the chaos calmed down though, a scream pierced Aren's ears. It was difficult to tell, but it sounded almost like that mortal woman who had joined them. He had no clue why she would join such a venture. She didn't seem to be able to fight much, at least on the supernatural level, and he could see no reason for her to try and risk her life in a war of entities so far above her. All the same, he didn't want to hear that "Dove" woman start bitching like crazy if something happened to her. He sighed and found the scene in question as the woman seemed to lose consciousness.


He spoke bluntly to the "Man" in front of her

"You have some business with the lady?"
"No one is allowed through." Dove glared ferociously at the demon blocking the gate, her lips set in a thin, stubborn line. "Why not?" She asked coolly, stormy grey eyes narrowed into slits, "I see no issues of entering the city. Lucifer would need his followers, correct?" The demon scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. "There has been a few issues in the city. Until those issues are resolved, entry is forbidden. And do not think you are an exception." Dove gritted her teeth, trying to form a plan in her head. The gates were blocked off because Micheal had entered the city. Micheal was preventing her from entering the city and protecting Janice. Micheal was the problem.

It was with these thoughts that A lightbulb went off in Dove's head. Michael. Micheal was her ticket in. "You mean an angel breached the city, am I correct?" The demon stiffened at her words, narrowing his eyes. "You know nothing on the matter. You're a woman." Dove's eyes flashed at the comment, but she controlled her temper, giving the demon an icy stare. "Just a woman, eh? You're wrong about that. And about how I apparently know nothing, for I know everything, fool. Do not dare say otherwise. I know you're precious walls were broken by an angel. And I, and only I, can help you find it." She kept her face straight and controlled as she spoke her lies, her plan perfectly mapped out. Now to see if step one would be a success.

All she could see was fire. Bright, blinding orange flames leaping and dancing in the air around her. Smoke filled her lungs, choking her, suffocating her, stealing away her breath. She coughed violently, beads of sweat dripping down her forehead as she struggled to find a way out, to find a way out of the storm of fire. Yet there was no exit, there was no escape. Only her, trapped in a circle of flames, screaming and crying desperately for help that wouldn't come. And while this nightmare danced through her mind, Janice slept, seemingly peacefully, her breaths slow and steady as the demon held her in his arms, facing Aren.

"Yes, I do have business with the lady," he said coldly, his eyes narrowed, "And I do not need any interference from a boy. So, please, move aside." His grip tightened on Janice, icy gaze sharp and harsh. In order to get what he wanted, he needed to get rid of the boy. And there was only one way to do that. The demon concentrated, bringing out the demigod's worst fears, planting them in his head. If it was spiders, he would feel them crawling and scampering across his skin. Darkness, he wouldn't be able to see. His worst fear, projected in an illusion in Aren's mind.
Michael's body quickly collapsed to the ground his body sliding beneath a carriage that stood in his way. Legs first, his body pushed dirt as he dragged against the ground, his knees quickly bending, allowing him to come to his feet once more, on the other side. The demons quickly ran around it, their demeanor irritated and nervous as they gave chase. He quickly whirled around a corner, his body knocking into a rather stern form, the force causing him to fall to the ground. His head hit the ground hard, his mind buzzed as he laid, his body slowly motioning back and forth as his hand slowly grabbing his head. His vision whirled around him as he swad, trying to bring his mind and sight back to its sharp nature. The whirling suddenly stopped as two heavy arms grabbed his shirt, each husky rough hand holding Michael by his shoulder blade.The sheer force of his grab cause Michael to heave in pain, a gasp coming from him in surprise. The large forced the hands pulled up violently, his form being pulled from the ground, his body quickly thrown against the wall, that stood just behind him. Michael's head hit hard, a gasp of pain coming from him as his hands slowly gripped the rough hands that pinned him in place.

Zehel looked back slowly, as the illusion over Persephone began to fade, its colors washing away like a wet canvas, diluted and dreary. His eyes widened as he muttered "Michael?" He quickly looked around, they were surround by towns folk all running about, some frantic to avoid the trouble, others eager to find it. Michael's hand weakly gripped the wrist of the unknown form, as he tried to focus his eyes. His vision whirled in two offset directions, coursing over each other back and forth. Blood drip down the wall behind Michael's skull, his golden eyes faded with pain and exhaustion. He knew it would be hard, but this was troublesome. His eyes finally came to focus, there gaze meeting with blood red eyes, large fangs reeling towards him. His eyes widened in desperation as he quickly pushed out a burst of energy from his body. It's layers formed like a golden shield pushing outwards throwing the demon who had held Michael in place.

