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Futuristic Phantom Platoon

"Congragulatio (sp) Verfil. You have been peomoted from strange child I have to put up with to somewhere inbetween little brother and annoying kid going through puberty." Conner said as he sat back down. Vergile needed to learn that what he did reflected on all of Bravo. Anything any of them did reflected on Bravo. "What you miss was Vergil ignoring a higher officer and Locus try her best to make Vergil apologize for spilling coffee on her. Other then that nothing much. Now you two," pointing to Locus and Vergil, "I want you to fet a grip on your tenper. And you, I'll drop the whole your a child so prove me wrong buisness, as long as you listen to the higher ups, and whoever is put in charge of Bravo as squad leader." He said jabbing a finger first in Locus' direction then in Vergil's.
"Yeah Yeah whatever." Vergil was not in the least bothered about what Connor had to say so he just replied with whatever came into his head.

Vergil let off a little laugh "I just noticed it seems like you stopped calling me Vergile" He said this as he continued to laugh. All I want is my mech Vergil thought to himself as he looked at Connor.
Conner snorted and took what Vergil said. He didn't like it but he did say he would drop it. "Now where were we. Oh yes, our mechs. Locus, good luck shooting, punching, or exploding through something that was built to take a beeting. It was a C.O.G. Silverback when I found it, an old model, back when they used steel instead of heavy duty plastic for armor, built to take out enemy armor and to support friendly infantry. The only thing I did to it was put some more plating on it."
"I will get a hold of my temper when he starts acting like a soldier!" Locus said. "I don't need some kid watching my back in the battle field!" She pushed herself up an on the table and stomped out of the cafeteria. She was going to look for her mech and work on it's boots, she needed to do something.
"Tell me if you see a C.O.G.Silverback with extra plating when you can." Conner shouted after Locus. It seemed she lit like a match but calmed down enogh later. She still was angry, yes, but from what he saw it would just smolder on the bottom for a long while before actually going out.

