Daimond Academy

Nichole stepped off her plane grabbing her luggage.She hummed''Last Friday Night'' She looked for her name. She saw someone holding up a sign with her name on it and rolled her luggage along. She smiled looking out the window of the car. Sure she was gonna miss Cassey , but she knew he wanted her to succeed.
(Okay. I've decided to do the housing thing after all. I just need to know whether you'd rather be in an apartment or townhouse. The apartments have one or two bedrooms (two bedroom apartments could be two same sized rooms or one larger room for sharing and a single room), one bath, and a small kitchen/living area. Townhouses have four large rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room. For those of you that do not have room mates, tell me if you want a single room or a room mate. I'll then decide by random who rooms with who. If you need to tell me but cannot or are not posting an ic post at the moment either pm me or post this info in the sign up thread to avoid unnecessary ooc posts in the ic thread.)

Nebulo looked down at Dmitri when the boy had made his case. He smiled at him. "Of course we can do something about that. We'll just need you to tell us the vessel's serial number, n-number, and the time it is expected to arrive. You can drop off the information at the office. We'll need this at least a half day in advance. We can't exactly turn off the defense system in a minute." It was great to now that the students were so eager to further their skills. However, Nebulo knew well that sometimes this eagerness could become something destructive. So far they haven't acted much yet but one could never predict how a group of their caliber would act. Hopefully, Dmitri's request wouldn't put the school at too much risk. He needed this place and all its inhabitants in one piece.


"Oh, such a fussy vampire he is," Cloude said after watching Dmitri leave after his little "fit". Dmitri was such a weird guy. Then Cloude heard a "yes?" coming from near him. It was that kid again. Cloude had thought he would've gone to pick up his luggage already. But the red eyed kid said yes. So he was gay. Cloude placed a hand on Xel's shoulder. "Wow. I'm proud of you. You know, not many people would be so willing to admit something like that. You're pretty cool." The redhead then took his hand off of Xel. "But no ****. I'm Cloude by the way."

Cloude then noticed another redhead, although a brighter red than Cloude's own hair which was more of a maroon. This redhead seemed to be staring over here. Pointing at this boy, Cloude tried to get Xel's attention. "Is he your boyfriend? Because I think he wants your attention."


Kate began handing out the room assignments to all the students. Some kids had arranged their living situations beforehand, want to stay with familiar faces rather than strangers. But the majority knew no one here so were randomly assigned to empty rooms. There were the apartments that housed one to three students and there were the townhouses which could house up to eight students if people were willing to share rooms.

When a green haired girl came up for her assignment, Kate leafed through the papers to find her name. "Miss Saint James? Here you go." She smiled and handed Alexis the folder with her assignment as well as pamphlets about the school's various programs and activities. "Now if you ever need anything, come tell me, okay? I'm always happy to help students."
(hmm town house) Nichole looked around and rolled her bag behind her. She sighed sadly and looked for her dorm. She held her necklace tightly as she walked. It was a gift from her parents , they died in a plane crash. She was too young, 2 at the time,to remember but she knew something wasn't right.
Xel was a bit surprised when Cloude sat his hand on shoulder,and looked at him completely confused as he spoke of how proud he was for some reason Xel didn't catch."Err....Hello?I'm Xel..."He sounded confused as well and then noticed Cloude pointing,following where he was pointing he saw Rel and Zel.Then he heard Cloude speak,"Is he your boyfriend? Because I think he wants your attention." Xel had quickly turned back to Cloude his face flushed a deep red."W-w-what!?"He shook his head."No! He's my brother!I'm not Gay!"He now seemed very embarrassed that someone actually thought he was gay,course Zel always warned him he did act that way sometimes but still.

Rel watched the two and saw the stranger point there direction,he wondered what they were say.He couldn't hear but he did see Xel's face turn very red before turning back to the stranger and heard him yell."No! He's my brother!I'm not Gay!" Rel was completely confused by what he said and was even more curious about what they were talking about,though he now knew they were talking about him.Zel also looked confused and looked at Rel,"Gay?"He couldn't help but chuckle slightly. He knew Xel would get mistake as gay sooner or later but never knew it'd happen this fast.Rel just sighed.
(I'm fine with apartment, and will be fine with roommate(s))

Alexis smiled as she took the folder, "I would offer cookies, but they're all gone now, I'll see about bringing you some cookies some other time, unless there's something else you want, let me know when I bring the cookies, I can learn to make anything, so the sky's the limit." she said, then she turned to run off, she was happy to be there even though she was a bit nervous.

