

One Thousand Club
Protagonist submitted a new role play. @Protagonist, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Some ideas for jobs, hobbies, pasts, ect, are written below. We can have a few characters with the same job (maybe they knew each other before the fall?), however, I think the story would work better with "rag-tag bunch of misfits" than "Sports team" or "Bunch of doctors" or "Police squad"

Also, these are just suggestions. If you have any ideas of your own or want to modify them, feel free.

0. Job = Skills = Equipment

1. Athlete = Heavy Lifting, Close Range Combat Speciality (which makes them great for fighting zombies) = Sports Gear, Fisticuffs

2. Medic = Healing People, Finding a Cure (but don't count on it) = Medical Equipment (Medi-Gun?), Scalpels, tranquilizer guns

3. Burglar = Breaking and Entering (Scavenging?) = Switchblades, Firearms, Crowbars, ect.

4. Construction Worker/Mechanic/Hardware guy = Building, fixing, and deploying nice things = Construction tools, Traps, Combat Drones

5. Police = Security = Firearms, Clubs, Energy Weapons

6. Hacker = Hacking enemy electronics, = Hack Tools, Combat Drones

7. Child = Getting into small places, are less of a target for raiders (even they have standards), tend to get better deals when trading = ?

8. Researcher = Exploring labs, Using awesome gadgets, Research = Energy Weapons, Science Stuff (like portal guns)

9. Farmer = Growing Food = Farming Equipment

10. Hunter = Finding Food = Bow, Cool pets

11. Taxi Driver/Trucker/Race Car driver/whatever = Driving, of course = Cool vehicle

12. Collector = Finding good things = Medieval weapons and such

13. White Collar Worker = Getting great deals on trades = Office supplies, Briefcase

14. Prospector/Miner = Destroying unwanted (read: Enemy owned) barricades and structures = Mining equipment, explosives, molotovs

15. Fire Fighter = Putting out fires, actually being competent at saving people, finding survivors = Fire extinguisher, Water spraying devices, Axes

To join:




-Convenient previous occupation/hobby:

-Starting equipment: (Only one or two. And don't make them very powerful. Maybe some sort of handgun if you're going that route. Doesn't necessarily have to be weapons, either. It can also be armor, tools, medical equipment, that sort of thing)

-Skills: (list 3 or so)

-Bio: (primarily, you should try to justify how they survived when the city fell. Of course, the don't necessarily HAVE to be native to the city. They can, for example, be from a recently wiped-out tribe hoping there's stuff to scavenge in the city or something else entirely)

As for me:

-Name: Lewis Smith

-Age: 22


He wears black khaki pants and a black button up, with a light grey vest on it. On the vest is a badge, displaying his status as a cop.

-Job: Cop (Detective, specifically)

-Starting Equipment: Silenced .22 Machine Pistol, Wooden Billy Club

-Bio: He was a copper, policing the streets of the city. Eventually, a few shamblers got in, and started causing problems. At first, the police figured it'd be manageable, but tragically, the undead grew in numbers far faster than anything they had predicted. Lewis, however, was on a case at the time, and not being sent to the front lines. They did catch the guy responsible, for what it's worth. Eventually, however, his radio stopped working, and the police station was completely overrun. His apartment was attacked by the hordes, but he managed to escape. He eventually found an abandoned church that the undead hadn't gotten to yet, and has been using it as a hideout ever since.
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Name: Gwen Holland

Age: 18

(It's Hazel from TFIOS)

Hobbies: she reads a lot so she will have the plans

Job: Student (she is to sick to get a job)

Starting Equipment: She can not carry around to large things because she has something wrong with her breathing, but she has the brains.

Skills: not much...

Bio: Gwen was born in a big city. She did not have many friends as a kid, when she was 7 she moved to Baton Rouge, LA, but did not stay there long. Later that year she moved to New York City, and she was always moving. She never got to have friends. When she was 12, she was diagnosed with a unknown illness, which made her lungs work like crap. She goes to Hope Adolescent Hospital and she still moves around, but when the zombies came she is going to stay here. Her parents are right now both of buisness trips, so she only has her fellow team.
Most of it's ok, though how would your character meet ours? Also...staying in a hospital during a zombie plague is probably a bad idea. People who get bit by zombies are sent to the hospital. Which means that they're the most likely place to be overrun with zombies.
-Name: Ash Hale

-Age: 19


-Convenient previous occupation/hobby: Worked at an archery range

-Starting equipment: A bow

-Skills: An okay shot, good with animals, quick thinker.

