Splinters of Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

Which game idea do you like?

  • I like Splinters of Eden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like Shadows of Death

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like sandboxes...err the "sandbox" game

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None of the above, I'd like something else (state what please!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Two Thousand Club
I'm currently mulling over three different ideas for a game that I may ST in the near future. If you'd be so kind, give me your thoughts on which you like the most, what you'd like to get out of a game, all that jazz. While I won't be taking character concepts any time soon for any of these (most likely not for a while), I'd love your input. Thanks!

Splinters of Eden

The year is 21XX: a time of restlessness and strife, where peace is a rare find. A time where brothers fight against brothers, and God-kings wage petty wars against each other on a daily occurrence. It's been more than 200 years since the Solar Deliberative last met, and each day it seems as though Creation is another step towards tearing itself apart at the seams. These are tumultuous times, and Creation needs heroes more so than ever before. Will they serve the frivolous whims of their elder brethren, or will they defy the commands of those they serve for the sake of Creation? To save the world or assist in its destruction, it is their choice alone.

What: This is a game set during the later portion of the Thousand Struggles Era, when Creation's fate was most bleak before the great shattering of the world in the Time of Cascading Years. It will follow previous Dreams canon to moderate degree, however from the start and onward the game may, and probably will break canon in some ways. I plan to have the game focus on combat and social interaction equally, with plenty of court intrigue, diplomatic meetings, assassination attempts, war, and all those goodies.

Who: Available Exalted types for play will include Solars, Lunars, and potentially suped-up Dragon-Blooded. Solars and Lunars will be newly Exalted, using DotFA starting character rules with slight alterations. Dragon-Blooded will be more experienced, probably using DotFA rules at the "Influential" level, or at the normal level with a starting XP bonus. Sidereals may be available, but as their role during the Thousand Struggles Era was probably nonexistent, or at most that of mediators. One Sidereal character slot may be available, and will be made with standard DotFA starting Sidereal character generation rules.

How Many: As mentioned above, this game will be primarily Solars and Lunars, with potentially a Dragon-Blooded or two, and maybe a Sidereal. If it happens, it will include no more than five to six players, with as little as three to four needed.

Shadow of Death

Creation is in a period of turmoil. The Scarlet Empress has disappeared, perhaps for good, and her Realm is in shambles. Long lost, the Solar Exalted have returned to Creation. And over all, a shadow looms. Powerful servants of Oblivion, the Deathlords have began to each stake their claim to portions of the world, and they now taint its once-pure lands with the poisonous Essence of the Underworld. As the dead begin to amass their armies with the corrupted Deathknights at their heads, Creation needs the Chosen more than ever. Will they fight against impossible odds to defend Creation? And what of the Deathknights? Will they serve their purpose and destroy Creation, or will they defy their corrupted nature and masters for the glimmer of hope that still dimly shines within them?

What: This a game that will focus on interactions with the Deathlords and a potential large-scale invasion of Creation by the forces of the Underworld. If Abyssal PCs are involved, it may also involve the possibilities of Redemption (which will remain largely undefined in process). Right now, I'm leaning towards a focus on the South and the First and Forsaken Lion, as I don't think there's a Southern-based game on the forums right now, and I like three-quarter million-manned armies with quarter-mile wide battle cruisers as their flagships :P . It will focus on both combat and social interaction, with an early leaning towards the social aspect and the later combat.

Who: Available Exalted types will be predominantly Solars, potentially with Redemption-seeking Abyssals as well. A single Lunar or Sidereal PC may be allowed, but only if there are enough Solars/Abyssals first. Character generation will be standard, by the books, with Abyssals most likely using the rules for Renegades.

How Many: As mentioned above, this game will be primarily Solars, with maybe an Abyssal or two. A single Lunar or Sidereal slot may potentially be available as well. If it happens, it will include no more than five or six players, with as little as three to four needed.


This last option is a "sandbox"-type game, where we'll create the game and theme from our existing materials in canon, and perhaps other sources. This will draw upon, and perhaps even make use of the Exalted: Apotheosis - Collaborative Campaign Creation rules/concepts shown in the link below:


This last option may be potentially combined with option two, if we wish for the PCs to have destroyed a Deathlord or achieved a similarly epic task before facing off against an even greater threat from the Underworld.

Who: Probably Solars, though maybe a few Lunars or Abyssals. Probably no Sidereals, unless I figure out a way to work them into Apotheosis (if we use it).

How Many: No more than five or six players, with as little as three to four needed.
Re: Shattered Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

Nice themes, I like the thought of being some of the few sane folk (that matter) in a world of crazy god kings. Perhaps an air aspect sorcerer, the servant of a recently deceased Solar sorcerer....Used to dealing with Solar politics and the like as a result...
Re: Shattered Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

Pretty cool ideas. I vote for Splinters of Eden as well.

Got a bounty-hunter inspired Night in mind. But unfortunately, I'll just be able to play if it's after January.
Re: Shattered Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

Arthur said:
Pretty cool ideas. I vote for Splinters of Eden as well.
Got a bounty-hunter inspired Night in mind. But unfortunately, I'll just be able to play if it's after January.
No worries. If it happens, it easily won't be until then anyways.
Re: Shattered Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

If such a game was to be created, I'd definitely play a Galen Marek-like abyssal "renegade". :)
Re: Shattered Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

I have a few chara ideas for Splinters of Eden.

I have to admit all those ideas are cool ^^
Re: Shattered Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

I think I really like Shadows of Death.

I mean, Solars and Deathlords and the South...

Oh my... :twisted:

I have a few ideas for that type of game that I would really want to try out.
Re: Shattered Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

Shadow of Death, especially if there's a chance I could grab the Lunar/Sidereal slot. I've been itching to play both, and few things are more fun than Essence-fueled battle cruisers.
Re: Shattered Eden; Shadow of Death; ????

Shadow of Death' date=' especially if there's a chance I could grab the Lunar/Sidereal slot. I've been itching to play both, and few things are more fun than Essence-fueled battle cruisers.[/quote']
Potentially. And yes, fun... :twisted:
As the consensus so far seems to be Shadows of Death, I'll begin leaning in that direction. Of course, the poll is still and will remain open if anyone else would like to make their voice heard. :)
Shadows of Death does indeed sound cool. I'm pretty much for anything that might provide an opportunity to play an Abyssal...
Abyssals ARE fun. :) Too bad the Siddies Charm sets are pretty much broken, otherwise I would just focus on MA.
demihappycow said:
Shadows of Death does indeed sound cool. I'm pretty much for anything that might provide an opportunity to play an Abyssal...
Shooo shoo, away, I saw it first :lol:
There may be more than one Abyssal position, who knows. All I've said (well, not directly, but it's inferred :P ) is that I want the largest part of the group to be Solars. If I can get three Solars, two Abyssals, and a Sidereal or Lunar, I'll be cool with it.

Please remember that this game or the other one won't be happening for at least a month or two, and that includes any recruitment process :) .
fhgwdads05 said:
Haku said:
Everyone should join me here -> http://www.zomg.com/
Yesh... now you know my secret shame and the reason why I have not been posting... :oops:
Never! Back, back you! *cross sign to ward against evil* :P

And no threadjacking please... >_>
Hahhahaha... and here you were comparing evils and I return with an evil so foul that you are repelled... :twisted:

Also... game concepts seem interesting, but I truly have no time. I need an infernal to break the Loom so as to unleash enough time for me to do everything I wants.
Another Lunar could always be fun as well. Mind you, A Solar that was learning Sid MA would be nice too.

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