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  1. Slime Node

    Keychain of Creation 156-160

    Saving somebody's life and getting revenge on them all at once. Now that is a penitant Abyssal.
  2. Slime Node

    Splinters of Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

    See, this is what happens every time I say I might want to play a non-Solar. Everybody else tries going non-Solar and I get guilt-tripped into sunniness to keep things together. There can only be one solution. TO THE THUNDERDOME! TWO PLAYERS ENTER! ONE PLAYER LEAVES!
  3. Slime Node

    Splinters of Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

    Re: Shattered Eden; Shadow of Death; ???? Shadow of Death, especially if there's a chance I could grab the Lunar/Sidereal slot. I've been itching to play both, and few things are more fun than Essence-fueled battle cruisers.
  4. Slime Node

    Potential Game-to-be

    Nifty. I'll send you my sheet tonight. Unless I don't.
  5. Slime Node

    Keychain 131-135

    But ninjas can't catch you if you're on fire.
  6. Slime Node

    Keychain 131-135

    Exalted can't be the Gurren Lagann crew! Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object says you can't touch the untouchable.
  7. Slime Node

    Potential Game-to-be

    Any news?
  8. Slime Node

    Upon the Golden Sands

    If any of you are still around, I've been talking to a guy who's trying to put together a mixed Lunar/Solar circle for an IRC game, with maybe some Dragon-Blooded thrown in if anybody feels masochistic. He's looking for a few more players right now, so I said I'd pitch it to y'all, since I know...
  9. Slime Node

    Infernal Previews!

    Metal? Great, now every instance of 'Infernal Exalt' will be replaced by 'Dethklok Exalt' in my mind.
  10. Slime Node

    Potential Game-to-be

    You, you... coma-poster! I've actually just been holding onto my sheet while waiting for an official signal to go ahead and post it. I've got a few details to finish out, but I can stick up my submission whenever you want.
  11. Slime Node

    Potential Game-to-be

    Got a smashy & sullen Earth aspect from Gethamane almost ready to go, assuming Outcastes are still the plan. If not, I'll probably go for a Water aspect martial artist.
  12. Slime Node

    Game Finder

    I'm fresh to St. Louis, the Missouri side. The Hazelwood/Florissant area, to be precise. I'm formerly of THE ABSOLUTE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, Ohio, so I'm all for actually getting a chance to play something face-to-face now that I live in a place with more people than cows. I'm also all for IRC...
  13. Slime Node

    Potential Game-to-be

    Speaking up so that I don't miss out on another game due to too much lurking, not enough posting: I'm interested, both for Lunars or DBs. Though if it's the former, I have to convince myself to not go with a Pistol Shrimp warform.
  14. Slime Node

    Dragon-Blooded Exaltations

    I might be missing blatant statements of these somewhere, but with a pile of books the size of a small planet to look through, doing an exhaustive search would take me a while. Two questions: 1. What exactly determines if/when a Dragon-blood exalts? I know breeding is the vast portion of...
  15. Slime Node

    Lunars, Sidereals or Abyssals?

    I'd love a chance to play a Sidereal, myself. They're my favorite fluff-wise, but I've never actually gotten a chance to play one.
  16. Slime Node

    Walking with the Darkness

    Egh, my evil batteries are running low. I always have a problem coming up with Solars and Abyssals that I like, and this time is no exception. I'll keep brooding to see if anything comes to mind, but in the meantime, don't wait up on me. It looks like there're already two others interested...
  17. Slime Node

    Walking with the Darkness

    Hm... got the starts of a concept brewing. I'll try to have it in by tomorrow night. Anything special I should do with chargen, or just make a standard 0xp starting character?
  18. Slime Node

    Walking with the Darkness

    Color me interested; my favorite villain character just turned to the light side, so I'm looking for a new outlet for evilness. Before I go getting myself married to a concept, are there any big party roles that're left gaping now that people have left? Or, more easily, just tell me the names...
  19. Slime Node

    Upon the Golden Sands

    What time are we planning on doing this? I'm currently living in a hotel, so I have to leave for quite a while to get dinner. It'd be good to get that out of the way ahead of time. And are we going OpenRPG or sticking with AIM?
  20. Slime Node

    Upon the Golden Sands

    Added a basic Spells framework to the template. (This is the part where somebody informs me I did it completely wrong.)