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Futuristic Phantom Platoon

Argon quietly observed squad team behind his visor. His team was bickering among themselves, and one of them had even pulled out a knife and pressed it to another trainee's throat. Things could have gotten ugly, but then one of the other recruits stepped in, yelling at them to shut up and go to sleep. The situation cooled down, but they were still arguing. Argon remained still in his bed, hoping that they would calm down, and make proper introductions.
"You think this is tempered?" Locus asked before throwing the metal ball at Kevin's head. "Dude, you've seen nothing yet. Try to work in a garage with a bunch of bulky men… But we're a squad huh?" She leaned back against the wall and thought it over. "I had hope that they placed me wrong. And you," She pointed at Kevin. "Need to watch your mouth."
"You know what we are never going to get anywhere like this so how about we all just forget about what happened since we came into the tent and start again this time with a introduction look ill even start. My name is Vergil Kensei and i came from japan" Vergil said hoping the rest would take his advice and start like they just met each other.
"Locus Scott, Detroit, Michigan." Locus said and opened the metal ball in her hand, she blew at the wires before closing it again. "Mechanic and explosive expert, nice to meet you."
"Well it nice for you guys... I'm from the cooler." He said while he scratched the back of his head. "I had a kinda troublesome past you see..."
"So what?" Locus shrugged. "Nobody cares, nobody judges. We're all soldiers here. Just tools in a useless war." She mumbled. "We all have things we don't want to share, and besides, this is not a therapy class." She smirked. "So what do you do, John? What do you specialize?"
"Let me see... Killing I guess. The thing is up till now I have been always the first, who found himself in the middle of the enemy lines. I'm kind of an assault type. You know, getting hand to hand sometimes, and just being in the middle of the bulletstorm."
"So the type of person who usually gets killed first welcome to the club although i'm more of a sneak around my opponents and stab them in the back type of person" Vergil said as he works mostly in the same way but with a stealth aspect to his tactics.
"Aha, well if your suite ever has a malfunction, just give me a call. I can fix minor failure between 10 and 15 seconds." Locus said to John before turning to the kid. "I am never giving you anymore of my chocolate! And aren't you a little too young to join the army? Aren't you supposed to be in high school?"
"excuse me... well in fact your probably right I am only 17 after all but I am a genius I did create my own mech and learn to control it before I was thirteen and by fifteenth I made the first stealth component that actually works to hide away from advanced radars but it keeps malfunctioning so I can't do much with it but other than doing that yes i am too young to be joining the army but that didn't stop me" Vergil said with a very carefree look on his face like he just said this because he can.
"Names Conner McKinley, and as I've said before, I was born and raised on a farm. And now that we are getting into our 'class'" he said putting quotaions around it with his fingers. "I'm a heavy i guess. The bigger the gun the better."
"Be it repairing, slaughtering your enemies, or making stealth machines... Does it matter?" He asked. He didn't want to be offensive, but he got really curious. "It may not be about what we know now, but what we will after spending weeks here."
"I'm Kevin Veruth. Communications expert of this group I'm guessing. I prefer to stand in the back, the view is better from behind. Besides, I already survived a fight with our enemy and won, so I don't need to stand in the front." Kevin was hoping that the view truly was better in the back, because the front was too much for him.
"Yes it does matter." Locus said and shot a quick glance at the boy. "I created a robot, that can think and do what he wants, I can take a mech apart and build it back together within an hour." She said as quick as she could in a whisper before turning back to John. "We'll probably be dead like all the other soldier or we will be on the brink of death. I don't really think we can finish this war within weeks, months, years. It'll probably take a while, but I'd consider anyone lucky who got out of the war alive, not just a fight. I'd say you've got nine lives, Kev."
"You got a point. By the end of this I may be the one walking around with a pocket knife and little Vergile over there may decide he likes to spit out lead from his LMG." Conner said only a bit sarcastically. You never did know, he might like stabbing the Zardox more then shooting them. But he doubted it.
Argon continued to remain motionless as the group changed their behavior radically. They were ready to kill each other moments ago, but now the squad shared their combat specializations and names. After waiting for a little while longer, Argon decided to enter the conversation. "My... My name is Argon." He said quietly.
Locus's eyes went wide and basically jumped from her bed to Argon's. "Oh my God!" She beamed and straddled his waste, grabbing his head. "I thought this was just some kind of suite, but it's like really you. This is awesome!" She moved his head around to get a look at every angle from his face. "What's this made from? How long have you been wearing it? What do you do if your nose itches? Can you take it off? Who created it? You're like an angel sent from heaven! Just look at him!" She told the others. "Does it hurt if I tap your visor?"
"Calm down, Locus. You only just met the guy. Buy him dinner first." as he said this he propped himself up on his shoulders. "Nice to meet you Argon. Now that we altleast know everyones name, lets finish this over breakfast." And wwith that, he laid back down and made a visible effort to sleep. Hopefully the others would follow his lead and sleep.
"I would buy him dinner but I don't know if he eats." Locus said and stuck out her tongue at the other. She got off of Argon and to her won bed. "You're such a joykiller, aren't you?" She sat down on her bed and pulled off her boots. "I'm not tired yet." She sighed.
"I know how you feel Locus i can't sleep lets just say i have been jacked up on caffeine for the last 3 days and haven't been able to sleep an ounce" Vergil said smiling as he just laid in his bed twiddling his thumbs looking up at the tents roof again.
Locus hummed in agreement and went silent as well, though that didn't last very long. "I spy something… green." She mumbled. She wonder how long it took to piss the other guys off.
Vergil caught on to what she was trying to do "green hmm military clothing is that it?" Vergil said with a smirk on his face t'his might be something fun to do' he was thinking to himself.
Locus smirked. "Nope, guess again." The game was childish and old, but still fun to do when you were bored. She used to play the game all the time when she was younger. Their were a lot of Mech parts she could spy.
"hmm I am sure this game would be fun but er being color blind doesn't help does it I may as well guess hmm the tent maybe?" Vergil asked. ' Vergil then started to think 'wait why am I playing this childish game is she trying to mock me in some strange way or is this just the caffeine thinking'.
"Wrong again." Locus said and raised her arm in the air, showing the green butterfly tattoo on her wrist. "I never said it was something you could spy, kid." She smirk. "You could have noticed it several times since we entered her. Smart, maybe, but you still have a long way to go when it gets to noticing things around you."

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