Tips for Running a group through SWAR?


Ten Thousand Club
My players are bound and determined to make a run through SWAR (as described in Bastions of the North).  Can anyone here offer me any advice/ assistance?

What specific player capacities do you recommend?  Also any tips in running the shaping actions of the Fair Folk versus the Solars?  Any advice in handling  Shaping, mechanical or otherwise would be GREATLY appreciated!
If the fae get the Solars into the Wyld, the Solars are toast.  If the Solars have cold iron weapons, the fae are toast.  If neither of these conditions apply, it just depends on how many Nobles to Solars there are (a 2 to 1 ratio will give the Solars a run for their money).
Some description of the party that will be venturing forth against Swar would be nice--your players aren't just genning Solars for this adventure, right?
tThe Fae Nobles will mostly attempt to swamp the Solars with Wyld twisted minions who would display a dizzying array of mutations then move in to neutralize them by first stripping away their artifacts and possessions with Sword attacks then moving on with a variable array of Ring and Staff to incapacitate and prepare them for Cup ravishing. Their targets would of course be those with anti-wyld attacks and will mostly disregard conventional combat characters leaving them to mutatns or heroic commoners wielding cup artifacts to augment themselves.

SWAR himself is really the main threat since he can swing both ways and can act with more subtlety since he is the city itself and an Unshaped at that. He will most likely manipulate both forces into conflict and let them kill off one another before moving in with his grace representations and a retinue of servitors to sweep away any survivors. He will not give both forces due cause to unite against him and will likely try to play both sides to either just leave or stamp them out individually while delaying the other.

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