Upon the Golden Sands

Okay, I see your sheet. Umm, can you get on AIM so I can talk with you? I see a few things that need cleaning up to fit the style we're using, but I don't want to just edit your sheet without permission. And I think your health levels are a bit screwy?

Anyway, can you get on AIM?

My laptop's having problems connecting to the Internet for more than a few minutes at a time. I'm having it looked at, and have meantime sent for my spare -- it's a dinosaur, but it also has AIM.

Since Ryan's dropped out, I'll draw up another character tonight.
Sadly not; not without serious revamping/loss in her background. Or you could find someone else interested in playing her boi-toi, maybe.
If this game wasn't on a Saturday night, I'd consider joining. Though I'd be free for the next three weeks, after that my Saturday nights will be booked, with college starting up again and all.

Too bad, I had a couple of ideas, including a Full Moon Lunar and an Eclipse crimelord.
Just in case anyone was wondering; since it seems the prevailing wind is blowing in the direction of Flametongue being the Campaigntongue, I'm just going to bite the bullet and change my Low Realm to Flametongue. It may not make that much sense, but it's better that the group can, yanno, actually talk with one another.
Have I completely missed something here?

Do you two have a connection to this game, or did you just post randomly in the wrong thread?
Au contraire.

We're two random people who posted in the wrong thread, but in a relevant and humourous in-joke kind of way.

Also, I've drunk about a bottle of whiskey tonight, so you may have to excuse me.
What time are we planning on doing this? I'm currently living in a hotel, so I have to leave for quite a while to get dinner. It'd be good to get that out of the way ahead of time. And are we going OpenRPG or sticking with AIM?
Game time is in 57 minutes, on OpenRPG, most likely on the OpenRPG Veav 1 server in a room probably to have a name to the effect of "Exalted: Upon the Golden Sands" or whatnot.
The game room is now live. The room name is "Upon the Golden Sands" on the server OpenRPG Veav 1, and the password for the room is the rather egotistical "brickwallrules" without quotes.
Well, game 1 is long done. I won't say it went off without a hitch, because there were about as many hitches as on the average express train, but it was still fun, nontheless. The short-short version is that a bunch of locals started a fight in the foreigner's quarter, started throwing bombs and DBs at one another. I popped my Anima Banner Effect, scared the mortals off, and then we're all "Hey, I'm a Solar Exalt too!" Then we ran like the dickens, and now we're hiding out, crashing in Charya/Slime Node's crib and hoping we didn't just call down a Wyld Hunt on our heads.
The players of He-Without-Name and Fettered Storm (Taelsinbard and Ebsilon) need to check the wiki's front page. You need to get your character sheets placed upon the wiki ASAP.
Hi, everybody. I'm sorry I missed last week's game...my laptop was on the blink. :oops: But I'll be here this weekend!
Attention. The game for Saturday, August 23, may be subject to delay, interruption, or cancellation. The circumstances surrounding this were unforseen and unpreventable, but I apologize nevertheless.
As many/all of you may be/are aware, I am in a bind. Saturdays, and indeed all days, have become rather problematic for me. It is impossible for me to run a chat game. So, with anger and sadness in my heart, I announce that I am definitely going to cease running Upon the Golden Sands. I cannot do anything about this. It is totally and completely out of my power. I am going to do something else.

The plan I have heard and agree with is to find a new Storyteller. I will not need to give them much information, though I hope they won't want to change my houserules much. It's a rather easy transfer. But I'll miss this game. I hope that, in a month's time, my schedule will be better and I can come back to watch the game, or maybe bake up a character sheet. I truly hope I find good hands to leave it in.

Please aid me in this search. Ask people you know about people they know. Someone's gotta be out there.
Unfortunately, the situation has not really changed.

We have not had any luck in locating a new ST.

None of us who were able to attend today's group talk was willing and able to step up and outright take over STing without moving the game day.

Very few of us know the setting well enough to be condifident in setting up a rotating ST thing. Basically,

SOME HERETICS, who shall remain nameless, don't like Star Wars, so my offer to shelf Exalted and DM a game of the Star Wars RPG (Saga edition) was rejected.

Therefor, it seems as if our current course of action is the default one; wait and see. We should try to group up again next saturday and see if there's been any revelations or changes since then.

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