Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

Jackson chuckled, "Maybe just a little," he took some medical supplies out of his bag and began bandaging his wound.

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Tasha smiled. "So, for how long have you been alone? Or are you in a group?" she asked and placed her hands on her lap. "I'm just curious, thats all."
Jackson sighed, "I've been alone for a while now, after zombies attacked and killed my old group, I realized that you can't be too cautious in this world. There really isn't a time to have your gaurd down," he explained, there was a hint of sadness in his voice.

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"I'm sorry to hear that..." Tasha looked down in sympathy, knowing that she might had asked the wrong question. "These... things, have really destroyed everything we once had.."
Jackson nodded, "Indeed they have." He finished treating his arm and looked over at the girl, "Are you injured anywhere?" He asked.

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Tasha looked up again, shooking her head as a no. "No, I just got a small scratch, but's it's nothing to worry about," she smiled lightly again, the same way she normally did.
Jackson nodded and put the small amount of medical supplies in his bag, and stood up. He slung the bag over his shoulder, and looked at the girl. "I was planning on going to the city, and scavenge some of the stores. Do you want to come with me?"

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Tasha nodded and quickly got back up on her feets, she made sure her bag sat tightly around her shoulder, so she accidently wouldn't lose it. "That would be great," she said. "I bet there is more items in the city, than in that old, rotten, cabin I found previously."
Jackson chuckled and pulled out one of his knives snd started walking towards the city, "I suggest you keep a weapon out at all times from now on. The city is usually overrun with Zombies, " he warned her.

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"Good point," Tasha said and pulled out her own knife from the side of her bag. "I usually keep my weapons close, just in case," she added before following Jackson into the city. "It's not only the zombies that has attacted me, surprisingly enough."
Tasha glanced at him for a moment before focusing at the road again. "People. Living humans. Older men has attacked me for their sexual lust," she mumbled. "I was lucky the first time, having my father nearby. But the second time... I weren't that lucky,"
Jackson shuddered, "That's both disgusting and demeaning," he muttered. He sighed and continued walking, "But honestly I can see it happening, ever since this whole thing srarted a lot of people lost their morals, and sense. Some people even went insane, but there isn't anything we cab really do but survive, " he muttered sadly.

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Tasha nodded, agreeing. "Surviving is our main focuse at this moment. Everyone has their own way to get through this, a way to keep their sanity, while still keep themself alive. But someone just looses it," she whispered the last words, knowing the truth of feelings man people were carrying.
Tasha walked close to Jackson, she had admit to herself that she felt safe now that she weren't alone. While walking she noticed a mini supermaket. "Jackson, look over there," she nearly whispered while pointing at the mini supermaket. "Should we check it out?"
"If you're so curious I will tell you" Genji fold up his sleeve up to his elbow, behind it was covered in bruises and cuts. "I was lucky to be alive after what I experienced there, considering there is an old man who died after too much work". Genji clutching his left hand, he felt back the pain and horror that obtained when enslaved there. That's when he was not aware of the presence of zombies behind him, the zombies quickly pounced genji from behind. they fell, and the gun thrown from his hand. he held the zombie with gis left hand while trying to grab the gun with his right hand

(sorry im late to respond, my internet is slow yesterday)
"Oh shit!" Matthew shouted, he quickly whipped out his gun before training it on targets. Two zombies were atop of the man, one trying to bite down on the unprotected flesh in his neck, the other about to bite down on his arm, and a third zombie was shambling to the pile. With lightning speed, Matthew shot the third in the head, the corpse falling to the ground. He wasted no time kicking the second zombie in the head, and without the threat of hurting the survivor, Matthew blew its brains out. The first one, with all the noise happening, switched its attention to Matthew, grasping for his leg.
The blood spilt all over Genji body, but it's no time to think about it. After escape from the attack he can grab the gun easily, and shoot the zombie that grasping the man leg right in the head, it's head blow up and spilt more blood. the situation is a little bit safer now, Genji tried to take a breath before he began to speak "i guess i owe you one, thanks for saving my ass back there". The gun shot make the other zombie attracted and start running this way, "it probably the best if we move out from this place, i remember seeing a cabin at the downstream. should we go?" Genji said while trying to get back up.
Matthew extended his hand to the survivor, "Yeah, I think we should, but there is no time to waste." The man took his hand, and was pulled to his feet. The zombies were closing in, about a yard away. "Lets go!"
Genji and the survivor is running downstream as fast as they can, but Genji can't run too fast considering he was handicapped. While they trying to get away from the horde he saw a boy near the river, maybe he should warn him to run? but what if he was infected, than he just gonna draw more of them. He think it maybe for the best to keep going, they can see the cabin from far away

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