Sidereals Arcane fate


Senior Member
I was wondering about Sidereals' Arcane fate.  Every mortal is supposed to remember the Sidereal they meet only vaguely if they remember them at all.  Eventually, they will be forgotten.  Additionally, Sidereals can form a relationship with mortals, but it takes much longer time to do so.  What I was wondering concerns other Exalts.  Do they also forget the Sidereal they just met just as easy as the mortals or not?  Is there a specific rules regarding this or is it just the same?  I was mostly wondering since many Sidereals can be the Solars' mentor.

Also, since I'm at it, where in the book can I find those Colleges and Resplendent Destinies?
What I was wondering concerns other Exalts.  Do they also forget the Sidereal they just met just as easy as the mortals or not?
They have slightly better recollection, as noted in the book, but not by much. However, Exalts tend to have higher stats than mortals, and therefore will often roll better to remember Sidereals.

I was mostly wondering since many Sidereals can be the Solars' mentor.
A Sidereal Mentor could either have the Exalt in question as an Aquaintance, in which case the Exalt would never forget them, or alternately they could deal with the Exalt under the guise of a Resplendent Destiny, in which case the Exalt would forget them eventually.

I think most Sidereals would choose the latter option.

Also' date=' since I'm at it, where in the book can I find those Colleges and Resplendent Destinies?[/quote']
There's a large section of the book dedicated to Sidereal Astrology. If you can't find it, you need mor e help than I could possibly give you.

It's my understanding that one's essence dictates the nature of failure.  A mortal with an essence of 1 who fails his roll to remember will forget the sidereal all together.  Essence of 3, depending on the situation, may remember that there was a sidereal around, but not remember any details including age or gender.  Regardless of essence, a failed roll will purge the memory of the sidereal from the individual's mind, but higher essence beings will retain certain details or level of familiarity.
Yep. To really retain knowledge of a Sidreal, the Sid has to purposefully want them to remember him by using one of the Ride charms I think is called Breaking the Wild Mortal so that they can be considered an Aqquiantance.
question. how to handle Arcane fate for Mortal PC's who dealt with sideral NPC's.
Have the sidereal under a resplendant destiny while interacting with the mortals. They will be able to remember that just fine. That's mostly what they are for, after all.

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