As she ran back toward her luggage she accidentally ran into Cloude since he had been a bit to her left. "Oh... I'm so sorry!" she said, turning to look at him, she blushed some, feeling embarrassed about running into someone like that, though she couldn't help having trouble seeing out of her left eye since it was blind, though she did keep it covered, so some people might just think it was the hair.

Nichole walked to her dorm and went inside. She unpacked her things and carried her guitar and lyric book outside. She walked around singing to herself. ''~A true true friend helps a friend in need a true true friend will help them see to see the light of a true true friend!'' She hummed as she strummed the instrumental part of the song.
Mori had watched the proceedings move along, and noted several innovative students who had used his

own invention to augment their own talents
"That's the spirit kids, this year should be good with a few

bright sparks like these walking around the school."

When everybody had departed the strip, Mori packed up his invention and carried them back off to his

offices. Beyond showing up he had no further obligations and decided he would check over the rest of

his current projects and see how his students were doing on their own projects.

As the white haired teacher walked back to his office, the quiet and constant sound of his inventions shaking

about in the cart he pulled behind him the only sound, he looked at every security camera he passed. Mori

knew the school's security system since he had helped build the majority of it. The cameras, the mainframe

and all the little knickknacks that were spread about the school. Mori sighed a little and reminisced absently as

he walked back the long way
Dimitri grabbed a small sheet of paper and read all the numbers, he then announced when it would arrive, "It should come next morning at about 5:30 AM, hope that's not a problem," he said his thanks and walked back to his room, toting his parasol up and returned back to his dorm. His apartment was rather small, with one big spacious room. He opened up a cupboard to find his fresh supply of Acetone peroxide, a explosive really easy to blow up in your face, and is used in suicide bombings. He grabbed the crystalline power very slowly and went down the tunnels and walkways right outside the door where the white headed teacher was going, he slipped the powder inside the keyboards to all the computers, and put a sign that says, "I put explosives on the keyboards, have fun!" behind the computer, but in reality it was just sugar, he walked back to his room snickering and waiting for the panic to happen, as they would think they had angered an explosive that was easy to react with and he laughed out loud a bit. His laughs were high pitched, and made the Joker look like a totally normal person. He finally got back to his room and started work on a insanely deadly poison, more so than TTX, he was making Sarin, [(CH3)2CHO]CH3P(O)F, as he said to trick every single person he told about. It would take a while to make, so he always had a gas mask on when he made it.

(I'm good with apartments, also Brooklyn is waiting for apartamentos)
Nichole looked around the school. She had her backpack on, so she walked to the library..She hummed the rest of the song and walked inside sitting down. She wrote some in her lyric book and kept her head low. She really missed her brother.
(I will be taking an apartment if anyone is willing to be my Character "Tey"'s roomate)

Dantey hadn't really done much, he still stood around doing nothing, just looking around at everyone else doing there thing and meeting people already, Dantey had avoided such events seeing as he hated to socialize, he listened up once the teacher or who he assumed to be the head master started speaking again and welcoming them and rules of the place. So not all of the island was explored, that seems a bit odd, but Dantey shrugged it off, it was probably nothing. After the speech had finished he walked up to the women about living arrangements,The women told him he would have an apartment and he would be sharing it with someone else aswell, Oh just great...now he had to see and speak to someone every day almost all the time. He lifted up his suitcase and started walking off towards where his apartment was located or atleast where the women had said to go which was probably where his apartment was seeing as Dantey doubted she would lie to him. Once he arrived he walked up the stairs to the number he'd been given which was apartment room 12. He found it and used the key he'd been given to unlock the door and get in. He looke around, there were to bed rooms from what he could see and the kitchen was part of the living room just with a kitchen counter blocking it off from the living room, he walked up to both rooms inspecting each, one had a slightly larger bed so he went in the room with the smaller one seeing as he didn't need a big bed and this room had a nice view from the window. He un-packed his things into his dresser and poured himself a glass of water before sitting down on the chair and slowly drinking it waiting for his room mate to arrive, might as well meet him before guessing he'll be like everyone else.
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  • Dmitri (solo)
  • Brooklyn + Aoi
  • Alexis + Hayley
  • Tey + Jack
  • All teachers have one bedroom apartments in a separate building from the students.


