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Futuristic Phantom Platoon

"Yeah we could be a great team." Vergil said as he took the coffee back. "O And about the coffee i did warn you i was black but i guess i didn't tell you how much coffee beans i added in it." Vergil said smiling as he began to drink his second cup of coffee.
Gulping from his glass of milk to get the taste out of his mouth, Conner lookes around. And there was Argon. Waving his arm around to get his attention, Conner motions for him to take a seat.
Argon entered the tent, spotting his team chatting on the table in the corner. Conner waved over to him to join them. Argon strolled over to their table, grabbing a seat next to Vergil. Argon sits down, and opens with the question: "What are you guys talking about?"
"Well we was talking about our mech's and then about my coffee but other than that nothing much." Vergil said as he turned to Argon then he continued to drink his coffee.
Argon nodded to Vergil, "Ah, thats cool. My mech is able to shred through Zardox armor like it's made of paper. I call it: Retribution." Argon looks at Conner downing his glass of milk like there's no tomorrow. "What's wrong with him?" Argon asks.
Vergil begins to laugh "Ok long story cut short he didn't want me drinking anymore coffee she he took on of my coffee cups and attempted to drink it but it seems he can't handle black coffee." Vergil said still laughing at the event.
"Damn stuff is to bitter." Conner gasped as he came up for air. "Shred threw it you say? My can do that pretty well to. What model is it? If you don't mind me asking."
Alex had just landed at the base with two of his personal guards. They were his most trusted soldiers and they were trained to help Alex train the new recruits. They walked towards the tent that contained the squad they were going to be training. When they reached the outside of the tent, one of the personal guards walked into the tent "OFficer on Deck!. That means get in line now." Alex and the other guard walked into the tent and waited to see what they did.
Locus wanted to finish her breakfast before she said anything, but the moment she was done and was about to tell them about her mech, the sergeant came bellowing in. "Goodness does he have to shout like that?" She whispered as she got in line. "It's not like we're deaf. My suit by the way could beat all all of your metal asses."
Conner just looked at Locus out of the corner of his eye while he stood at attention. From what he knew of military training camps, the drill sergent was usually an ass if you got on his bad side. So Conner planned on staying on his good side for as long as he could.
Vergil looked around as most got into line or at the very least stood up but he just stayed sat down drinking his coffee. He did this because he has slim to no military background and he just wanted to drink his coffee in peace and the shouting officer didn't make this possible.
Locus snarled and grabbed Vergil by the collar, pulling him up. "Don't be disrespectful, Kid." She hissed as she pulled him into place next to her. "Next time I'll put a choke collar around you."
When vergil was pulled up he ended up spilling his coffee all over Locus. "Great now look what you did i need another coffee now." Vergil said not caring that is was spilled over her. " O and i didn't know you was into that kind of stuff" Vergil quickly added.
Conner nodded in approval at what Locus did. What Vergile was doing was a good way to get cleaning duties. Then again, Vergile might not have known what was going on. 
Conner quickly grabbed the collar of Vergile's shirt. "That is the drill sergent. Stand here until he says otherwise." Conner whispered quickly to Vergile as he dragged him to his side farthest feom Locus
"Why you little-!" Locus growled and grabbed Vergil by the collar, out of Connor's grip, lifting him to stand on his toes, not caring if the sergeant saw them. She could handle the consequences and she couldn't care about another ruined shirt. "You should watch your words or we are going to have a very big problem between us."
"ERM Drill Sargent it seems i am being attacked by two of my fellow 'comrades' a little help please." Vergil said trying to get the attention of the drill Sargent while he was acting injured raising his hands in the air.
Conner stepped in between the two, separating them as best he could. "Sorry Drill Sargent." Conner said in the customary shouting of military recruits. He kept a stern eye on Vergile in case he didn't realize what was meant of him at the moment and another on Locus in case she still wanted to fight, ready to intervene.
Locus snarled and growled, if she was a dragon, smoke would be coming out of her mouth. She was considering to actually break Connor's neck, but he wasn't that bad of a guy. Vergil on the other hand, would not make it out alive. Her hands turned of fist, shaking with anger, but still stepped back in line. She was going to dig a hole in the ground, when this was all done, and put a sign over it 'Vergil's grave, death due to childishness.'
Conner saw Locus cooling down, at the very least not trying to kill Vergil. Now he could relax a little bit. Or that might be what Locus was waiting for so she could kill the kid. And Vergil might not understand that he has to stand there until the sergeant says otherwise.
Vergil decided that since the two of them let go of him he will return to his seat. So he stepped out of line and returned to his seat sitting down looking at the empty cup in front of him. He tilted his head in confusion to why everyone else was stood up but it didn't bother him as he really knew the true reason but just wanted to see what would happen.
"Remember what I said about proving to me you aren't a kid? Now is a good time to prove it. Unless you want all of Bravo to want to skin and gut you." Conner said to Vergil. Yelling at him and dragging him to his feat hadn't done anything so far. Let the Drill Sergeant solve it, and if the rest of Bravo, or everyone here, was caught in the punishment, so be it. Perhaps no one helping him let alone liking him would change his attitude.
"Well either way you're going to think i'm a kid so i may as well live with it standing up's not going to change that and for all i care bravo can try to skin and gut me but you won't get very far." Vergil said putting an elbow on the table in front of him and resting his head on his hand. This should make it so i can be solo on missions / training or at very least left alone to do my own thing during them.
Conner wasn't happy about what Vergil said. He had a feeling they won't see eye to eye all the time. Fine, let what happen, happen.
My name is Alex and you will be trained by me and my associates while you are here at camp. Vergil, would you kindly step into formation before I make you run sprints around the camp for the rest of the day. You guys are supposed to be a tight knit group but ou are infighting already, what does that show about you and me I feel damn shamed that I hae to train unreliables like you. You make think that the only thing coming ou tof my mouth will be yelling and swearing,but I don't work like that. Future soldiers won't respect you if you yll at them every minute of the day, but if you back talk me or dsrespect me or any of my men you will see what happens. Yu are dismissed untl 1200 hours when we will begin Try not to kill each other by then." Alex styed in the tent with his soliders to keep an eye on the trainees but stood at the far end o the tent.
Kevin woke up to realize that it was late in the morning, and that he was still the only one in the tent. After cussing at himself to get moving, he put on his clothes, and ran to the Food tent. He sees everyone there, and what must have been a higher officer, their officer? And tries to sneak in without being really noticed and sit at one of the tables. "So, what did I miss?"

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