Michael collapsed to the ground, his knees barely holding his form as he peered up. Three other demons stood in front of him, there swords drawn. Cold, sterling metal reflecting his exhausted form. Michael slowly pushed himself to his feet as the rather large demon who he had been thrown stood angrily in front of him. The demon stood 7 feet tall, its overly hard head being held up by, strong over the top muscles. Michael squinted almost as though he didn't believe his eyes. Michael's panting, exhausted breath cause the demons to smile, a look of accomplishment sweeping there faces. Blood slowly dripped down the back of Michael's head as he glanced at each demon. He had used to much power. He reeled backwards once more, the wall catching him as he realized he had allowed Persephone illusion to fall apart. As long as they were in the city no one would know her, the only thing that would give her away was her marking now.. Or Luciel himself.

Michael stood for a moment trying to figure out an escape root. If he used his powers he would likely kill his body at this point, he had already over used it. He'd have to escape the old fashion way. Run. But how would he escape this corner? He held his hand against the wall holding his form up as the demon's stared him down. The pressure from the demon slamming down on him before had caused his collar bone to crack. It's intense pain unforgiving with each breath Michael took in. His golden eye's seemed to twinkle with a small ray of light as one of the demons attacked, his broad dull sword swinging at Michael's head. He quickly ducked, the sound of clanking metal against the building wall threw the demon off guard as Michael punched the demons stomach. The rather small demon fell to the ground, its arms clasped around its torso. Michael quickly turned two the large demon who had pinned him earlier, his brows scrunched in frustration and Michael dashed towards it. Michael braced himself as he bent down, his shoulder hitting hard into the demons stomach. Michael had attempted to ram him. But Michael's body came to a stop, against the demons hard chest, his brain felt like it had shaken loose inside his skull as his body became consumed in a tingling sensation. The demon looked down at him unwavering, his body standing like a ton of bricks that couldn't be moved.

Michael gathered himself quickly as the demon grasped his hands around Michael's torso. Its hard fingers wrapped clearly around his form, there strength unmatched as the demon began to squeeze Michael. The sound of cracking bones echoed in the small area and Michael let out a scream. Agony and pain consumed Michael's mind, humans bodies were so weak. "Stop!.." A voice came out of the ally, as a demon stepped out, his long black hair laying neatly on his back, his hands folded in front of him, with purple hues that watched the masculine demon, his grip loosening. The masculine demon looked to the other, a look of confusion and distrust in his eyes. "We keep him alive..." Said the demon, his voice cool as he spoke softly. The other demons looked to him, crossing words of discontent. There words quickly silenced as the demon took a step forward. His eyes locked on Michael as his steps slowly came closer. The large demon who held him slowly allowed Michael's feet to touch the ground, his hands moving to pin Michael against his demons body. "Ugh.." Michael groaned, his gaze becoming dizzy again, his vision doubling, slowly crossing over itself over and over, as a ringing sound nipped at his ears.

The elegant yet stern demon raised his pale, frail hand, its form clenching Michael's chin and forcing him to look up. The demon stared into Michael's eyes, a look of irritation as Michael seem to look unfocused. "No angel has the power to shatter my barrier like that. He cant be just any angel.." The demon looked down to Michael's wrist as his hand fell from Michael chin. The demon slowly grasped Michael's wrist twisting it slightly to see his palm. The demons eyes glowered at Michael's wrist as a symbol slowly started to glow. Michael's eyes quickly snapped to attention as he kicked the demon who stood in front of him, the demon fell backward as Michael pulled the sword from his side. The demon holding him tried to keep Michael under control but it was to late. Michael moved his torso to the side shoving the blade deep into the demons stomach who held him. The demon screamed, releasing Michael and taking a few steps back. Michael staggered barely catching himself as the demon too fell.

