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Futuristic Phantom Platoon

"Nice tattoo but this game was a lose for me from the start colors the one thing ill never get since to me your butterfly tattoo is red hmm this could be a problem couldn't it should i have told the army i was color blind?"Vergil asked raising his head and looking at her tattoo before lowering it again.
"Doesn't matter. You can see, that's whats important. As for your game, aren't you two a bit old to be playing eye-spy." Conner said, eyes still closed. He was getting closer and closer to wanting a good excuse to lock most of these people in a room so he could get some sleep. It was going to be a tough day tomorrow, he could feel it.
(OOC: Sorry guys, internet decided to slow down considerably. I think I fixed the problem for now, but don't hold your breath.)

Argon appreciated the attention he gained, smiling if he could. He answered her question on the visor with the reply: "No it does not hurt." Conner calmed Locus down, and urged everyone to sleep. Argon couldn't help but sigh, as Locus left his bed for her own. Nocturnus tried to sleep, but couldn't due to the constant talking. Thankfully, Argon could disable all external sound by opening a plate on his wrist, and flicking a switch labled: Sound.
"Alright, alright. I'll go to sleep, Mr. Grumpy pants." Locus sighed and buried herself under the covers. "By the way, you're never to old to play Eye-Spy. The more and better you see during a battle, the less chance their is of your teammates dying." She took off her cap and buried her fast in the pillow.
"erm i guess ill just er lay here for the next few hours night" Vergil said still unable to even attempt to sleep so he just laid there staring aimlessly into space 'its going to be a long night' he thought to himself sighing.
"I'll get some sleep too. I have a feeling that we are going to have a hard day tomorrow." Said John as he laid down onto a bed. With his left hand, he covered his eyes, and after a few minutes of thinking about the olden days, he soon fell asleep.
"Mr. Grumpy, I have half a mind to show you how grumpy I can get." Conner mumbled, blissfully close to sleep. And within a few more minutes, he was out. 
Conner woke up bright and early, at 0530. 'Good, gives me time to clean up.' he thought as he moved quietly around the silent tent, except for the occasional snore from the boys and he swears he heard one from Locus. Conner quickly got dressed, grabbed his toothbrush, comb and razor, and headed for the bathroom. After brushing his teeth, checking if he needed a shave, and combed his hair, Conner headed back to the Bravo tent to make his bead. Perhaps some else would have woken up bu the time he got there.
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Noticing that someone just left the tent John woke up in a second. After noticing that who the leave was, he just lit onto, and stayed in bed for an other ten minutes. While resting there, Conner came back. "Morning!" Greeted him John with a not too loud voice.
"Morning." Conner said to John. "Hope someone shows us where the cafeteeria is, I'm starving." Conner was obviously in a much better mood the night before. As he was making his bed, Conner was contemplating waking the others up. "Should we wake the others up?" Conner said quietly to John.
Vergil quickly stood up since he didn't sleep last night and he saw some of the others leaving the tent as he stood up he cracked his neck before he quickly exited the tent. He managed to hear a little of their conversation hearing the word cafeteria just as he exited "Wait we can got some food now" Vergil asked quietly as he scratched his head looking at the two.
"Yeah. Let's wake up the others too. We'll be in lack of energy if we start this day without anything inside our stomachs." Answered John as he went up to Locus, and woke her up.
"I'd get some food if I knew where the cafeteria was. And now that you are here. Who wants to wake the others up?" If they agreed to wake the others up, Conner really didn't want to wake up Locus. Who knew what she would do? But if he had to, he would take one for the team. But Jojn decided to do it. "You are either brave or crazy, haven't decided which yet." Conner said as he went to wake Argon up.
"Piss of RC." She mumbled and turned around. "There are screwdrivers in the left drawer in the sketch desk." She waved her hand at what she thought was her robot and snuggled into the pillows.
"Damn... This will hurt for a while..." Said John, as he grabbed the edge of Locus' bed, and turned it upside down. "Morning my darling. The screwdrivers are important I admit, but you should come and grab something to eat with us."
Locus groaned and pushed bed off of her, snarling at the guy who had flipped her. "Bastard!" She shouted as she pushed herself up. She grabbed a knife, that she had hidden under her pillow before falling asleep, and threw it towards the guys head, missing it by an inch and into the side of the tent, cutting him slightly on the cheek. "You better never EVER do that again or I won't miss!"
Thinking the worst would happen, Conner forgets about waking Argon, and moved to restrain Locus from doing anything else. As she no doubt kicked and screamed, Conner was saying John was just waking you up, it would have been worse if the drill sargent woke you up, etc. etc.
"Let me go, you bastard!" Locus shouted as she thrashed around in Connor's arms. "I'll kill him! I'll fucking kill him!" She kicked and wiggled around, trying to get her feet back on the ground. To say that Locus had a morning mood was an understatement, she was the devil's wife.
"Yo are not going to kill him and I'm not letting go until you calm down." Conner yelled over Locus. "John, Vergile, one of you, get a bucket and fill it." If she wasn't going to cool down herself, he'd be more than willing to help.
John went and filled one, and as he got back, he stood right in front of Locus. "I am sorry darling... I would lie to say I am sorry" He smiled, and then he poured the bucket of water onto her.
"You get any on her?" Conner spluttered, inevitably getting soaked along with Locus, who by then hopefull realized her situation. And if that didn't work, he could always lock her in the bathroom.
Locus gasped as the cold water was poured over her. She stood frozen for a couple of seconds before she glared up at John, killing him with a thousand daggers in her head. She lifted her hand and pointed her finger at his nose. "Don't… call me darling." She warned and pulled of her soaked top and threw it in his face, stomping over towards her bag in her bra. She pulled on a new shirt and headed out of the tent. "Are we going to have breakfast or what?!" She snarled and looked over her shoulder, waiting for the others to follow.
"Such a cutie..." answered John almost laughing at the girl. "Sorry mate did not intend to soak you too" told John to Conner. He went out from the tent too. "After this I'd leave the others for you guys. Good luck for it!" Said John from outside the tent.
"I hope we don't have to put up with that every morning." Conner said to no one in general. This time he decided to wakeup the person closest to him, which was Kevin. "Remember, the drill Sargent will probably be here by six. I say probably because it might not be him. It could just be another officer, but. Better safe then sorry." After giving Kevin a good shake to wake him up, an Argon while he was at it. Exiting the tent, he motions for Locus to lead the way. Perhaps she could sniff out the cafeteria.
Locus stomped away, as she and the guys headed towards the cafeteria. She was pissed of and would stay that way until she had her breakfast with her extra black coffee. After five minutes of snarling into the air, they finally arrived at the cafeteria, food wasn't anything special, just some bread, ham and cheese, some weird rice porridge that looked and smelled a lot like the one she used to get at home and some fruit. Grabbing a plate she got some rice porridge, drowned it with honey, grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at a random table. Even though Locus was not a morning person, she still had the decency to wait for the others before digging in.

(Was it just me or did the site stop responding?)
Conner grabed a plate, two slices of bread, some ham and cheese, and some rice pudding stuff, probably gruel, he made a nice sandwich for breakfast. That is the beauty of sandwiches, Conner thought, all yo need is two slices of bread and you can make a sandwich. Instead of grabbing coffee like Locus, Conner grabbed a nice cold glass of milk. As he walked over to the table, some of the recruits gave him a strange look, he hadn't changed his shirt and it was soaked. Lucky fo him it wasn't white. When he did reach the table and sat down, Conner asked Locus "Are we going to have to do that with you every morning." as he rubbed a spot that she kicked.

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