Panspermia [Inactive]


One Thousand Club
Protagonist submitted a new role play:

Panspermia - Sci-Fi Zombie Apocalypse RP

My plot would take place in the year 2200, 150 years after the collision. A giant comet had crashed into the east coast of the United States, destroying much of New England. However, the true terror that came from the comet was not the comet at all, but a pathogen carried on it.
The collapse of society was a very slow process. Some cities fell within just a few years of the initial outbreak. Many groups of people living in the earliest of destroyed places now live in small communities similar...
Read more about this role play... 

8:00 AM 6/7

Lewis was inspecting the fence. A section of the wooden fence had finally given way. Previously, it had kept the shamblers out, but today one of the zombies had managed to bust it down. He sighed. Time management was very important now a days. He found that there simply wasn't enough time to get food, get water, repair reinforcements and find ammo. And if he didn't do all of those things, he'd be royally screwed.

Still, he had to stay here. There was still food and water here, and he simply did not have the ability to carry it all with him. He needed a home base. Besides, you do not want to be outdoors at night.
8:00 AM 6/7

Meredith watched, sitting in a low-hanging birch, as the man looked at the fence. She'd been watching him for days, and he didn't seem infected, though he definately seemed busy. She wondered if he had supplies, and if he'd be willing to share them. Everybody else, she thought bitterly, had driven her off like some sort of stray cat. She swung out of the tree, hitting the ground with a loud thump, and she checked her holster - the shining sword remained unharmed. Her laptop as well, if you really wanted to get into the specifics, though it was fairly useless now - she had no way to access power. She started down the low-crested hill, stopping halfway up. It appeared that the man hadn't noticed her yet, so she spoke. "Sir?" Her voice was soft, obviously not used often, but loud enough to carry to the man.
8:00 AM 6/7

Lucas's hands were trembling horribly. Whether it was from anxiety or fear, he would never know. He knew that he had to find provisions, but he also know that he should get out of this damned place. Heck, he'd been here for three years! Three whole years of putting up with inmates that are sadistic and annoying and stupid. Now, here he is, still in a cell that smells of cat piss, where he needs to stay for his whole pathetic life in order to survive the "apocalypse" [ that happened to happen just as he was about to get out. ] He threw an old, beaten bat in frustration at the cell bars, which made a horrible banging sound that echoed throughout the empty halls.

"Dammit," he sighed, as he rubbed his forehead with his calloused hand. He can't stay here forever, he knows he'll go insane. Or will he? "Mum always thought that I was insane," he mumbled to himself, a smile forming from his cracked lips. He slowly got up, and picked up the bat that he threw earlier. A baseball bat will do, after all, he still knows how to "properly" use it.

Lucas Gates stepped out of the rotten cell room and made his way out into the open, excitedly taking in the smoky, ashen, decaying stench of the air. If this is the smell of freedom, then those bloody gits had been lying. But then again, this is better than the aroma of piss in his confines. As he twirled the bat around his right hand, Lucas could only think of one thing: He'll make sure that whoever wrecks his day will get it. Badly.
"Score." Alan thought as he peered into the dark window. Behind the tinted glass, a soda machine glowed. Its glowing cans illuminated the shadowy room. Alan turned on the infrared vision on his gas mask and scanned the room, no signs of life. With a grin on his face, Alan entered the destroyed convenience store.

The interior of the store held no surprises, it looked as it had outside. Alan strolled over to the soda machine, and placed his UED on the keypad lock. The UED beeped, and began inputting thousands of combinations within seconds. In no time, the code was found, and the lock was released. Alan reached his hand into the soda dispenser, and pulled out three cans of Diet Double Dew. He smirked before placing these soft drinks into his backpack.

After a long day Alan retreated to his base of operations, a one-story house on the fringe of Icarus City. It was his own slice of heaven in this backward world. It offered protection from both the elements, and zombies, and was rather cozy once you got used to it. Alan wanted nothing more than to sleep, so he went to his cot, a mattress on the floor, and laid his head down.




