Half Caste Game could use advise.


Ten Thousand Club
Im currently running A game centering around a group of 4 lost golden children.

Im trying to make a threat for the first battle that wont be so anticlimantic (as we've been setting the stage for months, we play on a play by post site) but wont be too terrible

All the charachters are children by age, And none of them posses weapons beyond a pocket knife as of yet.

Im thinking of using spirititual blessings etc to boost the PC's b ut am anenable to ideas.

Another thing.

Anyway to make sure your not giving out too many artifacts, manses etc?
What's the build-up? Where are they based? Who have they encountered, friend and/or foe? W/o that kind of information, any suggestions people make would be kinda coming out of left field.

 As for artifacts and manses, it's really up to you and your comfort level. For a Half-Caste game, normally, they should be uncommon enough so that the characters aren't blasé about having them (unless they have significant access to them as part of the backstory), but they shouldn't be rare to the extent that a large story arc is devoted to them finding hearthstone bracers.
I suppose I was a bit vague.

You see they as of yet have no idea as to their heritage, and calibration approaches, and they and others have been growing increasingly nervous about the situation.

their based in a small village named bright amber In the east it numbers approximately 130.

They havent made any real enemys yet, and their only ally that I can htink of is a local hundred gods priest.
Is there any reason they are edgy with Calibration approaching?

 Who is raising the four? The mortal parents of each? What happened to their Solar parents?

 Have the characters shown any obvious signs of their heritage? If so, a local noble (can be mortal) could have heard about them, and decided to 'acquire' the four. Or to eliminate them entirely.

 Are the characters aware that they are other than human? If they know, do they only think that they're simply some type of God-Blood, not descended from the Anathema? Having a random threat menace the village and the characters saving the village could change the status quo in a hurry.
Golden Children are problematic.  There were only a handful of Solars running around at any given time before the Empress disappeared, so there should be very few Golden Children, unless the campaign takes place a decade after the current timeline, always a possibility, or unless, somehow, a breeding community of Golden Children was established before the Usurpation and it was forgotten.  Hey, it could have happened.

Shadewalkers are even worse.  There were no Abyssals before five years ago and any of their children would still be playing with dolls.  You have to set it ten years in the future to make any since, or change the entire timeline.
2 of them are being raised by mortal relatives, the other two have been adopted and dont know the circumstances.

The solar isnt  visible and im tenatively planning on him being a Zenith caste in a powerful but hidden and remote manse, doing some of the technincal groundwork for the Solar Exalted's eventual return to power.

He also feared that his presence in the village would have invited the wyld hunt if he'd stayed long, and that his presence woul have invite his children being linked to him.

Im also planning on brining in a sudden threat to force them to become more then they are.

They arent aware their of supernatural parentage, but ARE aware that they are... different.
This thread suddenly reminded me of 'Roswell,' a TV show in the States about several alien kids growing up in Roswell, NM, quite a while after the '47 crash. They look completely human, except that they have the ability to manipulate matter (and some other stuff I won't get into here).

 It's been off-air for about four years now, but there are still more than a few active websites out there on it. Take a look at the plot summaries of the episodes; they might give you an idea of a way you want to run your campaign.
I'll look into it.

one more question.

do you think its a good idea for me to design the solar parent and his circle in advance

heres my idea as of yet.

for the father to be a zenith caste whos among the first to be freed when the jade prison shattered.

hes accompanied by a Twilight whos maybe a few months exalted.

and A night caste dragon blooded who exalted in the shogunate.

(if a solar could last that long it WOULD be a night caste I think their might be 2 or 3 solars left from the first age... probaly all akuma.)
I would advise not making any iron clad write-up for the Solar Circle.  Have them in the background.  If you need them to do something or have a particular ability, just give it to them.  Make them more a plot device.
thank you for the advice... It may become crucial to have a approximate idea of their power level but your right I probaly DONT need a comnplete charm spell and equipment list.
I thought the jade prison broke a while before the start of game play, like a dozen years or something close because the wyld hunt has been hunting anethema for a while, hasn't it?
StarHawk said:
I thought the jade prison broke a while before the start of game play, like a dozen years or something close because the wyld hunt has been hunting anethema for a while, hasn't it?
Canonically, five years. There have always been the odd Solars whose sparks escaped the Prison to keep the hunt busy through the years, but it wasn't broken unti very recently.

Remember, though, that killing Solars isn't really the Hunt's bread and butter. It couldn't be, since there have been so few of them. They spend most of their time dealing with Lunars, Fair Folk, demons, and rogue sprits.

Yep statistically there were only roughly about 5-15 Solars running around at any one time when the Wyld Hunt was up in its prime and that fluctuated wildly when some got whacked while other became Infernals or ran into the Wyld and I doubt they would have had anytime to sit down and think of a family when you  had fanatics like Deled hunting you down.

Also just a minor correction, all the Solar essences of the Jade Prison were released at the exact same time though each found incarnations at different times. Some just got sidetracked by the Deathlords and got turned into Abyssals.

As for your threat maybe a pack of Barbarians led by a couple of Beastmen (2 or 3) would be appropriate as they would be roughly on an equal power level or you  sic a low level Dragon Blood out on Calibration venturing/marauding (its somewhere on lifestyle chapter of the DB book) with a small retinue of mortal mooks. A single Buck-Ogre too would be nice good shock. It would show them how scary Essence wielders can be but draw attention to them somehow surviving it all while their village's mundane defenders get slaughtered.
An experienced Essence Channeler, especially one who has the Mutatation: Root of the Perfected Lotus, could be a very good opponent for a group of Half-Caste.  It would have anywhere from five to ten Spirit Charms and, potentially, have mastered a few Terrestrial or even Celestial Martial Arts Styles.  After all, the spirit whose their patron could just as easily have been a war spirit who studied martial arts.
A mutation called "Root of the Perfected Lotus?"  Since when is the Root of the Perfected Lotus a mutation?  It's the philosophy behind the Terrestrial level of Martial Arts--not a mutation.  Did I miss something?
It popped up as a mutation that can be learned by Rakhasa in the Fair Folk book. It allows them to learn essence based martial arts as a Terrestrial Exalt which would allow them to learn Terrestrial and Celestial Martial arts and probably Sidreal Martial arts if the Sidreal Experiment in the Earth book is successful.
And, unless otherwise stated in the Charm description, any mutation that a Raksha can get, a mortal could get from exposure to the Wyld, Demense, etc.
Im not sure if I'd allow such a mutation into my game

one more thing...

on artifacts (yes that again)

do you think a shockpike would serve a half caste with a essence pool of 13 or so better then a daiklive.
You damn well shouldn't! Stick to the stuff in Lunars. It's a sad day when you see Immaculate Monks being tossed around by mortal mutants wielding Immaculate Martial Arts. I should know I was the mortal doing the whacking.

I believe the mortal version of the shock pike would be helpful since it has an essence store of its own. To me daiklaves are overrated and you can get statistically better weapons using a combination of thaumaturgy, perfect craft, exotic materials and elemental enchantment for far cheaper with the Resources background and they don't even cost essence to commit. My Essence 5 deathknight martial artist for example wears armor made from terrasparent leather with a soak of 15/20 with 0 mobility penalty backed by a mountain folk overcoat with 10/10 soak and 0 mobility penalty all for 0 commitment and no dots of artifact.
Correction, most Supernatural Martial Art form Charms are incompatible with armor.  And I still say you can't layer armor.
I have to agree with obsidian. Armor is heavy enough as it is layer armor would only be more unwieldy.

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