Dragon's Jade


Junior Member
I was wondering about Dragon Blooded and Jade weapons... While there are special rules for an Exalt attuning with a different Magical material, is there any penalty or rules for a DB attuning to Jade of a different element? (Like a Wood aspect attuning to a Red Jade weapon or armor.)
No, the relationship between jade and Dragon-Blooded is universal, regardless of elemental aspect and color. Barring special, artifact-specific effects or the like.
I've never liked that Dragon-Blooded stick with their particular color of jade even though there is no particular reason for that. Do they like being Color Coded For Your Convience?

I've been thinking that maybe a -1 mote to the attunement costs for using the proper color of jade, minimum 1 mote attunement, would be appropriate to Terrestrials. Nothing too strong, give them a little more Essence to play with, and give the setting a reason why the Roseblack is using green jade armor instead of blue.
Kyeudo said:
I've never liked that Dragon-Blooded stick with their particular color of jade even though there is no particular reason for that. Do they like being Color Coded For Your Convience?
I've been thinking that maybe a -1 mote to the attunement costs for using the proper color of jade, minimum 1 mote attunement, would be appropriate to Terrestrials. Nothing too strong, give them a little more Essence to play with, and give the setting a reason why the Roseblack is using green jade armor instead of blue.
If I recall correctly, the Roseblack gets her title because she wears Black Jade armor.

However, all things considered, the Dragon-Blooded feel an emotional affinity to their element. It's kind of like how goth kids wear black, only it's pretty much guaranteed to be genuine rather than being part of a 'scene'. It's a rule they could break, but there's something comforting to, well, being in your own element (pun not intended but totally justified).
Brickwall said:
If I recall correctly, the Roseblack gets her title because she wears Black Jade armor.
Tell that to every official piece of artwork I've seen of her.
Brickwall said:
If I recall correctly, the Roseblack gets her title because she wears Black Jade armor.
However, all things considered, the Dragon-Blooded feel an emotional affinity to their element. It's kind of like how goth kids wear black, only it's pretty much guaranteed to be genuine rather than being part of a 'scene'. It's a rule they could break, but there's something comforting to, well, being in your own element (pun not intended but totally justified).
Actually, she gets the nickname because she's a terrible gardener and killed off all of one of her teacher's roses in school. As for the tendency to wear appropriate colors, it's both a cultural preference in the Realm, and similarly you'll notice how all Exalt types have certain affinities noted for certain colors and elements and seasons in their descriptions?
I've always seen the Jade colour to Aspect thing as a symbol of wealth and status. If you are a notable child of an august Great House line then if there is not sufficient appropriate family heirlooms of your Aspect, then some shall be custom-made. If you are the by-blow of some torrid one-nighter in Great Forks, inducted into your family's Dragon-Blooded bereft line, then you just have to make do with the odds and sods of mismatched jade artifacts they have lying around.

Captain Hesperus
Thanks for everything. I was thinking of a DB born from a member of a Wyld Hunt who fell for the anathema he was hunting, and thought mismatched armor from the father (killed by a very disappointed/pissed Wyld Hunt) would be better for such a literal "bastard."
Using the multicolored jade rules, one of my players once had a Fire-aspected mercenary who used paired Short Daiklaves; one was Green Jade and the other was Red Jade... he called them "Crimson and Clover"
There are rules in Oadonol's Codex for different effects for different colored Jade weapons.

These, however, are for artifacts that are individually crafted by experts from exceptionally fine jade of that color, rather than mass-produced artifacts like most members of the realm use. These different effects are in theme for the various exalts (drain motes for green, extra damage for red), and so on.

While most exalts would likely prefer items of their own color, the above gives a reason why a few would choose items of a different color even when they have their choice.

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