Conner downed the rest of his milk before getting up. He was just going to wander around the camp, if he found a weight room he would probably spend the time until 1200 there. He hoped he would find a weight room.
Vergil just laughed when they both left and he decided he would get up and search for his own mech to work on its stealth field. So he stood up and exited the cafeteria tent heading the opposite way to Locus "ill find it eventually" He said thinking out loud as he continued to search for the mech holding place. "Come on Crysalis XE where are you my beauty" He said yet again thinking out loud.
Conner, so far, hadn't found a weight room, so he decided to head to the mech hanger. Odds are, they had something heavy that he could lift. And he might even see if Bowser was there. As he walked in, one of the first things he saw was Locus working on her mech. Deciding to ask if she needed any help, Conner walks up to her. "You might be able to punch your way through." Conner said as he saw the giant arm on the mech. "Need help with anything? I got nothing to do until 12."
"Huh?" Locus took off her goggles before smiling at Conner. "Oh, well actually, I do." She said. "Can you hand me my ball?" She said and gestured to the grey mechanical ball, that she had also thrown last evening, by his feet as she held the leg of her mech up. It was heavy as hell and she knew that if she moved a muscle in the wrong way that the leg would swing down and that she needed to start all over again. Locus had a screw driver in her back pocket together with a hammer and three different wrenches laying beside her, she held some screws between her lips and her hands were holding pieced of her mech apart, not to forget the dark smudge that was already on her face.
Conner crouched down to pick up the gray (or grey) ball. Handing it to her after looking at it a bit, Conner asked "What is it?". The thing had some heft to it, not much but it was still noticeable.
"It's a double sided magnetic field transferrer." Locus said and groaned as she had to turn under the mechanical leg. "It's supposed to make the magnetic influence of the electric current adjustable." She grabbed a wrench, stuck it into the boot as she turned the ball, each half to a side, making it glow blue as she did so. "It'll make me able to control the strength of the magnet in case I need it." Pulling out the wrench, she changed it with the ball and clicked it into place before she connected a couple of cables to it. Lowering the heavy leg, she got up and wiped her face, unconscious of the black smear that went over her face. "Get me the heaviest piece of metal you can find," Locus said as she got into her suite. "And toss it towards me." Shutting her suite and turning it on, she closed the helmet, showing the demonic scull on the dark material.
"My pleasure." Conner said. Walking around looking for a good piece to throw, Conner finds what looks like a large piston next to what might have been a finger for a large mech. Lifting up both and weighing them in his hands decided that both of those weren't heavy enough and moved on. "Hey, is there anything heavy around here?" Conner had to ask one of the mechanics working on a mech. "Ya. This, is 6" thick solid steel plating. Anything with this can take on a dragon and have a very good chance of winning." the engineer said struggling to lift a square foot of what he was talking about. "That will do." Conner said hefting it in one hand. Walking back to Locus and her mech, Conner gets ready to throw the plating. Two quick steps and swinging his arm over his head Conner threw it as hard as he could, a grunt of effort escaping through his gritted teeth.
Locus laughed within her suite as the piece of metal came flying her way. She shifted her heel in the Mech's leg and raised it, hitting the flying piece of metal with a flat foot. The force of it made her move backwards a little, but when she put her foot down, it was with metal and all. Raising her foot and shaking it a little, she made sure that the piece of metal was stuck to the underside of the boot. "Try to pull it off!" Locus said from within her suite, if this went well she would just need to create a double sided transferrer for her left boot and it was done.
'Throw it at me pull it off, why can't she make up her mind. Have to admit though, that's pretty cool.' Conner thought as he walked over. Getting a grip on the piece of metal, Conner gives it a good yank, and it didn't budge. Staring unbelievingly at the piece of metal that refused to move, Conner gets in a better stance for pulling and tries again. Straining with the effort, muscles bulging and veins sticking out on his neck, but again nothing happened. The most he probably did was drag the mech around a little. "Why the hell do you need a magnet that strong?" he said as he finally gave up. Looking for something to pry it off with was when Conner saw him, Bowser in all his glory. He hasn't seen his mech that clean for who knew how long. The thought of trying to get the piece of steel off Locus' foot flew out the window at the sight of his mech. Hurrying over to Bowser, Conner quickly climbs up into the pilot seat, using the arms and legs as foot and hand holds. Once he was in the seat, he just eased back, enjoying being back in the seat again.
Locus disabled the magnet and walked over toward Connor in his Mech with a whistle. "Well, isn't that a wall of metal?" She grinned behind her mask. "Before I fall into my mechanical ramble, the reason for magnets is so that I can stand on top of a Dragon when it decides to fly off or when one of our air force vehicles incase it need repairing in the air before it crashes. I need to be able to stand if I want to do my work correctly… As for your piece of tin," She joked and gave Bowser a hit against the shoulder. "It's not that bad. It could maybe use some lighter metal for better movement or newer bolts by the joins, but it looks nice. It's not the newest model, is it?" She teased. "Can I try to blow it up to see how much damage it takes? I could fix the problems that usually aren't considered as 'fatal'." She said, letting her suit make the quotation signs.
"Ya it's an older model, that's why I like it." Conner said patting the front of Bowser. "C.O.G. Silverback, made to take out heavy armor back when there wasn't any Zardox and we fought each other. I added a few improvements to it though. And to blowing stuff up. Let's see what you can do." Closing the cockpit,, Conner walks Bowser out of the hanger into an area where other mechs were practicing, either shooting at targets or practicing close quarters combat. Positioning himself squarely in a crater most likely caused by some explosion or another. "Alright, do your worst." Conner shouted from inside his mech.
Locus, laughing like a madman, positioned herself in Battle stance before firing everything she got at the C.O.G., grabbed her laser sword off of her Mech's back and ran towards it, jumping in the air activating her magnet boot and planted it against the chest and swinging her sword. She grabbed some of her extra powered homemade grenades placed it by the neck and shoulder joint and jumped off as the grenades blew up. The last thing she used was he heavy metal fist and rammed it against the chest before stepping back to see the damage.

Part of the Mech's jawline was gone and another grenade had cracked the shoulder blade armor. Her sword had only damaged the pain and her fist a scratch, but nothing worse then that.

