War of the Brethren (Light and Dark) Character Sheet

I may also make another. I've also noticed it's very hard to write from Persephone's point of mind; even if I may be as crazy as her :P
That fine just submit it. I'm gonna change my third character to hades I think. He won't come in for a while though. Once ur character is made I would suggest waiting till the next seen before bring them in. My next step was gonna be, one of the big cities with a standing contract with a demon clan. Could meet them there
@Venomarrah Glad you like it :) lol. Persephone is gonna stay with the group right!? She just needs alittle convincing!?! We could make it to where Michael's soul is so pure that the closer and longer she stays around him the less the curse mark has on her kinda thing!?! What do u think!?!

I just realized how many typos were in my last message! Sorry!

And apparently it posted twice. Not useful.

Anyway. If she did stay I was thinking of doing a slight time skip, like 1 hour later. Were they are sitting around a bonfire they put together, which would give Harusun a chance to wake up. Thought it might be cute to have Zehel outstretched keeping everyone warm against his fur.

After socializing a little more another time skip to morning and they head north to this city that still has the standing contract. This may change though according to how the other people enter. I personally think it would be cool if they all meet in this big city.
With Persephone, she'll need a lot of convincing. I don't intend on her leaving the group at any time. I believe giving her time and clarifying things from her past will help, and the possibility of being around a pure angel will help, yes. Mostly I believe the release from Hades himself will allow her to fully be set free from the curse we talked about.

Haha! It's quite alright :)

The site's been acting so horrid lately, I absolutely hate it. It seems every day the site is down.

I enjoy your idea. It'll be useful to have a sit down, set things straight. I don;'t believe I can just make Persephone stay; It's not in her character. What would you purpose?
Hmmmm. Well I could have Michael approach her and reveal himself not wanting her to leave, and in doing so show her memories of her true self in heaven. There could be memories of Michael being her friend. Then she could be like wait.. Michael? Which Michael showing her this would help her loosen the curse. Everyone in Heaven loved Micheal. So when she was in Heaven she would have loved him to. He shines light were darkness reaps. I put up a character Bio on page one of Hades. Check it out. Not finished yet though
Hmm. Yes, that sounds good. Possibly show her of who she once was, as a kid girl by her mother's side? She'd stay on intentions of knowing what she once was, and why she is different. I'd say she'd deny that she could have ever been like that, but doubt herself. That would work for her!

Hades looks great so far! Do you plan on coming up with the history for why he kidnapped Persephone and kept her? We'll have to figure it out at some point, anyways.

With my second character, I'm thinking of creating a girl (Possible elf, because I have a thing for pointy ears) gifted with the powers from Fieori. A Mercenary, maybe, who hasn't awakened her gifts until she's in contact with the group, since there's so much light within them all. Tempted to have an angel-elf romance?
Yes I'm gonna put that in. I just had to go to work so I didn't finish it yet. That would be fun, don't know if Michael would be that angel though. Let me think about it :) it could be she's loves him but see Michael lives all creatures. Non favored over others.
She could fall for Zehel. Not knowing he's a beast. In the city he will be in his human form
She could also fall in love with Michael. He just wouldn't "feel" the same,
I meant the elf

Persephone would see Michael as more like big brother
I'm still thinking of her reaction, and what keeps Harusun in the group when she wakes up. Also the internal conflict is going to be fun for me I'm sure lol. Give me back the evil within Hades, I feel weaker with my good side taking over X D

Fun idea for later if you introduce.. Just throwing that out there!
She could offer her "Services" as an apology. Life debt kinda thing. Or be like I have no place to go. In which case Michael or Zehel would ask if she'd like to come ;)
It might be easier then that honestly, I'm not sure if I could change THAT dramatically lol ( Especially since I don't know how to roleplay a " good guy " <.<, I never have anyway.) But once she is aware of the true identity of those around her, and the mental assist. She may just follow for the sake of life experience. Angels, gods, and a grand plan would really get her cooperative, especially if the insane side is being pushed down a bit.

Well yes, wait, yes! Once she realizes what's really going on, an apology wouldn't be too hard at all.. Maybe, plenty of time to ponder, I'm not too worried we'll make it work and be interesting.
Ok cool that's fine :) ))

also Vermarrah! Brilliant idea! So the next stop is a city that contracted with demons. My idea is when they get there. There is a sign that says no angels. This would be logical considering the angels and demons are at odds. So Michael tells everyone to go in and he will meet them inside. (Aka he's gonna sneak in) while he sneaks in gets spotted and has demons after him as he runs threw the city. Then bam! Your elf character steps in an helps him. :)

my other idea to keep ur elf with the group is that they hire her as a escort, because she knows all the trails and cities to the north. What do U think!?!



Angels are extremely powerful beings with a wide range of abilities. Abilities vary with the class of the angel. For example, archangels have all the abilities of a normal angel, but they are enhanced, and they seem to have abilities that average angels do not possess.

