Upon the Golden Sands

Well, I'm all up for it, personally. I have a couple of storylines booting around my hard drive in various states of unfinishedness but ready-to-be-playedness...

Blame Bone Shadow/Aridawnia, the Heretic, the apostate princess who shitcanned the idea.
Arynne said:
If I wanted to play Star Wars, I'd be playing Star Wars.
I want to play Exalted.
Well, so do I.

But right now, until we find an ST or arrange a suitable rotational thingy, our options are "Nothing" or "Star Wars."

I can't take over STing for Exalted, even if I wanted to - which I don't, since I've never really gotten to play yet.

I do, however, have a Star Wars Saga game ready which we could begin while looking for another ST.
If any of you are still around, I've been talking to a guy who's trying to put together a mixed Lunar/Solar circle for an IRC game, with maybe some Dragon-Blooded thrown in if anybody feels masochistic. He's looking for a few more players right now, so I said I'd pitch it to y'all, since I know most of you are still short a game since this ended. At the moment, I think there are two smashy Lunars and my Twilight (so I have a favorite caste, sue me).

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