Can Thaumaturges Exalt?


Ten Thousand Club
i had an idea of a story. i was gonna start everyone off as mortals (you know, so i can prelude their characters), and there was a few players that wanted to ve thaumaturges. i was wondering, can they Exalt with their awakened essence and their spells and other magical abilities as humans?
I'm pretty sure that they can exalt but that they can no longer access their "magic". They dont need to. The have magic so much greater than their former sciences that it's not even funny.
Yes they keep all their thaumaturgical stuff and can still use them freely. And personally I find Enchantment, Weather Working and the Art of Summoning still useful even after I have exalted. If they wish to choose what kind of exalt they want have them purchase the Destiny merit for the points listed else you pick what they turn into. As for the merits that become invalid just compensate them with exp on a 1 for 1 basis so they don't feel too ripped off.
Yes, they can. When they do, they get refund for the merits that can't apply anymore I believe (BP x3 in EXP I think.)
Canonically, there is no refund--the no-longer-useful merits get superceded by native Exalt abilities.

 Think about it for a second:if you allow 'refunds,' you're basically allowing Exalts to start with the Experience and Knowledge backgrounds, in a way (extra XP/BP). If this is amenable to you as a ST, then go for it. But be prepared for more-twinked-out-than-usual starting characters.
What i meant to say was that yes, after perusing my players guide, I see that Exalts can use Thaumaturgy. Only the dead can't. :roll:
alright, thanks. i was just trying to make sure they could, and i dont think the refunds are a good idea, characters will most definetly get tweaked beyond beleif. just the mortal-gone-exalt seems fine to me. thanks again guys.
Canonically' date=' there is no refund--the no-longer-useful merits get superceded by native Exalt abilities.[/quote']
Wut :(

Blah, I thought there was. Disregard what I said then.

And about Experience and Knowledge... if there's no merit refund, bonus points spent in Attributes, Abilities and etc will extratwink the character regardless, won't it?
Canonically' date=' there is no refund--the no-longer-useful merits get superceded by native Exalt abilities.[/quote']
The Player's Guide lists three ways of dealing with lost and gained Merits and Flaws in the preface to the Merit and Flaw section.  One of them is...

[QUOTE="Exalted Player's Guide]If a character loses a Merit or gains a Flaw, she receives a number of experience points equal to twice its bonus point value.
Savageblitzer said:
Canonically' date=' there is no refund--the no-longer-useful merits get superceded by native Exalt abilities.[/quote']
The Player's Guide lists three ways of dealing with lost and gained Merits and Flaws in the preface to the Merit and Flaw section.  One of them is...

[QUOTE="Exalted Player's Guide]If a character loses a Merit or gains a Flaw, she receives a number of experience points equal to twice its bonus point value.
 The Merit isn't technically lost--an Exalt can still have the Merit of Essence Mastery; it just doesn't do jack.

Savageblitzer said:
Canonically' date=' there is no refund--the no-longer-useful merits get superceded by native Exalt abilities.[/quote']
The Player's Guide lists three ways of dealing with lost and gained Merits and Flaws in the preface to the Merit and Flaw section.  One of them is...

[QUOTE="Exalted Player's Guide]If a character loses a Merit or gains a Flaw, she receives a number of experience points equal to twice its bonus point value.
 The Merit isn't technically lost--an Exalt can still have the Merit of Essence Mastery; it just doesn't do jack.
Is this stated anywhere?  I find referance to experience point refund upon 'loss' or 'removal' of a Merit, but no explicit mention of what qualifies as such.  Which would leave it to the Storyteller's definition and judgement.

Personally, given that...

a.) In the case of Essence Mastery, the Merit no longer serves any possible purpose.


b.) Without a refund in this particular game, Thaumaturgist characters would be weaker post-Exaltation than those who invested less in Thaumaturgical Merits.

... I would deem the obsolete Merit 'lost', and allow a refund.  Note that this Xp is granted, not pumped directly into traits - the character would still need to take training time to use it.

There might be a case for, say, Essence Awareness - which leads to Merits that grant abilities Exalts do not possess, even if they're weak by Exalted standards - but I would still allow the character to trade it in at his player's option.

Otherwise, you're weakening his character when compared to those of his fellow players.

But if you allow players to take the Knowledge and Experienced backgrounds they would still have extra points. That would offset the points "lost" on Awakened Essence and the like.
Plus, when heroic mortals do Exalt, they get bonuses to Attributes, Abilities, Charms and Essence (it's in the Corebook under the heroic mortals section of character creation).
It depends how things work I'd guess.  If a theamaturge exalts as the result of a long running story, and he was never really meant to be a solar or anything, then I'd just let him keep all his merits but refund him for the ones he can no longer get any use out of but that aren't superceded by his exaltation.  So obviously, no compensation for the essence dots you bought, since, as a exalt, you bloody well outstrip any other mortal theamaturge in that area.

However, if you're just starting the game as mortals and intending to become solars, I'd just have them write up seperate mortal and exalt characters; obviously nearly identically in most of the dot-areas, but just don't let them use the knowledge/experience backgrounds to pump up their chars.  If the aim of the game is to play as solars with a few mortal character sessions tacked on at the start, then have them create solars and then maybe backwards engineer them or just use the rules presented in the original core book for creating mortals.  The rules in the PG are for a mortal GAME.  Not a mortal game that becomes an exalted one.

If the exaltation is a chance/lucky occurance that no-one ever expected to happen then sure, let him keep his character, tack on his exalted powers and maybe compensate him for anything he's lost that hasn't been already compensated for by the new shiny exalt powers.  Otherwise, the exalt char creation rules do just fine.

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