Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

Tasha nodded and followed the boy while having her attention at the ground, making sure she didn't stumble over anymore roots. Constantly she lifted her head, looking to each side, checking for upcoming danger. She would froze still if she heard anything suspicious, but shook it off her shoulders and continued to walk.
Jackson walked a little ways until he got to where his bag was, he sat down next to it and pulled out a can of beans, and handed it to the girl, "Have a seat, its safe here for a little longer," he said calmly.
Yukio kept walking aimlessly he saw a patch of bushes."Here?" he said to himself walking slowly approaching and going into the bushes unsure of what he will find.
Tasha took the can of beans carefully and sat down on her knees, facing the boy. "Thank you," she said and tilted her head slightly to the side, smiling brightly. Tasha put her bag down and pulled out a water bottle. "Here, take this," she handed the boy the water bottle. "It's okay, I got two," she added, still smiling.
Jackson nodded, "There's a river not far from here, we should stop by there, and refill the water bottles, I have purifying materials in my bag," he informed her, a slight smile spreading across his face.
Yukio had finally found the river he was hearing. But, he did not know how to approach it. He knew things could go down hill fast if he wasn't careful. So, he decided to stand near the river to see if anything would pop out of it.
Era looked at the guy for a moment, then shook her head. "No. I've got things to do. Enjoy the lake while you can." Turning on her heels, she started walking smack bang into the woods again, quickly making it out of earshot.

After a while of walking, she stopped dead at the sound of a scream, though it was soon silenced. Quickly but quietly moving towards the sound, Era pulled the knife on her hip free and put the bow back, opting for close range weaponry.

Carefully looking through some bushes, she saw another person. It was just her lucky day, huh. Alone for almost a month, then two people in one day. Coincidence? Maybe.

The girl seemed to be in pain, and Era tried to turn around a walk away, she really did, but no. Not possible. A part of her physically hurt whenever she saw another person in pain, and as smart as she was, she couldn't turn away.

"Have you been bitten?" She asked first, stepping into the girl's field of view and making sure the knife in her hand was clearly visible.

Unfortunately, during the walk, the gash in her stomach had started throbbing. Her vision blurred for a split second, but she gave her head a quick shake to clear it and looked back at the girl, waiting for her answer.

Carol groaned and leaned against the tree, shutting her eyes and looking upwards.

"I was in that tree trying to not be bit."

She pushed off from the tree and swayed a bit from dizzyness and held her head. Carol avoided all eye contact, looking down and away from the stranger. She had learned to not trust anyone, especially someone holding a weapon.
Genji is go too far inside the forest and now he lost, he was very tired after running from those zombies. For now he just want to drink some water, his hand is shaking as he tried to grab a bottle of water from his bag. When he about to open it the bottle slip away and rolled down the hill, he walk again trying to find his bottle of water.

After a long walk he still can't find it anywhere, he sighed and sit under the tree. It was a very bad day for him, maybe surviving is not suitable for a man with a cruth. He close his eyes for a moment, trying to relax his mind. Then he can hear a sound of water, seems like it close enough. so he walk to the direction of the sound.
Lex put the pineapple away and stood up he finished the carrot stick, but he kept drinking the can of Dr.P, he looked around for somewhere to go. He decided to follow the girl into the forest he slowly walked towards the trees, he yawned "life is pretty boring when you have to walk everywhere" Lex said to himself. He decided to be stealthy about following people, However he wasn't even following anyone because the girl was probably miles away by now...
"Thats good to hear. We wouldn't last long without water. In a matter of facts, no one would... Anyway," Tasha quickly trailed off, trying to switch subject. "How about we introduce ourself? I'm Tasha, nice to meet you," she held out her hand, still smiling at the boy infront of her.
"So you didn't get bitten." Era relaxed slightly, then a sharp pain flew up her body, making her jerk forwards. Quickly looking down and pulling the bottom of her shirt up to look at the wound, it was clear that it was getting worse. Not infected yet, but that might be soon. And she'd lost a lot of blood.

Another jolt of pain and Era had to lean against a tree. "Ah, f**k. It wasn't this bad earlier..." She muttered, gritting her teeth. The wound itself wasn't big, but it was deep.

Taking a deep breath, Era pushed off from the tree and tried to stand up straight again, not willing to be seen as weak to a complete stranger, but the world blurred again and she sank to her knees.


(Also @Verhiron, she's not that far away at all, so feel free to find her again. There's probably a thin trail of blood after her, so she would be easy to track)

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Lex pulled out his sword and started chopping away at the trees, he wiped away beads of sweat from his forehead. "ahh this is tiring" he groaned it felt like he was going to pass out, he swallowed the last bit of Dr.P from his can and chucked it away. After several minutes of boredom he finally saw a small trail of blood on the floor, Lex grinned "Bingo" he whispered...
Matthew prowled the Forrest, making sure not to step on too many twigs. He had entered the menacing looking woods to find the person responsible for causing gunfire, and help anyone he could to find the safe haven described over the radio. Matthew was a bit shaken after watching a few zombies chase after another survivor, he did not see what happened to her, but was certain she was killed.

