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Futuristic Phantom Platoon

"Depends..." Locus said and and took a sip of her coffee. "If you guys wake me up like that every morning it will become a new ritual." Smiling she took another sip of her coffee. "I suggest you guys don't do it again."
Argon awoke to a rather vigorous shaking of himself, jolting him awake and interrupting his dreams. He groggily gotten out of bed, and reactivated external sound. As Argon observed his surroundings , he noticed that only he and Kevin were left in the tent, both of them got a full view of the aftermath of the commotion. Locus's overturned and surrounding area was drenched in water, and a bloody knife stuck out of the side of the tent. Argon let out a loud sigh, worried about how the team was going to function on the battlefield. They were more likely to kill each other, than the Zardox. Argon patiently waited for Kevin to wake, hoping that he would be able to sniff out the cafeteria.
"Good point. But how then should we wake you? Should I just go for the bucket?" Conner said with a grin before shoving a portion of his breakfast sandwich into his mouth.
"How about just letting me sleep?" Locus asked. "I used to wake up at the garage at 6 am, I always wake up at exactly 6 am. Always. Wake me before that and well have what happened today." She took another sip from her coffee, still waiting for the others to join before starting on her breakfast. "As for the bucket," She glared. "I'll shove it up your ass if you ever try something like that again."
"The officer said to be up at six, and I'd assume that also meant getting ready. Hopefully you can adapt to being woken up earlier. And I would like to see you try shoving a bucket up my ars when your on the floor and I'm sitting on you." A little flex and a laugh was given at the end of that. He was in a good mood this morning. Everything he did had a bit of a joke about it.
Locus smiled and huffed a laugh. "How about you find out tomorrow?" She asked and leaned over the table, pointing her spoon at his face. "I'm very flexible. Oh, and I'm very fast changing clothes too."
Vergil went to have a look around the camp before heading to the cafeteria which he saw as he was looking around the camp. When he got there he saw most of the other trainees so he began to walk over to them "this camps a lot bigger than it first looked " Vergil said smiling as he noticed he forgot to eat "ah not again" he added as he slapped himself in the face.
Kevin was trained in how to convince someone he was awake without really being up. He grumbled that he was awake, moved his arms in a shooing motion, then went back to sleep. Even now, grumbling slightly to make it appear he was awake, although wasn't very convincing since he was mumbling nonsense, he was still fast asleep. Content to sleep the day away.
Conner snorted at what Locust just said. "Flexible and can get in and out of clothes fast. Understood." he said before taking another bite of his sandwich. Now talking through what was in his mouth, "Vergile, there is a line. Go get something to eat. And for the love of god no caffine."
"Let the kid have some caffeine." Locus whined. "He'll have to stay up all day and who knows how hard training will be? One cup of coffee can't hurt. I wonder how Argon eats." She mumbled and placed her head in her hand. "Does he like take the helmet off or does he inject it?" Locus's mind was swirling with questions. She really needed to research that guy, take him apart ad build him back together. That would be fun. She thought, drinking from her coffee. "Oi Ver!" She called when she noticed her cup was almost empty. "Get me another cup of coffee will you?"
"Alright, a cup." Conner relented. Traing would probably be tough, and who knew how much sleep Vergile had. "And where are the other two? I gave them both a good shake before leaving. Perhaps they are the ones who needed the bucket. Hah, by the end of this, it will be called the Bravo Bucket." Conner chuckled ove the thought.
"It will be called the Ass Bucket because that's where it will be stuck for the rest of your life." Locus said taking a bit from her porridge, the others could stay where they were, she wasn't waiting any longer.
Conner roared with laughter. Wiping tears away he says "I thought we already agreed not to wake you up like that. You could do the honors of dimping the bucket. Oh it would be priceless. Teach them to wake up earlier to. See, we could kill two birds with one stone. Ass bucket, ha! I doubt Kevin could do it, and Argon wouldn't have to worry about it. Might fry his systems if we do it to him." Conmer took another bite of the sandwich, and one left to go.
Locus smiled and just kept eating from her plate. Connor wasn't maybe as bad as she first had thought. The new squad members were a bit weird, but that meant that she fit right in, they would make a good team eventually, she really believed so… It would take a lot of work from everybody, but she guessed it was worth a try.
Vergil just sat there "Wait did you say I am allowed coffee heck why am i even asking it's not like you can stop me drinking coffee anyway" Vergil said scratching his head looking towards the line he was not interested in their jokes about the ass bucket or what ever they were on about so he just stood up and walked towards the line. When he finally had the option to get something to eat he instead made three black coffees and walked back to the table where is teammate are he sat down and started to drink one of his coffee's.
"By the way, what was that you threw at Kevin last night?" Conner asked. It was a harmless question. Besides, how bad could it be? It's not like it was a bomb. 
Coner quickly grabbed the other two cups of coffee. "Trust me Vergile, I could stop you. And you only need one cup. Here, Locus, your refill." he said as he handed one cup to her. The other he kept firmly in his other hand. "You can't run on caffine all the time Vergile. It's a good kick start, but that is about it."
"Really so this is how you are going to be mister i can't even stay up a full day and don't call me Vergile like i'm some dam kid!" Vergil said in a mocking and disapproved tone of voice as he finished his first cup of coffee and started scratching his head.
"Stay up? It was ten at night. And isn't Vergile? If you don't want to be called that tell me. As for the treating you like a kid, prove to me you aren't. I see haveing nothing to eat but coffee as childish. You can start there."
"You know what you're not even worth the time" Vergil said as he started to think. "Wait do you think our own custom mechs might be here that is if you all had one?" Vergil asked wanting to know if he will ever see his mech again.
"I hope they bring Bowser." Conner said. He studied Vergile out of the corner of his eye. Not worth the time was he? Alright then, he could knock this kid down a few notches.
Argon shook his head as Kevin mumbled nonsense and went back to sleep. Nocturnus decided to ditch Kevin, and try to find the rest of the group. Argon exited the tent, and had a quick look around, hoping to find the cafeteria. One of the flaws of his suit, was that the sense of smell was completely gone, making him unable to pinpoint the canteen. However, he could see through his visor, and saw dozens of recruits amassing towards a large tent labeled: Food. Argon walked to the tent, drawing curious glances from onlookers, and opened the tent flap. Searching for his team.
"Hmm Bowser i guess that's your mech from the sounds of it i say heavily armored slow movement you know like Bowser from them very old games what where they called O yeah Mario i think" Vergil said wondering what type of mech he had.
"Right on the nose." Conner said tapping his nose for emphesis and finishing his sandwich. "He may not be fast, or quiet, but he sure can take a beating before he gives out. And I also ampt up the fire power from a usual mech."
"well even our mech's are opposites. Mine is called Crysalis XE and its based around speed and stealth with only melee weapons" Vergil said hoping that it would be here so he can work on the stealth engine more
"We could be the perfect team then. I could distract them from the front, and you sneak 'round back and pick them off." Conner said before he tried the coffee, might as well. As soon as the stuff hit his tongue he wanted to spit it back out. "How can you drink this? Here take it." Conner said he set the coffee back where it was.

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