"What the hell?"


"Oh shi-"


Zombies had smashed open a window. And were forcing themselves into his house. Unless Alan wanted to fist-fight regenerative zombies, he had best book it out of there. Alan grabbed his UED and backpack, (He slept with his gas mask on) and practically ripped the front door open trying to get away from the walking dead. After sprinting away from his house, Alan glanced behind him to see zombies oozing into his house, squeezing into any opening possible. Moonlight illuminating the entire event.

The sun had barely risen, and dawn light shone over Icarus City. Alan sulked in the streets, his head hung low. After losing mostly all the loot he scavenged, and a month's supply of food, he deserved to feel a little down. Alan picked up his head to view his surroundings, and saw a church. The windows were boarded up, and the front door was barricaded. Alan cautiously approached the door, unsure if he would be greeted by a zombie or a shotgun.

(Note: This takes place over two days. I will add time stamps later.)

(Note 2: That was a ton of text. My posts will be shorter than this. Hopefully.)
Maddie and Daisy were looking for another human being. After treading down a back alley for a moment, they stumbled upon a building. It looked like your average run-down motel. Cars were littered across the entrance. Maddie and Daisy entered the motel, when the canine began barking at a door. Maddie closed the dog's mouth and said: "Be quiet girl!" The door burst open, and a zombie appeared. Daisy jumped on the walking corpse and bit it in the throat, causing the corpse to temporarily die. Maddie Kicked the zombie in the head and said "Good girl!" Maddie then procured a pocket knife off the shambler's body, and cleaned it off. A zombie walked through the door of the motel, and roared at Maddie. Maddie went up some flights of stairs that lead to the roof. She was just about to make it to the top ,when she tripped, but sustained no serious injuries. The zombie looked up and moaned at Maddie, seemingly angry that it could not kill her. After observing her possible options, Maddie spotted a fire escape, leading down to the back of the building.

At the bottom, Maddie and Daisy were left without a sense of direction. The duo then spotted a church that looked ready to defend against a zombie attack, the windows were boarded up, and the front was barricaded with more wood. They both approached the human stronghold.
(Time stamps are optional)

Lewis didn't hear the thud: his work was too noisy for that sort of thing. However, he did eventually hear some footsteps coming from behind him. He stands up and sees a person outside the fence. He says "Hello, there. What's your business here?"

That's when he notices 2 other figures on the horizon. One's a small child, the other a big dog. He opens the gate for them, which is kind of unnecessary, given that there's a gaping hole in the fence.

He says "Are you ok? What's your name?" his voice is softer than normal when addressing her.
I duck my head, trying to look submissive, non-threatning. Which was sort of contradictory with the sword strapped to my belt. "I'm... Meredith. Meredtih Caine. I've been looking... for other survivors. I'm not infected, I swear, but I have no supplies. I can fight, and I'm good... with computers, electronics, what have you... I could help you, if you'd help me." I pause, my eyes glazed over momentarily in misty rememberance. "My step-father would be so angry at me for approaching you..." Forcing myself into the present, I look up at the man. "But alas. He's not in the mortal realm anymore, or at least he's not... like us. I think I killed him, but these stupid 'zombies' seem to regenerate." I sigh. "You've got to wonder how long you can maintain your life with only you. So, I'll do you a favour. I'm a hacker - I can get some, ahem, electricity to us if you let me charge my laptop and feed me. May or may not be permenant, but I'm a couple days from starving to death. I've got nothing to lose. Do you?"
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Maddie and Daisy walked up to him Maddie said I'm Maddie and this is my dog Daisy. they walked in the gates Daisy barked and growled at the man the man opened the gates what's your na'.. Daisy barked at the man Maddie tried to close her mouth she said be quit and she just growled at him why are you doing this stay quite what your name I just thought you where going to attack me I just felt you where bandits and i'm just scared can I pleas come in I've been out for days I have food and I've shot a bow before with my dad
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Lucas was dragging his stolen bat around alleyways, looking like a crazed homeless guy hyped up on a drug of some kind. His left hand was twitching and his head had begun to ache. The ashy air was already making his eyes leak, when he came upon a grocery store. After a halfhearted attempt of searching for something edible on the empty stocking shelves, he busied himself by beating the crap out of a glass cabinet containing a few cheap bottles of wine. He got an unlabeled bottle, possibly containing crap or poison. Lucas shrugged, pulled out the stopper using the opener he found, and drank the red liquid knowing he won't survive anyway. The liquid has a sour, bitter taste to it. Lucas never understood alcohol. He drank once, never did anything to crap up his body again afterwards. He never understood why people would love something so sour and bitter and ugly. He threw the bottle aside, after he finished his second and final drink. His banged up mind could only conjure up three thoughts at this moment. One, there's no more food in his local haunt, two, he's undoubtedly wading knee deep in hell, and three, he's no doubt going crazy. He need to find a new place to live, and fast. Keeping a firm grip on his bat, and trying to keep his twitching hand steady, Lucas walked outside of the store and farther out in the open.