With a weak push Michael, quickly jolted, rushing down a near by ally way. His run was much slowly as he slightly limped, pain consuming with with ever step. He ran threw what seemed like a maze, his anxiety reeling as he slid to a stop. He stood in the slummier part of the town, people plagued the sleep looking half dead. Michael looked left, then right. He quickly raised his hand and ripped his sleeves from his long shirt, then turned to grab a scarf from his pocket. He quickly wrapped it around his head and stepped forward. The sound of those demons giving chase, came to his ears as he frantically looked around. Must blend in.. Must hide... He looked over to a young elf who walked slowly down the path, her beautiful hair clinging to her pain skin. "This way.. " His attention became ripped as the demons voice echoed. Michael lunged forward and grabbed the women, reeling her to the side, he pinned her against a wall. His scarf hung slow in his face as he forced both of them to slide down to the dirty ground. He let out a deep breath, blood dripping from his head as he leaned into her, his lips almost touching her pointed ears. "Please.. Don't move.. I wont hurt you.. " His whispered gasps seemed faded, a sense of desperation in them as his hands held her shoulders. His posture swede as his head carefully touched her skin, his blood smearing on her cheek as his neck gave way falling to her shoulder.

He tried to stay still as the demons came bolting out of the ally way, a look of desperation on there faces. The all scattered in different directions quickly over viewing the area then moving on. Michael's grasp on the women cause him to shake in pain, its breathing harsh and uneven as he tried to ignore the sneering pain that engulfed his body.

(( @Venomarrah The women is Vienna btw ; ))))

[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] Hope you had a good B-day))
"A boy? Just who--"

Aren froze as his vision of the waking world melted away. What was this?

A wasteland. Broken bodies and weapons lay everywhere. Blood flowed into the ground, staining it to the same color as several rusted and broken weapons around. Aren could taste the blood on his lips, the iron in his blood. There was a pinprick of pain, emanating from his back . . . no . . . it was several. As he fell down onto all fours, they appeared around him, slaughtering the last of his troops. Assassins, the darkest corners of battle. Aren did not fear death . . . but a death without glory. To be simply destroyed from the shadows. No final stand, no last words, not even a single chance to swing one of his many weapons or use the skills he had honed for so long. His eyes glazed over, and looked to his side . . . before instantly bolting open. To his side, lay his own father, the god of war. His teeth grit together, and Aren's eyes flashed with a red light.

"You dare?"

His voice was now dripping with fury as the illusion around his mind shattered like broken glass.

"Proud I may be, but foolish I am not!"

As Aren's aura expanded, the demon must have felt like he was looking at a giant, towering over him. Even though his size did not actually increase, his strength began to pour out. He reached out his hand, and a weapon began to form . . . but it was different. It came slower, but also seemed more powerful. A solid, well used piece of iron, wrapped in colors of purple. He grabbed the massive rod, which was larger than his own form, and swung it to his side slowly.

"Feel privileged, you netherworld worm. I doubt many of your kind have had a chance to taste the all-father's spear firsthand."

As he spoke, a massive head appeared at the end of the rod. Decorated for sure, but more functional than anything else. A single thrust. Aren glared into the demon's eyes, it would take a moment for the pain to register. Gungir, Odin's spear, clove right through the creature's flesh and bone, severing it's arm. Aren grunted through his teeth as he swung the spear around overhead . . . and smashed it right over the demon's skull. The resulting impact left the crater at the point of impact, and nothing of the demon besides a pancaked splotch of flesh and blood that was barely recognizable.

"I am well aware that I may fall . . . but no one would best my father in such a craven manner."

Aren rested the spear's end on the ground next to him, the head pointed towards the heavens.
The demons hesitated, looking at one another, then back to Dove. "I can find the angel. I know it's weaknesses and strengths. Your tactics won't work." There was an extended period of silence, her icy stare skewering the two creatures, her face one of stone. Then, at last, one of them spoke, "Very well. Show us the way." Dove nodded, striding past the two, her back straight, chin raised. They followed her cautiously, gripping their weapons in their hands, eyes narrowed and never leaving her form.

Dove led them through the streets, walking briskly and quickly, easily ducking through the crowds, taking random turns, the two demons behind her. She passed street after street, alley after alley, continuing forward until in almost a desolate place. And, in that desolate area, she found Janice, unconscious in a demons arms, Aren facing him with his usual cocky demeanor. Dove narrowed her eyes, examining the demon closer, the realization hitting her. Barbas, the demon of fear. His powers were strong, and he could project ones fears into an illusion, or put one into a deep sleep plagued with nightmares. People were known to die in those dreams, and only Barbas himself could take someone out of those nightmares.

So when Aren raised his spear to strike the demon down, Dove reacted immediately. "Don't kill him!" she yelled, forgetting about the two demons behind her. But it was too late. The weapon had come down, leaving nothing but a splotch of blood behind. Janice lay limply on the ground, beads of sweat gathering on her forehead. Pained gasps past her lips, her eyes still closed, her body curling up in a right ball. "Dammit..." She hissed, running forward, the demons shadowing her. "Aren, take care of these two!" she snapped, dashing to Janice's side. The poor girl was trembling, the nightmare now both physically and mentally effecting her. "You are an idiot!" Dove yelled at Aren, glaring furiously at him, "Only the demon himself can get her out of this state! And now he's gone because of you, and she could die! Next time, think before you act!"