Abilities thought to be universal among angels

  • Superhuman strength - The physical strength of an angel in a vessel is unknown, it's possible that their strength is unlimited as it doesn't come from the vessels muscles but instead their angelic power. They also have an extreme control on their strength as they have been shown to punch through walls but also non-fatally punch humans. One has been shown to be able to lift a one-ton anvil with ease.
  • Telekinesis - Angels have the ability to move and influence objects with their minds.
  • Teleportation - Angels have the ability to teleport anywhere in the world as long as the area is not protected by Enochian sigils. They can teleport themselves and other beings. The process can be uncomfortable and dangerous for humans.

  • Creating sudden wind, shattering lights, and causing an Eastern Seaboard blackout

  • Invisibility - Angels, even while occupying vessels, can render themselves unseen, they lose this power when disconnected from heaven.
  • Healing - Angels have the ability to heal humans. When angels are disconnected from Heaven, they lose this power.

  • Angels are able to maintain their vessels without food, water, or sleep, and to heal them after they are injured.

  • Sedation - Angels have the ability to make humans unconscious by placing two fingers on their foreheads.
  • Exorcism/Kill - Angels have the ability kill/exorcise demons by placing a hand on the forehead of a possessed individual
  • Supernatural perception - Angels are able to see objects and beings that are invisible to humans, for e.g. Reapers and Enochian Sigils.
  • Telepathy - Angels have the ability to communicate using their minds.

  • Dreamwalking - Angels can enter human dreams in order to communicate with them. They do not need to know where the person is to use this ability.

  • Soulreading - By reaching into a human's chest, an angel can read marks left on the human's soul by another angel. This procedure is very painful for the human, but leaves little physical damage.
  • Soulchanneling - Angels can use the energy from souls to empower themselves.
  • Voice mimicry - Angels have the ability to sound like any human they choose.
  • Knowledge of all prophets
  • Time travel - Angels have the ability to go backward and forward through time, though this is difficult without Heaven's assistance.

Special Abilities:

  • Memory Manipulation - Angels have the ability to take away and restore a human's memories. Angels can also implant fake memories.
  • Revelation - Angels can implant visions into a prophet’s mind.
  • Resurrection - Some angels are sufficiently powerful to resurrect humans, even from Hell.

  • Inflicting Harm
  • Pyrokinesis - Michael has shown the ability to kill another angel by setting them ablaze.
  • Electrokinesis - Ramiel can manipulate and control electricity.
  • Cryokinesis - Lucifer proved capable of freezing objects by breathing on them; this occurred while he was manifesting in his vessel.

  • Weather manipulation - Ramiel, Michael, and Lucifer all manipulated weather at will.
  • Altering reality
  • Destructive White Light
  • Power Removal

Michaels Power- Ability to manipulate all elements and the power to see all events that unfold in this universe.

Ramiels Power- Ability to take or give life, controls lightning.

Luciel's power-

  • Overpower primordial beings like pagan gods and all lower-classed angels.
  • Manipulate weather. His presence on earth is signaled by massive tsunamis and tornadoes
  • Freeze objects. He freezes a window by breathing on it.
  • Remain unaffected by time.
  • Bind entities to his command

Name: "Araopt" was his name in heaven but on Earth took on "Aaron"


Powers: The ability to Breath out large quantities of Ash and Smoke. Though in his Angelic body his body is able to produce Ember to go along with Ash, and his original fog is Replaced with steam. Has mild training in using a schythe, but it was cut off due to his teacher's banishment.

Age: Unknown

Personality: Is a normally shy individual who tends to keep to himself, but has a focused demeanor if he is attempting to accomplish something serious enough. Since becoming Ramiel's apprentice, he has grown to hate humans the same way deciding that they are lower class beings on earth. Though he feels strongly about them he can't bring himself to kill a human or harm one unless one attacks him first.




History: Aaron had always been an admirer of Ramiel since he first spotted him while he was young. He didn't know why but he always seemed like the one who did all the dirty work and got things done. One day, he finally built up the nerve to ask him for a possible apprenticeship expecting to be shot down on the spot. Though,to his surprise, Ramiel agreed and so began their relationship. After so long Aaron began picking up on Ramiel's beliefs such as the one on humans. When the news of Ramiel murdering the present god spread around, Aaron went into a state of shock but recovered quickly taking heed to his beliefs and made himself understand that what he had done must have a justifiable reason. Aaron quickly refused to believe that Ramiel was being banished for what he was done and became upset with many of the other angels. Instead of staying around and doing something to possibly get him banished, Aaron left heaven willingly in an attempt to find his teacher.
[MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION] Accepted. All members actively RPing in this forum are on and reply daily. Make sure you do too ;P Otherwise I will punch your character into unconsciousness Buahahahahahahah. Have fun :)
Don't you dare go inactive you.. Narblets? Does Narblets apply to forum roleplay? X D.. Yeah you Narblets!
I'm quite sorry [MENTION=4602]Harusun[/MENTION], my emailing system always seems to fail to say others have replied. It's quite frustrating!

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