Locus got out of her suite and looked at the other Mech. "It's strong." She said as she walked a circle around the mech. "That jaw metal has never been the strongest with the C.O.G., but you should still have that strengthened, it makes the head rip off less easily. The shoulder blade shouldn't be a problem since it has a triple armor layer." Then she turned at her mech and examined the fist. "And that needs repainting."
As Locus unleashed her guns on Bowser, Conner was bounced around a little, but nothing bad. When she jumped on him though, the whole cockpit shook with the impact. When the smoke cleared and the damage to Bowser was said, even he was shocked at how much Bowser could put up with. But she damaged him, nothing to critical by the sound of it, but still. So, loading a single round in the cannon, he aims and fires at the left foot. A small portion flew off, but still leaving most of it in tact. "There, now we are even. I even shot the left one so you don't have to re-make and install a super magnet."
Locus screamed as Connor shot at her Mech's foot. "My mech!" She whined and ran up to it to her mech to check the damage. The side of the outside footing was gone and the bolt that held the top of her boot together with the other side of the foot was gone as well. "Son of a bitch!" She growled and turned towards connor. "You said I could go all out! You're gonna pay for this!"

Locus charged and slammed her heavy metal fist against the center of the C.O.G.'s chest with full power, which created a dent this time.
Alex had been touring the base to get a feel of it and he ended up in the mech wing and was watching these two beauties of metal and weaponry tear each other apart. He stood watching as Connor and Locus went full throttle at each other and even seeing some damage being caused by it. He left the room and reported to the main building of the camp and sent out a message "All members of Bravo squad, report to the sparring room within the next 3 or I have something special planned for you. By the way, Connor and Locus, good job with that little sparring match between you and your mechs,
Kevin was resting once again in the tent when he heard the announcement. He got up and did the thing that made the most sense, he walked to the sparring room. He knew that the others were excited for fighting, but hearing about the spar with mechs seemed stupid to him. A person would sometimes waste too much money for a practice or something like revenge. When Kevin reached the sparring room, he just stood at the edge of the room, waiting for others from Bravo.
Grabbing tHe mech by th shoulder, Conner positions his cannon to blow off the arm. "Apparently you didn't." Conner said, no need to point out the dent. "I'll help you rebuild if you help me." Then there was the announcment. "This is over. Let's get these back in the hanger for repairs." he said as he removed the cannon pointing at Locus' shoulder.

(OOC) Bowser has no head. He is basically just a body with arms and legs. The jawline is where the cockpit hatch meets the rest of the mech. Just for future referenves
Vergil just arrived at the mech hanger and found his mech as he heard the call to go to the sparring room "Great just as i find my mech i get called to go some place else." Vergil said very annoyed at this. He began to head to the sparring room which didn't take very long. When he got there he looked around before he took a sat down against a wall waiting.
"This is not over until I win!" Locus snarled and grabbed the C.O.G. by the top to lift it over her shoulder, slamming it against the concrete floor on it's back. She walked over to the sergeant, still in suite, and saluted before getting out of it. "Thank you, sir." She said and patted her mech. "Just doing a test run to see if everything still works the way it should. I don't want male fingers messing with my mech while I'm not around."
'Don't keep this going, Conner. It's just a spar, not a death match.' Conner thought to himself, trying to convince himself not to do what he was planning. Dragging himself up, Conner sets Bowser in a bee line towards Locus' now empty mech. Cocking an arm back, Conner throws a punch with all the weight and momentum of Bowser at the chest, connecting a solid hit that toppled the other mech. "I think something is wrong with it. It has a bit of a dent in the chest." Conner said as he aimed the chain gun, the movement was a bit restricted do to damage, at the left leg once mire and opened fire. "And I think a pnumatic servo is damaged. You should probably get those looked at." Now without a worry of her getting him in the back again, Conner walks into the hanger and powers down his mech. "Reinforce the jawline and fix the damage to the shoulder blade as best you can." And with that, he was off to the sparring room.
Locus stood in shock as she looked at her mech. She got around really quick and ran after the other Mech before pulling something from her pocket and throwing it at the other Mech's back. The magnetic piece of metal stuck and expanded, before it gave the Mech such a big shock of electricity that made it shut down. Cutting of ALL the power.

She walked past it and knocked against the chest. "Have fun getting out." She smirked and headed towards the sparing room. "Touch my mech again and I'll blow yours up next time." She said over her shoulder and disappeared.

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