Panspermia [Inactive]

Lewis find the 'generator'. The object doesn't look like a 'normal' (or normal by out standards, anyways) generator. It's a silver cube, with a giant cyan light coming out of the top of it, and a keyboard and monitor on the side. He types in a few things into the keyboard, and then it starts to glow brighter for a few seconds. It's now wirelessly sending energy into Merideth's laptop. As long as she stays within ranger (that is, the fence) she'll find her laptop constantly charging. It'll probably take about 5 minutes for her to complete charging.

Lewis starts to walk outside when he feels something tugging on his shirt. Oh yeah! That child! He turns around and gets on one knee. He offers a hand and says "I'm Officer Lewis Smith. I'm a police officer. What's your name?"
Stephen watches from a nearby 4 story apartment roof using some binoculars he "borrowed" from a decaying child. What he has seen astonished him. These some number of people working together, who had just met. There seemed to be a small girl along with a dog, a woman who seems to have some skill in swordsmanship, an extremely jittery young man, another person who wears some type of gas mask, and a detective or cop. "Could this be the group I'm looking for" , He thinks to himself as he gets up from his squatting position. "It would be best to join them, but not now, now I need supplies" He then walks down the half destroyed fire exit and starts off towards the decaying hospital.
my names Maddie and my dog is daisy her and I where looking for people and some food maybe can I stay I was out in the city for days it was so long I also think I can help with things like I once went bowing with my dad and I have a dog and a bag of animal crackers to so can I stay please?
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