  • Rel + Xel + Zel + Alan
  • Cloude + Mari + 4 npc students

Nebulo raised an eyebrow when Dmitri just began reciting a bunch of numbers. Did the boy expect him to memorize them all? "I think it'd be better for you to drop off the information at the office. I may be headmaster but my memory isn't that great." Well, it was but Nebulo didn't believe in keeping memories that he didn't need to. And there were much more pressing matters he needed on his mind. But of course, his primary objective to make sure that the welcoming festival went without a hitch. After Dmitri left, Nebulo took one last look over the new students and smiled. They seemed to be enjoying themselves so far. That was good. He then left for his office. There were still things to plan.


Kate smiled as Alexis had offered her some sweets or at least would've if there were any. She seemed like such a nice kid. Kate frowned a bit when she thought of some of the dangers at the academy. Of course there hadn't always been but lately . . . It wouldn't be good for the students here to be caught up in it all. She smiled at Alexis. "Oh, that's sweet of you but I can't. You see, when you get to my age, it gets harder to manage your figure. One brownie and I blow up like a beach ball. But thank you for the gesture."

As the girl turned and ran off, Kate chuckled to herself. The kid was cute and optimistic. Let's hope that her expectations for this place are met. And with that, Kate left as well. She had some things to help Nebulo with.


Cloude was a bit taken aback at Xel's sudden outburst. A bit confused, he raised an eyebrow. Xel wasn't gay? Then why did he say yes? Weird kid. But that was his brother? They didn't look very much alike. Although now that he looked at them, there were shared features. Other than colorings, they did look the same. Strange. Did they just like hair dye and contacts or something? "Well, I think your brother might want your attention. He's been staring at us for a while. Anyway, you should go put your stuff away quickly. They always run out of cotton candy first at these festivals."

As he got up to stretch his legs, a girl bumped into him, causing him to fall over. Now a** in the air and face firmly planted onto the pavement, he made no movement for a while except falling onto his side a minute after. " . . . Ow . . . " His glasses were now in pieces and he seemed . . . unconscious.

Mari, having seen this, walked over to Cloude and knelt by him. Without saying a word, she poked his lifeless form before smacking him hard across the face. The redhead jumped up and held his cheek. "Ow! What was that fo- Why is everything blurry?!" He then heard someone saying sorry. He tried to turn toward the sound but ended up looking the wrong way so Mari had to turn his head for him. "Nah. It's fine. These stuff happens. No need to be sorry Mr . . . Celerystick?" Without his glasses, Cloude had very poor vision. Currently, he only saw the green of Alexis' hair.