Dove was not one to lose her temper, but this fool made her snap. He attacked without any thought, not considering the harsh consequences of his actions, not using wisdom and knowledge as his guide. Yes, physically, he was powerful. But his intellect was next to none, and he acted before thinking. He charged blindly into battle instead of calculating the odds, which could cost someone their life. "Your foolish actions can get her killed," she hissed between clenched teeth, "And all you did was banish the demon for maybe a century. How do you suppose we wake her up?!"
One quick swipe over her head and the two demons that shadowed her were cloven in two. Aren flinched involuntarily as he heard the woman begin to scream at him. Great, so now he was supposed to be blamed because that powerless girl got herself caught? He grit his teeth as he turned around, blood was dripping from his hand down the shaft of Gungir. Even if his body was strong enough to utilize the all-father's spear, his human form could not take the full brunt of its power. That overhead smash had likely fractured most of the bones in his hand, and strained both of his arms.

"I am curious as to why you are so protective of this mortal, powerless as she is. She ran off from anyone of strength, and got herself caught. If she musters up her willpower as I did, she could likely break free herself. if she doesn't, and she dies, then it was her mistake to come with all who joined this quest."

The woman's fury was evident, however Aren had his own anger simmering inside him right now. The girl had entered a field of battle, where she clearly didn't belong, and yet this "Dove" woman had the gall to shout at him for it.
(( I apologize for the late reply. Not only am I no longer receiving emails on time, but now my laptop is broken. Ill try to do the best I can on my iPod...

IE, why my posts have been so short lately. ))
Vienna bubbled with a cool anger when her back hit the stone wall, treasures fell to the ground with the noise of singing bells. Many glanced at the song, being trained to dash to the noise in proper time when sounded, but only seeing what looked like a broken man groping the exotic elf, gold glittering at their feet.

Her eyes illuminated a deep red-orange, her emotions a boiling, mixing pot; interest, anger, curiosity. Her curiosity spiked as a gang of demons roared, racing down the crowded ally, galloping and howling. They past by in a blind rage, which Vienna was relieved of; she knew the leader, his eyes of anger nothing new to her. Her eyes followed, though low, giving the illusion she was distracted by the man. This spike of interest overwhelmed her, it gave her specs of green to her eyes, glowing gently as her body began to react. But really, it already had. When the man, of which was now on her, caught her gaze, she drew a knife and concealed it in a slip to her boot leg. His wild, strained eyes has told her of danger. His aura was pure white, wavering. Vienna couldn't believe her ability. She had never seen a being of pure, and this somehow scared her. By the time the man leaned into her, she held a knife to his stomach, a delicate touch to his lower ribs leaving it unnoticed.

As he spoke with words intended to calm, she assessed her situation. Her tunic, shoulder, and face slowly saturated with his blood. His body was a wreck, and Vienna seemed to see his rather large back, questioning the man of having a hunch. The demon had hesitated. they had lost sight of him. Eyes lost interest in them, besides familiar eyes narrowing, waiting for her sign to rip the golden man off of her. To which, she shook her head with a humoresque smile. She was glad to have these connections and acquaintances, but their help was not needed. They all seemed to frown, and linger. The horde was long gone now, some stragglers following for a show. It was at that point did Vienna know he was incapable of running further.

Vienna smiled at her upper hand, a rich, familiar feeling. She had perfect defense. She always had the upper hand. The events to happen would not harm her. To this final conclusion, she rested her free hand over his blood soaked hair, gripping it through his scarf gently. She pressed the blade to his skin, as to acknowledge her warning before she spoke in her deep ethnic accent; "To whom may I thank for this hasty acquaintance?" She teased, though a threat was concealed in her words. She turned her face into his, her eyes tinting a delicate purple. She wouldn't admit the faint possibility of it, but she was aroused by the golden beauty resting against her. A man in weakness, concealing unknown power...

There was no question. Vienna could feel his importance. He was the pure in a city of shadows. It was obvious to her.

