Godling Academy (Actual RP)

(I don't care either way I say if they want to read it let them, I think you should put a warning up though saying that we have bi or gay characters that way people won't get offended. If they wanna make fun let them make fun and we'll just enjoy ourselves.)
Sock said:
(I say yes, because I just feel uncomfortable with the fact that all of those guys are peeping in to our roleplay and making fun of it. :P . )
(I agree with Sockie, I'm tried of this)
(I guess we can just continue here but play it easy on the smex for awhile like Ronka said)
((Nico if we give in to them then what are we teaching them? That if they push hard enough us bis and gays will go away and hide? No. Thats not right. Sorry but I'm a fighter. Think about it guys.))
(jj9095 they do it to like every roleplay. Lol, they don't actually participate in any, just make fun of them. It really just makes me want to leave this site, but I'm not going to. Its really just embarrassing and I don't think I'll be doing the roleplay anymore if it continues.)
(Awww c'mon Sock here we're family, we can share the embarrassment and not back down! We band together just like the Gods and our characters!)
Ya, we are family! we shouldn't be afraid to be who we are! we should stick up for our selves who cares if there picking on us and making fun of us, We're family and were not going to back down, Plus, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger..
Sock said:
I'm just laughing at how cheesy all these things you guys are saying are.
((Once again, thats what family is for xP Ill make a PM now for all of us just incase if we ever need it but I think we should stay here anyways because I think we can make it to 1,000 pages ;) ))
Once Iris was fully asleep, Lune grabbed her bow and headed outside to get some fresh air. So much had happened in one day, and she needed time to think. Lune didn't even realize there was someone else here. (Sock C'mon sista! Rp till you drop and don't give a crud who says anything!)
xD so do i and it was actually a say before she turned it into a song.Now let's RP! :P
hey i wanna apologize if i upset anyone... i dont know about other people but i dont gay bash. i have a gay(well bi, but you know) character..even though he usually gets punched in the nuts >.> and a bi girl as well. im so sorry.
((Hey guys for PMing there can only be 5 people in one PM and we have Ronkaime, Sock, Jj9095, Artistic, Bree, Froggie, Dakup, not counting the newest members like ZetaAlphaOmega or GamerXZ. PMing will not be possible with all of us =/))
I can create a website? I know a free website thingie and we could create one for this roleplay? I don't know. That sucks tho.

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