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  1. B

    The nature of the Game of Divinity

    The local Exalted crowd just calls it Parcheesi and leaves it at that. Honestly, it works really well, especially when you need to describe the world's backstory quickly. Probably not completely accurate, but we like it.
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    Neverborn Akuma?

    Here's how effective everyone was in Creation The Primordials - Goal: Create awesome world to rule over forever. Status: FAILURE. Usurped by gods. The Gods - Goal: Usurp the Primordials and rule over the world for themselves forever. Status: SUCCESS, BUT THEY'RE JERKS ABOUT IT The...
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    Neverborn Akuma?

    Well, if you want them to have it, then give it to them. There are certainly reasons you could come up with why they can't do it. Like, say, investiture of death essence being awful for your health. But, honestly, none of them are good enough if you decide it's what you want in your game...
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    Troubles with starting XP

    We suggest simply using better Lunar character generation rules than the ones presented in the Lunar handbook. 1. Get the Errata and use those and/or 2. Domino's Alternate Lunar Chargen
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    How old is Secret?

    Logically, Abyssal telomeres would not fray, because of the unchangingness of death. A dead person's telomeres don't fray, and thus, neither do an Abyssal's. Additionally, the telomeres of other kinds of exalted would wear away much more slowly. Why does all this happen? Magic science.
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    Violet Bier of Sorrows Style

    That's because it's the Solar Martial Arts tree. "Solar Hero" the Solar Brawl tree. Learn your history, kiddies.
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    Keychain #356-360

    They'd need ridiculously tight pants, and they appear to be wearing loose pants (as makes sense for martial artists). So, no, there is not. Not unless Marena turns into a camel and kicks them in the crotch.
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    Question: Merits

    It's worth noting that every comic that mentions Misho's merits came out BEFORE Scroll of Heroes did.
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    Solar Hero Style

    RAAARGHPUNCHBOOM! Repeat until all is BOOM!
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    Solar Hero Style

    Stuff like Fire and Stones Strike, I think. That and, well, Solar Hero has pretty much 0 defenses besides "you can now parry Lethal with fists without stunting".
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    Solar Hero Style

    I haven't the first clue. I happen to love it, even before the errata. I just almost never play brawly types. It's certainly not from a lack of power. A decent combo from that style can nearly one-shot a character of equal power level, as long as they don't put up a PD.
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    Throwing needles

    Stuff like artifact chain shirts and silken armor can be quite reasonably worn while asleep, and the rules specifically say you can't use called shots to get around armor, even though that'd be the only way to do it in this case. Ah, assassination. The worst thing to try to get into in...
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    Keep alive

    I'm sure I could throw in a buck or two a month. Wouldn't be that big of a deal.
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    Keychain #351-355

    Even the fight between Secret and the 3-headed robot? Even the zombie fights? Even the filler episode snow monster fight? Down that path lies poor taste.
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    Keychain #351-355

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    Keychain #351-355

    Considering they've bathed together, as well as shared at least one session of violent full-body dye application, I don't think Marena would even notice that Secret was seeing her naked.
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    Keychain #351-355

    Ten Winds is like 1e Citrine Poxes of Contagion. He impregnates Water Aspects without even trying.
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    Dragon's Jade

    If I recall correctly, the Roseblack gets her title because she wears Black Jade armor. However, all things considered, the Dragon-Blooded feel an emotional affinity to their element. It's kind of like how goth kids wear black, only it's pretty much guaranteed to be genuine rather than being...
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    Solar Training Charms

    No. Training is a single Dramatic Action. You can't do more than one Dramatic Action at once, therefore, you can't do more than one activation of that kind of Charm at once.
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    Something about a Dawn-Caste archer...

    The girl depicted on 152 is Lyta, a Dawn Caste who got Exalted on the Blessed Isle and stays there hunting Dragon-Blooded because of her memories of the Usurpation. Her backstory is flimsy and her personality one-dimensional. A bad character, but a canonical one. She has nothing to do with...