The jewels hanging in her hair clinked against the wall as her grip on his head tightened. She lifted his head up to hers to examine the man, who was really anything but. She lifted her chin, her eyes slits. She was inspecting him. Now, the ruckus dimmed as the chase furthered away, and composure restored among the people on the street. Sales continued, chatter that had once silenced found its volume once more.

Persephone's mind reeled. She was so overcome with shook, she followed silently. Her underlings were the ones in action now, whispering and planning amongst themselves. Her favored lingered, but they dispersed among the confusion. The favored seemed unworried, the only time the undead creature showed stress was when he watched the Angel's illusion faded, Persephone's grand, vibrant colors returning like pressing fast forward on a mortal life, just to the peak if their age.

The goddess was lost in her mind. There was no more to say then this.

(( by the way, Vienna is very much tan. Oh, I wouldn't trust anything about this website anymore. And thank you, I'll try to live with typing on my iPod for a bit. ))
Michael's body hunched over the small women as the sound of the demons slowly faded away. A sigh of relief hit him as the sound of the towns folk began to ring in the street. He breathed heavily, a cough coming from him as a hand gripped his hair, her hand pulling his head up to look at her. His body tingling with numbness hiding the feeling of the blade pressed against him. His doubled vision slowly began to line up as his eyes looked upon her. He slowly released his grip on her shoulders as she spoke. She such a beautiful luxurious voice, its undertone slightly threatening. He was exhausted, his gaze locked with her beautiful purple hues, a faint warming smile coming to his face. "Please forgive me for being so rough and intrusive... " He paused for a moment, his body flinched, his eyes squinting as his voice faded towards the end. It was hard to talk, the vibrations from his voice seemed to irritate his shattered ribs, the pain reaching threw the numbness that consumed his chest.

He took a moment to compose himself before speaking again, his voice shaking, but still offering a kind light feeling. "Thank you.. " He didn't need to explain why he thanked her. It was obvious she protected him, all she had to do was scream or call for those demons. He couldn't move his weight, his body felt too heavy, his head still held up by her grasp. He lifted his hand with difficulty as he gently used his hand to push the blood from her cheek. It didn't help, the blood only smeared against her tanned skin. His falling to her shoulder once more as he clenched his teeth in pain. He had to move soon, once those demons realize they lost him they would send trackers out to find him. Staying in the open would spell doom. He leaned back slightly attempting to stand, his body didn't even move an inch before his eyes clenched in pain once more. "Ugh.. " He moaned again as he fell back into place. Vienna held his head in place, as though she wanted to examine him, her purple eyes watching him. Such a beautiful color her eye's were. Michael always loved the color purple, so calming and vibrant. A single drop of blood came down from his head, its red tracing down his cheek, barely missing the outside of his eye.

Zehel pulled Persephone quickly into a tavern that sat in the city. He quickly walked passed the front desk which was unguarded and turned down the hall. The hall had three doors to choose from. Zehel moved carefully eyeing each door before stopping front of one. His forced and grip was swift as he kicked the door, causing it to open quickly and slam against the wall. He quickly pulled Persephone forward and pushed her into the room, the door slamming behind them. Zehel sighed with relief as he heard the sound of someone peering down the hallway then walking away suspiciously. Zehel leaned against the wooden door, closing his eyes allowing his mind to search for Michael's consciousnesses. He jolted forward as he found Michael's faded state of mind. "Michael!" Zehel once again pushed a bit to hard causing Michael to pull away from Vienna's grasp his hands clenching his head as Zehel's voice pierced his mind. Michael's hands clenched at his head pulling at the scarf that covered him. "Ahh.." Michael gave out a soft hurting sound as he shook in pain.

"Zehel.. I meet with you later, protect.. " Michael whispered quietly, his soft voice almost un-hearable even to Zehel who stood in the tavern. Zehel grinded his teeth and looked to Persephone. He couldn't think of anything to say, his mind lost at the faded condition that Michael was in. Zehel wanted to help him, but he couldn't leave this women either.

"Are you okay Persephone?..." He asked looking at her, her gaze looking at the air.