-Bio: Ash was at his home when the apocalypse happened. He survived by using his bow to feed himself and to project him from the zombies. He fortified his home to keep the zombies out.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_16-49-9.jpeg.3d06c3fac5a3bbf63c98416f11361602.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_16-49-9.jpeg.3d06c3fac5a3bbf63c98416f11361602.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(This is a step above your standard zombie RP so I will join.)

-Name: Alan Marxen

-Age: 24



-Convenient previous occupation/hobby: Hacker

-Starting equipment: Gas Mask (Infared and night vision), and UED (Unauthorized Entry Device)

-Skills: Experience in Hacking, knowledge of Zombie behavior, and some training in construction

-Bio: A world class hacker, Alan made child's play of most security systems, and websites were a breeze. When the zombies hit, Alan put his skills to use, hacking into safes, lockers, and computers. Alan found his trademark gas mask after hacking into an unsecured military channel, leading him to a small stockpile of gear, food, water, and of course, gas masks. Alan uses a home on the fringes of the city as his base of operations.
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However, Enox, would it be alright if I had your character be forced to move out of his home fairly early on? That we he could meet up with the rest of us.
Protagonist said:
However, Enox, would it be alright if I had your character be forced to move out of his home fairly early on? That we he could meet up with the rest of us.
That would be perfectly fine. I kinda rushed his base of operations anyway.
-Name: Meredith Caine

-Age: 16

Not my image.

-Convenient previous occupation/hobby: Meredith is a hacker, and a swordsman besides.

-Starting equipment: Her sword and laptop

-Skills: Hacking, Swordsmanship, her charm (really, she just had a silver-tipped tongue)

-Bio: Both of Meredith's parents died when she was very young, and her step-father raised her to defend herself. He beleived that she should be able to defend herself both online and physically. She had hacked into the pentagon and been arrested for it at the age of fourteen, and although a bit of bribery allowed her her sword, she's fallen out of practise with her hacking while in prison. (Which, to think, was probably the point of her sentence.) Nothing a bit of use won't fix. Meredith broke out of the prison once all hell went loose, and she used her sword to fight her way home to her laptop. Her step-father basically tried to eat her face off, but chopping him into tiny peices solved that issue fairly quickly. Now she is on the hunt for survivors in the city.
As for Meredith, the Pentagon doesn't really exist anymore, it was destroyed in the initial comet crash 150 years ago. The city our characters live has managed to stay well-protected from the zombies until about 2 years ago. I'm also not entirely sure if we need two hackers, but I'm not going to say 'no' automatically.

Also how did your character obtain the sword?
-Name: Maddie Davis

-Age: 12


-Convenient previous occupation/hobby: Child

-Starting equipment: Animal Crackers, Dog named Daisy

-Skills: Can fit into small places, can easily sneak around, and less of a target during raids.

-Bio: When the first news of the outbreak was spread, Maddie's parents made regular trips outside of their home to help struggling survivors. One day they never came back. Maddie spent days waiting for them to return, they never did. With her dog Daisy in tow, Maddie left the safety of her home, knowing that there was safety in numbers. She roamed the streets of Icarus City, looking for a survivor to team up with, Daisy, stopping zombies from harming her.
*facepalm* So sorry, I didn't read carefully enough. Not the pentagon.

Changing her bio. The step-father locked her in an abandoned prison to keep her 'safe', knowing that she could fight if she needed to. (Ohmygod, now it makes sense that there are metal walls behind her.)

Her step-father had given her her sword - she's had it for as long as she could remember. It had been her mother's.

So she sliced the stepfather into tiny bits and now is in the city looking for others (she remembered her laptop).

Personality: Meredith is sarcastic and has a wry sense of humor. She rarely laughs or smiles, but then, seeing your mother and father (who had been over to visit you) be devoured in front of you does that. She's very solom, and a good liar.

Other: Meredith is a very good hacker, but she has a lot to learn. I would say she is more valuable for her swordsmanship than her hacking expertise.
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Maddie is approved. Are those animal crackers in your soup? Sorry, I couldn't resist.

