Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

Jackson nodded and walked towards the small building, his knife in hand. Every single one of his senses were on high alert, he was ready to attack at anytime.

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Tasha held a tight grip on her knife in her pocket while walking towards the bulding, she couldn't take any chances at the moment. When she got close, she spotted a smashed window that would be easy to climb through. "Let's go through the window, it'll make less noise than to open that door over there," she whispered and pointed at the locked door.
Shaking and still unable to concentrate enough to hold the gun properly, Carol aimed the gun towards the bush, she wasn't sure if it was the correct on, however she was afraid of being dragged in after.

"Tell... Tell me if you're human."

(I'm a bit lost but trying to catch up)
Tasha nodded and pulled out her knife, just in case. "I'll stay here till you tell me it's clear."
Jackson nodded, and jumped into the building through the window with ease, he landing quietly on his feet, and started looking around the building. He noticed a few corpses that had gun shots through the head and sighed. Someone's already been here. he thought to himself, as he continued to search the building, which was completely empty. "Tasha, its clear,"
"Okay," Tasha answered and climbed through the window. "Noticed anything special?" she asked while taking a quick look at the shop from where she was standing.
Jackson shook his head, "Not really, but there is food on the shelves, I think it would be best if we stocked up as much as we can,"
Tasha nodded. "I think so too. All sort of food is good to have," she said and walked over to one of the shelves. "I'll cover this one, trying to fit as much down in my bag as I can," she said with a smile.
Jackson nodded, "I'll see if there's any Medical supplies I can get," he walked over a few aisles and looked through the medical section, picking up anything useful.
Tasha looked through the shelves and grabbed all the food she could and put it down in her bag. She grabbed all sortes of canned food, some energy bars and some water bottles.
Jackson picked up some gase and different medicines from the shelves, then walked back over to Tasha, "Anything good?" He asked.

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Tasha glanced at Jackson and nodded with a smile. "I found some survival food packages. When you rip this thread off, the bag wil heat the food for you. Also it's plenty of these in different flavors as well."
Yukio began slowly got up still in pain from his recent accident. Knowing the open wasn't safe to be in for long he began walking once more around the forest. Slowly leaning on a tree time to time. He began to think to himself ' This isn't a good place to be. Maybe I should leave the forest?' still he continued on walking around wonder if there was anyone or anything here.
"Come on come on lets go!" Matthew shouted, helping the struggling survivor along. The zombies had gained ground, almost four feet away, Matthew with no intention of getting eaten, so he helped the survivor along,the cabin was only a yard away now.
Jackson nodded, "Sounds good, I found a few medical supplies but not much. Mostly bandages," he said pointing to the bag on his back, "Not like that's a bad thing though,"
Tasha nodded, agreeing. "Bandages are always good to have," she said and looked around. "Still no dead people,"
Jackson nodded, "Yeah, I noticed that too, though I'm not really worried about it," he looked around the area agakn, before nodding, "-We've collected everything useful from here. We should keep going, "

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Tasha nodded, "We have." she said and closed her bag. "So, where should we go next?" she asked with her hed slightly tilted.
Jackdon thought for a moment before shrugging, "I guess we just continue searching for people, and supplies, "

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Jackson nodded, and hopped through the window again, and landed lightly on his feet. He looked around the area, and saw nothing, "C'mon, there's nothing out here"

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Tasha quickly crawled out through the window and brushed some broken glass pieces off her jacket. "Okay, so what direction should we be going?"
"That way it is," Tasha said and began to walk, she turned her head to look at Jackson with a smile. "Coming?"

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