Something about a Dawn-Caste archer...


New Member
This has been bugging me for a while now, but there's a picture of a Dawn Caste archer on page 157 of the core 2e book and I'm sure I've seen a picture of her somewhere training with Panther. On-top of that, there's a picture in

of a slave girl who looks a lot like the archer being rescued by Panther (it's at around the 4 minute mark). Now am I just reading too much into this, or does anyone know if she's a canonical character or not?
EDIT: Seems the picture of Panther rescuing her is also in the core book; page 203.
The girl depicted on 152 is Lyta, a Dawn Caste who got Exalted on the Blessed Isle and stays there hunting Dragon-Blooded because of her memories of the Usurpation. Her backstory is flimsy and her personality one-dimensional. A bad character, but a canonical one.

She has nothing to do with that image of Panther on Corebook page 203.
Ahk, guess she just looks like that slave-girl. Thought there might've been a fleshed-out background on her in First Edition or something explaining a link with Panther. Must be mis-remembering that picture of her and Panther fighting or training or something (it wasn't exactly clear).
ShadowFighter88 said:
Ahk, guess she just looks like that slave-girl. Thought there might've been a fleshed-out background on her in First Edition or something explaining a link with Panther. Must be mis-remembering that picture of her and Panther fighting or training or something (it wasn't exactly clear).
The 'training picture' you are thinking about is her and Demetheus on page 241. Which is odd, because canonically he practices Solar Hero and she's a Tiger stylist.

Captain Hesperus

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