Splinters of Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

Which game idea do you like?

  • I like Splinters of Eden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like Shadows of Death

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like sandboxes...err the "sandbox" game

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None of the above, I'd like something else (state what please!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
TherealBrickwall said:
ST? I request permission to kick his ass for you. :evil:
Denied. That being said though, SMA will be almost, if not 100%, entirely out of reach unless you're playing a Sidereal character. No matter the circumstances. And more specifically, the Obsidian Shards of Infinity, Quicksilver Hands of Dreams, and Scarlet-Patterned Battlefield Styles will entirely unavailable, whether or not you're playing a Sidereal. That is, until I figure out how I want to fix the (in some cases horrifically *coughDrawForthOneShardcough*) unbalanced portions of each.
If you do decide to run "Shadows of Death", I have a character who would be perfect. :wink:

Brickwall knows who I mean... :-P
It might be worth playing a Sid for. My fave tends to be the ..... name eludes me at the moment, but it has to do with the MMs and manifesting Manse-like powers. Mind you, I also hope we could find some fixes to some of the Sid Charm sets, because if we do then I wouldn't mind playing one at all.
Oh, and BTW Brick, if you were tolook at my characters on here you would see that I am nowhere near a powergamer or munchkin. Truthfully I like some, not all, of the Sid styles due to the utility and coolness factor. I was never very fond of Obsidian Shards or the Mental Juggernaut one.
I'd like to stake out a claim on an Abyssal. Someone who's idea of being responsible to his Lunar means thate he needs to take over the Realm, give it to the Lunar and then retire to his kingdom in the Underworld. The Lunar gets control over Creation and the Abyssal gets the underworld and everything's all neat and tidy, then the Abyssal can get around to taking care of the Neverborn in some way.
Coyotekin said:
Oh, and BTW Brick, if you were tolook at my characters on here you would see that I am nowhere near a powergamer or munchkin. Truthfully I like some, not all, of the Sid styles due to the utility and coolness factor. I was never very fond of Obsidian Shards or the Mental Juggernaut one.
About the Sid... Like I said, Sid/Lunar spots will be limited to 1, and are only potential, not necessarily a sure thing. The style you were thinking of was Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Style. It's pretty much the most balanced SMA in SotM, and would be one of the few I accept, most likely without change. The "Mental Juggernaught" style you're thinking of is Border of Kaleidoscope Logic Style, and IMO it's also one of the other few balanced styles (it starts at Essence 6 and ends at 8, and the Charms are pretty good representatives of powers at that level).

Leary said:
I'd like to stake out a claim on an Abyssal. Someone who's idea of being responsible to his Lunar means thate he needs to take over the Realm, give it to the Lunar and then retire to his kingdom in the Underworld. The Lunar gets control over Creation and the Abyssal gets the underworld and everything's all neat and tidy, then the Abyssal can get around to taking care of the Neverborn in some way.
Hmm... That's not really the type of game I'm looking to run. Check out the first page for an overview of what I am planning on.
Prismatic Arrangement would be perfect then. Not too overpowered, and great for helping with aligning things in Creation again.
Coyotekin said:
Oh, and BTW Brick, if you were tolook at my characters on here you would see that I am nowhere near a powergamer or munchkin. Truthfully I like some, not all, of the Sid styles due to the utility and coolness factor.
Can't blame me for being paranoid. Really, at this point, you can't. Blame all the people who try to slip munchkiny crap past me.
Coyotekin said:
Prismatic Arrangement would be perfect then. Not too overpowered, and great for helping with aligning things in Creation again.
Sure. If I allow a Sidereal in. Though please, don't specifically count on anything. At the very most, it's a possibility, not a sure thing.
Not to be a bother, but 'bout when do you think we should start making up characters? In a day? A week? A month? I know you said 'near future', but now that the vote's tilted pretty far to one side, it'd be nice to have an idea of how near (should I start trying to think of a concept yet and stuff?).
I was about to ask that, but realized there has been no decision made on the type of game yet, though there is a large majority in favor of Shadow of Death.
Within a few weeks to a little more than a month. My semester is about 3 weeks from being over, which means the veritable shit is about to hit the fan. After that I've got about two weeks to relax and get everything ready for my semester abroad in Europe. Most likely, I'll start real recruitment sometime then, or at the very latest, once I'm settled down in Europe.

And yes, I'm running with Shadows as the game concept. That is, unless we get a sudden swarm of extra pollings that tips the scale in favor of Splinters or the sandbox game. The poll will remain open probably until the end of my semester.
Hmmm, if a Sid is possible, a Chosen of Serenity or Journeys could be interesting. Yes, we are talking character ideas because people are psyched about your upcoming game. ;) Besides, it is just us chatting amongst ourselves with no real rush.

