Godling Academy (Actual RP)

I realize now you guys don't stay connected to chat lots-

The only comment I saw today about gays and bis and this rp was from ArtisticKwittyKat herself xD

she came on and jokingly said that she had only went to bed and now everyone in her rp was in a gay/bi relationship

Given i haven't been on the whole night, but trust me. Bashing someone's (or someone's character's) sexual prefrence is strictly against the rules, not to mention frowned upon here.
(Hey I know i'm just a cat popping out of nowhere but I just wanted to say that I hope you guys will stop by the chat room from time to time ^^. I don't know about the entire gay bashing thing since I came back here today but all matters aside you all seem like nice people who would improve the entire chat in general. So have a nice day I suppose and I hope to see you in the chat box if you ever feel like it :wink:)
((Guys the thing is already calming down, people from both sides have apologized, and I think we should just continue as Ronkaime suggested but leave the Rp up. No sense in giving it up if it's all smoothing out))
((Okay so this is what im going to do. I am going to make a private group for all of us with the main 8 members. dakup, Ronkaime, ArtisticKwittyKat234, Sock, savagePEST, Nico, Bree, and I. I would add @FroggieJay but it is saying he is not a member of RP nation anymore? I dont think I am missing anyone else that has a huge main character. If I am please tell me before I make the group. Itll be in private so no one else can see it and only I can add a member. I think im going to let it be able to be seen in the group area because if not I dont know how we're going to find it xD besides that they will not be able to look at our threads or who is already in the group. Yes?))
Okay so how does this work xD I have to make a thread. Do you guys want me to put like lake 1 threat, garden another thread or just do one big thread like this again?
(Sock signed off and so did Kitty so when they get on, we need to make sure they know where to go )
I like it as just one big thread that way you don't have to search through everything to find where a character has went
((I PMd the main people. This is what I sent them: http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?cz-groups/godling-academy.76/group-detail <-- Please go here and let me add you. This is the new area for Godling Academy. If you want explanation on what happened I will keep you up to date but just know that we will keep going here instead of our old regular area

Anyone else that has joined Godling Academy if you wish to move you can just press the button on top and you be accepted unless you break the rules.

Is everyone okay with me closing Godling Academy sign up sheet now? Or should I keep it open anyways?

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