How old is Secret?

Secret was 16 when the comic began and is 17 now. The current year in the comic is five years after the default setting, or ten years after the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress.
Jukashi said:
Secret was 16 when the comic began and is 17 now. The current year in the comic is five years after the default setting, or ten years after the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress.
Thanks, but don't Abyssals not age after exaltation?
Time still passes for them. They just don't physically get any older, nor die of old age. I'm sure she still thinks of herself as being the older age, at this point. She hasn't been immortal THAT long.
Aging is based upon the division of cells in the body and how telomeres fray when this occurs. The increasing of strength has to do with making more muscle cells. Which requires dividing old ones. Which requires aging. Heck, even healing naturally requires the division of cells to repair the body. So how does this work with eternal youth?
welknair said:
Aging is based upon the division of cells in the body and how telomeres fray when this occurs. The increasing of strength has to do with making more muscle cells. Which requires dividing old ones. Which requires aging. Heck, even healing naturally requires the division of cells to repair the body. So how does this work with eternal youth?
Magic Science
Logically, Abyssal telomeres would not fray, because of the unchangingness of death. A dead person's telomeres don't fray, and thus, neither do an Abyssal's.

Additionally, the telomeres of other kinds of exalted would wear away much more slowly.

Why does all this happen?

Magic science.
Death is unchanging, but you can build muscle, learn new things, and grow in power? I wouldn't say that Secret is unchanging...

A dead person's telomeres don't fray. They decay. They don't fray because the person's body is no longer renewing itself, thus leaving it susceptible to decay and rot.
She's NOT dead. Abyssals are still alive and die when they are killed.

Humans in Creation age in 1 creation year about as much as real life humans age in 1 earth year.

As Jukashi said, she's currently 17. Either she looks that or she looks 15~, which is how old she was when she Exalted.
welknair said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
In a world where three motes can dodge the Apocalypse, you're worried about Secret's apparent age?!
Yes, yes I am.
Here's how Exalted works:

Diseases are actually the displeasure of the gods.

Cells are not the basic building blocks of life. Motes of Essence are.

People are healthy because they have sufficient Wood essence, and grow old as their wood essence congeals into Earth essence. Abyssals have neither and therefore do not age.
Thanqol said:
welknair said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
In a world where three motes can dodge the Apocalypse, you're worried about Secret's apparent age?!
Yes, yes I am.
Here's how Exalted works:

Diseases are actually the displeasure of the gods.

Cells are not the basic building blocks of life. Motes of Essence are.

People are healthy because they have sufficient Wood essence, and grow old as their wood essence congeals into Earth essence. Abyssals have neither and therefore do not age.
Where would this information be covered?
welknair said:
Where would this information be covered?
Is this "I NEED SCIENCE AND HARD DATA" or "Oh god secret so hot, is she legal so I may fantasize"?

And if the former, Why?
welknair said:
Where would this information be covered?
The bit about Essence is in the core book. All life--past, present, and future--has Essence. What type of Essence and how much you can access determines your "race" in Creation. (tl;dr: Magic Science. No, really.)

Now, there's nothing wrong with wanting to stick with the script, but RAW can't fill in all the gaps. If you need everything spelled out, you're better off playing something like FATAL, but with less rape.
welknair said:
Where would this information be covered?
The bit about Essence is in the core book. All life--past, present, and future--has Essence. What type of Essence and how much you can access determines your "race" in Creation. (tl;dr: Magic Science. No, really.)

Now, there's nothing wrong with wanting to stick with the script, but RAW can't fill in all the gaps. If you need everything spelled out, you're better off playing something like FATAL, but with less rape.
Thank you.

Crasical said:
welknair said:
Where would this information be covered?
Is this "I NEED SCIENCE AND HARD DATA" or "Oh god secret so hot, is she legal so I may fantasize"?

And if the former, Why?
That was me being curious about whether or not that information was covered in the books. I'm just curious, I guess. I'm relatively new to Exalted and am striving to pick up the details quickly.
welknair said:
Aging is based upon the division of cells in the body and how telomeres fray when this occurs. The increasing of strength has to do with making more muscle cells. Which requires dividing old ones. Which requires aging. Heck, even healing naturally requires the division of cells to repair the body. So how does this work with eternal youth?
Well to be sure, there's more to it than just the fraying of telomeres. Some events in aging are specifically triggered, for instance the sudden growth spurts, rapid growth of new facial and pubic hair, and surly attitudes of young teenagers can all be traced to immense quantities of, basically, steroids being dumped into them by the body in preparation for turning them kids into pack members fit to go hunt a mammoth. Sadly the system doesn't work as well in modern life. I would guess Secret's aging hormones are largely shut down, albeit at least the hormones that let her get a crush seem to still be working so it's not a total animated corpse routine.
Synapse said:
She's NOT dead. Abyssals are still alive and die when they are killed.
I think the preferred stance is that Abyssals are neither dead nor alive. They do being-alive things like dying when killed (inb4 Shirou) and wanting to eat. Though, of course, Essence circumvents most of that but besides. On the other hand they also do being-dead things like having the fate of a dead man and not making more life (as far as I know -- they are sterile if you discount Charms and such... I think).

Regardless, the best statement about Abyssal's existence as far as life/death is concerned is either they are Abyssal or they are weirdly Exalted.
Well, who isn't weird in Exalted?

My Cecelyne infernal is based on Yuuko and she's the normal one in the group...

The whole thing about abyssals and being dead is that they are attuned to a different type of essence. I don't know if that qualifies them as "sometimes they are not exactly reacting like live people". I do recall the book mentioning that they are very much alive though. Something about all bits of their souls still being in their place and their body never actually dieing.

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