He thought he was hearing voices. He never heard another human voice besides his own, after the chaos erupted. Then, everything went quiet after that. Nothing comprehensible, just some deep, guttural growls coming from somewhere, and the chirping of the birds. So when Lucas got a few feet away from what seems to be a church, he thought he was finally having an episode of madness. "Great," he mumbled, while staring at the figures at the distance. He took a few steps closer, and stopped, listening, silently hoping that they were real, and that they have anything to eat.
Lewis was about to talk more to the child, when Merideth began to speak up. He turned around and was about to address her, when he notices several figures heading towards him, including one in a Gas Mask, and another with a baseball bat. He unholsters his weapon, and clicks off the safety, but doesn't point it at them. He asks "Y-you guys aren't raiders are you?"
As Alan approached the church, he could make out three figures. One of them was of a man, his hat was easily identifiable as a cop's. Another one of the figures was of a woman, a sword strapped to her waist. The last one was of a child, her dog made her more distinguishable among the others. The man with the hat turned to Alan's direction, as if finding him for the first time. The figure pulled out his gun, but kept it lowered. "You guys aren't raiders are you?" he said to Alan. He quickly raised his hands, not wanting to be shot. "No. No sir I am not a raider, I'm just a survivor, struggling to survive in this hellhole that used to be Icarus City." Alan spoke to the man, a small hint of uncertainty tinged his voice.
Lewis puts his left hand on his chin and then raises an eyebrow.

Alan's response was rather vague. "A survivor, struggling to survive in this hellhole" is actually an apt description of most of the raiders, but regardless, he denied being one. For that matter, he seemed to be unarmed. Maybe he has a knife on him somewhere, but he can't really tell. Besides, a knife was very little threat to him anyways.

He says "Well, raiders would have started shooting by now."
(Oh man, I hope you aren't hinting OOC that my writing sucks, cause that's just mean)

Alan began to lower his hands, "Yes, a raider would have definetlty began firing at you guys." Alan nodded his head to the gaping hole in fencing, "Look at that hole in your defense, completely open to zombies and raiders alike." Alan then pointed to the group, "You guys look like you could use some extra manpower, a sword, a pistol, and a dog won't be able to stop the shambling hordes." Alan then took a step forward, "I don't know If you guys know about me, so let me introduce myself. My name is Alan, also known as Eclipse in the cyber world, and I am a world class hacker. Causing an inumerable amount of problems for any corporation that dares to rely on the virtual world. I have written hundreds of bugs, all of them specialized in sneaking into computers without causing a scene. I even built a mobile conputer that doubles as a code breaker." Alan paused to bring out his UED, and held it in the air for the group to see. "This little device here, has more processing power than a quadcore computer. It also doubles as a code breaker, able to guess hundreds of combinations in seconds." Alan put away his UED, gingerly placing it back into his right pocket. "So, I think that that's enough about me for a while, what about you?" Alan gestured to the man with a pistol, "Are we cool enough to put away the gun, or are we gonna stand here all day wasting precious daylight?"

