Mantle of Brigard

The Mad hatter

Junior Member
what was the supposed powers of the mantle? i know its arfact N/a but i cant find my copy of book of three circles to see what it dose, any help?
It lets its user cast spells of one circle higher than they'd normally be alllowed, while at the same time being a stuipid bliblical ripoff.

stupid Biblical Rippoff? how so?

(am asking because in the God Blood game im in they just found a artfact that duplicates the mantles powers, and im the one with the books normally)
i achully just found my book, and saw that...

im guessing the achual sorcer focused member of the group will be doing a happy dance and jizzing in his pants when he sees that
I'm pretty sure the mantle isn't a deathshroud, or in anyway similar to the Mantle of Brigid.  Unless Christ was a Solra sorcerer visited by Mara after weeping into a forest pool while a comet flew overhead.
Spook said:
I'm pretty sure the mantle isn't a deathshroud, or in anyway similar to the Mantle of Brigid.
Go back and read the description of it. It's an obvious take-off of the Shroud of Turin.

A thing that just occured to me...

The emperess had it last we know...

and it allowed her to access celestial circle sorcery.

well I was thinking of creating a amalgram (as per the spell imbue amalgram) that she had created.

possibly as a long term agent or assasin.

does that sound like a bad idea? of course I could use a guess or two as to her approximate essence pool which is daunting since stats for such beings are hard to create.
Go for it! It only makes common sense that the most powerful person of the realm would have a personal guard that is as powerful as Mnemon or Bhagwei but slavishly loyal to her. I used this trick once to pull a fast one on our ST who threw the Wyld Hunt at us, I countered with 50 or so Abysally imbued elite mortals of my own. Glorious Carnage Typhoon and Flesh Sloughing Wave never looked so beautiful when used in sync and the spell is a nifty way to start a cult as well.

As for empress i'd say around 150+ motes would be reasonable, after all she is Essence 11, being a natural 6 already. Though I must question the sanity of letting an item like the Mantle of Brigid into play on PC's side since its an extremely game breaking artifact in my opinion more so than the Eye of Autocthon.
The Empress could have a lot of Amalgums.  We don't really know how long they live, after all.  They could be effectively immortal, which does not really violate game balance as they are slaves of their maker.
As for empress i'd say around 150+ motes would be reasonable' date=' after all she is Essence 11, being a natural 6 already. Though I must question the sanity of letting an item like the Mantle of Brigid into play on PC's side since its an extremely game breaking artifact in my opinion more so than the Eye of Autocthon.[/quote']
 Why only a 'natural 6'? Seven is certainly understandable, and if anyone in the Age of Sorrows could have figured out how to break the de facto DB essence cap, she would have.
I'd agree.

I think 7 or 8's probaly appropiate pluss the 5 from the mantle...

for breeding... she was only a junior officer before she saved creation from the fair folk so its probaly low to moderate (say 2-4?)
if anyone in the Age of Sorrows could have figured out how to break the de facto DB essence cap' date=' she would have.[/quote']
Especially since she's probably an infernal now, so the DB wouldn't apply anyway.
I'd agree.
I think 7 or 8's probaly appropiate pluss the 5 from the mantle...

for breeding... she was only a junior officer before she saved creation from the fair folk so its probaly low to moderate (say 2-4?)
 The Empress was likely the experimental breeding project alluded to in one of the Aspect books, remember? She should have Legendary Breeding, by definition.

wordman said:
if anyone in the Age of Sorrows could have figured out how to break the de facto DB essence cap' date=' she would have.[/quote']
Especially since she's probably an infernal now, so the DB wouldn't apply anyway.
  Depends on how the Invested mechanics work--Shards are a brand new kind of Exalt, but Invested still retain much of their original type. Anyone know what Dukantha's Essence is?
Or... though I SERIOUSLY Doubt this, it may turn out his "bride" is actualy someone else.

I HIGHLY DOUBT THIS considering the references to her funeral.

but white wolf may be trying to mislead us.

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