Troubles with starting XP


New Member
I'm preparing a "blitz" campaign of "Doughter of Nexus", and one of my players wants to be a Lunar (the other two are playin Solar and an Abyssal). Since there are only 3 PCs and one of them Lunar in a campaign designed for full circle of Solars, I figured they should be given starting XP so as not to day (essence 4 Abyssal assasin WTF).

Now this might be too much or too low, but I thought to give 50 XP to Lunar and some 38 to "Solbyssals". Im quite inexpirienced as ST, and can't figure will they cut campaign like butter or will they just die even with this.

What do you think. How much XP should they be given?
It's been a long, long time since I've looked closely at the SAS, but skimming back over it most dramatic actions' difficulties hover around 2, and all the combat until Ebon Veil seemed pretty low-key. Unless your PCs are especially ill-suited to their tasks (e.g., have Perception 1-2 and Investigation 0), it doesn't strike me as a particularly challenging adventure.

How familiar and savvy with Exalted are your players?
edit: so as not to die

Solar is veteran player. Lunar and Abyssal never played Exalted before. I played only one (40 sessions and going), and this is my first as ST. Solar coudn't say how much XP is enough either, and I'm not gona tell him to read campaign beforehand so he could gain the nesesary info.

Main reason for giving them free XP is because theres only three of them. Is this a misstake. Should I give them less, or none at all?
Advise everyone to pick up a perfect defense, and don't run the adventure with paranoia combat to the hilt, and things should probably turn out fine.
Runelord said:
"paranoia combat to the hilt", what is this?
Playing the system to the breaking point, where any combat action within engagement range of a comparable foe must contain your use of a Combo including surprise negator and perfect defense or else you are effectively committing suicide. This includes the danger of five unexceptional mortals being a terrible deadly threat, because they can surround an Exalt, grapple him, and then pummel him to death with relative ease.
Here's a link to a short tutorial on paranoia combos. Jon Chung's Tutorial

As for my 2 cents, I'd say even with three players and one being a lunar I'd still say they should cut through that thing like butter. It is a fairly easy scenario that seems aimed for the first session or two.
So they should not get any for being short on manpower.

Now what with Lunar? Do I give him some small headstart, 'cause he is ... well Lunar, or not?

Also, if I do how much (8 XP perhaps)?
If you are worried about the Lunar lagging behind (which at worst to start is two charms/knacks behind) you could run experience costs the same as a solar for them and/or give him two more charms. If the Lunar's player is imaginative with their shapeshifting powers (and you aren't too harsh about Heart's Blood/form use), they could give starting solars a run on usefulness and may not need anything to buff up.

If you are worried about how deadly the assassin is, add a small streak of cowardice to it. Maybe it won't fight to the death, and flees once down to its -2 health levels. Then it could be a recurring villain for a longer game. Or if it is winning, have it offer the characters 'a deal' to work for its master. This second one works extra well if they are playing more social and less combative characters.
I tried running Daughter of Nexus awhile back, with a full circle of Dragon-Blooded...

What I did was just give the players some benefits, like Free essence 3, a couple extra charms and I think that was it...

And from then, I also turned the enemies a bit up a notch (at least the mortals and the extras), you can add a fight early on... (ideally, start with one) and that will allow you to gauge the party's combat capability better to turn other enemies up or down as needed.
I decided to give Lunar two extra charms, that should make it fair.

In related news: Solar just took Nightmare 5 and Enemy 5 (The Dowager) flaws, so ... I no longer have to worry about campaign being too easy.
The Essence 4 Abyssal is mostly specced for her thing...which is mostly stealth...isn't too hard to defeat in combat. Just make sure you remind your players about stuff such as coordinated attacks, as she does have a decent dodge DV. And, that combo can hurt...if you're a friendly ST, use it against someone who can take it first, so they know to watch out for it.

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