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  • Users: Enox
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  1. Enox

    Futuristic Phantom Platoon

    Argon nodded to Vergil, "Ah, thats cool. My mech is able to shred through Zardox armor like it's made of paper. I call it: Retribution." Argon looks at Conner downing his glass of milk like there's no tomorrow. "What's wrong with him?" Argon asks.
  2. Enox

    Futuristic Phantom Platoon

    Argon entered the tent, spotting his team chatting on the table in the corner. Conner waved over to him to join them. Argon strolled over to their table, grabbing a seat next to Vergil. Argon sits down, and opens with the question: "What are you guys talking about?"
  3. Enox

    Futuristic Phantom Platoon

    Argon shook his head as Kevin mumbled nonsense and went back to sleep. Nocturnus decided to ditch Kevin, and try to find the rest of the group. Argon exited the tent, and had a quick look around, hoping to find the cafeteria. One of the flaws of his suit, was that the sense of smell was...
  4. Enox

    Futuristic Phantom Platoon

    Argon awoke to a rather vigorous shaking of himself, jolting him awake and interrupting his dreams. He groggily gotten out of bed, and reactivated external sound. As Argon observed his surroundings , he noticed that only he and Kevin were left in the tent, both of them got a full view of the...
  5. Enox

    Futuristic Phantom Platoon

    (OOC: Sorry guys, internet decided to slow down considerably. I think I fixed the problem for now, but don't hold your breath.) Argon appreciated the attention he gained, smiling if he could. He answered her question on the visor with the reply: "No it does not hurt." Conner calmed Locus...
  6. Enox

    Futuristic Phantom Platoon

    Argon continued to remain motionless as the group changed their behavior radically. They were ready to kill each other moments ago, but now the squad shared their combat specializations and names. After waiting for a little while longer, Argon decided to enter the conversation. "My... My name is...
  7. Enox

    Futuristic Phantom Platoon

    Argon quietly observed squad team behind his visor. His team was bickering among themselves, and one of them had even pulled out a knife and pressed it to another trainee's throat. Things could have gotten ugly, but then one of the other recruits stepped in, yelling at them to shut up and go to...
  8. Enox

    Phantom Platoon

    Are the Zardox an all female race? I say this because all pictures you posted show them as female, so I just assume they are.
  9. Enox

    Phantom Platoon

    (Zardox Dogs) Name: Argon Nocturnus Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: Occupation: Phantom Platoon Trainee Combat Specialization: Amazing sniper, able to take the head off anything within a few hundred yards. Personality: Very shy and nervous around others, Argon is a follower...
  10. Enox

    Warriors of the Warp (Reboot) [Inactive]

    (OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post. Life problems and writer's block are a deadly combination. I'll try to post regularly from now on, but I promise nothing.) On the distant planet known only as Tassdan, a battle raged. The legions of Chaos clashed with savage Tyranids. Bolters fired...
  11. Enox

    Warriors of the Warp (Reboot)

    Name: Death Knight Precklon Dragonspit Appearance: Gender: Male Race: Chaos Space Marine Class: Chaos Lord Weapons: Hell Blade, and customized Storm Bolter Abilities: Able to make a charge at medium range enemies, stomping through any thing along the way. Personality: Brutal...
  12. Enox

    Panspermia [Inactive]

    (Oh man, I hope you aren't hinting OOC that my writing sucks, cause that's just mean) Alan began to lower his hands, "Yes, a raider would have definetlty began firing at you guys." Alan nodded his head to the gaping hole in fencing, "Look at that hole in your defense, completely open to...
  13. Enox

    Panspermia [Inactive]

    As Alan approached the church, he could make out three figures. One of them was of a man, his hat was easily identifiable as a cop's. Another one of the figures was of a woman, a sword strapped to her waist. The last one was of a child, her dog made her more distinguishable among the others. The...
  14. Enox

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    "Come on come on lets go!" Matthew shouted, helping the struggling survivor along. The zombies had gained ground, almost four feet away, Matthew with no intention of getting eaten, so he helped the survivor along,the cabin was only a yard away now.
  15. Enox

    Panspermia [Inactive]

    "Score." Alan thought as he peered into the dark window. Behind the tinted glass, a soda machine glowed. Its glowing cans illuminated the shadowy room. Alan turned on the infrared vision on his gas mask and scanned the room, no signs of life. With a grin on his face, Alan entered the destroyed...
  16. Enox

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Matthew extended his hand to the survivor, "Yeah, I think we should, but there is no time to waste." The man took his hand, and was pulled to his feet. The zombies were closing in, about a yard away. "Lets go!"
  17. Enox

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    "Oh shit!" Matthew shouted, he quickly whipped out his gun before training it on targets. Two zombies were atop of the man, one trying to bite down on the unprotected flesh in his neck, the other about to bite down on his arm, and a third zombie was shambling to the pile. With lightning speed...
  18. Enox


    That would be perfectly fine. I kinda rushed his base of operations anyway.
  19. Enox


    Awesome! I look forward to roleplaying!
  20. Enox


    (This is a step above your standard zombie RP so I will join.) -Name: Alan Marxen -Age: 24 -Appearance: -Convenient previous occupation/hobby: Hacker -Starting equipment: Gas Mask (Infared and night vision), and UED (Unauthorized Entry Device) -Skills: Experience in Hacking...