Lunars, Sidereals or Abyssals?


Salmon of Doubt
I've played quite a few Exalted characters at this point, but I've yet to play any that weren't Solars or Dragon-Blooded. Does anybody have a slot for a Steward, Seer or deathknight? Or plans to run a game featuring any of them?
There are existing games... Lunars as well as Abyssal-wise

You may wanna speak to Sherwood, Tome and Cyl about joining, if they'll allow it.
I'm full at the moment, but there might be some places in my Lunar game soon if certain folks don't show up within a few days.
I'd love a chance to play a Sidereal, myself. They're my favorite fluff-wise, but I've never actually gotten a chance to play one.

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