(Sorry 'bout that blob of text, didn't really know where to break it up.)
Maddie saw the men and hid in the church but Daisy stayed in place growling at the new people it walked up to them a bit and barked at them and Maddie searched the church and looked for any other survivors but everyone was outside so she hid under the alter and prayed for Daisy to come back
(No, Enox)

Lewis clicked off the safety and holstered his weapon. He said "Very well, then. My name's Lewis."

He says "I have no idea what that means, but it sounds useful."

He stands up and turns to Merideth and says "Here, you want to help me out?" He offers her a hammer. "Fix this fence while I go take inventory on my supplies. You'll be given food and water in return."
Lucas was pretty sure the man fixing the fence was talking to them; meaning he and the other strangers who are coming towards the dilapidated church. So that means acting he's alone, he thought.

"You guys aren't raiders are you?"

Lucas took one, long look at his bat and chuckled quietly to himself. No way in all of what remains of the Universe would he be able to raid an armed man with the pathetic excuse of a weapon he has. Although it would be pretty cool if he could. A mental image of himself getting shot twice before he could even raise the bat flashed in his mind. The next image was an epitaph; a fresh, stone marker on his carelessly dug grave which bore the words: "Died because of stupid reasons." Lucas wiped the dark thoughts out of his mind and walked towards the group in a slow manner. He raised both of his hands up, hinting that he can't possibly do any harm.

"Hey, I'm Lucas," he said awkwardly, looking at each person in the group. I'm also a bum, he heard himself say inside his head. After Alan's introduction, he began to wonder how he had survived instead of the others. All those cops with their guns, all those political leaders who had people at their beck and call. He, a lowly third-rate criminal had survived. Where are they now? The only plausible explanation he could conjure was that this is hell and the beginning of many tortures.

"I'm pretty good at making a weapon out of anything," he added, avoiding his current status, "and breaking in. I can probably help you guys with something." He began to tap the tip of the bat on his right shoe. "Can I join you guys, ya? It gets pretty boring after months of talking to myself."
Lewis smiles and says "Very good!"

Lucas asks if he can stay here. He considers, and then says "Hm. I'll tell you what. If you guys can help gather some things for me...I'll let you spend the night. How does that deal sound?"
Lucas raised an eyebrow at the proposition made before him. If this guy couldn't get those materials on his own, armed, then it might be something risky. Or maybe it's just a test of loyalty or whatever it is people do to prove themselves? Lucas shrugged, thinking that he's got nothing to lose anyway. "A'right, I'll get them for you. What do you need?"

He began to look around the area, looking for something to use as a weapon of some sort. All he could find are some long, rusty nails, a broken pipe, and a couple of wires from the fences. He made a mental note to grab the wires and nails before heading out to modify his bat. He focused his receding attention to the man before him, awaiting his order. After a while Lucas noticed that his left hand had begun to twitch uncontrollably again. He shoved it in his pocket, hoping that it would stop before he had to go out. He needed two hands to swing the bat after all in order to get its full potential.

Lucas doesn't know what caused the twitch. It began when he was still in prison, serving his second year. Along with it came bouts of headache, but it only happens rarely, which was good. The prison therapist said that it was just pressure and stress, and that he had to learn how to calm down and relax for a while. Lucas didn't believe him. The guy didn't look like a therapist at all, and he's always saying things so casually. He should go try living in prison for awhile, let's see how he can relax yeah? He had always wanted to wipe out the sorry smile on the guy's face. So, on the day that everything went wrong, Lucas hadn't been happier when he saw the guy's dead body cut gruesomely in half. Of course it didn't last long, when he realized he might be next.