Mari picked the delusional gamer onto her back. "I'll take him to the infirmary. You just do whatever. Not like I care." And with that, she carried Cloude down the path back to town.

~~~Just to move things along~~~

In the city square, many students had set up booths for everyone, especially the new arrivals, to enjoy. There were food stands selling things from hotdogs to cotton candy, game booths like a shooting range and ring toss, and many different stands. There were even some where older students were displaying their talents, some even selling pieces of their work. Multiple balloons littered the skies and throughout the city was music being played on the public broadcasting system. All this was a prelude to the large dance being held within the square for everyone tomorrow night.

(The festival is just a way to let people get to know everyone. Eventually, I'll time-skip to the dance. And that's when the real fun starts. Teehee. But seriously, go make some friends, get to know people, create enemies, etc.)
Alexis was a little sad that she couldn't make anything sweet for Miss Materae, but she wouldn't force food on someone that didn't want it.

After running into the young redhead, she felt terrible for hurting him and breaking his glasses, she could only hope that he hadn't gotten any glass in his eyes. She watched as the girl carried him off, she bit her lip and watched for a moment, then told herself that she would apologize the next time that she saw him, maybe find her way to the infirmary if she could to make sure that he was alright. She went and quickly picked up her luggage and then made her way to the room she was told to go to. She looked at the door to apartment number twenty and slowly put the key into the lock and went inside once she got it open. She looked around the apartment that was going to be her home for a while and managed a small smile, now she would just have to meet her roommate. She looked at the two rooms and picked out the one on the right, she started putting her stuff in the closet, then instantly went to the kitchen and began inspecting stuff.

She found that the kitchen was to her liking, a little small, but she could make it work, and it was fully stocked, with the exception of a few things she would need for baking, which she guessed she could buy in the town. She smiled, then she bit her lip a little, there was supposed to be a festival to go to, she almost told herself to just stay in, then she remembered the promise to herself that she would try to make friends, so she locked the door to the apartment and headed out, she was looking forward to meeting her new roommate, but that would happen soon enough. She looked around for a while, then started asking people if they had seen a red headed boy with glasses, she was hoping to find the boy she ran into so that she could apologize again.

After Dmitri had finished his mischievous deeds, he snuck off to the kitchens to mess around there, he had a small poison that would make everyone have a huge stomach ache, which he planned to pour into the stew. He went through a very specific route to get to his classes and to the kitchen, very few people knew the small corridors that connected the place, as nobody had reason to. He found the kitchen, and poured in the small poison with the stew. It wouldn't even hurt anybody, but um.. a lot of people are going to have clogged toilets, he chuckled underneath his breath, and headed back out.

This was all very routine for Dmitri, it was a little practice he put on some of the food that most of old meat knew about, they all knew Dmitri did it, but nobody ever saw him, so he was never proven. He returned back to his apartment with a gas mask, and did his chore of clearing the poisons out of the apartment, it wouldn't look good if he killed himself, his next job on the fake to-do-list-for-the-ceremony, was to go screw around with all the apartments. Last time he tried everyone went in a mob to hunt him down, they found his apartment but for some reason couldn't break down the door, in reality he had made a fake door to get them all to hit it. He went down to the water pumps and put a filter that would make the water look disgusting, this was a new idea he got from when he didn't have the money to pay his bribes, he did this at a ceremony to get people to buy the bottled water, which he also profited from. The first one was Alexis' apartment, in which he cursed when he saw he was going out.


Brooklyn returned to Aoi and practically dragged her down to the apartment, "It's actually not small, it's super cool, and I've heard it's had the best stuff ever," she exclaimed, she saw Dmitri at the corner of her eye, and then thought,'He wouldn't screw with me,' Which was true, he avoided their apartment and screwed with the rest. As they got inside there wasn't much in the way of furniture, but it wasn't too bad. She sat on her briefcase and immideatly got back up and, waited for Aoi to do the same.


Justin had finished eating and decided to start the plan for the ceremony, the idea was to turn off the lights at the end and make everybody freak out, then using his philosophy prowess he'd make everyone even more psyched, and the lights would turn out in a marvelous display, it was a shaky plan at best, but it would make for the biggest ceremony yet. He found out all about every student, their scheduels and when and intercom, and them being alone coincided. He had reserved it for every one, and he broke into the security, a few people were already seeming down and depressed, but his goal was this girl named Alexis, when he saw her at the kitchen his question had been answered, and watched her closely. She seemed to look a little harder to depress.