Matthew's thoughts were interrupted when he stepped on a twig. The sound echoed into the surrounding area, and almost on cue a zombie appeared. The zed was of a thirty or so man, he wore a grey t-shirt stained with blood, and had black pants. The infected roared at Matthew before shuffling towards him. Mindful of the result of firing an unsuppressed weapon, Matthew holstered his pistol, and drew his knife from his boot. The zombie had gained some ground on Matthew, and thrust his hands out to him, it's nails glinted with the blood that it had previously spilt. Matthew jumped back and when the zombie had prepared itself to strike again, Matthew plunged his knife into the side of its head. The effect was immediate, blood spurted out the new hole in its skull, and the walking corpse dropped dead. Matthew retrieved hiss knife, ran his fingers along the length of the blade, and strapped it back onto his boot.

After wandering around longer in the dark woods without anymore attacks, Matthew spotted a man walking to a nearby river. He did not look infected, and appeared to have one of his legs broken. Matthew, not wanting to take any chances, but still wanting to help this poor soul, approached him, his hand on the butt of his gun, just in case he was dangerous.

(OOC: Sorry about the long pause between posts, I did not have any time to roleplay yesterday.)
Lex followed the blood trail, until he came out at an opening, He saw two injured girls, he frowned "mustn't fall for them" he kept whispering to himself.

Lex looked down at the girls cleavages and gulped "wow" he said mouth wide open. He suddenly shook his head "no i must kill them...but they are so beautiful" he fought with himself for a while. Lex may be very smart and sophisticated but when it comes to girls he can't help but to turn into a drooling dog...
Yukio finally went into the river. However, he was to careless, and had managed to slip onto a rock, which had cut him in a way that it appeared a bite wound. Yukio wasn't sure what to do he sat down on the side of the river. He put pressure on the wound and let the river water run over the wound.
A man approaching Genji, then he quickly pull up his gun and pointing it to the guy, "what do you want? don't you dare come any closer to me". He know this guy also like them, giving us a smile and said they will help you, but then taking all your supply and run. Before he survive alone Genji has a group of five man, they are very friendly and want to take him as a part of the group even though he was handicapped .But when they are meet with the larger group the thing changes dramatically.

They have a big community located at the outskirt of the town, and they was a nice person. He should know there something behind that smile. They taking our supply then make us do a forced labor even Genji that has his left leg broken, they to cruel and if you try to run there is no chance you will make it. A sniper on top of the building will finish you off. The only way Genji can slip from them is when a horde is attacking, it was a good opportunity and he doesn't considering the risk being eaten, he steal some of their supply and start running from this place and end up here.

Genji still hold his gun, "you know? i already kill many of those thing and i don't mind killing a living one" his mind still feared with the thing happened before.
Matthew raised his hands in the air slowly. "This guy isn't taking any chances." Matthew thought as he tried to think of a way out of this. "I'm not gonna attack you, or take your stuff." Matthew said to the frantic survivor with a small amount of uncertainty behind behind his voice. "I- I'm not like that." Matthew took a small step forward, eyeing the man's leg. "You look hurt do you need any help?"
Genji take a little step backward, but lowered his gun a bit. "look, i don't want any trouble, can you just... go?" he still can't trust this guy. Maybe there was a hidden blade inside his clothes or maybe a gun in his butt, who can tell? every person in the world just like that, only care about themself. He still din't notice that he was walking closer to an edge behind him.
"I..." Matthew started, "I can go, and leave you in peace, but we both would have our chances of getting killed increased." Matthew took a step backward and began to lower his hands. "What is that old saying? Watch my back and I'll watch yours? We could do that here, and probably make it to that Atlanta safe zone out of these woods."
"Safe zone? you believe that nonsense ? they just gonna lure people like you into there and do the same thing happened to me" Genji sweat a lot right now, he can feel some presence from behind him, but if he look back this guy surely will kill him. "are we done talking now?"
Matthew dropped his hands. "Yeah, I suppose we are. I will follow the river to civilization." He began walking away, the disappointment in him visible. Suddenly, Matthew remembered something the survivor said, "Wait a second," Matthew turned around," What do you mean 'the same thing that happened to me'? Matthew gestured to his foot, "Do you mean your leg, or some tragedy that happened to you?"
"Nice to meet you Jackson." Tasha said and giggled a bit. "Too formal?" she asked with a hint of laughter in her voice.
Lex grinned, while no one was looking he place his sword onto the floor and pulled era into the bush with him "shhh" he aid holding her mouth so she couldn't speak. "i promise i won't hurt you" he whispered into her ear. He released his hand from her mouth...

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