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  1. Dulio Giovanni

    Lunar NPC

    Lunars aren't really designed to do a lot of fancy stuff in my opinion they just get in there and beat the crap out of anyone with their scene length booster charms and Deadly Beastman Form. Any combos are just really for added flavor since most of their charms are deadly enough with the high...
  2. Dulio Giovanni

    Sword schools in the realm

    While I vote yes on this, I think the rivarly between schools field has already been taken care of by the secondary schools like House of Bells, Pasiap's Stair, etc. Also unless you love designing charms I think it would be a real nightmare to have to design several secular Terrestrial level...
  3. Dulio Giovanni

    Problem Players

    I agree with Wordman once again that if this dude really thinks he's right and wished to be vindicated have him raise his points here on the board and let us arbitrate for you other than that I'd personally stick the "My way or the highway." rule and kick him the hell out.
  4. Dulio Giovanni

    Lunar NPC

    Yep it is explicitly stated in the section on Martial Arts in the Players Guide book that Lunars cannot combo Martial Arts with Attribute based charms period. It's a case of either/or for them, the Rakhasa and the Alchemicals. Eclipse and Moonshadows are exceptions to the rule and can freely...
  5. Dulio Giovanni

    Tips for Running a group through SWAR?

    tThe Fae Nobles will mostly attempt to swamp the Solars with Wyld twisted minions who would display a dizzying array of mutations then move in to neutralize them by first stripping away their artifacts and possessions with Sword attacks then moving on with a variable array of Ring and Staff to...
  6. Dulio Giovanni

    Problem Players

    How to Deal with said player: 1. Get Limewire and just download the Pdf. copies of the books free for yourself and read up. It's really a bit of you fault for running a game and not having superrior command of the rules anyhow. Personally I try to look for every concievable loophole and game...
  7. Dulio Giovanni

    Lunar NPC

    Actually I suggest you completely lay off the Martial Arts entirely and if you really need an example of what a high level lunar should look like check Mnailf from Blood and Salt for a lesson on pure brutality or Bastions of the North, the Lunars presented there only have Essence 4 but are much...
  8. Dulio Giovanni


    Ah another case of gamemaster breakdown, the vicious war between players and gamemasters never ends.  :twisted:
  9. Dulio Giovanni

    Lunar NPC

    Gotta agree with wordman, I don't think 100 xp would cut this guy since he'll need to be an Essence 6 to get enough gifts to pull it off from Deadly Beastman Transformation. And sorry to burst you bubble but for a high level character he's pretty weak. A starting combat oriented Sidreal could...
  10. Dulio Giovanni

    Sidereals Arcane fate

    Yep. To really retain knowledge of a Sidreal, the Sid has to purposefully want them to remember him by using one of the Ride charms I think is called Breaking the Wild Mortal so that they can be considered an Aqquiantance.
  11. Dulio Giovanni


    But geomatically (I don't know if this is the right word to use) speaking a Manse is not just the building per se but it also encompasses the area around it. So while a wood Manse may have a solid building at its core it is geomantically supported by plants and trees being possibly surrounded by...
  12. Dulio Giovanni

    Half Caste Game could use advise.

    You normally can't but check out the mundane goods section in the Mountain Folk chapter of Fair Folk under synthetic leather, its an exception to that rule, as syntheic leather clothes add soak and synthetic layer overcoats(ie, trench coats which are naturally worn over armor) are considered...
  13. Dulio Giovanni


    Why bother with the admant knife, just torch the damn thing and be done with it! One of the reasons the Earth type immortality manse is more popular than the wood type is because its so damn hard to alter raw stone than wood.
  14. Dulio Giovanni

    Can Thaumaturges Exalt?

    Yes they keep all their thaumaturgical stuff and can still use them freely. And personally I find Enchantment, Weather Working and the Art of Summoning still useful even after I have exalted. If they wish to choose what kind of exalt they want have them purchase the Destiny merit for the points...
  15. Dulio Giovanni

    JUST an idea

    That be too complicated just stick to old fashioned steam like the Hslanti do and let basic Thaumaturgy and good old engineering know how do the rest. For an extra buck grab a Need Fire elemental and stick it in the engine for virtually unlimited high end power. More likely I bet a Bronze...
  16. Dulio Giovanni

    Who or what was Seven Reeds

    Maybe a new poll is in order? I'm betting on Gold Faction Sidreal Rol since he is stationed on the Isle in the first place.
  17. Dulio Giovanni

    CotI and Sidereal MA - WTF?

    This discussion is quite enlightening, anyway just another something to sneak into this tirade of White Wolf inconsistencies, Has anyone noticed that Whitwolf seems to have gotten into the habit of printing out horribly illegal combos for a while now? The trend started with Mnailf in Blood and...
  18. Dulio Giovanni

    Half Caste Game could use advise.

    You damn well shouldn't! Stick to the stuff in Lunars. It's a sad day when you see Immaculate Monks being tossed around by mortal mutants wielding Immaculate Martial Arts. I should know I was the mortal doing the whacking. I believe the mortal version of the shock pike would be helpful since...
  19. Dulio Giovanni

    Half Caste Game could use advise.

    It popped up as a mutation that can be learned by Rakhasa in the Fair Folk book. It allows them to learn essence based martial arts as a Terrestrial Exalt which would allow them to learn Terrestrial and Celestial Martial arts and probably Sidreal Martial arts if the Sidreal Experiment in the...
  20. Dulio Giovanni

    Mantle of Brigard

    Go for it! It only makes common sense that the most powerful person of the realm would have a personal guard that is as powerful as Mnemon or Bhagwei but slavishly loyal to her. I used this trick once to pull a fast one on our ST who threw the Wyld Hunt at us, I countered with 50 or so Abysally...