(Basically to everyone Dmitri and the unknown philosopher would seem like the bad guys, but in reality it would culminate into an epic dance)
Alan sighed as he debated his choices of actually saying hi or not before looking over at the sounds and sights of the near-by carnival. "What am I doing just standing here" he thought to himself finally giving himself a small mental pep talk like he always did before a performance. Taking a breath, Alan lifted his luggage by the handle and walked over to the identical looking boys. "Hello are you guys new too" he thought before freezing mentally. "Of course their new idiot don't you see they have luggage too" he scolded to himself keeping the smile going on the outside. "And they had to be older, learn to pick someone your own age" he said to himself mentally shifting awkwardly at the height difference between him and the two brothers.
Xel stared at Cloude and the girl,trying to figure out what just happened he sighed as he glared.One word came to mind,"Weirdo...."He said out loud to himself now labeling Cloude just that,though he did seem nice.Xel stood for a moment grabbing a little note book out of his pocket with a pencil marking a page,he opened it and started sketching and writing notes down as he headed over to Rel and Zel, not looking up from his note book as he did.

Rel looked over to the boy who came over and asked if they were new too,he just stood there with his arms still crossed and sighed as he focused his attention back to Xel who he noticed was coming over now.Zel looked over around Rel's body to see the boy and smiled."Hi!"He said in a very light voice,"Yes we are new,and I take it you are too."He said as he got up from sitting on there suitcase and walked over to where he stood right in front of the boy and Rel,he looked at Rel and frowned seeing the way Rel acted,"Come now,be nice..."Now that he stood it was easy to tell Rel was somewhat taller then Zel,about 2 inches actually and when Xel made it over his head still in his note book it was plain to see he was a lot shorter then the other two. Which was one reason he'd always call himself the runt of the litter,he then looked up to now realize another was here and one he didn't know."Hello..."Once again he looked to the boy's clothes first then smiled.
Alan felt a little at unease due to the gaze of the red head gazing down at him for no longer then a second then away at something else. He began to lighten up when the blond boy came over and actually said hi to him. "Oh yeah I am" he said a little spazzy trying not to cause an awkward gap in conversation. "And he had to be the taller one" Alan thought shifting again. He looked to the side when the smallest of the three returned to the group and greeted him. "Oh hi" he said back quickly then felling off balance when the boy suddenly started smiling as he looked down at his clothes and his shoes. "Did I do something wrong" he asked beginning to blush red in the face. "I knew I should of wore something a little more casual" Alan thought self consciously.
Xel looked at him slightly confused then chuckled,"Oh no,I was just looking at your clothes heh..."He slightly blushed once again feeling embarrassed about his little habit. Zel turned to Xel and then to the boy and smiled,"He likes your clothes,he's a 'fashion designer' so it's just his thing."He said 'Fashion Designer' in a slight gayish tone which got a irritated glare from Xel."I told you to stop saying it like that...."Even his words showed he was irritated,Zel just smiled at him."But it fits so well."He laughed.Rel just watched not saying a word,he just sighed at how the two acted and seemed more tense then the others."Anyway,why are you here,hmmm?~"Zel asked the boy curious.
Jack had finally gotten off the plane, sure, he'd overslept, but sleep was sleep. Or, at least he kept telling that to himself in a heavy Russian accent that made him sound like an actual Russian, even though he was American. He suddenly switched to a German accent that sounded so spot on, and even a little like the Doctor Richtofen from those Call of Duty games. "You vill behave here, ja?" He said to no one but himself as he stepped down the plane's stairs. Jack was mental, literally. It had only happened because something, he never really knew what, decided to bomp him on the head.

He leaped down, his red hair moving with the wind. He'd noticed many a person here had red hair, and thought to himself, Many a man and woman to steal souls with! He'd went along with the ginger stereotype of stealing souls, and sometimes he even believed he could steal souls. His red and black hoodie moved around with the light breeze, and he smiled to himself. He looked at the projector with the planets, and now the animations. He smiled at it.

A minute after Jack walked from the plane, a girl with red hair, and a white hoodie stepped out. Her yellow eyes darted around fast. She was rather shy, and she'd do her best to avoid people. She put her hood up, and walked to the crowd. She didn't even smile at the hologram, knowing instantly what it was, she'd seen her fair share of Science Fiction movies. One of her favorites had to do with an experiment she'd love to do herself, but the end result could be both good and bad. She sighed, looking at everyone. She'd been off the plane late because she didn't want to be the first one of, she didn't wanna be noticed. All she really cared for was marine biology, and sharks. Defiantly sharks. Ever since her twin brother had gotten cancer, she'd obsessed with a way to cure cancer, and she saw sharks as a way. With how their bones aren't bones at all, cartilage, is what they are. What your ears are made off. She noticed fast how sharks never get cancer. Like crocodiles, sharks haven't done much evolving over the ages. Haley, or "Mako" as people who really knew her, had began a new life on this new island, that could either end in disaster, or in great happenings.