Lucas shook his head and turned back his attention to Lewis.

"So, what do I have to do?"
Lewis pulls out his pocketbook. Before this city fell, he had used it for detective work. Now it was more of a shopping list. The problem is that leaving his place unguarded made it a perfect target for thieves.

He reads it and says "Food and clean water, primarily. Batteries would also be nice, too. And anything else you find that might make things better around here. I'd really appreciate it if you found a sentry gun out there".
"Consider it done," he replied, brushing away the ashes that had fallen on his forehead. Lucas had absolutely no idea where to get those things. As for the sentry gun, if he had seen any behind the prison walls, then he could have been lugging it around by now. But then again, it doesn't hurt to re-check.

He walked over towards the far end of the wall where it was almost incinerated, where he saw the nails and the barbed wire. He used the pipe to ram the nails on the tip of the bat, making the sharp edges protrude at either side. He began to wrap the wire around for extra measure, and then he was ready. After swinging the bat a couple of times, Lucas walked away from the group.

Lucas backtracked and went back inside the grocery store. He had been pretty good at avoiding the un-dead until now. He had locked himself inside the cell for a couple of months, before the prison pantry supplies began to dwindle. He only had three encounters of the un-dead, and it was enough to know that they don't just die easily.

He grabbed a couple of batteries and shoved them inside a dark green shopping bag. Before going out, he did a quick glance among the shelves to make sure he wasn't just hallucinating earlier, thinking that they're bare.

"Now what," he mumbled, looking at the only item he could check off in the list.

[[ I'll continue this later. ]]
Meredith watches, not answering when he askes about raiders, she simply listens. It's what she's done her entire life, so why stop now? She speaks up when the man requests items. "I could... I could get you electricity. From nearby places, if we can power up my laptop... It's as useful as food. Or, almost, anyways." She smiles slightly. "I'm not great at finding things, unless by 'things' you mean something electronic. Then, I'm bloody amazing.
Lewis turns to Meredith and says "You want to find electricity? Sure, you can search for electricity. But unfortunately, the only things here that use electricity are the lights and the Air Conditioning. Of course, if we find the sentry gun or some other machine we can salvage, then electricity will become a lot more useful."

He then looks at her laptop and says "Well...ok, then. Didn't you say that thing was dead? I have a generator that can quick-charge it for you."
"Thanks. That'll help tremendously. And I would say the A/C is useful, because they generally filter the air. Either way..." She walks toward the church. "I'd rather not be attacked by something while I work, so I'm going inside. It'd be helpful if you'd grab that generator."

Walking inside the church, she looks at the long pews and the stained glass windows. She sets her laptop onto one of the pews and sits down, cross-legged, facing it. She connects her adapter - the small, hastily-made energy adapter, made out of some spare car parts, used to take electricity from nearby - and smiles, a real smile, a very rare event, from her. She waits for the generater, for the man who'll bring it.
Maddie comes out of hiding and go's to the man who greeted her and daisy Maddied approaches the man she tugs his shirt and said what's your name mr
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Jackie was wondering around the street and then thought to himself where would survivors be so Jackie thought to look in the apartments because they looked safe and could have survivors in them by chance. Jackie checked each one but the only thing he could find was chips, hot chocolate and jello in good condition. Later he found a market and asked his cat to sniff out some food and he found a Hershey chocolate bar and a Half eaten Snickers bar after when they went to go outside a zombie grabbed Jackie and tried to bite him as his cat scratching the zombie bone feet and the zombie went straight for it and the cat ran fast while the zombie was chasing it Jackie got his gavel and beat it's head into its neck and kicks it into construction supports and as it bleeding out I smashed it face and it died. And Jackie thought that the church may have people so he wandered around and found the church it looked fortified and saw a girl and thought she was in danger so Jackie smashed the lock and yelled are you alright lady!

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