Chosen of Journeys with a focus on Sail, Ride, and some MA. The character that is a great support character for those bigger movers and shakers. That's what the Viziers did anyways and there is nothing wrong with that.

As for a Solar, I think wouldn't mind checking out someone with a high focus on Ride and Survival since I have never done anything like that before.
Well, then let's please talk about concepts, not statistics or areas of focus. I'd much rather see talk about, say, a "firedust caravan master-turned Agent of Heaven" than a "Chosen of Journeys who focuses on Ride and MA." :P

But I'm glad people are psyched. By all means, discuss.
I am thinking Guild slave turned eventual member as various individuals realized that this kid could get things to people from all over Creation. Something tested on many occasions considering that he was passed between at least 10 masters before one of them and her men figured out that the little slave was useful. And what was strange as that as long as he was kept busy he hardly cared about the slavery part, assuming he wasn't treated like a slave. He was kept by that master from age 12 until about 16. The boy had kept his Master's crew out of so many scrapes, but when he evaded the Dynasty fleet with only one ship, in ragged condition, and then guided them in a "borrowed" wagon with two horses away from the continued chase his Master decided he had easily paid off his debt and then some. He was soon seen by her side nearly every moment after that.

There's a starter. Could be a Solar or a Sid.
Well I had this idea for a "renegade deathknight".

Sent by the FFL himself to act as a "traitor" to find out the weak spots in the nearby kingdoms and states, selling true counterintelligence to set up large scale ambushes in the future.

I'd like him to be a triple agent, working for the Lion, the Princess and his allies.

Realizing if one if not all of the parties will utterly know he's disloyal to them, he's seeking for a way to free himself from the dark pact he made once, to be able to become his own master and choose his own destiny... meanwhile, he's in for a wild ride ! :)

Probably a Dusk or Day Caste.
I had an idea for an Abyssal -another deathknight who the Black Heron exalted against the orders of the FFL. He will play a tad bit into the "knight clad in soulsteel armor" but he was ultimately exalted against his will. Yes, he agreed to accept the exaltation, but he felt that he had no other options. He was a child who wandered into a shadowland five to seven years ago, and had barely managed to survive, until he wandered into the vicinity of The Thousand. The main reason he had survived thus far is that a ghost had taken pity on him(somewhat) and would occasionally find him food and water, sometimes even from Creation-except that the ghost was lonely, and would not help the character find his way out of the Underworld. Well, eventually the ghost became tired of the character's pleas to return him back to Creation, and abandoned him. With no survival skills whatsoever, he eventually, as stated above, wandered into the vicinity of the Thousand, and died on its steps. The Heron witnessed all of this, and at the moment he died, decided to exalt him. He had not quite let go of his life, and yes, out of desperation, agreed.

And that is all I can think of for now, but he would likely be a Dusk Caste, trained into his caste after exaltation. But, he doesn't really want to destroy the world, and so he would eventually rebel.
See, this is what happens every time I say I might want to play a non-Solar. Everybody else tries going non-Solar and I get guilt-tripped into sunniness to keep things together.

There can only be one solution.


I think I would like to play the Solar version actually. Not someone that so much wants to travel, just happens to be good at it and keeps ending up in such situations. Maybe someone that would be fascinated with new ways of travel, artifacts, and more. :)
I've had this idea for a necro-puppeteer comedian from Skullstone I've wanted to use for a while now. Biting social commentary via zombies doing slapstick comedy. Probably it isn't that practical an idea for a PC, and I should come up with something easier to include in a normal circle though...
If i were to join such a game I'd love to try playing a female courtesan that after her exhaltation has turned into a part assassin to further her goals, and/or that of her former lord. or maybe jst to play several factions against one another so she can step in later to fill in the vacuum.
So, is this perchance going any further? I'd love to play a flautist Zenith I've had in mind for a while now.
Hah! I was wondering when someone was going to ask about this.

Yeah, there's a definite chance. However, I'm still sorting through my main plot points, attempting to organize it into a (somewhat) cohesive and fluid story, and above all else figuring out a good way to start things. It's turned out to be far more work than I've expected, but not in a discouraging way. With the other games I'm in and real life (in Amsterdam, no less) being as it is, things are a little slow.

Though, you can still expect to it happen at some point. I'm going to try and get some kind of a recruitment thread up before this month is out. As a forewarning, I've already got a solid Zenith Caste concept from a friend who have been on me about this game since I first posted this thread. Not that I'll automatically pick him (a well-meshing group will be the goal), nor that having more than one of a Caste is out of the question (in fact, if we'd want multiple of any Caste Zeniths would probably be best fitting), I just wanted to let you know that in case you had another concept in mind before things got too deep.

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