A picture of your doggy would be nice, though. 
I think I'll start the IC stuff now, but we're still accepting new characters.
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He's my doggy... just kidding There he is he smelled animal crackers in my soup<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_22-29-51.jpeg.1dbb1d98b6a9bf01bffc41fb715d67a1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_22-29-51.jpeg.1dbb1d98b6a9bf01bffc41fb715d67a1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Good doggy! Great, now we have a team pet and a kid on our team. All we need now is to have a teammobile, alternate costumes for all our characters, and a cereal brand and we can start a merchandise driven TV show. 
Ah, yeah, Meredith can be approved, sure.

Name: Lucas Gates

Age: 22

Appearance: Standing at 6'0", Lucas sports a blonde, messy haircut, and a faded flame tattoo on his neck. After escaping from prison during the outbreak, he picked up a couple of clothes left behind by the previous inmates who didn't make it: A black polo which he wears on top of a grey sweater, dark grey cargo pants, and dark brown boots. He also has a necklace which he kept on him during his entire time in prison.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/455231_full.jpg.d074ff3eb316881a98777a49dacbf49e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20027" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/455231_full.jpg.d074ff3eb316881a98777a49dacbf49e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Convenient previous occupation/hobby: Burglar/Thief

Starting equipment: A baseball bat -The only dangerous thing he was able to pick up at his attempted escape.


- Breaking/Entering

- Making makeshift weapons

- Being annoying as hell


Lucas was once a part of a three-man team, consisting of him, and two brothers whom he couldn't care less of. "Luke" always preferred to act alone, mostly because the two aren't anything but idiotic distractions. The only time he teamed up with them, was when he needed help to dismantle security cameras on a bank on his list; that was also the time when everything went out of control. Luke had already spent three years in prison when the outbreak began. He didn't know what was happening, but he knew that he had to get out. After hundreds of attempts to pick the cell lock, he managed to get out into the open. After surveying the chaos, and witnessing the ongoing destruction, he kept himself inside the prison walls, occasionally going out to look for provisions.



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Next thing you know the rp turned into comedy Joel from last of us to make this longer<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_22-51-14.jpeg.684c3b05a50337362322802a796fc994.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_22-51-14.jpeg.684c3b05a50337362322802a796fc994.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_22-49-40.jpeg.4bce4ca188897004d4ece2923a91af21.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_22-49-40.jpeg.4bce4ca188897004d4ece2923a91af21.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jackie Winston

-Age: 34


-Convenient previous occupation: Athlete

-Starting equipment: Steel mallet, and a trained cat that can sniff out food.

-Skills: Experience in close quarters combat, expert thrower, and raw strength

-Bio: Before the outbreak, Jackie was a punk. When the outbreak hit Jackie tried to help as many survivors as he could. He found his trademark Mallet when he stole it from a zombified judge. He has a cat that is a fluffy Persian, and, after months of training could sniff a can of tuna a mile away.

(Pictures of the little guy)

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Most of this checks out ok. Just two things:

Most judges carry wooden mallets (called Gavels). Of course, gaveling the hell out of zombies would make you pretty awesome.

And aww...those cats are adorable. Would it be alright though if I limited you to just one, though? 
Alright, Jackie Winston is approved.
-Name: Stephen "Plague Doctor" Larner

-Age: 31


-Convenient previous occupation/hobby: "Retired" Psychopath

-Starting equipment: 7 Syringes filled with Pancuronium Bromide (Paralyzing Poison) and refills. He also has a large Medic Kit.

-Skills: Healing, Eagle Sight, and Agile

-Bio: As a child Stephen was different. One day he realized he had a thriving blood lust, He soon killed 3 other kids at a birthday party when he was 7. He was admitted to an Insane asylum, but then escaped at age 17. He committed more killings, but this time in a more "stylish"way. He was again caught and sentenced to an insane asylum, soon to be put on death row. Then all Hell broke loose, but Stephen decided that the best thing to do was wait out the chaos till it died down. As you guessed it didn't die down so he then sneaked out of the asylum filled with bodies. He then wandered from place to place, sparing those he deems worthy. One day he came across a book called "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks. It said that it would be best to be in a group, that way there would be more protection. So now he looks for groups to join.

Oh and, he got the Pancuronium Bromide because when he was in the asylum he was tested on with many different drugs that being one of them.

-Sorry I posted late I didn't realize you guys started, maybe I could hop in?-
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The character is approvable, though it's more likely that kind of character would end up working with the raiders (which actually is an option, if you like). Also, keep in mind that if our characters find out about your sinister past, it won't likely be pretty.

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