Keychain #351-355


Since this is, in fact, number 351, figured we should start a new thread, before we get thrown out of order again.

That said, Ten Winds is awesome. The poor Water aspect looks terrified.
5 chromatic fighters, hmm...

each bears a special bracelet, hmm...

red grabs hers while calling out a name, hmm...

"don't escalate things", hmm...

yeah, I think we're about to see some mighty morphin power rangers action.
yeah' date=' I think we're about to see some mighty morphin power rangers action.[/quote']
That, or color-coordinated warstriders that join up to form one giant warstrider. Maybe both.
hey garter,our suspicions on that are on he other thread X

now,we just need someone to appear out of nowhere and attune to some yellow jade,that way we get our sixth ranger!
ITF (In This Fight) Streams learns the difference between "taught you everything you know" and "taught you everything I know."

And Ten Winds is badass enough that a Sidereal called him Sifu. The man's Kung-Fu is legendary.

But this is looking like a clusterfuck. Unless, of course, Ten Winds' newest apprentice gets in an Unexpected back-shot on their Siddie while the Siddie's back is turned.
Eh, I kind of figured Ten was just delaying long enough to make it impossible for the Siddie to use Avoidance Kata and escape before he called in his allies, but it looks like he's actually going to take them all on, and using his abilities to force them into one-on-one fights he can win.
Aww, that poor Water Aspect...was she really attacking with her eyes closed? That looked to me like "I'm-about-to-get-my-ass-painfully-kicked-and-I-know-it-but-I-can't-bear-to-back-down-oh-god-not-the-face-please" Prana.

Also, I now like Ten Winds significantly more than I did before. I already liked him, but that was just class - he is a good teacher.
merle said:
Aww, that poor Water Aspect...was she really attacking with her eyes closed? That looked to me like "I'm-about-to-get-my-ass-painfully-kicked-and-I-know-it-but-I-can't-bear-to-back-down-oh-god-not-the-face-please" Prana.
Also, I now like Ten Winds significantly more than I did before. I already liked him, but that was just class - he is a good teacher.
That's exactly it, she's wincing as she punches and confirms that Ten did, indeed, kick her ass painfully but not in the face. She did master the prana.
Just noticed one thing

A girl/woman just have threw herself at Ten Winds, and then he entagled her legs in his...and maybe that was a coil attempt at his kimono!?

Or...I might be trying too much but everything in exalted is about Sex in the end...
DukeGod said:
Just noticed one thing
A girl/woman just have threw herself at Ten Winds, and then he entagled her legs in his...and maybe that was a coil attempt at his kimono!?

Or...I might be trying too much but everything in exalted is about Sex in the end...
Somehow, I doubt it...still, with Exalted you can never be sure!
Is it written by human beings? If yes, it's about sex or death.

Any English professor will back me up.
Thanqol said:
Is it written by human beings? If yes, it's about sex or death.
Any English professor will back me up.
Well, according to Freud, everything we do is either about sex or death, so it's hard to argue with you.
Thanqol said:
Is it written by human beings? If yes, it's about sex or death.
Any English professor will back me up.
... Ugh, English professors. While i have a measure of respect for a human being who can wring an ocean out of a damp clout, that doesn't mean I want to be anywhere near said damp clout when it goes off.
So now Karen is going to get involved. I will assume that once (and if) her anima flares, the Sid will back off, complement her on making his job easier, and sick a Wyld Hunt on them.
I don't know whether to look for Misho's rocket blueprints, to squee at Secret stalker-crushed at Marena or to jump out of my chair hoping that Karen kicks lots and lots of terrestrial ass.
Kyeudo said:
Thanqol said:
Is it written by human beings? If yes, it's about sex or death.
Any English professor will back me up.
Well, according to Freud, everything we do is either about sex or death, so it's hard to argue with you.
Well, Freud was pretty much full of it.
jeriausx said:
Well, Freud was pretty much full of it.
Correct. He only knew how to cure one thing, so he talked to people until they thought their mental disorder was that one thing - and then he cured it.

The system works.

Also, Secret has discovered incentive-based learning.
Thanqol said:
jeriausx said:
Well, Freud was pretty much full of it.
Correct. He only knew how to cure one thing, so he talked to people until they thought their mental disorder was that one thing - and then he cured it.

The system works.

Also, Secret has discovered incentive-based learning.
The chance to sneak around Marena, possibly in *cough* dishabille, is quite the incentive.

Though I doubt she would have minded if Secret had just stayed visible.

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