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Futuristic Phantom Platoon

"Hey!" Locus protested. "My mech can still fight... I just need to fix it..." She added in a mumble. "Give me a couple of hours and it'll be live and kicking again. Vergil's will need this back though." She smirked and held up the wire she had pulled out. "You won't be getting it back though, I might use it for my mech... And Connor, your mech wouldn't be able to survive another round if you don't get your wires checked out."

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"Alright, your the mechanic not me." Conner said once more turning Bowser back to the mech hanger. "So how did you do, must have gone pretty good considering how fast you were." one of the mechanics that worked on Bowser said. "Gives the wires a good look over, replace what you have to. Didn't even fight in him, I was warned against it?" Conner replied rolling his eyes. Returning, Conner looks at both Vergil's and Locus' mech. Both needed repairs, Locus' a bit more then Vergil'. "Locus, give him the wire back and we can do some good old fashion spars, no mechs."
Locus smirked in a challenging way. "Bring it on, big guy." Locus smirked. "So how do you want to do it since you want 'rules'" She asked leaning on one hip. "Are you sure you want to fight a girl?" She pouted a little and crossed her arms, lifting her chest 'unnoticed'. "You wouldn't want to snap me in two would you?" She bit her lip in a seductive way for only him to see. "Who knows what those strong hands could do to me." She wanted to see his reaction. This was just too fun.
"Best two out of three. If I pin you twice, I win and vise versa." Conner chuckled at how Locus was acting. "And consider what ever happens to be payback for Bowser." Getting into a fighting stance much like a boxer's, arms up protecting the body and face. "Besides, what can a little girl like you do to a big strong man like me?" Conner said with a devilish grin.
Locus smirked and nodded her head before slowly walking up to Connor. She grabbed him by his shirt, firmly pressed her lips against his before swinging her legs around his neck and flinging him down to the the ground, pinning his wrists against the concrete floor. "One to none." She smirked. "How was that for a little girl?" She asked.
"Smart, should have probably expected it. Can't work twice though." Conner told before grabbing her hands and rolling over. Conner ended up sitting on her, keeping her hands firmly pressed to the ground. "That makes it one to one." Conner said before getting up and getting ready for her next attempt to try and get him on the ground.

(OOC) Let's do the last fight right in a PvP. You make a move, but don't say it hits and give me a chance to dodge, and the other way around.
Locus jumped up and readied her stance again before swinging her leg at Connor's face. " She knew that she didn't have any power in her arms, she wasn't really strong. She had her mech to do the heavy lifting, that's why she had created it in the first place, before she updated it for war and battles. She did know how to kick though, being flexible enough to even get it behind her neck or maybe even a little further, but it did have more muscles then any other part of her body.
Conner raised his arm to block the kick. Alright, nothing sneaky now, perfect. In return he threw a few jabs at her stomach. He threw and lifted bales of hay, pigs, calf, goats, and other assorted heavy items all day when he worked on the farm. Lifting weights most days helped to build his upper body strength as well.
Locus moved her body to the side to avoid the last jab and grabbed his wrist with one hand and twisted her leg around his neck, before swinging herself on his shoulders. "Hm, nice view you got up here." She said and tightened her legs around his throat.

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Conner clawed at his throat, trying to get a grip on her legs. Managing to get a hold, Conner tries to pry her leg from around his neck. Once that was done, he would flip her off his back. But if worse came to worse he would just try and fall on her.
Locus yelped as she fell backwards, but managed to roll over before Connor fell on her. She quickly climbed on his chest and placed her feet next to his head. "Does this count as a pin too?" She asked and adjusted her cap. "It was your own fault though."

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In response to Locus' question, Conner grabs her by the back of her shirt and throws her off. "A pin, my dear Locus, is when someone can't do anything. I was not pinned, because I could throw you off. Now, actually try to pin me." Conner said as he quickly got up. When he finished talking, Conner began to close the distance between them. When he got close enough, he would put pressure on her, keep her on the defensive by throwing kicks and jabs. When the time was right and he saw an opening, he would go in and knock her over before giving her a hug.
Locus blocked some of the jabs and avoided most of the kick, but when she was suddenly knocked over and wrapped in his arms, back against his chest, she stared squirming around. "Let me go, you big brute!" She shouted. "This fight was unfair to begin with!" She kept flaring around like a fish without water, still refusing to give up.

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"If it was unfair then why did you fight? Two to one. I win." Conner said letting her go and getting clear of her. His neck was turning red from where she wrapped her legs around and the arm he blocked her first kick with was starting to bruise. Offering an arm to help her up, he keeps ready, just in case she wanted to keep it going.
"Because it's fun." Locus said and grabbed Conner's arm to stand up. "I'm a mechanic and Explosive expert, I don't know how to fight like you guys… So I have to practice." she smiled and kneed him in the stomach before walking over to her mech. "Lets see who can take their Mech apart and put in back together and working the fastest?" She smirked. "I'd beat you in that."
Straightening from being kneed, Conner says,"Of course you would win. If I had a mechanics team and you didn't then I'd think about it. I invite you to fix Bowser if you want to."

(OOC)Last post for a while.

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