Aoi jumped up and exclaimed, "This place is boring! It needs some decorating!" She sat down both of her suitcases an opened up the bigger one. It was full of art supplies, including paints, brushes, pencils, sharpies, etc. She took out a tray of oil paints and started to paint the walls, drawing huge a huge scene of a girl fighting a huge dragon with a background of buildings. She made the effects really pretty, using a pale green and making it seem luminous. She turned to Brooklyn and said, "We need the bestest best snacks possible that we can find because we have a lot to complete! Are you good in decorating, or can you cook? Or is your talent neither and you can only sing or play instruments?" Aoi wanted to give her something to do, because she didn't want to be the only one working. She kept ranting while she painted.
Brooklyn paused and frowned, knowing she couldn't do any of those four.

"I...I write poetry," she said quietly, even though people barraged the idea of 'be yourself' it was still sad to her she couldn't help out.

"Tell ya what, I'm gonna go buy some stuff, and I can get my old friend to make some fireworks!" she exclaimed, she felt a little better now that she had found something to do, she rushed out the house looking for Dmitri, she had searched for what to her seemed to be an eternity, of course, Dmitri was at the bottom of the townhouse, messing with the water flow. So when Brooklyn jumped him he fell back onto the soft floor.

"What do you need now?" he grumbled, how did she even find him? He was in the lower levels of the townhouse, and he finally finished putting in the the filter to make the water look disgusting.

"I want fireworks, not too big, like you would," she jabbed him in the stomach and a quick "Ow," replied. Dmitri always had one explosive or another, so he passed her a small fire cracker and some champagne poppers.

"There, now quit bugging me," he said, and snuck out to work on the apartments, then he would try his biggest trick yet, hack down Cloude's games to make him lose.
Alan looked on at the twins bicker between the two when the entire "Fashion Designer" came up in the conversation. Alan simply coughed to hold back the giggle rising up from his throat, when he noticed a question being directed at him from the bright haired boy. "Oh well you see" he started off with a little nervously before swallowing his nerves metaphorically. "I'm a dancer" he said quickly as if he was ripping off a bandage. "And Fashion design isn't bad at all" he said encouragingly to Xel. "What about you guys?" he asked suddenly then took the time to rephrase his question. "I mean what are you here for?" he said glad to get his words out finally.
Zel smiled when he heard Alan was a dancer,"Oh a dancer~"He said in the same gay tone before and nudged Xel with his elbow."Perfect."He said before laughing.Xel just crossed his arms glaring at Zel as he spoke and then sighed looking to Alan as he whispered to him seeing Zel busy laughing,"Sorry about him...he had Demerol not too long ago...I'm pretty sure he'll pass out soon."He smiled watching Rel try and deal with Zel,then heard Alan's question."Well Rel,the red head,is a mechanic and Zel,the crazy one at the moment,is a technician..."He said while pointing to his brothers.

"Oh,and my name's Xel.what's your?"He said turning his attention to Alan realizing he didn't ask yet.
Alan blushed again at the whole gay accent he was trying not to laugh at earlier. Before he could try and retort with something, he found himself smiling at Xel's own comment with the guy and medication. "It's fine" he stated watching the red and yellow haired boy work with each other now. "I wouldn't be here now if I wasn't used to some light teasing" he added right before Xel went into his explanation of the three. "Wow a mechanic and a technician" he repeated. "That's pretty convenient isn't it" he stated looking at Rel and Zel continue to talk. "Seems like a fun family" he finally said before turning back to Xel. "Oh my name is Alan" he said placing his hand on the handle of the suitcase so it wasn't just hanging around.
Xel smiled as he listened to Alan,"Yea,it is pretty handy and I wouldn't trade them two for anyone..."He chuckled watching as it seemed the Demerol in Zel's system started to finally work,luckily Rel was used to Zel and carrying him so it wasn't a problem."Alan...hmm nice name..."He looked at Alan,"You got any siblings?"He wondered and Rel had picked Zel up half bridal style as Zel rested his head on Rel's shoulder still giggling,Rel just sighed. The Demerol had taken a while to start working but it didn't take long to finish once it started,which was better then Zel continuing to act crazy.
"Thanks" he replied back watching the giggling fit which was Zel being lifted up into Rel's arms. "It looks like he is the oldest of you guys" he stated as Zel had place his head to rest on Rel's shoulder. "Well actually I'm an only child" he admitted to Xel, smiling at what was a bundle of energy turn into nothing but a limp body. "You really weren't lying about that Demerol" he said laughing slightly as he looked back at the carnival and then at his bags. "Do you know where we could put our bags, then maybe we might be able to the carnival" he asked with a slight tone of eagerness present in his voice.

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