Keychain #351-355

Considering they've bathed together, as well as shared at least one session of violent full-body dye application, I don't think Marena would even notice that Secret was seeing her naked. here's one hell of a crazy guess!

Karen's Sarashi is goin off and Ten shows us that he knows Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style!

And that's somethign I have to do at some game now...

Also,let's try to turn every fight so far into sex 8)
DukeGod said:
Also,let's try to turn every fight so far into sex 8)
Even the fight between Secret and the 3-headed robot? Even the zombie fights? Even the filler episode snow monster fight?

Down that path lies poor taste.
Brickwall said:
DukeGod said:
Also,let's try to turn every fight so far into sex 8)
Even the fight between Secret and the 3-headed robot? Even the zombie fights? Even the filler episode snow monster fight?

Down that path lies exaltation.
"I'm here to unleash some indiscrimante JUSTICE!! but since I lost my voice I'll let by Badassness speak for me!Or chew gum!And I'm out of gum!"
Synapse said:
When I saw the strip I actually said, out loud

"Didn't see that shit coming, did you blindfold-boy?"

I do love those little moments in Keychain.

When someone thinks they have the upper hand, and our heroes show them that, in Exalted, the upper hand can change verrrrry quickly.
taking some attention of the JUSTICE!!

Four lost her sunglasses

Maybe we'll get to see some pretty eyes =D?

I'm late, it seems. Oh well. it still had to be said.

Also, if the secret agents discover that Ten has been travelling with a group of Celestials on the Blessed Isle itself, what do you guys think they will do?
Locnil said:
I'm late, it seems. Oh well. it still had to be said.

Also, if the secret agents discover that Ten has been travelling with a group of Celestials on the Blessed Isle itself, what do you guys think they will do?
I'm wondering if there is any way they could pass her off as a Terrestrial, until her anima starts flaring? Might be possible to at least partially keep their cover, if so.
Locnil said:
Also, if the secret agents discover that Ten has been travelling with a group of Celestials on the Blessed Isle itself, what do you guys think they will do?
As I mentioned, the Sid will probably make a witty remark retreat, and tell the Isle about them, causing a Wyld Hunt.

Admittedly, I forgot about the anima-reducing bands though...
Depending on the style she's using, if she limits her Essence use somewhat and keeps from flaring she could also be played off as an Enlightened Mortal. Of course doing so can't last forever...there's a limit to how much power one can manage with using only non-Obvious charms and a Terrestrial Martial Art without breaking out of personal essence. But it is a viable trick for faking to be something you're not.
Synapse said:
I don't know whether to look for Misho's rocket blueprints, to squee at Secret stalker-crushed at Marena or to jump out of my chair hoping that Karen kicks lots and lots of terrestrial ass.
All three. All three at once.



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