((Oops, I put her a pale huh? My bad. Ya iit's been shaky. Hopefully they fix it soon. But if it helps you at all I check this website every morning and night, so i usually reply at least twice a day is not more ;D ))

(( @Venomarrah Computers need to last longer. Lol. They are annoying. ;/ What did you do to kill yours? )))
Zehel watched her closely as she stood, her minion pulling at her clothing. Zehel sighed his eyes closing once more, his mind searching for Michael's conscious. A moment passed before Zehel's eyes shot back open. Michael's conscious had become too weak, even Zehel couldn't trace it. Zehel's expression turned to panic for a moment as he closed his eyes once more, looking, searching for his mind. His head tilted slightly as his mind lay on to Dove, Aren and Janice. He could see the scene, as though he stood in front of them. Dove holding Janice as she laid with painful looks on her face, and Aren who stood watching, a look of irritation towards the two women before them. Like a harmonized humming his voice called to all of them at once, his soft yet cool voice hovering lightly in their minds. "You should all come to the Tavern in the middle of the city. Michael made quite the entrance, they will be reprimanding anyone suspicious... What's wrong with the mortal? Her conscious is almost as faded as ... Michael's.. "

Zehel waited patiently for one of them to respond, his mind trying to figure out the next course of action. It was obvious with Michael's conscious so faded he was seriously injured. But Michael couldn't stay out in the open for very long. Once the demon's realize they let lose a angel in their city, they will call the trackers. Zehel didn't know much about trackers. Only that trackers were fallen angels who are hired to hunt other angels. They were perfect for the job considering they could sense another angels presence, even Michael wouldn't be able to hide his aura completely. Angels know angels. Zehel was unsure what to do, he couldn't leave, otherwise Persephone might get caught, but Michael also wouldn't be able to find them, if his condition was as bad as Zehel feared. Michael had the ability to heal his wounds, but with using so much power at once there was a serious consequence. Angel's who take human form's cant expel the amount of power that an angel body can. So if they over use it the human body becomes damaged and drained. If Michael used his powers to heal himself he would be able to get up and move, but his life span would be cut in half. If an angel uses all the life span of there human vessel there soul will die with the body. Leaving there angel body's soulless. Zehel knew why we came here, Michael wouldn't have entered such a dangerous city unless a piece of gods grace existed in it. Zehel knew this was only the beginning, we needed to regroup and find this item. Before the demons find us.

((Continuation, had to cut it short cause of work, but here is part II. @Venomarrah See if it tags you this time. Lol ))

Zehel peered into Janices conciousness, he was a pusher, not a mind reader but it was obvious she was insnared in a nightmare. He would not be able to help her against a demons power, but if they could find Michael he might be able to.. But then he might not, hes body is so warn, what happens if he uses even more power. His body with should live for a hundred years might only live for 30.. or maybe less.
"Barbas is a powerful demon, and his magick cannot simply be undone by the force of will," Dove stated coolly, glaring at the other demigod, "Get your facts straight. And yes, she did run off and get caught, and yes, that is her own fault, but your actions were still not fully thought out. On occasion, using words is much better then simply swinging a giant weapon around." She paused, glancing over to the unconscious Janice, then back to Aren, "If you plan on living the life of a warrior, I hope you realize there is sacrifice and the means to protect others involved as well, not just battle." With those final words, she turned her full attention to Janice, resting a cool hand on her sweaty forehead.

She tensed when Zehel's voice echoed in her mind, her hands clenching into fists, teeth gritting together. The tavern in the middle of the city, she thought to herself, hesitating for only a moment before lifting up Janice in her arms, spinning sharply on her heel and going in the direction Zehel had informed them of. The mortal is trapped in a nightmare, Dove carried her thoughts to Zehel, not even looking to see if Aren was following behind, as far as I know, only the demon himself can undo the spell, or something of great power. She moved faster, dodging past the curious eyes of the crowd, arching their brows at the curious sight. A mortal girl laying unconscious in a demigods arms. An odd sight, indeed.

Entering the tavern now, Dove thought to Zehel, flinging open the door and slipping inside. She quickly found the others, joining them without making a sound, still holding Janice in her arms. For a while, she was silent, simply staring at the group, lips pursed in a thin line. Janice shuddered slightly in her arms, which made Dove wince. She was assigned to protect this mortal, and already she was failing. Already the girl was deemed unconscious, trapped in a nightmare she couldn't escape. And Dove felt, for once, completely and utterly useless. There was nothing she could do to help the girl except rest a cool hand upon her heated forehead.
Aren shook his head at the woman's words. If one did not belong on the battlefield, then they should not enter at all. He followed behind the woman though, not wishing to abandon a quest so soon joined. Gungir faded into mist, and he flexed his fingers slowly as he walked. A few days, at least, to regain the use of his arm for battle.

He arrived in the room shortly behind Dove, leaning against the far wall as he watched her fret over the mortal girl. He couldn't help but wonder, why was she so protective of this mortal? And what about this mortal was worth protecting?

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